News As Reported In The Enterprise Forty Years A»o t iYI< >ck. JULY 8, 1910 On Sunday night at !i John Bailey, Jr., was passing through Jamesville and saw a man running near the Methodist Church. Passing on about one hundred yards, Bailey discovered that fire was raging in the town. Quickly investigating he found that the store of Dr Hassell was on fii<-. The alarm Spread rapid )y and soon a force was working . «-rnie.uly to keep the ilumes fli.rn spreading.' This was dene and nil building was hunted ex eppt the warehouse and store ot I)r. Hassell. The contents were a total loss, and is estimated at $0,000 , with $4,000 insurance. Everything pointed to robbery and dogs secured from Ahoskie were put on the trail hut failed to convict the guilty parties, i They, however, ran the trail of the man who was seen running, hut after a certain distance it was i lust. This is the third store rob j hery in .lamesville within the year, and must be the work of an organized band. Mrs Jane Jarvis died in Hamil ton Saturday evening, July find She was ;n the 79th year of her age. She had been suffering for eight or ten months, the most of the time confined to her bed She has been a faithful and eon • sistont memb'-r t»f the Primitive baptist Church for thirty or forty i years She leaves an ag/'d - aster, ja granddaughter and five little ! great gi andehildi en. r»r. and Mrs M' l Fieiiltiig, K I A. Conned end Miss Matthews, 1’. II Davenport and Miss KuW}la i lVrkins, Will Rhodes and Miss Baker, Bougue Slaile and Miss 1’iin Gladstone, Bruee Sherrod and Misses Bakei and l’urvis, Charlie B Baker and Misses lHailstone and Jones, of Ifamilton, were guests Morulay of the Oak City Bathing Cltih at their re sort. A negt ■ by the name of Arthur Fields Struck Wells, of Oak City. I with a clnli>it T. W Davenport's I mill last Friday, hurting him I very badly The negro then drew j a pistol on the others that camet to the rescue of Wells. Fields is j st ill at large. The horse of J. W. Rooks, who! ! carried the mail from Oak t itv toj ' Hamilton, ran away last Wednes-j dav and ran into the horse and i buggy of .1. .1. Piland, damaging 'both buggies and bruising Mr l’iland s horse very badly. Joe Karly. W F. Belflowcr, F. H Turner, A Burnett and 1. F (JooOi ich, ol (tak City, attended the comity convention ih Will inmston Saturday. Mesdames J. W, Hines, C. M. Hurst and W. A. Casper, of Oak Cilv, left Tuesday for Norfolk to visit Mrs. It D Tew. .1 M. Sitterson has been visiting Capt. Jno. T. Hyman in Oak City jo for a few days. Miss Beatrice Daniel has re- f turned ttr her home in Oak City|\ after visiting relatives in Ruber-11 sonville. ^ Miss Charlotte Casper has re-'l turned to her home in Oak City , after visiting friends in Wendell ^ Herman Hedgepeth of Hohgood, I was a visitor in Oak City Sunday.] On Wednesday a large number'd of spectators saw the Bloomer;' ('.iris go down in defeat before - the local team in a game of ball, I resulting in a score of 2 to 0.1 Ward's pitching fol the locals tells the tale, the ladies were not j i even allowed a hit Ward's work was of the big league tvpc, while Stubbs at the receiving end played, his pegging to second was perfect Outganus played the 1st sack like an old timer. The girls played steady ball, but at no stage of the game did they have a chance to cross the rubber. Miss Crowell was on the firing line for the visitor* and did some clever pitching. She was replaced m the Till by Mr. doncs, who was there with the team, hut as a pitcher he was by n« means the equal of the lady The attendance was very encouraging, and we hope to have some good games! hii the diamond during the sea-.. son. R. II. Salsbury and daughter, Miss Laura, left Thursday to visit in Lynchburg, Va. Mr. and Mrs. W. 1) Jordan, of Hassell, spent Sunday and Mon day in House, Robert Salsbury, Jr, of Hassell, spent Wednesday in Scotland