V \t < amp Charles Hug'h Linrt.-li-v. son of Mr. a nr Mrs K. P Lindslev. who return ed recently from the Boy Semi Jamboree at Valley forge, is nov in Camp Charles at Bailey. N. C -* Recuperating Following an operation in ; Winston-Salem hospital. Mrs. Jim mie Taylor is now recuperating n the home ol her mother. Mrs. W S Tilley . 409 Summit Street Winston-Salem. The operatior was saec -sfu’ and Mrs. Taylm v ill hi hotue in about three weeks. Return From Charleston Mr me Mi- C. D. Pittman re turned irom Charleston, S. C. last week aftei visiting relatives there foi several days. Returns To Raleigh Mi.-s Tiulah Ward Page return ed to her home in Raleigh yester ria\ aftei spending the week-end here wit!: het s: tei Mrs Hugh Hurt1 m. ;-no M Horton. Home From Hospital A-a Moore has returned to his home. Will ..m-ton RFD. after re ceiving m* di' al treatment in the Brown Coi nuiiity hospital for several days. l.ve (.lassps Broken? We maintain a complete optical j servire. Lens, temples and frames replaced and repaired j Quick service. Peele's — Jewelers I 121 Main St. Tel. 2311 I | Here Sunday M.> and Mr.- t.ou Raskin of Tar boro visited Mi ;ibd Mrs. Freak Margolis Sunday. Returns From New York Miss Ann Hardison returned! Sunday from a buying trip in New York. -• Attending Furniture Show Mr. J. B. Boll left Sunday for i High Point where he will attend the furniture show this week. Here From Richmond Mrs. Hugh Singleton and dau ghter. Patrieia. of Richmond, ar rived here Friday night to spend two weeks with Mrs Singleton's mother. Mrs. Myrtle Harris. Move To Virginia Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kimball and daughter. Martha Dunn, mov ed Saturday to their new home in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Visits In Virginia Mr John Hatton Gurganus spent the week-end in Cheriton, i Virginia, with Mis. Gurganus and i children, who are spending some i time there with relatives. Here Over Week-end Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rives of ; Graham arid Miss Mary Worslev , Rives ot Henderson visited Mis. i Marshall Wilson here over the i week-end, |1 Move To Apartment a Mi. and Mrs. Martin Moore t moved yesterday from the Tar Heel Apartments to the apartment ! recently vacated b\ Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kimball on Halifax ! i Street. ' BOOSTER SPECIAL I Dorolliy I’lihins (n>um DEODORANT Sl 00 Size i ok <i\n 50c Davis Pharmacy Home from Hospital Mrs Archie D. Colt rain has re turned to iter home after spending two weeks at a Washington hos pital where she received treat ment for a head infection Visits Father Here Mr B. B. Rogerson of Craddock. Va., visited his father. Mr. Kader Rogerson, here last week-end. -#> Attend Funeral Misses Agnes Beale, Sarah Wob :jleton and Mary Carstarphen at tended the funeral of Miss Ebales grandmother. Mrs. J A. Williams, n Nash County, Saturday morn ng. 9 Kilters Duke Hospital Recovering from an attack of pneumonia in a Washington hos pital last week, Mrs. Eselle Har is of Bear Grass entered Duke hospital Thursday for further reatment. ■ - • . teturn Home Mrs. George H. Gurganus and laughter. Miss Barbara, have re urned home after visiting rela ives in Norfolk. n Mt. Olive Sunday Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Brandon, Sr., md Mi and Mrs. T. B, Brandon, i , and son. Tommie, visited rela ives in Mt. Olive Sunday. iome from Chapel Hill Mi and Mrs. R. J. Hardison cere home from Chape) Hill for he week-end o . ipend Week at White Lake Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Leggett, /Iiss Dorothy Peel and Mr. Joe fann returned home Sunday after pending a week at White Lake. ipend Day at Ocean View Mi and Mrs. Rupert Cowan md daughte: spent Sunday at )eean View. -* Vltends Wedding Mis. W. E. Old of Norfolk at ended the Shoe-Manning wed iing here Sunday afternoon. -o I’isiting In Kobersonville Mrs. A. L. Roebuck is spending i few days in Robersonville with ter daughter, Mrs. Clarence Tuy or. and family. -• n Suffolk for Funeral Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Manning, Jr., ilr. and Mrs. Claude Jenkins. VIrs. Walter Wynne. Mrs. John laekson, Mrs. J. C. Rawls, Jr.. Mrs. Ralph Parker and daughter, Miss Elizabeth. Miss Sarah Wob pleton and Messrs. S. A. Tuten ind T. F. Harrison attended the luneral of Waverly C. Parker in Suffolk Sunday afternoon. ATOMIZER FREE With COTY TOILET WATER All Odors Shakli COTY NEW DEODORANT Free with Purchase of Bath Powder, Talc, Bath Salts, Sachet or Toilet Water. - IK’S PHARMACY WilliuiiiMlon, N. C. j Return From Asheville Di and Mrs John Williams re ; turned lust week-end from a short visit in Asheville. -o - — At Pamlico Beach Dr. and Mrs. Grover Godwin of 1 Ashe'villo. Miss Mildred Purvis. 