47,000 Boys Were Ai Valley Forge For Great Event (Continued from page one) obtained at central commissaries, lach campsite, and there were over one thousand, had a separate entrance. many had exhibits. Troop seven, containing all the Martin Count' boys, had models of the Wright Memorial and the Wright • Tic models td each of these historical pieces were quite realistic and 'caused rrluch comment. ! The troop put on a miniature "Lost Colony" pageant one night , at a small campfire meeting. The slaughter of the colonists by the Indians was almost too realistic. Many of the bo.vs had bruises the ' | next morning. A boy is a born trader, and at a meeting such as the Jamboree, he gratifies his every impulse. Mar tin County carried tobacco To : a hoy from New York, two leaves' of tobacco equals, one pocket knife . Bovs from Nebraska t brought cockle-burrs and traded i them as porcupine eggs, giving.' i free, explicit instruc tions on how to hatch them' Confederate flags wen taboo, but that merely served to multi ply them. Before the Jamboree was over, they were flying from1 GHQ. Many Southern boys work ed late into the- night to erect these symbols of resistance. There u were no unfortunate incidents in , connection with the flags. Only I regrettable incident at the Jam boree was the death of one boy i from Texas He had Polio upon: arrival. He was immediately hos pitalized at the Naval Hospital In Pheiladelphia, and two specialists flown from New York, his family1 doctor and parents from Texas, two nurses day and . night, two! iron lungs, and Hi consulting phy sicians could not save him. Jimmy Wallace, who attended the Jamboree as a Medical assist ant concluded that Poison Iw, not the cold, killed 3000 of George Washington s men. Boys came in- j to tin medical tent literally cov ered with the stuff, and calamine, and tannic acid and rubbing alco hol were dispensed throughout the week as it it were water, and I even on the train coming home, hoys were still doctoring them- * selves. Martin County’s contingent jn- | eluded: I Jimmy Wallace, of Jamesville and RobersonviIle. Section 7 mod-' ieal aid; Ben Andrews and Hugh r Linds ley. troop 27, Williamston, \ also members of section 7, troop 7i' iit the jamboree, and Russell • Johnson, Wayne Johnson, Julius I .Budaez. Andy Warren, and Ben Wilson, ol troop 72, Robersonville. | Medical doctors tor Section 7 \ wt re 1) J Rost of Goldsboro and 1 ^ W K. Craig of Enfield. Assistants included H\Wm Betts nt Lindale, Georgia. Paul Price of Elkin, and Stratton Murrell of Jacksonville. ^ Scoutmaster of troop 7 was Hu- ^ dolph Waters. Assistants were Gillam Whedbcc of Ahoskie. liar- ^ *> Hodges of Roanoke Rapids. Senior Patrol leader was Robert I i Parker of Crisp When the train drew into Rocky Mount station at 10:45, Friday night, a column of Confederatt flan-bearers made a double file in front of the door to car 11. and te the words and music of "I'm a Tat Heel born. I'm a Tar Heel bred . " Martin County's representa tives to the Jamboree came home again. HAMILTON THEATRE LAST TIMES FRIDAY July 14 Shows at 7:15 and 9:15 SIERRA ti lth Wanda Hendrix and Audie Murphy In Technicolor IMus Latest News SATURDAY, July 15 Shows Continuously 1 til 11 Double Feature Program Vi NOON V\ HEELS WESTWARD With Wild Bill Elliott PISTOL PACKING M \MA With Elvira Plus Serial SUNDAY, July Hi Shows at 3 and 9 W ILLIE COMES M ARCHING HOME With Dan Dailey and Corinne Calvet Plus Color Cartoon MONDAY - TUESDAY July 17-18 ROCK ISLAM) TRAIL With Forrest Tucker and Adele Mara Plus Color Cartoon MON I I S Arp BETTER T H VN EVER ^ W -I StV.. The Gun that became thef law V of the SI land! VICCAR - Sun., Hon., Tues. & Wed. BOTTLE GAS SERVICE Williamston Bottle Gas Co. W. J. MILLER & SON Office: WESTERN ALTO 1 16 Main Si. Issue Twenty-four Marriage Licenses In Martin Eemriy (Continued from Page One) Wi)!ian:xton, and Kati*. Gardner, RFD Robersonvilie. Calvin Best of Robei sonville and Nellie Brown of Plymouth. Robert T. Bonds and Mary J,. Vaughn, both of Windsor. Rent Two Rooms In The Ciiy Hall At Williamston (Continued on page eight) Grade B: Barrett, Oak City, 86.5; Smith. Williamston, 85.f>; Ed mondson and Cherry, Hamilton, 84.5; People's, Robersonville. 