Russia Is Selling Diamonds, Gold Russia is going to spend $19. 850.000,000 for defense during the current year it was reported from Moscow recently. (The appropri ation for defense for the United States is only $13,545,000,000, ai cording to the figure which Presi dent Truman has asked of Con gress for the fiscal year beginning Actually, it is difficult to com pan- the budgets of Russia and the United States respectively, since there is some difference in what the two countries include as defense items, and also the value of the ruble is questionable. Rws sia has appropriated 79,400.000,000 rubles for defense, and there is' considerable disagreement over just what the purchasing power of the ruble is. SLAB W OOD FOR s\i.r; ciifai*. Dial ^ 100 WiUiainslon Supply Co. ATHLETE'S FOOT A* Alcohol — No Acid — No Sting For quick relief end good result! get a» f amour VICTORY OINTMENT. lie i fot the boys in the Army, now he home folks. Get VICTORY—Get lfS. Alao for First Aid »»’*d Itching, to fpe op exi/ part pf th» body. Sold in williarnston by Clark's Drug Store and Davis Pharmacy; or your hometown druggist I 3 TO 2 ■> I J In the only same played in the Martin County League in several days, Farm Life de feated Everetts 3 to 2 in a well-played close contest on (he Williamston diamond last night. Stancil Hardison went the route for Farm Life while Ceorge Keel did the hurling lor the Cubs. Neither team was able to get better than, halt a dozen hits. him iitea - Lifc lo within two games of the league-leading Robcrson ville Kants. r OLD $TACC Straight Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey FULL 4 YEARS OLD SO 40 SO10 W 4/3 UT. mm PIN! i S6 PROOF. KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKFY, 1 HE SIAGG DISTILLING CO.. I RANKIORT, KENTUCKY. STANDINGS MARTIN COUNTY LEAGUE W. L. Pet Robcrsonville 17 4 .810 Farm Life 14 5 .737 Bear Grass 11 7 .561 Everetts 9 11 -450 Oak City 7 10 .423 Williamston 6 12 .334 Washington 6 12 .334 Jamesville 4 12 .250 r SCHEDULE ■Ml r aWMfcM-'' ■*» Mj»WM >*»* Friday, July 14 “Robersonville at Everetts Saturday, July 15 Williamston ai Washington Sunday, July 1'6 Farm Life at Robersonvillc Jamesvilie at Everetts Washington at Oak City * Williamston vs. Bear Grass on Williamston field. Wednesday, July 19 Robersonville at Farm Life Everetts at Jamcsville *Ojik City at Washington Bear Grass at Williamston Friday Night, July 21 Williamston at Bear Grass, in Williamston park. Saturday, July 22 Oak City at Bear Grass Other figures from the Russian budget for 1950 include the fol lowing: A surplus of 4,000,000,000 rubles is planned for this year; revenues are expected to hit 432, 000,000,000 rubles, and expendi tures 427,900.000,000. In 1949, re venues came to 437,000,000,000 ru bles and expenditures to 412,000, 000,000, leaving a surplus of 25, 000,000,000 rubles. This year rev enues arc expected to decrease be cause wholesale prices were re duced on January 1, and retail prices on March 1. This has some what raised the value of the ruble. The ratio of Russian military 1 expenditures to total expenses is 18.5 percent for 1950, compared to 32.8 percent for defense in 1940, and 24 percent in 1946. The term “good-bye” is a cor ruption of “God be with you,” ac cording to authorities. Social News I Attend Funeral Messrs. Bill Glover, J. W. Gar j ris, Ray Gurganus, S. P. Wool 1 ford, Bob Monteith, Joe Glenn, George Mahler, Alton Pleasants, Raleigh Harrington, Marvin Co burn, Henry Oakley, Roland Cherry, Tom Brandon, Jr„ J. D. Lillcv, Jr., John E. Roberson, Jno. D. Hcmmingway, George Bunch and Raymond S. Cherry were among those from here who at tended the funeral of Howard Glass in Columbia Tuesday aft-_ 'eTn ooRr""*""*"^ Improving Receiving treatment in the lo cal hospial for several days, Mrs. J. Sam Getsinger is much im proved and is planning to return to her home tomorrow. _ Visits in Cherry Point Mrs. D. C. McLawhorn visited in Cherry Point Tuesday. Here from Raleigh Mrs. G. E. Vail and daughter, Karen, of Raleigh are visiting Mr. Sifl Watts and his daughter, Mrs. Luke Thomason, Jr. Saint Peter: “How did you get up here?” Latest Arrival: “Flu.” G & W William Penn Blended I i Whiskey I*tal Frk« *1.95 INnto j BOXSCORE 01 ■.C.Ml6MVATS Killed July 7 through July 10 8 Injured July 7 through July 10 152 Killed through July 10 this year 452 Killed through July 10, i949 399 M' Ilium' ini i n this year 5,907 Injured through