Visit In Roanoke Rapids Mr and M - Randolph Alien and chii>i”"t Rand' and Naiieie, spent .Sunday in Roannke Rapids with Mi. and Mrs W. A China. -» Visiting Here Boilin' and Albeit Farnn-i -il S'tvithfi' !d tirr visiting William and Jam Manning here -« ^'isit In Henson Mr and Mrs. C. D Carstarphen and M Eli M Taylor visited in Benson last week-end T’ndergoes .Minor Operation Mrs Ben Roberson underwent a nano" aeration in a Washing ton • -p •;.! hot Frid.iy and was able to retu'ai home Saturday, last report.- • ne that shi was get ting along V' rv well. Mrs Rob erson was critically injured in an mi ton dr • a* . i lent a few months ago. Visiting In Kinston Mr.- Jt Li!le\ left last week end to si.. i tew dtiy with hei rtatiL'ht i' Kinston. --- Here Sunilax Mi and Mi- Albert and ohtl her. ! Fm Held visited j hen Sundai — n t is.iting in Salisbury Mr. J T. Price is spending a) few m \ s n Salisbury with her! daughlei. Mi HIIm i t Sherman, and M1 Sherman. Spending Week at Seashore M:-. Lilybet Muse and Bill Bob Pel left Sunday ! ■■ Nags Head where they will spend a week Bitndid Whiskey tefall Price »1.95 Pints $3.15 Fifths 86 Proot M VTVAIOHT WHISKEYS IN THU PRODUCT Aftl 4 YIARS OR MORE OLD 3S-* S*«AlOHf k$% NED1RAl SHiliTR, .wiTRU* FROM GRAiN. Ceremony In Beihel Saturday Unites Miss Whitehurst and Mr. Tarkington METHODIST CHURCH IS SCENE OF THE DOUBLE RING CEREMONY The wedding of Miss Martha Vivian Whitehurst, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs Samuel Clayton Whitehurst, fir., of Bethel and Robert Edward Tarkington. J1 . son of Mr. and Mis. Robert Edward Tarkington. Sr., of Wind sor, was solemnized in a lovely candlelight ceremony on Satur day. July li. in tile Bethel Meth odist Church. Rev. N. W Grant performed the double ring cere mony at five o'clock. Greens and ferns made a back ground for white cathedral tapers m branched candeiabras arranged amid baskets of white gladioli. White satin ribbon and gladioli marked the pews for the two fam ilies. Mrs. W J. Smith, organist, and Mrs. S. C. Whitehurst, soloist and *ister-in-law of the bride, render ed a program of nuptial music. Mrs Whitehurst sang "I Promise You' by Lernci and Bakland and 1 Promise You” by Bleecker and Ball. Mrs. Smith played "To a Wild Rose" while the vows were being spoken. "Oh Perfect Love" was sung by Mrs. Whitehurst as a benediction. The traditional wedding marches were used fori the processional and recessional. The bride entered the church accompanied by her brother, George W. Whitehurst, who gave her in marriage. She wore an original gown of nylon marqui sette fashioned with a portrait neckline edged with a bertha of chantill.v lace and trim of seed pearl A peplum of chantill.v lace encircled the waist and extended do\\ n the trout panels of the bout laid skirt which ended in a eireu-| lar train. Her fingertip veil of illusion was attached to a halo of pleated illusion and pearli/.ed cal ls lilies. She carried a bouquet ol white bride's roses showered with stephenotis. Miss Anne Whitehurst of Beth el. niece of the bride, was maid of honoi and only attendant. Her gown was of nile green marquis ette. with a ruffled bertha, fitted bodice, and a double ruffle around the bouffant skirt which was worn over hoops. She carried a col onial bouquet of mxied summer flowers, predominantly lavender and yellow Richard Tarkington, brother of the bridegroom served as best iiain. Ushers were Wallace Tark ington and Merritt Tarkington.! also brothers ol the bridegroom | Clyde Tal k ngton, a cousin, and ^nr 'tru ' \ M<44C% | "I uiHHTsiaiui Wheeler Manning gives the best advice in town concerning Insurance. Maybe if you run and call 2426 he can advise you about this situation." jr Notice To Farmers 1'ariuers ami Ollier NomHiglmav Gasoline [H] i Wrs Thai Sat., July 15th ill is •!>•* last day lo file for Gasoline 'I'ax Refund M on Gasoline used for seeoud quarter, Vjiril. [pj VI a \ and June. We'll l»e glad lo assist you in filing fot* reiniles. 