'Spy Hunt' Film Post War Intrigue Universal - International's "Spy Hunt," which opens Thursday at the Vicear Theatre, has n theme and background as timely as its title, what with the world being honeycombed by espionage and * intrigue. Howard Duff fits into the role of the lone American in the cos mopolitan cast as naturally and effortlessly as he does into the casual sports jackets he wears oft the set in Hollywood Lovely Marta Toren, the Swed ish importation, playing opposite Duff for the second time in her three-year Hollywood career, is as perfectly cast, in her role of continental charmer living by her wits in the British Intelligence Service. European nationals co-starring with Duff and Miss Toren in this rhost internationally flavored cast ever assembled for a Hollywood film are as perfectly suited. Wal ter Slezak, Philip Dorn. Robert Douglas and Philip Friend need dnlv to be themselves and speak nosily their slightly accented na ^ tlve tongues in order to be al together convincing. The plot of "Spy Hunt" is laden vj/ith suspense from the moment :(n intelligence operative secretes ;j tiny roll of microfilm in a cig cjret until Miss Toren blinds an other operative with flashing gunpowder and finds herself en gaged to Duff. j The story is threaded with tjhrills provided by a panther p tiimt in the Swiss Alps. Hidden i .’■■■■ Lillie Alherl RY GEO. GURGANUS | ITS 'vtev GOOD AL9BZT.\ i Bur VVEV£ GOT AIL W *> I mP we caw we— ! JZGur now/ s—df * martincountv PLUMUN6&HEATING Ms* i p*oh* esss/ri St** WXSH1HOTOH*r. M//ILAMS7CWM tf'C. \ I ■ 1 in the collar of one of the circus panthers which had broken free is evidence which would solve the assassination of the head of a democratic European country. Miss Toren wants proof of the assassination for the United Na tions. Duff wants the panthers fur an American circus. Marta eventually nets the evidence, with Duff's help and after several searchers of the Wrong team are killed Miss Toren also gets the romantic fade-out with Duff. George Sherman’s customary directorial efficiency and imagi nation are in evidence through out the exciting story, produced by Ralph Dietrich. FARM FIFE 7 ROBERSONVII.l.E 5 Scoring two runs in the first of the twelfth after the Rams had tied the score at 5-all with a run in the last of the ninth, Farm Life defeated Robersonville Sunday on the Robersonville diamond 7 to 5. It was a real mound duel be tween Lefty Ben Scott of the Rams and Ricks of Farm Life. Both men went all the way. The box: Farm Life Manning, ss G. Hardison, 1!) G. Tice, if S. Hardison, cf (7) Ricks, p Sweel, c O. Tice, It F. Griffin, ill) Perry, 2b T Tice, cf, if Ah R II (1 3 (1 Totals Robersonville E, Forbes, 2b S. Warren, ss Cherry, c Brown, lb Matthews, If Ross, cf G. Forbes, lib A Wynne (12) Fleming, if Croom James, i f Scott, p 49 7 15 Ah K II 1 1 3 0 5 5 5 4 E 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 o' 0 0 01 0 0 01 0 0 01 1 1 (I 0 1 ! 43 511 2 Totals Score by innings: Farm Life 000 003 020 002 7 Robersonville 011 000 021 000 -5 ROBERSONVILLE HI JAMESVILLE 0 i nes pitching n one | hitter, the Robersonville Rams do feated Jamesville 10-0 in Robei - sonville last Wednesday afternoon it was reported this morning. The Wednesday box: Jamesville Hassell. R . 2b McCall it y. lb Martin, E. L., I Habit, Al, p Brown. C., c BroVn, E„ ss Gaines, rf Hassell, H., 3b Belch, J„ cf Ah It II K 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 Totals Robersonville Warren, ss 30 0 1 1 Ab R H E 4 10 0 COMPARE THESE LOW FARES! From Williamston to: 1-way 1-way RALEIGH $ 2.30 WASHINGTON, D. C. S 5.75 CHARLOTTE ___ 5.70 FAYETTEVILLE 3.00 ASHEVILLE ».10 ROCKY MOUNT ____ 1.15 NASHVILLE, Tenn. 12.50 BIRMINGHAM ^12.55 (plus Fed. tax) Yon Save An Extra 10% When You Buy Round Trip Tickets WILLIAMSTON BUS STATION 400 Main St. Phone 2164 cWWTRAItWAys rhings To Watch For In ihe Future i flying saucers may l>o an illus >n, but rolling ones are a reality. Actually, they're merely new tyle casters, saucer-shaped so i hey can roll at an angle instead f vertically. The idea: to sim ilify furniture-moving on rough lours ... A plastic "pocket sav r" reduces wear and