Neck, Jim Daniel, of Robersonville, spent Monday in Oak City MisseS Maree and Pearl Rob erson, of Robersonville, spent Sunday in Jamcsville. Miss Margaret Little, of near Robersonville, is visiting her cousin, Miss Helen Roberson at her home in Robersonville. I Messrs. C. H. Godwin, Jno. 1). | Higgs, Louis ('. Harrison and I A S. ('.it field, and Lester Kverett, I if Robersonville attended the J Congressional Convention at I Edenton Wednesday. Mr. God win was chosen as Executive Committeeman from this county M. S. .1 Everett, one of our hoy. had the honor of making the nom • l inating speech, placin' Mr Small in nomination. Mr. .1 T Smith and family have rented a cottage at Ocean View, Va„ and will spend the summer theta- "Beaufort, the faithful pony was taken with them Mi „mi "Mi’S. IvWes, «>f" i'.d !»irn, was the guest of Mrs W t Manning during the Colder-nee. Misses Della Simlhwick and and Della Topping, of JntnesviUe, have been here during this week. Mr. and Mrs I., Ross, of Gold Point, have been visiting rela lives here this week. Mrs. Gardner has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs Fred Gardner. Having full confidence in yum j judgment and promising to abide | your decision 1 hereby announce! myself a candidate before the Democratic Convention for the j office of Cork of the Superior j Court. Trusting that my long, services to the party and un ; faltering loyalty to its prinei j pies will entitle me to your favor able consideration and support Respectfully, S. 1., Ross, Mrs. S. A. Newell, and little 'Eliza went to Louishurg Thins ' day. Miss Leytu Taylor, of Gold Point, is- visiting her sister, Mrs i W. A. James. Mr. Robert Roberson, of Pal myra, lias been visiting here this ' , | week, A little excitement was produc j ed Saturday night by the explo sion of a fire cracker. While a ■ ! family row was in progress in ;!a hack lot, people in the street thought a pistol had been fired. Folks who come in town and I “load up" should be looked after by the police. MISS RUBY WHITAKER WRDS MIt-. Wtf:i.TAMs Mi-:; Rut'V Whitaker. dasii'.htor ill Mr Anna Whitaker of Wd | liumslon anil tin’ lalf Thomas Whitaker, ami Ikirroll Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs Boss Williams of Robersonville wolf* married in tlir lmun‘ of Jlisboe and Mrs (' B Hnlilnk in Kvdi'lls Iasi Mon day evening at !l 00 o'olook .In tii'n Kiddii'k off minted Follow ini’ a sliorl woddinu trip, Mr and Mr William ; wont to make tlion home with Ins par olds whole ho r. o11/;a1 • *d m I a rm Hi).; Cnsolinr Shirks fall To Ltnr Point of V ear ' Gasoline storks lost work foil holow tho like period of 1949 fur tho first (into m 1990 Thoy i d,...lined to I It; ft" I OtiO harrrls. oft ! 79,00 from tho prt updinr wool', and 29,000 It than a year .-alli«■ i At P.r nlford. lit , South Ponn . Oil Co. announced a further ad vance of 10 cents a narrel in Penn sylvania grade crude oil, used chiefly for lubricants. The com pany said demand has continued a rone mcc prices were increased on M.iv 1 and itpplie are tight. National Safety < >t»r»» >l says. Nr V i ■ I Ice flic, fl let I ii ii I J This new range with “Tuck-Away” room brings new spaciousness to the modern kitchen! The newest look in range design . . . BIG range capacity 4 “OoRox” Units,extra-largeTrue Temp Oven and Storage Drawer. It’s . the smart range buy of the year! V t * jL you CAM SE SURE..i* triW&tinghouse WORRELL APPLIANCE CO. r 15%C On Your i l Coleman limited Time Only! Here's Why We Offer This Summer Special: Every Full, we go eraxv trying to meet the flood of orders and installations, tvery floor furnace we install new helps relieve that rush later on—and we oiler this dis count to make it worth your while to order now. 1. Coleman Oil Flat-Register Models sit. in floors, no basement needed. Sizes for - to l> llooms-30,000 and,50,000 15TU. 2. Coleman Dual-Wall Model. Set under wall, use no lk>or space. 