1ARRIS0N OIL CO. Lee Whitehurst, Jr,, nephew of the bride. Mrs. J L. Whitehurst, sister-in law of the bride, representing, the bride's mother, wore a fiown of black line and a corsage of pink carnations. Mrs. Samuel Corswell. sister of the groom, served in place of his mother. She wore a gown of grey chiffon and a corsage of red car nations. Mrs. Walter Clayton Whitehurst and Mrs. Robert Joseph White hurst were mistresses of cere monies. The bride was graduated from East Carolina Teachers College and also attended Duke Univer sity and the College of William and Mary. For the past two years she has taught in the schools of Williamston. The bridegroom attended Bing ham Miilitary Academy and Duke University. For* the past several years he has been associated with the Clwirles H. Jenkins Co. of Wtl liamston. Immediately following the wed ding ceremonv Mr. and Mrs. L. J Whitehurst entertained at a re ception at their home in Bethel. The home was decorated through out with gladioli, gardenias, and magnolias, and burning white tap ers. Guests were greeted by Mr. and Mrs. J. I,. Gurganus who directed them into the living room where they were introduced to the re ceiving line. Mr. and Mrs, Merritt Tarkington directed the guests to the dining room. The table from I which individual cakes,, molded ice cream, nuts and mints were served was covered with a white outwork table cloth of Irish linen. I centered with white tapers in si I - ! vei candelabra and an arrange ment of gardenias banked around a miniature bride and groom. Mrs. George Whitehurst served the cakes and Mrs. H. L. Boling serv ed the ice cream. They were as sisted in serving by Mrs. Ralph Highsmith. Mrs. Manee Edmond son, Miss Ola Nell Edmondson. Miss Becky Keel, Miss Janie Ruth Edmondson, and Miss Lecky j McWhorter. Rev. and Mrs. Grant directed the guests into the hall, where Mr. and Mrs. Abbott McWhorter serv ed punch from a beautifully ap- j pointed table. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. 1 ■ftrown invited the guests into the j middle living room where Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tarkington presided over the register Mr. and Mrs. " A- * ad lock. Jr, received in the gilt room Goodbyes were said to M, and Mrs Walter Latham. Alter the reception. Mr. and' Mrs Tarkington left for a wed ding trip to unannounced points. For traveling, the bride wore a dressmaker suit of magnolia silk shantung with a natural import ed straw picture hat trimmed with green velvet. Her other acces sories were of matching green. Her corsage was ol bronze orchids. < ake Cutting On Friday night. July 7. Mis. Walter C. Whitehurst and Mrs. H. J Whitehurst entertained the wedding party at a eake eutting at whieh time.the attendants were remembered with gilts ehosen for them by the bride and bride gtumn. The house was beautiful I' decorated throughout with mixed arrangements of gladioli, shasta daisies, and fever few. The dining room table was covered with a white Irish linen eutwork eloth. and surrounded by nosc unys attached to the ribbons on |,tu' ,avors “> ll|e eake. Centered "n ,lu> table was the bride’s eake : tnpptjfl with a miniature bride and groom. It was flanked by silver candelabra containing eperguettes "H«d with gardenias. After the Inst slice of eake was cut by the •n ide and groom, Mrs. L J Whitehurst served the eake and Mrs. Sam Corswell served the molded in cream. On the terrace Miss Martha Cromartie poured punch from a crystal bowl bank ed by gardenias. Miss Jenny Lee hitehurst passed nuts and mints to the guests. Since the announcement of her engagement Mrs. Tarkmgton has been entertained at bridge parties 'given by Mrs. George Whitehurst. Mrs. Woolard Peel, Mrs. Buck Ay ers and Mrs. Hairy Hardy, of Kv .eretts; Mrs. S t\ Whitehurst. Mis ,W. J. Smith. Mrs. J. L. Brown. I Mrs. Leland Andrews, and Mrs. i ^ "* Bethel, and Mrs. | Fred Lyon and Miss Martha Cro