tear from ien and pencil clips. You just lip it in your pocket- a small verlappint; flap takes all the| lunishment. . . . Women with a mission for matching accessories’ rill like a new umbrella that antes with a variety of colored overs to complement nearly any ostume. . . . You can light up hose dark closets with a new >ulb, switch, and socket set-up hat fits any door, works auto natically when the door opens aid doses. ... A lawn and plant irotecting aluminum fence comes n flexible sections to permit easy tending around circular flower tods, trees, etc. It's 12 inches high tas three detachable ground pick •ts for each 3fi inch section. Timber is one farm crop that sill make some money every ear, says John E. Ford of the State College Extension Service.1 5. Forbes, 2b Scott, rf Cherry, c Blown, lb Matthews, If Ross, cf j. Forbes, 2h James, p fi 2 :i o 4 12 0 5 0 I) 0 2 2 10 4 12 0 4 110 4 2 2 0 4 0 0 1 Totals 22 10 12 1 Score by innings: Jamesville 000 000 000 0 Robersonville 001 220 02x 10 Dollbles: E Forbes, Scott. Trip les: G. Forbes. Home run: T. Brown. Ruth Roman, popular new star, co-stars wi ll Randolph Scott in "Colt .45”, Warner llros.' Techni color outdoor drama, now showing: at the Viccar Theatre. Home Building Tops Last Year New homes are bustin' out all over the nation. The new subdi vision in any one community can be matched by similar ones in thousands of towns and cities, for home building this year is a whop ping 51 percent ahead of the first five months of 1941). What's back of this sudden upsurge? First is the fact that the nation's housing needs have not yet been filled. Families still living doubled up and new families being formed are very much in the market for new homes. Finally, the average American has made up his mind that prices are now stable, and that there is no use in longer post poning his home-building plans ' it's Ne* Outside! >^New Inside / ’ FRIGIDAIRE De Luxe Refrigerator with Full-Width Freezer Chest You'll have to see how beautiful, how convenient Itii with iti • Ice-Blue Interior trim • New adjuttable aluminum thelvet • New all-porcelain ttack-up Hydratort • New improved Meter-Miter Model thown DM 90 $309.75 Others from $|H4.7!i Come in! Ask about al' the new FRIG IDA IRC Refrigerator models I Dixie Motor Co. My Sincere I Appreciation I wish to express niv sincere appreciation to the citizens of Martin County who support oil me in the Seeoml Demoera tie Primary on June 21. I'm very grateful ami I shall do my host to represent the peo ple of this county to tin* host of my ability. Anderson Spe r/ n i luaNSTOw ^ BOOSTERS' i BOOSTER DAYS July 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd We are anticipating making this the greatest event of the year —and profits have been entirel y overlooked. COME—BUY (InAir-Conditioned Comfort) AND S-A-V-E! All 07.95 ami »8.95 DRESSES llooKler Dav Sprrial $5.95 .J10.95 Yalues-$ 6.95 12.95 Values-7.95 14.95 Values-8.95 17.95 Values-10.95 19.95 Values-12.95 22.95 Values-13.95 24.95-$29.95 Values - 8 Summer Toppers Urftnlor $10.95 Values $5.00 Our Men's Department Offers I M SI II I il l I S You ran'l afford to pass these h>. Stork lip at these sa\ iii<js: ai.i. Noitrmooi. si ns $32.50 Values VII, IIVSIMI $18.75 Values - 25.00 Values - 37.50 Values - sms - - $15.00 - - 20.40 - - 29.00 All SLACKS GREATLY REDUCED ill BATHING SHORTS 17 All Wool TOPPERS 12 PRICE I<n MEN and BOYS 1-2 PRICE A I (>nr Droop I'ASlil SUITS If v'Uir si/.«> is in tl»‘ proiip it is a Mral. I alurs to #29.95 — llooster Hay Special $12.00 All Children's DRESSES Ideal for Rack To Seliool. Greatly Reduced All JuiilKen uimI Rose Murii* BATHING SUITS 1-2 PRICE Hundreds of Other Items Are On Sale At Great Savings! til Hoys Shorts, Shirts and Slacks Greatly Reduced til Men's Sport Shoes Less 20% This is a Ural Stoop for the Thritly ami Fashion Wisi*. All 82.95, 83,95 SAM).VIS * IIOOSTKR DAY — 82.00 All 81,95 ami 86.95 Values IIOOSTKR DAY — 83.00 All Selby Shoes Valins to .S/0.95 Booster Day - - $5.00 One Croup Children's SANDALS 97c Humm&s Btaikets , ■«,- p&fi* ***'■*, -i J . .*u , r " f. ■

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