Attend Wedding Among the out of town guests jittending f»v Harrington-Ander sm wedding here Sunday wore Mr. and Mrs Bn ice Rilev and children. Mi and Mrs. Joe Batts. M: anti Mrs C,. Ross Mr and Mrs. W. F, Jordon. Jr and daugh ter, Jackie. Mr. and Mrs. I' R Sinankiiis. J . Mi and Mr- lain Braxton. Ji . Miss' Edith Kui't out. Miss Hazel Spell. Miss Jen nie Martin. Mi Bill Massengill and Miss Winr.ii Hollowell, all of Wilson: Mrs Hem \ Elliot. Mr. and Mrs Fitzhugh L Robertson. Mrs. Paul Gilmore and daughter. Judy, and . S H. Hatton, all of Nori-.ilk, Va . Mi and Mrs. J. H. Robertson and Mi and Mi H. B. And, -on and daughter Dottle and B< ■ erly of Washing ton; Lt aiui Mi IF 1. Robertson of Monterey. California: Mrs. J O. Bowen of Washington. D C.; Mr. and M>s. Jesse Harrell of Roanoke Rapid.-. Mi and Mrs Jack Kook and son. Jack. Jr. ol Plymouth: Mi Robert Mitehell of Beliiaven: , nd Mr. and Mr: Garland Anderson of Jamesville llerr From Greenville Mr. Maude Sumnei ol Green ville is spending tins week here with her daughter. Mrs D. C Mi-La whom, and lamih On Tour of Western States Mr an Mrs Jesse Whitler and rlau: an 'Mis- FI: -aheth Whitley, left yestei dav I'm a tour of the Western stale- The\ plan to be liway several weeks Visiting In Richmond M: and Mrs. Dillon Wynne and Mr. and Mrs George Wynrn are visiting relatives in Richmond and will travel tin Skyline Drive before returning Sundar Here From Washington Mr- Clia.- Smallwood ol Wash inston i Spending several weeks here with Mr.- II (' Benjamin in the home of Mr and Mrs. J. S. Whitler A ('tend Funeral Mi and Mrs John A. Hardi son and son, Ashley, attended the i luneral of Howard Glass in Co lumbia Tuesday afternoon. At Virginia Beach Miss Helen Davenport of Ply mouth, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Li I ley and Miss Eleanor Taylor are spending this week at Virginia I ieaeh. Heave Sunday For High Point Mr. and Mrs. D. C. MeLawhorn! will leave Sunday for High Point , to attend the furniture market j there next week. Here From Oak City Mi and Mrs. F. S. Barrett and children ol Oak City visits here j yesterday. Visiting In Ahoskie Miss Joanne MeLawhorn is | visiting hei sister, Mrs. Vasco [Green, and Mi Green in Ahos j kie this week. Announce Itirtli Mi iinrl Mrs. Bon Griffin of Williams Township announce the birth of a daughter, Avis Anne, nl July 2. Mrs. Griffin is the for myl Miss Gorothy Cojtrain of WiIJiamston. -» At White Lake Mrs. llessie Rogers, Eddie Har ris. John Russell Rogers and Mr. and Mis. Garland Rogers and son, Jimmy, of Bear Grass are spend ing two weeks at (White Lake. -• Returns Home Mrs. J. O. Bowen returned Wednesday morning to her home in Washington. D. C. after spend ing a few days here with rela tives. Returns From Reach Mrs. Vernon Bunting and Mrs Lemon Barnhill returned yes terday to their homes here after spending several day:! at Atlantic Beach. RECEPTION AT WOMAN'S CLUB FOR BRIDAL PARTY Immediately following the wedding of Miss Isabelle Ander son and Sgt. W. Brownie Harring ton last Sunday evening. the bride's family entertained at a reception in tbe Williamston Woman's Club. Mr and Mrs. Luther Peel, Sr. greeted the guests and introduced their, to the receiving line which included Mrs. J. C. Anderson, mother of the pride, Mrs'. V fi ' Harrington and the Reverend W j R. Harrington, parents of the ; groom, the bride, the groom, the j Reverend S. B. Simms, Mrs Jack j Riley, Miss Grace Ross. Miss j Mary Dean Hardison and little Miss Judy Riley. The club house was decorated I with a black drop of ivy centered | by a fan-shaped arrangement of gladioli and mammoth phlox j flanked on either side with a small ivy covered trellis. White j bridal flowers and tall candles in brass candelabra completed the decorations on the piano, the registering table and in the anter rnoms. The bride's table was centered with a three tiered wedding cake which was topped with a muline heart encircling a minuture cor sage of feverfew. The bridal white cake was decorated with tiny iced ealla lilies and lilies of the valley and nestled in a nylon net frill on a silver tray. Minute satin streamers from under