88.5; Clark, Jamesville, 88; Bik Apple, Robersonville, 82.5; Shaw, Wil liamston, 82; The Martin, Wil liamston, 82. Grade C: Cotton Club, Wil liamston, 75.5. Hotels Wilson Hotel, Robersonville, 95. Quadruplets Born To Viola R. Brown Some Years Ago (Continued from page one) occasioned much interest four j years ago, the single birth nine-! teen months ago attracting little! or no attention. The children were bulled late yesterday in a common grave. f it r iihniral To S/triil. In M asliinglon in August Washington, D. C., June 15—! Vice Admiral Merlin O’Neill, j. Commandant of the United States Coast Guard, will speak in Wash- ', ington, N. C., August 4, at annual Coast Guard Day exercises. The Admiral will speak at the invitation of Congressman Her bert C Bonner of North Carolina’s First Congressional District. The Coast Guard Day celebra tion will consist of a varied pro gram of exercises, including a boat race on the Pamlico River. j A committee of two on ways and means. One has hei way, the i other provides the means. REGISTERED MAM*: ANI> FE malc English .S<*ltri Puppies. Whelped May 20th. Brown and White. Pair (male and female) 98 percent white Perfect mark mys and health. De-wormed. Jos. W. Bailey, Everetts. jl 13 2t APARTMENT WANTED: 3 room unfurnished, preferably down stairs and in good section of Williamston. Phon»» 31(55. jl 13 3t WANTED: ONE ' THOUSAND (1000) birth dates. We don't want your birth right just your birth date. Mail on penny card to V1CCAR THEATRE and re reive reward. (None accepted al box oftice.) j MR. FARMER— STORE YOUR cured hams and shoulders for protection against skippers and other insects for the summer. Prices very reasonable. Colonial | Frozen Foods, Williamston, N. C. jly 13 6t I AUTOS FOR SALE—1939 CHEV rolet, SI23.00 1939 Ford 2-door coach, $350.00, also 1938 Ford 1-2 'ton pick up in good shape, $250. i 24 Hour Service. Day phone 3033, Night Phone 2582. Stephenson's Auto Garage FOR SALE: ONE CSED WHIZZ-, cr Bike $75.00 Western Auto] ! Associate Store. W. ,1. Miller and1 Son. FOR SALE: J) .■:>! SODA FOUNTAIN, 17 cu. ft. Refrigerator, Gas Ranee. and several booths for cafe use Apply 310 Sycamore St., H. C. Horton. jl 13 3t H FOR SALE: BABY BLUE WOOD stove. Good condition. Price : reasonble. Hubert Biggs, Wil liamston RFD No. 2. jl 11 2t FOR SALE: DAVENPORT ANI) chair. Both in excellent condi tion. Price: Only $25.00. Halsey II Thompson. 301 Ray Street, Wil liamston. jl 11 2t YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat teries. Phone 2818. Turn right at Freezer Loclter. no 8 tf WANTED: CORN IN SHUCK, truckload lots, at farm, any where. Write or call, L. N. James, The Corn House, Bethel, N. C. ap 18 tf WANTED: 100 HEAD FEEDER pigs. Top prices. See J. S. Whitley. 2400 or 2339. je 29 4t WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR all types of high quality hard wood logs. Wells-Oates Lulmber Company, Frank E. Weston, man ager, Williamston, N. C. je 8 tf FREE APPRAISALS ON AIL Body and Fender Repairs with no obligations. Roanoke Chevro- I let Co., Williamston, N. C. je 22 tf PINE TIMBER WANTED. WE ^ pay Top Prices for standing tim- : her and pine logs. Williamston Supply Co. Phone 24(10. je 20 tf RESTORE YOUR CAR'S PAINT to its original lustre and bril liance with a new Paint Job. Roanoke Chevrolet Company, Williamston, N. C. je 22 tf FOR RENT: SANDING MACH-! inc. Refinish your floors your- ! self and do a first class job of j sanding and polishing your worn dingy floors. We will rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy and rental costs are low. Worrell Appliance Com pany. Dial 2057. no 8 tf SACRIFICE SALE OF DEMON strators—1 Automatic Bendix Ironer, $99.50. 1 Automatic Hot Point Ironer—$99.50, 1 Electro Chef Cooker—$49.50, 1 Bendix Automatic Washer. $149.50. Wool aid Furniture Company, Wil liamston, N. C. jly 11 6t WE BUY, SELL AND WIRE OLD oil lamps. Bring us your lamps for estimate or to be wired. Wor rell Appliance Company. Dial 2057, Williamston. ' no 8 tf I DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES | Mules, Cows and hogs removed I promptly. No charge. Phone j Greenville, N. C„ 3ibl.'"