30,i«M) amt oU.utXJ BTU. Here's Automatic Furnace Heating-Priced For Stove-Heating Budgets No World No fires to build or'tend, no ashes to clean out. Light your ( oleman Floor Furnace this Fall and revel in the kind of automatic warmth you want til! Spring'! No Dirtl No fuel-grime, no ashes or mess! Less cleaning,’less laundry with a t.ole man Floor Furnace! Warm Floor*! Coleman makes the floor Furnace that keeps iloors warm up to 4 or 5 rooms. More comfort—better health. Needs No Basement, and no costly ducts. Easy to install—no “tearing up your house!”—Let us show you- now! Sav« 15%—Get Better H^nt! Ask About Our Low Down Payment And Easy Terms! Dixie Motor Company Williainstoin N. C. mom: <;amk I j Tin* game scheduled to be played in Bear Grass Sunday afternoon between Williams ton’s Martins and Bear Grass' Bears is being transferred to (be Willianislnn field, it wat anuouneed yesterday. Still eonsidered in llte re eords as a Hear Grass home pine, the ponies! starts at it p. m. Why Wiiil 11 illil Tin- l a-1 Minnie? 4i<-l vour I'oIkk'i'o Hues NOW! WHITE'S IIKVTINC AND SI 11.1 T ftIKT VI. WOKkS l Smilliwirk Slm‘l Williumslnn, N. < G&W SEVEN STAR RUndad whltkty. “Tht •might whltklaa or* 4 Mtn «r mar* aid. 37 Vi •might whltkay. twatrol spirit* dlttillM lr*m grain. 15% ttrolght whltkay 4 yaart *14. HH straight whltkoy S y*art aid. 7Vi% ttrolght wliltkay 4 yaort aid.'* 90 PROOF OOODIRHAM A WORTS IIMITID, MORIA, ILLINOIS BASEBALL SUNDAY (July 16 -3:00 P.M.) WILLIAMSTON MARTINS S. BEAR GRASS BEARS Williamsion Ball Park an QaLx.+j Thu Stylulinu Pu lux 2-Poor Sudan Drive home the facts! i I Drive heme this factl I First and Finait for thrills and thrift Yes, Chevrolet brines you the linesi combination ol thrills and thrift . . . with its great new lOVh.p. Valve-in-Head I ngine* - most powerful engine in the entire low-price field or its high ly improved, more powerful standard Valve in Head Engine. Drive home Hill factl Writ and Finest for all-round sofoty of lowest tost Oolv ..Chevrolet offers this five told protection: (I) l iirveif Windshield with Panoramic Visi bility (2) Extra-strong f isher Unisteel Body (3) Safety Plate Cllass all uround (4) Super-Safe Unitized Knee-Action Ride, and (5) Certi-Safe Hydraulic Brakes! Drive home Ihlt fact! First and Fineit for iryliny ond comfort ot lowest cost Chevrolet’s exclusive Siylr-Sinr Bodies hy f isher provide extra wide form-tiding seals extra generous head, leg and elbow room extra value in every de tail of styling and comfort in this longest and heaviest ot alJ low-priced car«| Drive home this foct! I First and Finest for driving and riding ease at lowest tost Only Chevrolet offers ahesi nm .t/li/t ri/rti'iji. vwin i . > a\a £,hii\ Automatic Transmission and los h.p \ alve-in-l lead l’ngine* . or finest sniiutdiU driving, with highly improved standard I ngine and Synehro-Mesh Tr *"1 mission at losvest cost. Its ride ... its road-action . . . its reliability will tell you Chevrolet is FIRST . . . and Finest ... at Lowest Cost! Come in—drive a Chevrolet and you'll know why it's AMERICA'S BEST SELLER, AMERICA'S BEST BUYI After all, the proof of a motor tar is in the drying! That’s why we’re so eager to have you drive home the facia of Chevrolet superiority over all other cars in its field. And to do this in your own way and to your own complete satisfaction! You'll have sorn^* real driving thrills! You'll enjoy testing Chevrolet fleet ness and flexibility its easy maneu verability — its wonderful comfort, gliding-smoothness, and all-round safety. And what’s more, you’ll learn by your own experience why more people buy Chevrolet'! than mty other nutke oj tar. Come in today! •Combination of tvwrrgUtl* Autonuuie Trammhuon and JOS h « t. rutin* optional on l>* l ux* rnoJ*U at *Mta toil CHEVROLET Roanoke Chevrolet Company — Williamst on, N. C.