the cake were tipped with little white corsages. On either side of tiie cake was a three branched candelabrum and epergne filled with baby's breath and burning white tapers. Lime sherbert punch was serv ed by Mrs. H. B Anderson, aunt of the bride, at one end of the table while Mrs. H. B. Daniels and Mrs J. D. Thrower served i individual bridal squares at the opposite end. • Mesdames Betsy Harrell and Bruce Roebuck of Williamston, Mrs. Calvin Parker of Ahoskie, Misses Charlotte Robertson of Portsmouth, Dottee I Anderson and Beverlet Anderson 1 of Washington, N. C., Vivian Hudson of Williamston jind Hazel Spell of Farmville and Wilson assisted in serving salted nuts and mints to the guests. Mrs. Justice Coltrain, sister of tiie groom, presided over the bride's book and the goodbyes were said by Mrs. J. Q. Bowen, of Washington, D. C., aunt of the bride. Visited In Fayetteville Mi. Bob Taylor visited in Fay etteville yesterday. At White Lake Mr. and Mrs. Buck Ayres and children of Everetts are spending I two weeks at White Lake, Honored at Party —•— ~<S' —— Miss Isabelle Anderson, who became the bride of Sgt. Walter Brownie Harrington last Sunday afternoon, was honored at a coca cola party given by Mesdames H. L. Meador, David Modliri, Luther Peel, Jr. on Thursday, June 29 at 10:30 o’clock at "the home of Mrs. Meador on South Haughton Street. The home was decorated throughout with gladioli and the dining room table, covered with an imported linen cutwork cloth, was centered with an arrange ment of oxeyed daises and fever few arranged in an antique cut glass compote. The guests were greeted by Mrs. Modlin and Mrs. Peel, Jr. who presented them to Miss An derson. the honoree, and Miss Frances Griffin, bride of July 5. Mi's. Peel, Sr. invited the guests into the dining room where Mrs J. C. Anderson, mother of the honoree, Mrs. Conrad Getsinger and Miss Joann Peel served iced coca cola, party sandwiches, po tato chips, salted nuts, hors d’ouvres and assorted cookies to about seventy guests. Mrs. Jack Riley, sister of the honoree, presided over the bride’s book and Mrs. Meador said the goodbyes. Miss Anderson and Miss Griffin were presented corsages of gar Mrs. Robert Edward Tarkington, Jr, who, prior to hi * r marriage on 8;il urday, July II, in 1h,o Bethel Methodist Church, was Muss Martha Vivian Whitehurst, daughter of the late Mr and Mrs. Samuel Clayton Whitehurst, Sr. The former Miss Frances Elizabeth Griffin, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rov T. Griliin. whose marriage to Mr. Darrell Taylor was solemnized on Wednesday, July 5, in the Williamston Christian Church. Eve Glasses Broken? We maintain a complete optical service. Lens, temples and frames replaced and repaired 1 Quick service. Peel e’g — Jewelers 121 Main St. Tel. 2311 Amvrtea' a l.oupat-Priml St miff In liqhl «*' ♦*« you extra nmoothuenu and extra pou-er l.turt-Ml-Priretl Vur iritli r->\ #»'.W II qtlra-Matlr lltlrt• L_,/ | tfirett puu eU or 11 run Urirluy roareuieave 1 Perfect Performance Combination! "Sou know you're driving something special when you command ihe extra |M>wer, the luxurious smoothness anti the effortless ease o! a I’untiar Siher Streak Straight I fight. Anti how easy n is to eommaiul with Hydra-Malic Dove! No. iuuii pedal, no constant shilling — just set a User, relax anti go! Pontiac is the lowest-pricetl car in America offering the perfect performance combination of straight-eight power and Hydra-Matic Drive. ( ome in and see how easily and eco nomically you can enjoy traveling first class. *Opliouut on all models at extra cost. Tkr Moat HrmmlUml Tklmg mm WhmmU Dollar lor Dollar you can't beat a Pontiac Chus. H. Jenkins & Co. WILLIAMSTON — AHOSKIE — AULANDER — FOENTON _ WINDSOR I a 1 Dardens Club In Recent Meeting The recently organized Dardens Home Demonstration Club met last Friday with Mrs. C. B. Fagan, club president. Other officers of the club are, Mrs. H. L. Riddick, vice president: Mrs. S. R. Coburn, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. W. C. Fagan, eherio leader: Mrs .fames Stalls Mrs Haltcy Hardison, Mrs.' Sam Coburn. Mrs. William Hop- j kins. Mrs. Herman