Visit* Friends Here Mrs. Helen Hassell of Washing ton, D. C'„ visited friends here over the week-end. At Pimlico Over Week-end Miss Mary Carstarphen spent the week-end at Pamlico Beach. -« Return Home Mis. J. F. King and daughter. Miss Jan*. returned home last week-end from a visit in Wash ington. D. C. Mr King who has been a patient in Duke Hospital for nine weeks, is expected home within the next day or two. pos sibly tomorrow. Here Monday Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Edmond son of Hassell visited here yes terday. -* Removed To Johns-Hopkins Mrs. Frank Haislip who contin ues quite ill after a stay in a Rocky Mount hospital, was re moved in a Biggs ambulance to Johns-Hopkins Hospital this morning for treatment. .Spending Few Du.vs at Beaeh Mrs. Calvin Sluder and Miss Es se Peel are spending a few' days j at Pamlico Beach. Spending Week at Atlantic Beach j Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gaylord and daughter, Mrs. James H. Ward and children, and Mrs. Herbert Taylor and daughter are spending this week at Atlantic Beach. Here Saturday Mr. John Dupree, superintend ent of Bertie County schools, and Mrs. Dupree of Windsor were business visitors here Saturday. .■»—— Returns Home Mr. and Mrs. Russell Newbern and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Chandler of Portsmouth spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. William Myers and family. Mr. William Keel, who has been spending some time m Portsmouth, returned to his home here with them. Return From Morehead Dr. and Mrs. J T Llewellyn have returned from a visit Moivhead City. in Spend Day Here Mesdames Dewey Edmondson, Woodrow Purvis and daughter, Irene, and John David Etheridge of Hassells spent Monday here, -■ ■■ »■■■■ Here Sunday Mr. and Mis. Dan Mizelle of Tarboro visited Mis, Anna Harri son Sunday. •-» Returns Fro pi Na^s Head Mrs. Will James has returned from Nags Head where she spent two weeks with her daughter. Mis Hathaway, of Elizabeth City. ■ • Here Last Week Little Miss Marv Ethel Edmond son of Bethel visited Miss Jean Trahey last week. -#—— Enters Rocky Mount Hospital Mrs. John L. Rodgerson entered Park View Hospital in Rooky Mount Monday for treatment. -®—— Visiting In Texas Mr. and Mrs Walter Martin and children. Sonny and Mary fran cos. are visiting Mr. Martin's par ents in Texas for a few weeks. -.o-. Return From Detroit Mr. and Mrs. William Everett and family have returned from a visit in Detroit. Return From Western Carolina Mr. and Mrs. Dampy Simmons and daughter. Carolyn Ann. re turned Sunday from a trip to the western part of the State. Leave* For Montreal Mr. 'I'. L. Davenport left Mon day for the western part of the state. He will join Mrs. Daven port at Montreat where she is at tending a Woman's Conference of the Presbyterian Church. Visiting In Paetolua Mrs. W. E. Warren is visiting re latives in Paetolus. Visiting In Sylvia Mrs. Ella Wynn and grand daughter, Patrice Keel, are spend ing some time with Mrs. Wynn’s daughter, Mrs. Ed Simmons, in Sylvia. martie of Wilmington* She was also honored at dinner parties giv en by: Mrs. Bob Bowling and Mrs. Sam Corswell in Washington; Mrs. Walter Latham. Mrs. Howard Keel and Mrs Ralph Highsmith; Mr. and Mrs. Abbott McWhorter; Mrs. J. L. Guiganus; Mrs. Grover Whitehurst, Mrs Manee Edmond son, and Miss Ola Nell Edmond son, all of Bethel and Mr. and Mrs. T. J Morris of Greenville; a show er given by Mr. and Mrs W. A. Tadlock, Jr., of Windsor; and a eUke-eutting alter the rehearsal given bv Mrs. Walter Clayton Wiuienursi anu Mrs. tt. J. Wmte-| hurst of Bethel. f Recent Bride Mrs. Titus Stuart Criteher. who. prior to her marriage on June 24. was Miss Katie Lcggette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walter Leggette of Robersonville. Miss Isabelle Anderson and Sergeant Harrington Married Here On Sunday Father Of the Groom Officiates At The Ceremony Miss Isabelle