SIMMONS SOFA BEDS AND HIDEABEDS ih so simivioims it run in:si SI'ltlNOS VNI» MVIIIU.SSI.S HEILIG - MEYERS Furniture Company for ii ist: iti)i its |-]avfe AW Tint! (Setlhncf Pone.: 6# that- PEPSI Bqumv ; I TTnditr Annointment From Pen MORE ZESTFUL WE... MORE SPARKLING "pICK-UP— AND TWICE AS MUCH BESIDES! WHV TAKE tESS ... WHEN PEPii's «.,£T ! pL< dtp*,*: si-CoU Company, N. Y. PepsiCola Bottling C ompany of Greenville. News As Reported In The Enterprise Forty Years Ago July 1. 1910 J. C. Keel, of Robersonville, went to Greenville Monday. Misses Emma and Maree Rob ertson, of Robersonville, returned to their home from a visit to Greenville. Miss Geneva James, of Rober sonville, who has been spending some time in Everetts returned home Sunday. Miss Susan Ross, of Stokes, is visiting the Misses Mooring at their home in Robersonville, The new Opera House has been leased for one year to a svdieate composed of Messrs. S. R. Higgs, W. T. Meadows and others. These gentlemen have! gone to considerable expense to secure a line of first class attrac tions for the people of our town and county. They have opened a booking agency in New York City with Charles H. Bent Southern Theatrical Circuit. Mr. Bent has over two hundred theatres in the South, and he has charge of Klaw , and Elangers Southern business The opening attraction at the i Opera House will be the great ! Southern play, "Human Hearts" 1 on September 15th. Lester. Roy and Ralph Ruber- ' son, of Robersonville, spent Mon day night at the home of then uncle, ,1. F Purvis of Hassell. Johnnie Eubanks, and their sister, Varnie. of Hassell, left Sat jurda.v to visit their sister near Parmele. Dr. LeRoy Fleming, of Hassell, 1 has returned from Raleigh where he finished his medical course. f Miss’Dora Fleming, from near I Stokes, visited her cousin, Miss i Era Rawls in Hassell last week. t Jodie Woodard, of Everetts, is filling the vacancy in the bank i 1 in Robersonville. This vacancy I was caused by the death of Joe i Ward. i Will Everett, of Robersonville, i returned home from Richmond , Thursday. I Tom Knight, of Durham, is I visiting his cousin, Robert Ad kins, in Robersonville. l.e Roy Rollins, of Bethel, spent some time in Hassell last week. Jack Bullock, a prosperous farmer living about three miles from Beal Grass, had a horse to run away while hitched to the plow Tuesday morning, and out himself very badly Elder John N. Rogerson. of Bear Grass, attended services at Smithwiek Creek Saturday and Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Edmund Harris, of Bear Grass, spent Sunday in the country with Mr and Mrs Henry Peel. Lon Cowing, of Bear Grass, at tended services at Mr II T. Woodard's Sunday afternoon .1 M. Sitlerson, went to Bear Grass Monday on business. John B Sloan, of Rock Hill, S. C. organized a Conclave of , Improved Order Heptasophs in Oak City Monday night with 111 charter members There were JO applicants present all of whom passed. One honorarv member i was a'dmitted, Mr. E 1,. Perkins 1 The Conclave will he- known as I the Oak City Conclave. Mr. and Mrs. C M Hurst, of j Oak City, spent Sunday with Mrs Hurst's parents, Mr, and I Mrs Hen Beverly, near Bethel Will Casper and sister, Miss How mild can a cigarette be? MORE PEOPLE SMOKE CAMELS | than any i other cigarette! J 1 and among the millions who Jo.., RALPH BELLAMY Fa ini*us actor: “Thereh no room for throat irrita tton in Show tni u iifHH. 