'Mrs. L. T. Fowden, Sr., and Mr. I and Mrs. J. W. Watts are spend-' ini> two weeks at Pamlico Beach. Spending lew Days Here Miss Erma Bt-nsun of Benson is spending a few days here with re latives Visit In Norfolk Mrs. Wyoma Allsbrook and son visited in Norfolk last week-end. -* Return From Wrightsville Mr. and Mrs. Howell Warren, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Stancill Hardison returned Sunday from a vacation at Wrightsville Beach. Spends Week-end Here Mr. Ben Grimes of Sparksburg, Va.. spent the week-end here with [his mother. Mrs. Nora Grimes. He was accompanied back home Sun day by his niece. Miss Eunice Fay Grimes, who will spent some time visiting in Virginia. - ■■■ • Visiting Here Mrs. Ned Laughinghouse of Elizabeth City is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joel Muse here this week. -o Here From New Bern Glenda Wells of New Bern is visiting Jane Manning here for a lew days. Return From Nags Head Miss Lilybot Muse and Bill Bob Peel returned Monday from Nags Head after spending several days with Mrs. Elbert S. Peel. -«. Spend Day at Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. Joe David Throw er spent Sunday at the Arlington Hotel in Nags Head. Return from Camp Beach Billy Carstarphen, Joel Muse, Henry Handy, Beth Spivey. Ann Woolf ord, Betsy Davis. Jeannie Glover and Jimmy Cooke, return ed home Sunday after a tw'o weeks' stay at Camp Leach. John Tullos returned to Williamston! with them en route to his home in Rocky Mount. Home From Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Clayton re turned home Sunday night from la week's stay at Nags Head. , Returns to Home in Leggetts Mi s. Blanche Anderson has re-1 | turned to her home in Leggetts j after spending a few days here I with her daughter, Mrs. C. A. ; I Harrison, and family. Return From Wedding Trip Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Taylor of Everetts have returned home from a wedding trip to New York and j Niagara Falls. Responding to Treatment Mis. John L. Rodgerson is ve s ponding to treatment in a Roekv Mount hospital and is expected i home the latter part of this week. ■-* in Greenville Monday Night i Mrs. I verson Sklnnei and dau ; ghter. Maty, spent Monday night | in Greenville. Here From Wilson Mr. and Mrs S. S. Lawrence of Wilson were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Muse Sunday. Spend Week-end at Reach Mr. and Mrs. Tom Skinner and son. John, spent the week-end at Edenhouse Beach as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Billy Bell. ■ Here From New York Misses Louise Cooke and Doro thy Rectanus of New York City an- visiting Miss Cooke’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cooke. -* To Make Home Here Mrs. Peter Christopher and ihildien. Richard and Helen, will arrive today trom San Diego to make their home here. ->.» Expected Here This Week Mrs. Duboise Simpson and dau ghter of Darlington, S. C., are e> peeted to arrive here this week t visit Mrs. Simpson's mother, Mr Mary Bell Osborne. MARRIED IN NEW YORK Mrs. Donald C. Godwin of La Jolla, California, and Peter Horne of Schenectady, N. V., were mar ried on Saturday, July 1, rela tives here were notified a few days ago, Mrs. Horne was the widow of Captain Donald C. Godwin, bro ther of Messrs. Chas. H. and Ver ner D Godwin of Williamston. Here last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. James White and Mrs. Martha White of Littleton. Mi s. A. Hassell of Roanoke Rapids and granddaughter. Miss Martha McKenzie of Greenville visited Mrs. C. D. tarstarphen. Sr., here last Thursday. Spend Week-end at Beach Mr. and Mrs. J, C, Cooke spent1 the week-end at Virginia Beach. Moving To Apartment Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blythe and family are moving this week from Ray Street to the pent house in the Tar Heel Apartment building. ■ • ■' — Moving Here Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vann Har mon are moving from Ahoskie and will be at home in the Tar Heel Apartments here after the opening of the markets. •-* Visit Here 'Mr. and Mrrf. Wm, P. Hodges and children and Mrs. Hodges' father of Washington, D. C., visit ed Mr. Hodges' father. Mr. W. J. Hodges, here this week. In Durham Sunday Mrs. E. C. Harrison and son, E. D., were in Durham Sunday visit ing their daughter’ and sister', Miss Nancy, who is undergoing treat ment in Duke Hospital. While her condition is