Anderson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Julian Carr Anderson, was married to Ser geant Walter Brownie Harring ton, son of Kev. and Mrs. W. B. Harrington, at four thirty o’clock on Sunday, July 9, at the Memor ial Baptist Church in Wilhamston. The Kev. W B. Harrington, father of the groom, assisted by Rev. Stewart Simms, pastor of the bride, performed the double ring ceremony beneath a white arch in a setting of candehght from white cathedral tapers in seven blanch candelabra and white gladioli. Mrs. Wheeler Martin, organist, accompanied Mrs. Henry K. El liot of Norfolk, soloist, who sang "1 Love Thee", "Calm As The | Night" and "Because" in the wed- ' ding prelude program and "The : Pledge" as a benediction. Miss Anderson, given in marri age by her father, wore an orig inal wedding gown of ivory duch ess satin, designed by Miriam of New York. The gown, styled with a moulded bodice, was fashioned with a yoke of sheer marquisette formed a lovely lily motif at one ! side of the yoke. The bodice was buttoned in the back with small satin covered buttons which ex tended from the neckline to the waist and the long fitted sleeves ended in points over the hands Her full bouhant skirt featured a pleated satin inset in the cen te; front, topped with a seed pearl lily medallion identical to that on the yoke, side hoops, and fell into graceful folds that ended in a full length, cathedral train. Her bridal veil of imported French illusion fell from a close ly fitting tucked cap and was fastened on each side with me dallions of seed pearls, in lily de sign. The bride carried a white covered Bible topped \yith white roses and showered with white satin ribbons and lilies of the valley. Mis. Jack It dev was her sister's matron of honor. She wuiv a gown of blue lace and net with a fitted bodice and a full skirt over hoops. The bridesmaids, Miss Grace Ross of Aurora and Miss Mary Dean Hardison, wore pink gowns identical in style to that of the matron of honor. All of Miss Anderson’s attendants wore heau circlets of matching net caught on the left side with a bow and a flower. They carried cascade bouquets of gladioli and blue delphinium. The flower girl was little Miss Judy Riley, niece of the bride. She wore a full length gown of silk organza over pink taffeta trimmed in matching chantilly lace and velvet ribbon She car ried a white basket filled with rose petals. Kenneth Harrington, brother of the groom, was best man. Ushers were Raleigh Harrington, James Harrington, Paul Harrington apd Justus Coltrain. The mother of the bride wore a dress of anua voile and used white accessories. Her corsage was of yellow roses. The bride groom's mother wore a black dress, white accessaries and a w hite rose corsage. A reception was given immedi ately after the ceremony at the Woman’! Club. i After the reception th'e bridal - couple left for a trip to the West-! ern part of the state, after which they will be at home in Fayette ville, N. C. For traveling, the bride wore an aqua suit, white accessories and a corsage of roses lifted from her Bible. Mrs. Harrington, a graduate of Williamston High School, attend ed East Carolina ‘Teachers Col lege in Greenville, N. C. She had. until her marriage, been teaching kindergarden in Wilson. Sgt. Har rington attended Campbell college and Wake Forest College artd is, at the present time, a member of the armed forces and stationed at Fort Bragg. Visit In Durham Thursday Mrs. W. E. Dunn and Mrs. George Corey visited friends in Durham lust Thursday. Completes Course. Miss Bessie Newbern, daughter of Mr. and Mis. J. C. Newbern. recently completed a graduate I course in anesthesia at the Fair mont General Hospital in Fair-j mont. West Virginia, and has as- j sumed a position on the anesthesia staff at Riverside Hospital in Newport News, Virginia. In Greenville Saturday Mrs. Miller Harrell was a visit or in Greenville Saturday. Eye Gluases Broken? We maintain a complete optical j