‘Norfolk J Tallow Company. no 8 tl GOOD FILLING STATION FOR rent in Oak City. See Harrison Oil Company. je 29 4t FOR RENT: 3 ROOM APART ment on Hassell Street. Newly; painted and wallpapered. Build- 1 ing for rent on N. Haughton Street that can be used for dwell- ; ing or store. Henry D. Harrison, j FOR SALE: MYRTLE BROWN residence on Church Street. R. L. Coburn, Williamston. jly 11 4t | CLARK’S RHEUMATISM COM~ pound for positive relief of aches and pains. Guaranteed re rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular lief or money back. Clark Phar macy. m 22 tf FOR YOUR CUSTOM . HAOI Venetian blinds, awnings for the home or store, see Us. Wr have the famous F’lexalum aluminum slats; also beautiful colors in wood. Henry Harrison, Williams-j ton. au 26 tf PARKER’S SELF - S E R V I C E Laundry. Hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Monday through Friday. 8 a. m. to 12 noon on Saturday. Try us for a quick and economical wash ser vice. je 8 tf EXPERT BODY AND FENDER repair. Reasonable prices and Satisfactory Service is our aim. Roanoke Chevrolet Company,. Williamston, N. C. je 22 tf I WANTED TO RENT: ROOM with meals. Call Morris Griffin at 2753. jly 11 3t FOR SALE: TWO I'SEI) .MARTIN Outboard Motors. One used Seabee Outboard Motor. Will sell cheap. Western Auto Associate Store. W. J Miller & Son. jl 31 2t TOBACCO CURING WOOD FOR sale. Cheap. Critcher Lumber Company. jly 6 5t WANTED: USED FERTILIZER Bags, washed and in good con dition. W. T. Ross, Washington i Road, near Williamston, .ie-22 4t Lawn Mowers Sharpened We Sell and Repair. Bicycles-Tricycles. Harley-Davidson Motor cycle Sales and Service. QUINN’S MOTORCYCLE SHOP Washington St., Dial 2384 Men's Dress and Work Shoes For Less. WILLARD’S SHOE SHOP EOOEWOOO AVt. * PUONI 2109 WIUIAMST0N,N.(. FIX2IT 1 SYSTEM Marco Theatre WIM.1AMSTON SUNDAY - MONDAY Sforrinf *1 GEORGE BRENT • LYNN BARI i with RUSTY TAMBLYN An| THC ’ CLEVELAND INDIANS BASEBALL TEAM Ftaturlni Bill Veeck • Lou BouOrtiu : t'.aai * Bob »»!»♦» • «*w. Gromck • SAtcnel >»|i • BoOlrmonl Tri; SpcakO' • D«l« Mltch.il • Larry] Oot,» .A REPUBLIC PICTURE, TUESDAY • WEDNESDAY •S' 7£CHM1C0UHU (O..SL ....1 /7i cnUln thHl RAYMOND m/mammm • Pt1 -R COL'FTEV O REPUBLIC PICTURES Presents THE BATTLE OF KOREA SEE THE FIGHTING KOREAHS IN ACTION Sunday and Monday THIO THEATRE Watts Theatre Williunifcton, N. C. SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY Aus K/orcw me wesmw Fno/mer' *Ul£$T0W« ^Walter menmn VINCCNT nin to men Sctwnplyy by W»WD tMMStXU ■ PwW by CHMIK IMKHT • Pnbuab by ROKm MfNW • • IMMKHUfTHNnWM mm THURSDAY & FRIDAY **'* 'VhiBwa l2Sv ai« _ newesTj FUNNIEST! t (AWSICAM ONE 4 1*2 Fo«i FRIGIDAIRE $37.50 ONE 7 1-2 Fool FRIGIDAIRE $50.00 On#* l)»ed WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC STOVE $50.00 Western Auto Associate Store i lO Main Si. W. J. Miller ami Son Dial 2050 Cartoon and Latest News MARCO Adults 20c Children 15c THURSDAY - FRIDAY "Battleground" With Van Johnson John Hodiak Cartoon SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE John Wayne In "The Desert Trail" "C Man" With Dean Jugger Chapter No. 2 of Serial “The Invisible Monster’’ Cartoon SUNDAY - MONDAY r/i The Kid From Cleveland" With George Brent Cleveland Indians TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY ii "Barricade With Dune Clark Ruth Roman Special Cartoon VWWVWWWWWWMMWtW TRIO Robersonville, N. C. TONIGHT, July 13 HARPOON With John Bromiield and Alice Louise (A Sea Adventure Picture) Cartoon and Short FRIDAY. July 14 N AM V GOES TO RIO (In Technicolor; With Ann Sothern and Jane Powell Cartoon and Short SATURDAY. July 15 CATTLE RIVER RUSTLERS With Rocky Lane BEAUTY ON PARADE With Robert Hutton and Ruth Warrick and Serial SUNDAY - MONDAY July 16 and 17 In Technicolor RETURN OF THE FRONTIERSMAN With Gordon MacRea, Julie London, Kory Calhoun and JACK HOLT SPECIAL ADDITION THE BATTLE FOR KOREA Plus: Cartoon & Short TUESDAY, July 18 ONCE MORE MY DARLING With Robert Montgomery and Ann Blyth Latest News & Short tMVMMMMUWMMVWWMAMW WATTS THEATRE — WILLIAMSTON THURSDAY - FRIDAY n i The Outriders With Joel Me( Irea Arlene Dalil Sport News II SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE Charles Slarrell In II II' II II Horsemen oi The Sierras Unmasked With Kaiiion Itur iiiliar) Hi'oolve Chapter No. 2 of Serial ATOM MAN VS. THE SUPERMAN Cartoon II SUNDAY - MONDAY ami TUESDAY Color by Technicolor Curtain Call at Cactus Creek" With Donah! O'Connor Gale Nlbriir News — Special — Cartoon WEDNESDAY DOUBLE FEATURE Jimmie Wakcly In "Roaring Westward" "Humphrey Takes a Chance With Joe Kirkwood, Jr. Leon Errol Cartoon

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