improving, it could not be lear ned when Miss Nancy would be able to retur n home. Visitors Here Saturday Mr. and Mis. L. S. Blades of Elizabeth City were visitors in town Saturday. Return From ('amp Leach Misses Mary Lee White, Nancy Britton and Virginia Bruce Hollo man returned Sunday after a two weeks stay at Camp Leach. -* Return from Beach Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Simpson and children and Mrs. Jimmy Harris and son, Randy, returned home Sunday morning after’ spending two weeks at Pamlico Beach. Ilerf front Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. W. Howard Man ning of Norfolk visited friends and relatives here Sunday. N . -»■- — Here Sunday Mrs. Paul Eason of Norfolk vis ited Mrs. H. O. Peele here Sun day. -o At Camp Leach Misses Judith Ayers and Lee Handy left Monday morning for Camp Leach where they will spend two weeks. Returning Home Mesdames Calvin Sluder and Hareom Grimes and Miss Essie Peele will return home this week after a visit at Pamlico Beach. Recuperating Mrs. Mallie Edrpondson of Hamilton has returned after a two weeks’ stay in a Washington hospital and is now recuperating at the home of her sister, Mrs. F. F. Cozzens, in Washington. Undergoes Operation Little Miss Nancie Allen, daugh ter of Mi .and Mrs. Randolph Al len, underwent an operation to-, day in a Durham hospital. She is i expected to be able to return j home in about ten days. Spend Week-end Here Mr. and Nfl's. L. Grossman and daughters, Joan and Margo, of El kins Park. Pennsylvania, spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Levin and family. Return Fforn New York Mr. and Mrs W. H. Carstarphen and Mrs. Rita Everett have re turned from a buying trip in New York. x Spends Week-end Here Miss Evelyn Harrison of Dur ham spent the week-end here with her mother. Visiting Daughter Mrs. John R. Peel left Sunday for Walla-Walla. Washington, to spend some time with her daugh ter. Mrs. Robert Sheridan, and Di\ Sheridan. -• Returns to Washington Mrs, Carroll Coltrain has re turned to Washington, D. C., after spending several days here with relatives. Home From Durham Mr. Jim E. King has returned to his home from Durham where he was a patient at Duke Hospital for the past two months. Here Sunday Mrs. Oscar Davenport of James ville visited friends here Sunday. Here Monday Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Shaw of Windsor were visitors here Mon day morning. ■ •' Spend Sunday At Morehead Jimmy Myers, David Carson, Bobby Roger;;, Jack Ross and Bobby Carter spent Sunday at Morehead. On Vacation Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Llewellyn left Sunday for a vacation at Nags Head. Return From New York Mr. and Mrs. Frank Margolis and daughter,, Barbara, have re turned from New York. -o Here Over Week-end Mr. Tommy Osteen of Charles ton, S. C\, former resident of Wil liamston, visited friends here over the week-end. Announce Birth Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newell in a Rocky Mount hospi tal on Friday, July 14, a daughter, Sylvia Green Newell. Local Citizen III* Mr. Herbert Peele, retired busi ness man and well-known citizen, continues quite feeble at his home near here. Improving Mrs. Vernon Whitfield was re ported to be getting along very well this morning following a major operation in the local hos pital yesterday. How mild can a cigarette be? MORE PEOPLE SMOKE CAMELS than any other cigarette! and among the milliont who da... NADINE CONNER Lovely opera star nays: "My voice is my career. I smoke Camels — they airree with my throat ! My .10 - Day Mildness Test proved that to me! ” Summer Clearance ■During Wiilianuien's Mid-Summer Booster Days JULY 19. 20, 21 and 22 Great Reductions On COTTON AND SILK SUMMER DRESSES BEACHWEAR HATS AMD BAGS 'Him mi*- still 2 1-2 mort* months of summer weather in which to enjoy these barguins. Buy now. during this money-saving event. « Wear Right Shop Mrs. Rita Everett and Mrs. W. H. Carstarplieu, Props. The PIONEER SHOPPE Booster Days SPECIALS Children’a SUN DRESSES Originally Priced al $ 1 AO 49c Boys' Shorts Regularly $1.25 39 c Roys' Wash Suits Regularly Priced from $1.08 to $2.08 98c Roys' BATHING TRUNKS Rest (Jnalily $1.59-$1.98 Infants' Slips Only 39c RUBBER PANTS 15c i . Silk Pauls 5 Size* 0 to 6 Yearn 5 ior $1.00 Alt Children'* SUMNER \ DRESSES I Greatly j Reduced \ After Dinner Cups and Saucers Regularly Priced From SI.25 to $7.50 79c - $4.98 STATIONERY 50r to $1.00 NOTES 15f to SI.00 SPECIAL GIFT (MISTER With BARGAINS GALORE! f WILUAMSTON BOOSTERS

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