Recipes Of The Week By Miss EVELYN HANCOCK Home Service Director Virginia Electric and Power Company Cooks — Look! Many gremlins sneak up on the unsuspecting beginner in the field How mild can a cigarette be? MORE PEOPLE SMOKE CAMELS than any other cigarette! ' and among the millions who do... VIC RASCHI Famous pitcher for the New York Yfl nk(‘P» shvs: “Camel mildness agrees with my throat! And there's nothing so cheering as that Camel Davor!’’ I of culinary art. If she isn't a vie-1 tim of poor selection in the groe- ’ ery store or balked by contrary equipment, she is tripped by mis interpreting terms in the kitchen department. For example, "score” has nothing to do with music ! when found in the cook book but means to cut narrow grooves rj [gashes. A "cobbler" doesn't make | shoes but is a type of deep dish I fruit pie mdde with rich biscuit i dough with top and side crusts or 'with too crust only. Even an ex ! pei ienced cook wonders why a i "bisque” can be either a rich cream soup or a frozen ice cream with nuts in it. Provided ingredients, equip a, '. terminology are -'ll an-1 derstood — measure is another | thing to heckle the beginner. To day most recipes are given in standard level measurements so a j standard set of measures is a must in every kitchen. Flour is always sifted once before meas-' uring. Abbreviations most com monly used are: t or tsp.—teaspoon; T or tbl. or tblsp. or tbsp.—tablespoon; c— cup; B. P.—baking powder. Being faced with substitutions we have these equivalent meas ures: Dry: 3t equal 1 T; 4 T equal 1-4 C; 16 T equal 1 C; 8 qt. equal 1 Peck (pk.); 4 pk. equal 1 Bush el (bu.l; 4 T Cocoa equal 1 Oz. Chocolate (Cho.); 1 Oz. Chocolate' equal 1 Sq. Chocolate; 1 Oz. Grat-! ed Chocolate equal 5 T; 1 Grated ‘I “That's the hottest water boy in the country. It should T remind everyone to ea!! Wheeler Manning at 2426 in Wil f liamston and discuss their Fire Insurance needs with him.” *_ mM.__*■»; -issssss* Ks annHnnnmiaiipmvHii.111 Marta Toren and Howard I)uIf discover romance against the back ground of post-war European intrigue in Universal-International's dramatic "Spy Hunt.” The film also stars Philip Friend, Robert Douglas. Philip Dorn and Walter Slczak with Kurt Kreugcr featured. It is showing at the Vicca Theatre Thursday and Friday. Nutmeg equal 2 3-4 T; 1 Oz. Grat ed Spice equal 4 T; 1 C Lard equal 1 1-8 C Butter or Margarine; 1 C Butter equal 7-8 C Lard; 1 C Bread Flour equal 1 1-8 C Cake i Flour; 1 C Cake Flour equal 7-8 C Bread Flour. Liquid: 2 C equal 1 Pt.; 1 Pt.i equal 1 Lb.; 4 C equal 1 Qt.; 2 Pts. equal 1 Qt. If you know these measures equal one pound in weight it will save a job in mixing: 2 C Milk, 2 C Buttef, 2 C Chop ped Nuts, 2 C Granulated .Sugar, 2 2-3 C Brown Sugar, 2 C Lard, 3 C Powdered Sugar, 2 1-2 Cj Ground Coffee, 4 C Flour—un sifted. 3 C Corn Meal, 8-12 Eggs, i broilerTmeal Broiling does not require any special skill. When properly broiled,, foods are tops in flavor, appearance, and appetite appeal In addition they are easy to digest as there is no excess fat. It is the [ easiest, and quickest way to pre pare a meat or a whole meal, j There are times when every homemaker would prefer to do a quick meal that is equally as nutritious and appealing to her family as the one that she has spent hours to prepare. Few people think of doing complete meals on the broiler unit Many combinations such as this one can be broiled successfully. Cheeseburgers Use youi favorite recipe to Clubs To Observe 25ih Anniversary The 25th anniversary of the 4-H Club work in North Carolina will be celebrated at State Col lege July 24-28 when the annual State 4-11 Club Week is held with some 1,400 members from all parts of the State attending. Program for the week has been announced by officials of the State College Extension Service. Most of the speakers will be for mer 4-H Club members All were outstanding in club work and now are outstanding citizens in their respective fields. The first State 4-H Club Week was held 25 years ago with less than 400 members attending. This \ear boys and girls from every county in the State will be pre sent. make hamburger steak. Place a slice of cheese in the center of a hamburger pattie. Put equal amounts of hamburger on each side of the cheese. Place patties on center of broiler rack Place broiler pan 3 inches from unit and broil 6 minutes on either side. After turnnmg the cheeseburger, place the sweet potato supremos on rack around the cheeseburgers, and they will brown within the last (i minutes. t "Tta /tigfetr pomJ ' i 1 m fdglt IwMitiitj] ! 