Social News Recent bride, groom Honored At party Miss Georgia D. Roberson and Mrs. J. Claude Leggett enter tained in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Williams, recent bride and groom, at their home on Smith wick street last Wednesday night, gl Mrs. John Edwin Manning and Miss Georgia D. Roberson greeted the guests at the doorway and Miss Martha Vic Leggett pre sented the ladies with a miniature bride’s bouquet before they were received by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Williams and Mrs. Herman Will iams, mother of the groom. Mrs. ’Paul Williams, formerly Miss Rachel Holfiday, and Mrs. Her man Williams wore gardenia cor sages. The adjoining living rooms, thrown in suite, were decorated throughout with arrangements of gladiola, mixed summer flowers and white tapers. The bride’s ta ble carried out a green and white motif in detail. A floral center piece of white gladiola and fever few was flanked on either side with burning tapers in armed candelabra. Mrs. J. Claude Leggett presid f ed at the punch bowl and Misses Frances Raynor and Bernell White assisted in serving bridal cakes, lime punch, mints, nuts, pickles and olives. Mrs. Alton Keel of Everetts served as registrar by the bride's book and Mr. and Mrs. William Manning of Jamesville said the goodbyes. Approximately seven ty guests called during the even ing. » INVITATIONS ISSUED TO SHOE - MANNING RITES Mrs. Simon Wilson Manning re quests the honor of vour presence at the marriage of her daughter, Dorothy Britton, to Mr. George William Shoe on Sunday, July 16, at five o’clock in the afternoon at the Williamston Christian Church f in Williamston. There will be a reception imme diately following the ceremony at 109 South Watts Street. No invi tations will be mailed in the coun ty. Attend Church Meeting Mesdames G. P. Hall, P. B. Cone, C. A. Harrison and Blanche Anderson of Tarboro are attend ing a '■hurch meeting in Soulh | port this week. Visiting Grandmother Mrs. W. M. Baker and daugh ters. Joyce and Betsy, spent last week-end in Farmville and Foun tain. Betsy is spending two weeks 1 with her grandmother there. Returns Home Mrs. Robert Price returned to her home near here last week-end after a stay in a Washington hos pital. Undergoes Operation Mrs. Dewey Leggett returned j home last week following a sue cessful throat operation in a Washington hospital. Reported Improving Mrs. E. C. Harrison and son vis ited their daughter and sister. Lit-1 tie Miss Nancy Harrison, in a Durham hospital Sunday and found her improving. Returns From Wrightsville Mr. Luther Hardison returned Sunday from a stay at Wrights ville Beach. Visit In Bear Grass Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Rogerson from Bethel visited Mr. Roger son’s sister, Mrs. Elbert Griffin last Thursday night. In Williamston Little Miss Patricia Faye Grif fin is spending a few' days with her grandmother, Mrs. Tommie G. Griffin. Tour Western Carolina Mr. and Mrs. Irving Terry tour ed Western North Carolina last w'eek, traveling through the In dian Reservation and over the Smoky Mountains and visiting their son at Camp Mishemokwa. Visit In Sylva Mr. and Mrs. Irving Terry and children, Jimmie and Jean, and Miss Mary Lou Lee visited Mrs. Ed Simmons and family in Sylva last week. • » =—1 A falling out between bandit-killer Barry Sullivan and wagon train leaders Joel Met’rea and James Whitmore provides the action for a tense scene in "The Outriders," M-G-M's exciting Technicolor drama showing at the Watts Theatre Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Russia Spending Much for Defense Russia is selling gold in a num ber of places throughout the world, it was reported in Wash ington recently. Other reports in dicated that Russia is also selling diamonds from the imperial jew els. While it is difficult to deter mine just how much gold has been sold by Russia, piecing together of scattered reports indicate that since the end of the war the Rus sians have parted with about $200,000,000 in gold. Ill At llomcv Miss Vennie Wynne is sick at her home near Bear Grass. NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given, that un der, by virtue of and pursuant to authority conferred upon me, the