service. Lens, temples and frames replaced and repaired Quick aervice. Peele’s — Jewelers 121 Main St. Tel. 2211 __ Spending Month with Father Jo Smith wick of Wilmington is spending this month with her father, Mr. James Smithwick, in Jamesville, Spend Week-end in Beaufort Mr. and Mrs. Iverson Skinner and daughter. Mary, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Skinner spent the week end in Beaufort. Return Home Mrs. Herbert Whitley and chil dren have returned from a visit with Mr... Whitley's parents in Mt. Pleasant. -* Accepts Position Miss Edith Harris has accepted a position at Dr. William Gray’s office. Here Over Week-end Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hardison of Chapel Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hardison over the week-end. To Be Here Two Days Miss Ann Mann of Raleigh and Miss Addie Murray Darden of Washington will attend to busi ness here Wednesday and Thurs day. Resumes Practice 111 for several weeks, Dr. W. C. Mercer resumer practice of den tistry in his offices here this week. Return From Mount Olive Mrs. Kelly Gay and son have returned home from a visit in Mount Olive. Spend Week-end Here Oliver Dale, Jr., and Freddy Heightman of Norfolk spent the week-end here with Oliver's uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. William Myers. Vacationing In New Bern Mrs. Jesse Melson is spending some time in Washington and New Bern on her vacation. -® On Buying Trip Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Carstarphen and Mrs. Rita Everett left Sunday for New York on a buying trip for the Wear Right Shop. Here Saturday Mr„anr^Mrs W. A. Register and daguhter, Georgia, of Savannah, Georgia, visited Mr. unit Mrs. Paul Jones Saturday. « Enters Duke Hospital Little Miss Nancy Harrison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Harrison of Bear Grass, entered Duke Hospital for treatment last week. Experiencing poor health for some months, it now develops j she is also troubled with diabetes. I r Attend*. Conference Miss Ruth Haislip. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Haislip. attend ed the recent United Christian Youth Movement Southeastern Regional Planning Conference at Lincoln Academy, Kings Moun tain, North Carolina. Miss llais iip represented the Hassell Chris tian Church. Here Last Week Miss Anna Watson of Washing ton spent last wee k with Miss Lee Handy. Reported Improving Mrs. Estelle Harris of Rear Grass has been quite ill in a Wash ington hospital with pneumonia. Last reports state her rendition is improving following several blood transfusions. -n Spends Week-end He"e Mrs. Alvin Bowen of Ahoskie spent the week-end here with her daughter. Mrs. Clurenfe Mangum, and. Mr. Mangum. Here Over Week-end Dr. and Mrs. Jack Osteen of Charleston, South Carolina visited Mr. and Mrs. Hill Spivey here over the week-end. Visit Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrington of Greensboro visited Mr and Mrs. Garland Woolard here Sun day. Spend Day Here Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Moore of Wilson spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mangum. Resumes Duties at Post Office Mr. Henry Handy resumed his duties at the post office Monday after an absence of several months. ■■ Spend Day Here Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lee and Mr. and Mis. B. G. Watson of Wash ington spent Sunday witli Mr. and Mrs. Henry Handy. % G*W SEVEN STAR I Ki><>4 wMilnyi *flii •trvIfM whltklM «r* 4 ywn m M*r* *14. •kralfiil wkltkay. «aVk« ItMlral 4l*tlNS4 iwnmmrmIn. !W wkUk«y 4 y(«n *14. 11% Mnil|M wkldwy • Vmh *14. 7h% Mnl|kt «kl*k(y 4 ynrt •14.'*' •OOftIKMAM * WOUTf LIMITIO, MOftIA, ILLINOIS ! i & euerythiag sugar nice spice a a ••9 A Wide Variety Of Freshly Raked CAKES Daily ! ! ! C.hoeoiate, Pineapple, Devil’s Food, Angel Food. Lemon and Co rannt. "Wedding Cakes Our Specially" MARTIN’S BAKERY 4 A

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