'i ou can drive all day cross-town or cross country and scarcely (col it in a Mercury. Hough r ends ,, eu' vo-j .. tight parking spares • il easy to take with Mercury’s ‘‘Cushion springing and .“St«di-Linc” steering! c' J I No matter where you travel with Mer cury —city traffic or mountain trails— you’re always way ahead with its live lier ({et-up-and-go performance! And you re way ahead with its amazing gas-saving economy, too. Sweepstakes Winner of the Mobilgas Grand Canyon Economy Iiun, Mercury is "America’s No. 1 Economy Car” today! iktiufiktr [urfiMfl c Two’s company, four more are fun in the big, roomy, built-for-six,” new Mercury! There's plenty of leg room, front and rear! It s a car th it's built to keep your whole family happy! Take them all for a ride - and you'll see what we mean! mm 4tfH.UU> CiSilfliO ■" •AMERICA'S N0.1 ECONOMY CAKj . m i*» mm-i&k u«m«ol4 O>hr0t,k^:**om ^ Gofer a ride-W you’ll go fir (RERQIRY Williamston Mtor Company WilliaiiitHlon, N. (1. I Social News Business Visitor Here Mrs. J. E. Smith of Windsor was] a business visitor here Saturday. Visited In Manteo Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Thurston Wynne and son, Mr. and Mrs. Felton Keel visited in Nags Head and Manteo Sunday. Spend Week-end At Nags Head ; Mr. and Mrs H. D. Carter I spent the week-end at Nags Head Here From Boston -» Mrs. Mary Powers of Boston is spending a few days here with her son. Patrolman M F. Powers, | and family. L. R. Harrell, present State 4-H leader, has headed 4-H work for the full quarter of a century, and this year’s program will be dedicated to him. He was respon sible for combining the original corn clubs for boys and tomato i clubs for girls into a single pro- I gram. He also initiated the annual Club Week. Governor Scott, one of the speakers for this year’s program, is a former 4-H boy, Dr. J. H. Hilton, dean of agriculture at State College, who also will speak was once a 4-H member in Cabar rus County. Highlight of the week will be the Silver Anniversary party on Tuesday evening, July 24, follow ed by the tapping of outstanding club boys and girls for member ship in the State Honor Club A health Pageant will be given and the the king' and queen of health will be crowned on Wed nesday evening. The outstanding feature Thursday nigiit will be the annual dress revue presenting the wprk of 4-H girls. The special week will close with the tradi tional candle-lighting ceremony on Friday night. The boys and girls will be guests of Governor and Mrs. Scott at the Mansion on Wednes-* day. In addition to the demon strations and livestock judging contests, finals of the 4-H speak ing contest will be held during Club Week for the first time. . Grade crossing tip: Figure thei loss oetorc you cross. It Tulips “A'now How" AND WE HAVE IT HEATING — sind — Sheet Metal Work EKNINOX aik conuitiomm; A|»|»I'OTIhI JOIINS-MAINMLLE Roofing ('onlrartor WHITES iikatim; am» sheet METAL WORKS T. O. Box 604 W1LLIAMSTON, N. C. I'llONE 2220 • i i IIIC lvH%IS I1**" 11 many readers of THE CHRIS* i ViAM SCIENCE MONITOR tell the Ediior how much they enjoy this daily world-wide newspaper. "The Monitor ii the moil carefully edited neu< paper in the VS... .* " Valuable aid m tenth eng . . "Sew< that it complete and fair. . . "The Monitor surety it a reader's necessity . . You, loo, will find the Monitor informative, with complete world news . . . and at neces sary as your HOME TOWN paper. Use this coupon for a Special Introductory subscription — 2(t ISSUES FOR ONLY $1—And listen Tuesday nights over ABC stations to "The Christian Science Monitor Views the News." The Christian Science Monitor Otie. Nnrwey St.. 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