Riddick, Mrs. Paul Allen. Mrs. Fagan and Mrs Will Swinson, project leaders. Attendance upon the first meet- | ing following the organization of the club was limited on account of the rains. However, seven charter members were present i and Mrs. Allen Griffin took mem-; bership at that time. Prizes were awarded by the. hostess, and a progress report was j submitted, showing that 24(1; quarts of vegetables had be<*n can ned, ten chicken frozen, 41 new gar ments made and three dresses altered. Mrs. Hardison and Mrs. W. C. Fagan won the prizes, cro chet pieces. The home agent, Miss Elizabeth Parker, gave a demonstration in salad making. The hostess, assisted by her daughter, served a delicious salad, cookies and iced tea. The next meeting will be held with Mis. Paul Allen on August 11. and all women of the com munity are invited. Visiting Here Mrs. Mary Hartman of Norfolk will spend the week end here with her cousin, Mrs. K D. Worrell. Visited In Scotland Neck Mrs. W. E. Dunn and son, John, visited relatives in Scotland Neck yesterday. denias and gifts of .silver in their chosen patterns. A thought for Farm Safety Week July 23-29: Cultivate safe ty and harvest happiness. ENTERTAINS AT DINNER Prior to the Harrington-Ander son wedding rehearsal last Satur day evening, the bridal party, their husbands and wives and parents of the bridal couple were entertained at a (tinner given by Mrs. J. O. Bowen of Washington, D. C\, aunt of the bride, at the Hotel George Reynolds. The dining room table held a large centerpiece of white gladio li and fern and white tapers in sprays of white gladioli and fern and white tapers in crystal can delabra were arranged alter nately down the length of the table on either side of the central arrangement. Small white place cards with wedding hell design used Following n two course dinner colorful ice cream molds in uni que designs were served. For Miss Anderson there was a mold ed ice cream bride and for Sgt. there was an ice cream groom. The other guests were served ice cream molded as wedding hells, wedding rings, love birds, hearts, flowers, wedding cakes and slip pers. During the dinner, Miss Ander son presentc 1 gifts to her attend ants, the . r mist, the soloist and to her mistress of ceremonies. Week-end Guests Mrs. M. L. Carr and daughter, Betty Lee, of La Grange and Miss Mildred Byrum of Edenton were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Brady. ROYALTEX Mo't JvOt) *** nt ' rg»'t (>•• tit* HS'tCt.CN ft.(» ►OSWit ttlO«l f STRONG ENOUGH TO 1 SUPPORT CAR WITHOUT TiifS llOwQuf PfvJFf' f*©N t rvfl UKJH Skid Protection, Blowout Protection, life Protection never possible before! With the New EVERLASTING WHITEWALLSI To maintain the spotless beauty of your tires. ' ft fie Mm PROTECTIVE CURBGUARD! To end all grinding curb scuff and abrasion. With the New 25% SOFTER AND SAFER RIDE I Absorb the road in silence, at any speed. With the Mtw U. S. NYLON LIFE-TUBES! For blowout protection never possible befort. • Tin lowest cost per safe mile in tire history! UNITED STATES RUBBER COMPANY How do we mean OUTSELLING"? Never before in the memory of veteran lire men have new product* such a* the Mid-Xientury Koval Master*. Life-l ube* and Air Hide* enjoyed *uch endless and urgent public demand. They are the "run away tire* of the decade in every top quality market. Never before have the important factors of SKII)-I*H()TI‘(’. TION, BLOWOUT . PltOTLCI ION AND LII-L-LKOTKCITON reached anything like this new level of all weather safety. That'* why these Mid Uentury products are outselling every where in all tlie higher quality markets. Tire qualities and features never known beforo Never hefnre have you seen tires or tuhes like these. I«* es’igate them today! Oct complete proof demonstration be fore you buy. Get highest cash allow anct for your old tires and tube*, Get our easy credit term* if you desire them. All bully Guaranteed. Priced a* low as your life and safety permit. ASK FOR THEM ON THf NEXT CAR YOU BUY PUT THEM ON YOUR PRESENT CAR TODAY (for yours to to mo) B. & W. Tire Compa ny—Williamston, N. V

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