j^pQ^^p^a^SS^P'OPOO<=,00^^ii Taxes_& 525.00 Pav iiiy Assessments_ 2,000.00 Privilege License_ 900.00 Null) Tags_ 650.00 VIM’ & Vi ine-Beer Profits-- 1 1,000.00 ,[. I*. & Mayor Courts_ 800.00 Cemetery Lots_ 2,000.00 Solvent Credits- 2,493.46 l tilities — Franchise Tax- 1,27 <.32 Tax Advertising_ 25.00 Rental City Hall_ 1,200.00 W ater Serv ice Sales_ 35,800.00 Water & Sewer Connection Fees_ 3,000.00 Current Tax Levy — 1950 Valuation_S3.866,556.00 Kate $2.00 Tax _ 77,331.12 Sewer Service Fee_ 7,400.00 Parking Meters (Town Share)_ 3, <50.00 Taxi Privilege License- 480.00 Traffic Fines___ .">0.00 TOTAL _$150,681.90 EXPENDITURES GENERAL ADMINISTRATION: Salary of Mayor_1_ 600.00 Salary of Treasurer_ 3,120.00 Salary Vssistanl_ 1,600.00 Salary Commissioners_ 1,000.00 Salary Janitor_ 780.00 Legal «SL Audit_ 500.00 Lining Faxes and Preparing Tax Kooks_I_ 425.00 Stationery — Office Supplies_ 500.00 Telephone — Lights_ 300.00 Repairs — City Hall_ 6,000.00 Insurance and Bond Premiums_ 1,0 <0.IK) Kent and Leases_ 155.00 Colored Recreation_ 600.00 Advertising _ 500.00 Library _ 600.(Ml Membership Dues (N. C. League of Municipalities and Ocean Highway Association) _ 325.00 Custodian — City Hall_ 600.00 Rat and Mosquito Control___ 1,200.00 Kmplovees— Ins. and Hospitalization_ 762.60 Fuel — City Hall_ 700.00 TOTAL_$ 21,337.60 CEMETERY: New Land Payment_$ 2,666.66 Interest (3 1-2% of $5,333.34)_ 186.67 Labor _ 3,160.00 Supplies _ 700.00 TOTAL_$ 6,713.33 SW 1MMING POOL: Supplies _ 500.00 Insurance _ 223.95 Lights _ 50.00 TOTAL_$ 778.95 FIRE DEPARTMENT: Salaries _$ 1,680.00 Salary — Part Time Fireman_ 420.00 Repair to Equipment_ 200.00 Supplies _ 500.00 Gas and Oil_ 100.00 Insurance _ 250.00 Convention _ 150.IH) 3,300.00 TOTAL _$ POLICE DEPARTMENT: Salary Chief ___„_$ 3,120.00 Salary Policeman_ 14,950.00 Supplies _ __ 250.00 Kf|iair» lo Equipment_ 350.04) 4ias and 4)il_ 450.00 Telephone and Telegraph_ 200.00 Medical _ 120.00 l{a» uk«» ■ from *e i«*boy» *nd wear* l * »rrir kwrW «» >>er H" ‘7' „ aad m»I<4iin* kerchief are jr,.tcrf from *beer «»•**«■ gin* -«-« check. *7 O.X ,y Yl.oy SUMMER SUITS uim-“ r'\ (,?»' “if"" rr. $21.88 - $25.88 (2 pair pants) All Wool TROPICALS way price. 11,1 a* •!*!» £ive at $42.50 Suit - $21.88 (f. mun cloth POLOS SIi|eliIly soiled. Sizes, Medium anil Large. 77c SHANTUNG PANTS and SHIRTS To Maloli. $4.44 Suit NYLON SHIRTS $5.95 Value $4.88 % REDUCTION On All SUMNER < PANTS w AND V \ BULLUCK'S J Headquarters for the Finest In Men's and liny*' H ear WIELIAMSTON \ BOOSTERS