Funeral Service Held Wednesday For Rofai. Ever ell Well-Knmvn Local Man IMoil Monday Of Last V\ cck lu Hospital —-O Funeral services were conduct ed in the Church of the Advent here last Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 O'clock for James Robert Kverett, well-known local man, who died in the hospital here the Monday before at 10:25 o'clock How mild can a cigarette be? MORE PEOPLE SMOKE CAMELS than any other cigarette! and among the millions who do... MEL PARNELL Ace pitcher of the li'oston Red Sox. M el sa vs - ' 'The 30-Day Mildness Test gave me the right slant on cig arettes. Camels have flavor and they're mild !" p. rn. Mr. Everett had been in de j dining health for about five ; years, but his condition was not 'considered critical until a short time before his death. The rector. Rev. Tom Hastings, conducted the j service and burial was in Wood lawn Cemetery here He.was horn in Poplar Point Township, near Williamston, fill years ;n;o on October PI, lt!!Ki 1 the son of the late James Arnold | and Roland Ora Taylor. After finishing the ’ocal schools he at i tended the Warrenton High School ;uid State College in Rn! cigh. later studying in a Norfolk ! business college. In early manhood ao was mar | t ied to Hannah Victoria Kowden | who died on October 2(1, 1922 I Two daughters, Mi s. Horace A. j Ray and Mrs. .1 O Manning, Jr., both of Williamston, and a son, James Robert Everett, Jr., now in the Merchant Marine and current j 1 y in Borneo, survive that union, | His second marriage w as to Miss Rita Norton of Williamston, ami u son, Roddy Everett, survives that union. Also surviving are two brothers, Wm. Harrell Everett of Williamston, and Jos 11 Everett ol Norfolk; and a sister Mrs. B C. Swain, of Norfolk; a grandson, Horace A Ray, Jr , several nieces jand nephews. I Mr. Everett located in William ston in 1924, but continued his farming interests until ill health forced his retirement He also operated a contract hauling busi ness for lumber for a number of years before retiring. A member of the Church of the Advent here for a long number As an added comcnieiicc to the people of this section . . . Southern Butane Gas Corp. lias Made Available the Services of Jack Phillips Sl.llUOK MAN FOII TIMS IMSTKICT Dial 2756 For salks — t. is ni l.n i nn s — si in in Williaiiiston. N. i ' It mrh i.'.ittif i than start ■ II : I I ■ l I I If ■ 111 I frill irfl rny vluil i aii.I . .in, .1,... I, in the office." :o*C'3-:*r-:-ao&5-3‘C.3c* Your Car Deserves The Best! Ae‘3aoc--o«eoseCD E. O. S. "End 01 Season" SPECIAL PRICES On SUMMER ITEMS Rocker B. S. Courtney & Son I'lirniliirr **'inrr l*>lt I I|X‘it IY«