undersigned, as Administrator C. T A. of the Estate of the late Dr J. E. Ward, deceased, of Ruber sonvillc, Martin County, North Carolina, 1 will offer for sale, at public auction, to the highest bid der, for cash, at the Courthouse Door of Martin County in Wil liamston, North Carolina, at elev en o’clock A M., on the 5th day id' August, 1950, the following per sonal property of the late Dr J. E Ward, deceased to-wit One 1949 LINCOLN COSMO POLITAN SEDAN AUTOMO BILE Motor No. 9EH-24851—Ser ial No. W326620B. The above being the Lincoln Sedan automobile owned by the late Dr. J E. Ward, deceased, at the time of his death. This the 30th day of June 1950. It. L. Moore, Administrator C. T. A. of the Estate of Dr. J. E, Ward, Deceased. Hugh G. Horton, Attorney, Wiliiamston, N. C. Jlv 11-11} SPECIAL PRO C E F, l) 1N G North Carolina, Martin County. In The Superior Court Before the Clerk Rosa Staten Vs. Thurston Daven port. Leora Davenport, Ocefihi Davenport. Robert Davenport, Lillie D. llardy, Lena I). Hardy, Clifton Davenport, and Lizzie Ha ven port. The defendants will take notice that a Special Proceeding, as above entitled, has been institut ed before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County, for the partition of lands described in the petition, which has been filed in my office, The defendants will further take no tice,'that they are required to be and appear before me in my of fice in Wiliiamston, N C., on or I before July 22, 1950, and answer or demur to the said petition or the petitioner will apply to the Courl for the relief prayed in the petition. This June 15, 1950. L B. Wynne, C. S. C. i- 2(1 27 jlv 4 11 *rsS3SS"** kowtoo can ovm A BIG NEW DODGE FOR MUCH LESS THAN YOU THINK! YDS, 5 minutes Itrliiml the wheel of today’s hi" Dodge is all it takes to prove you eouhl pay more ami still not gel all Dodge gives you! \«-w Dodge models are rolling olT the production lines in record breaking volume, and we ran assure you early delivery on your favorite model. So why put off enjoying Dodge ex fra room and riding comfort . . . the Hashing performance of the big *‘(»et-Away” Fngine . . . the sipoothnrss of Fluid Drive! (ihanees are your present ear will more than cover the down pay'incut . . . and you'll liud our ( i in- a. i hiw'alid jibera!, Yes, you could pay *1,000 more and not get all Dodge room, ease of handling and famous dependability! DIXIE MOTOR COMPANY, Inc. W illiamston, N. C. = BelfcTyk : Home of Better Values SENSATIONAL . . . FAMOUS MONEY-SAVING Wednesday Morning SPECIALS STORE CLOSES AT 12:30 — SHOP EARLY Tomorrow Morning! (I SALE! DRESSES $15.88 $12.88 $10.88 $8.88 Solid and printed sheers. Silk?* and slim'!*, srini-divss) and (Iitssv. I’aslt'l and dark shades. 0 to I •> I — (O 20—:m lo I I—I I 1-2 lo 21 1-2. Truly an extrava gant dress in everything lull priee. MEN'S SUITS $15.88 $19.88 $21.88 l LADIES' SHOES The colors are white and blue and white, brown and white, and black. Na tural liridge, casuals, Kortunets and Novelties. All of these shoes are na tionally advertised. Don't miss this shoe sale tomorrow morning. Shoe Dept. DRESSES \\ Imllirr or nol \ou an* in tin* mar. k«*l for a new suit, wo waul \uu to *«•<* ll>is ma”niiicrnl collection. Drop in—look al lliem—Irv one or Iho on—\ on In- tin* jmli'c of their fit— llirir looks — lln*ir falmlous low price. Conn* mt them to«la\. DRESS SHIRTS $5.88 SEERSUCKER SPREADS l-ovcly seersucker spreads. Double and single. Take your choice. The colors are blue, white, nr ecu, yellow, rose and «rev. Only a limited supply of these spreads so come early and he sure to Ret one. Piece (foods Dept. I < nitons, lleniliergs, Cotton Slivers, l’i(|ue, Chambrays I >n eiis ami dotted Swiss. These eotne in all the cool summer I'ahries. Don’t miss these line summer dresses that will to on sale tomorrow. You will want several. Ileautil'ul dress shirts made of top quality material. Sanforized Wilt prill' collars, l ull cut. Solid col ors and whites. Sixes to 17. Cel lophane wrapped. $1.69 mOREN'S SANDALS I I I!"' rotors -ire white—h.owu .mil while and red. Ni/.rs 8 1-2 In 3. Jusl unpacked lor tomorrow's selling. Clime early. Store rinses at 12:30. $1.97

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