1 I ’« mi 1.1 Camel.; for me! They taste n\vell t hoy a free with my throat !” .essie of Oak City, went to Will- It ims Chapel Sunday to attend tt le services. a Not since 1R96 has our town R ad the honor of being host to so g u-ge a delegation *»f chuich . p eople as now, when the War- ii •it District Conference is hold lg its annual session in the Moth dist Church. The congregation i v ere is the largest in town, and as the most commodious church uilding. Rev. C. L. Read, who is inishing his fourth year, has aithfully led his people and with hem he stands for the moral up ift of the community. If you do not pay your auto ax by June 20th it will cost you 5.00 now to get a new number. Jartin county is almost free from he dangerous machines. Williams!'.n and Martin county dso feel honored in having Dr. iohn D. Biggs as the executive ■ommitteeman from the first dis riet at the recent Banker’s Con- . mention which met at Wrights rille. Dr. Biggs was the only one , O' the old committee retained, which was Quite a compliment Mrs K. B Tarkentun, of Wilson, lias been the guest of Mrs John Carper this week. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Rober son returned Wednesday Irom a lour to Northern cities Miss Irene Smith attended the Banff Smith wedding at Scot land Neck Wednesday Dr. and Mrs J. 11 Saunders are at home after a pleasant trip to Northern cities. The fastest game of the season was played on the Williamston diamond on the 27th by the Will j Kimsloii Regulars and the raniany I Tigers Resulting in a score of 10 to 7 in favor of the Regulars. The line up was as follows: Regulars; Joe Godard 111, Willard Tool ss, Harry M Stubbs, o. Wheelei Martin el, Willie Watts 2b, Hay wood Knight if, Maurice Moore p, 2b, Ben Hopkins i f, S R Biggs p. Tamaiis Tigers; Julius Reel lb, lim Godard If, Sam Gurgunus of, I) K Giirganus c, 1 .oslio Fnwdcn ss, Dillon Simpson 2b, J H Thrower 2b, Beil Hopkins rl, S H Biggs p Features of the game were the strong work by Biggs, who was upon the mound for the Tigers, | lu> allowed very few hits and | kept them well scattered. The fast playing and head work of Fowden on the short was wonder I fill We are confident that no am I atour short stop in the South I has a wing like his Reel, win j held I lie I'n si sack play ed an el ! nudes game, robbing Hie Regu Il "knoll' lion AND XVV. HAVE IT HEATING — anil — Sheet Metal Work I.KNNOX aik <:omiitiomnc; \ ppro\ «*«l JOIINS-VIANMI I K Konl iiijU (lullli iH lol WHITE'S I iiimim; and sm.irr All: I VI. WORKS I*. O. Bov (101 WII I IAIMSTON, N. C. IMIONK 2220 ] f TE5 SIR-LEAVE IT TO THE ! f GOOD PURE MILK FPOM rs of several pretty hit;’ in his rritory. The Tigers as a whole! •e there with the willow. The egulars played steady ball and ivo Ward and Moore good sup >rt. Stubbs allowed no steal ig. This being the first appeal - are of the Tigers in uniform we >el safe in predicting that they ill make the Regulars go some 1 the next contest. Miss Mable Haislip, of Hassell, ; visiting her aunt in Tarboro T H. Johnson and R II. Sals ury. Jr . of Hassell, spent S«n a.v in Hassell Mrs. W. Z Morton and little aughter, Elizaheth, spent last ,'eek with relatives in Hassell. Miss Houine Reeves, f Rober onville. is visiting relatives in Ireenville this week Mr. and Mrs S. I, Ross, of Rob rsonville, spent Sunday ut Tar >oro. Jim Taylor, of Rohersonvilte, vas a visitor in town Monday. Frank Haislip and Will Rhodes, >f Hamilton, were visitors in lassell, Tuesday. ( OllREt TION In the Airnvar during System advertisement puhlished in the Thursday June 22, edition of The | Enterprise, the dealer's name was listed as Ashley It. Wynne The i dealer s name anil address should have been published as Ashley D Wynne ol Rohersonville, N C Spend Fourth in Mountains Mr. and Mrs Irving Terry and daughter, Hetty Jean, and Miss Mary Lou Lee spent the fourth of July holidays with Mr and Mrs Terry’s son. Jimmy, at Camp M: shemowka at Rear Wallow The average Ameriean hen lays 127 eggs a y ear ATHLETE'S FOOT N* Alsekol — No Acid — No Stlnq Car quick relist slid gnoii results |t( ft* famous VICTORY OINTMENT. Ds oolopad tor ths boys In tha Army, now BUM homo folks. Urt VIC TORY—Get lults. Also for First Aid snd Itching. 