July 10, 1949 4,552 Improving A patient in the local hospital since early Monday, Mr. B. S. Courtney was reported to be im proving this morning and is ex pected home within a few days. Attend Funeral Mr. and Mrs. John A Hardi son and son, and Mr. Ben Bunt ing attended the funeral of Mr. Howard Glass in Columbia Tuesday afternoon. —«. t Leaves Hospital « ; Mrs. J. O. Manning was able to return to her home on Mar shall Avenue this week after re | reiving treatment in the local I | hospital. Visiting in Virginia Mr. and Mrs. Francis Vaughan and daughter, Jane Ellen, are visiting relatives in Virginia. Visit in Columbia Misses Edna Barnhill and Eve lyn Hancock and Mr. Abner Brown visited in Columbia Tues day. r s RESULTS Wednesday, July 12 Farm Life 3. Everetts 2. All others, rain. Now Is The Time to go to COURTNEY’S For FURNITURE Drill1 II Dr Solo In loir \oti ilrrnlr! i • SMART NEW STYLING • NEW HARMONIZING INTERIORS • BIG 12-INCH BRAKES FOR SURE. EASIER BRAKING • HIGH-COMPRESSION POWERMASTER ENGINE . TIP TOE HYDRAULIC SHIFT LETS YOU DRIVE WITHOUT SHIFTIM iStonda'ij er> Custom Me*/•/.«. of tific ccif c« Do luiO MimI##*.) • AMAZING OPERATING ECONOMY » WATERFROOf MOTION FOR QUICK STMTS M WETTEST WEATHER • SCUFF-RESISTANT CTLIMDF* WALLS • LONCER-LIFE VALVES • WISER CUSS AREA • EAST. SHOCK-FREE STEER"* • FUU CRAOLEO WOE GRIFFIN MOTOR CO. 403 WufthiiigUm Street W1LL1AMSTON, N. C. M»a—t—w—■—aBTriinirii , «h,iiiiiiii .wsKm.. n Anirrwwwnenruwiim^iBi Con, 7-15-50 Summertime is Keep-Cool time. That’s why salads are such a joy—quick and easy to prepare, delightfully cooliug to eat. Toss a tempting salad bowl of crisp greens with the morning's moist ness still on them! Serve coolness in congealed fruit salads— ftesh fruits combined with C S Fruit Cocktail. How about a chilled rotate selfid, fropty tomato wedges »nd cucumber slices, or u main course of chicken salad? The possibilities for salads are endless, and you’ll find new ideas in every department of Colo nial Stoies. Best of all, frequent salads make food budgets taper off in the summer—so serve salads and save! FRESH CRISP CALIFORNIA ICEBERG LETTUCE 2- 23c FOR TASTIER SALADS USE MOTHER’S SALAD DRESSING : 27* peaches WITH COTTAGE CHEF« ~o SL jSS X-S teacl of peaches!) I.llra s s-ll LBS. AVG. WT. HAl.r OR whole SMOKED PICNICS Lb »U>;SH SELECTED SLICING TOMATOES «» B,pE CRISP SWEET MIXED _ * LANG’S PICKLES rOft FINER TASTING SALADS I MF WESSON OIL VANCE ALASKAN FILL-TACKED PINK SALMON Ctn. 32-Cz. Jar Pint Jar Tall Can 3 ^«rnch°D«S cottage cheese m cente ml salad bowl. Baby Beef Is Back Again OON'T FORGET THESE TEMPTING ADDITIONS THAT MEAN SO MUCH TO SALAD SUCCESS DOLE FRUIT COCKTAIL 17-Ox. 20C ASSORTED JELL-0 3 23c RITE CRACKERS Lb. Pk,. 33c STERLING TAILE SALT Pkg. 9C UBRY OLIVES stuffed CHERRIES Whit* Swan KRAFT FRENCH DRESSING KNOX GELATIN OLIVE OIL reumierto VINEGAR HEINZ WHITE //I At this time each year there la atailable a plentiful supply of young, tender, fine quality Baby Beef. So that Colonial custouieis may have the opportunity to buy more economical, yet equally wholesome steaks and roasts. Baby Beef has now beei^eddcd to our Wide variety of fine quality incats. _ STINTED ;K Serve°0,i a*,t «»d ,,,He ,Jli lettuce. cotta^'cheesp16 f°,,ov 3 Ox 3Qc > ox. 29c s ox. 21c Rkg 21c 2 Ox. 13c Pt lot 13c m Hub) ikfj 5‘ 89c Beef Chorh Roost tb. 59c Beef Sink Sirloin Lb. Porlrrhiisc Chib •» T*Bonotb i-05 limey W estern Qte( C hur It TRENCH’S MUSTARD *ox. 14c PAPRIKA McCormicks t:o». 15c || Lb U Jl' Beef Steak Sirloin Lb 99c Pori »>r house Club or T-Bono tb ij,jc - FROZEN fruit SALAD Soften envfi0,^ateJatHeat >4 cup coW cs TCnt Stall with enough Lochia . cUpg. Armour Bannar Tray-Packed Saturday Night In Family Niglit» BACON - 55c tvun-v-ov-.*— v cups. water to »**« d’ gelatin., A(id this to soaMa r beat Add mayonnaise ana Add t; S Fruit CocKtau freeze. F«IdJ7M¥TW:Mer«T^.*ll Every Saturday! 6:00 TO 8 30 P M. JULY 15th ONLY RIG. 29c PKG. POTATO CHIPS WITH TOTAL PURCHASES OF $5.00 OR MORE Como And Bring Tho Family RiCll Deodorant Soap 2 •*'* 37c Snowdrift Shortening 3-Lbs. 85c Bab-O CLEANSER 2 Cana 23c Octagon toii*i soap 2 >••• lie Sapor Sads tg. n, 27c Marvoloas Vol t«. 27c Fabulous Fab t.. w, 27c •larkul Lljht Meat i tic TOTMi f-oniliiiie 2 ci looked jiota nartl-boiJed ( /fTecii pepper. Seaso fePoon salt, m 'nayojuiaise. sene oti |ett "'ith deviled mato. 11

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