0 to »ss on an/ part of ths body. Sold m Williamston In Clark': j Drug Store and Davis Pharmacy, or your hometown druggist. Hamilton Ion n< turns Home l‘ rotn Hospital Mr Lt'Rn;,' Everett, prominei < Harm linn business man, returnon home yesterday in a lbyys am bulanre from Duke !!*■ pital, 1 >11r ham, win rr he had b<nn a |>.i <|itii»n ; mui h improved, he'll bfl forced t.n continue in bod for soma : time, it was learned. Ai'rieUltu. .il sc ii-nli .1. estirrata that Atm 1 11 in farmm il-.o about , 'im |it-i it- or plant- .ir: crops. Your Car Deserves The Best! ON Ol i! SI HVH F! Sinclair Service Station f or #oo# Ii4>fr4>shitn>g$i SILVER LABEL TEA 25c SILVER LABEL TEA pkg 49c EXTRA LARGE JUICY CALIF SUNKIST LEMONS ° 39c Colonial recommends these iimmcr coolers — sure to revivi* the family's droop iii!'' 'tites. Set a table of ci'i ;p t" 'it saUid-gfeens, jrard' u l'i'i ih produce, fried i hieK:si (served cold Sun day night eliminates one cii:ikiii" !) and cool, cooliiijj iced lea mi died with lemon or I-me and mint. Hy con i lii shopping at <’o lonial S res, you'll realize a lol of cool avine.s wiien \ mi si ve cool, appetizing, summer I ime meals. (II h iit‘ PURE VEGETABLE SHORTENING YOU |A WITH THIS SAVE Jlw* COUPON 3 LB CAN WITH THIS ONLY © W* COUPON THIS COUPON VOID AFTER JULY 15 1950 \ I f Urovn T«»nt!*‘r Snei/$ BEANS 2 29c KANfV HUB Kirk SMI INO TOMATOES «• 29c m tKIsH miMr TkNDt.H OHUN L. V ' CORN °n ™E COB 6 f‘- 25c | S NO 1 NEW WHITE POTATOES 10 “ 39c DUE TO DAILY MARKET CHANGES * M PRODUCE PRICES GOOD THRU SAT JULY 8 ONLY | Kt IH .All. Cl KEEN AND V> HITE No 7 Can • • if iW 10* 3 LIMA BEANS IIUIOIHS Wt \% <m>'l llAVuHUl ■ ■ ( CORNED Btrr 3 43* JLsI Ht A'l A NII KI KH I IflHY'* ROAST BEEF 3 47* FAIKM* IN KAI All Oil AAIIKII AN SARDINES 2 J. 15* llt.AI.llll I I I S H.OIIIHA ORANGE juice r 37* I N M.OUIHA HI I Mil l> OH G’FRUIT juice “°: 39* K< j A: KRAtT’N KITlIltN t Kt.sll MAYONNAISE 1 39 a KRAFT'S MIRACLE WHIP I > i Iv SALAD dressing "L 35 Pyf M'F i.mist's iioi.i oh mi. mivii si h i ii PINEAPPLE r 29* ( HIAMI El KS\ V HI ITCH PETER PAN 35* '1* - 1 'I ) A Summertime Favorite DRESSED & DRAWN WHOLE OR CUI UP PaN READY 51c Lb r;>. ARMOI K'S I'ltANO '! II i t> BACON AltMOl K S OK It 11 I ' 'KISII FRA mils . ib 51c I lb Callo / Armour's St ir Spiced Sliced LUN€H£ON MEM Lb • • » © « © 9) Chocolate N rUDGC MIX V JUNKET 30c I 2 Or Pk» U>. Beech Nut Strained 5 / BABY n food K 3 ■*oc Ji»r» ' y Shortening CRISCO Uttan i m ill >Scafood I’. '» ! i . !i*. .’>."»<• In It r!*iiKii!cr li> 27< ?':.!» jsouml I • ' • I • > !»■’<' #§®9©!J5»I ll. I It■ HIM. Ill i 0RANGSA&E -ip o, 29c si Ns||IM l.K \HAM CK1ACZ&ERS 23c ( \s l I I 111 IIU\ s util V •» If* STEW 2 c*" 47c h \\i i> r in it CUT-RITE "•» 21c 1 \sHYU HI »l 'II » I f so‘IP 2 15c iti ii in \it i uai ivn i> BOG S'04>£l 2 >‘b 25c SI l.l 1*01 ISIIIM, U I \ AEROlVAX pt 29« *ti Mill » I BORAX BOM^O nb 19c 5 o. 19c I 111! S IS DISH ■’ I’1 r X£E!E La* pk9 27c not i ll .11» i 11 ism j5P|/* & .Pam 2 ptp‘ 4St i i it ' p & t* SOAP B- 7c |>\L'U»t1Vl B1IH in - if sit it Ml Rea IS*

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