"UIIIB bAflObWA a iiifsfffiT, jniy jo, Jamesville Wins Doubleheader At Everetts Last Sunday Teams In Action Again After Rains Slim Gardner Gels Two Victories By Closest oi Margins I arm IJJV lake- Ylarallion k»iilf‘»l ! rom Knlicr-ou > ill*- 7 to ."> Siimta\ It’s getting to where it takes a crystal ball to (ell what is going on in the it - guo >o many ut the clubs neglect to report their con tests. but a 11 available inform,i 1 tion today indicated that James ville won a doubleheader over the ‘ Everetts Cubs Sunday by the clos- 1 est possible margins as Slim Gard ner pit* bed all the way and the • Farm Life team went 12 inning- to take a 7 to 5 decision over the Robersonvillc Rams Another game which had been listed as rained out turns up as ( having been played Roberson ville defeated Janies villa in Rob- ^ erson villi- last Wed no- lay 10 to 0 SL Ml \\ OOi) FOK S M L CHEAP. Dial 2 f 60 YY i11 iiiin-Ion Supply Co. r PLAY TONIGHT 1 V J Mveretts and Jamesville an- to play in the YVilliamston park tonight at 8:0(1 o'clock instead of at Jamesville to morrow afternoon, it was an nounced yesterday. The con test is being advanced a day because of farm work. Jamesville won a double header from the Cubs Sunday and will be host to a revenge bent team tonight. n a contest which was reported his morning. Jamesville won over the Cubs, i to 2 and 2 to 1 Sunday to come vithin a half game of going ahead it Washington's Bees and Wil lamston’s Martins. The double loss Sunday cost the 'ubs then spot in the upper di ision. the idle Roosters of Oak My advancing to the fourth spot . ithout picking up a bat. All teams except Jamesville and veretts are scheduled to play to torrow as the rain appears to avc linallv broken up a bit. The (act that the league has no layers on salaries which have to payed rain or shine is a good 1 *6 PROOF CENTURY Club STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY $Q4° $nio W QL * * NATIONAL DISTILLERS PROD. CORP, NEW YORK. N. T. i T Scout Sirhn Meet Set For Thursday At Toot | The Martin Distriet swim meel of the Boy Scouts will be held at the Williarnston Municipal pooi Thursday night, July 20, at 8:0( o’clock, it was announced yes , tcraay. The public is invited to attend the meet and cheer for the scouts from their particular troop. SOFTBALL LEAGUE (Games through July 13) Standings W. L. Pet. _ 11 8 6 Team Methodist: Christians Baptists Episcotcrians 1 2 .846 5 .615 7 .462 12 .077 Results Thursday, July 43 Christians 13, Baptists- 2. Methodists 6, Episcotcrians 5. (10 innings). Schedule Monday, June 17 Baptists vs. Methodists. Christians vs. Episcotcrians. Thursday, July 20 Methodists vs. Christians. Episcotcrians vs. Baptists. -<$>-— Christians, Methodists Win The Christians softballers hop ped on three Baptist hurlers for 11 hits and took advantage of the ragged play of the Baptists in the field to come up with a thirteen to I wo victory Monday night. The Baptists couldn't find themselves before it was too late and the da mage was done. The Christians darted off with a bang scoring our runs in the first inning which jroved to be enough to walk off vith their eighth victory of the1 •eason against five losses. The1 oss dropped the Baptists deeper' n third place. Rupert Cowan, making his first tart of the season on the mound or the Christians allowed the baptists only six hits and kept hose well scattered. Cowan, Mill r and Siceloff shared the pitchi ng chores for the losers. Bunting id the winners at the plate, get- j ing three hits for four trips. Jack-1 on was best for the losers with wo for three. lung, it would appear now, as the ains have put many of the small j, lay-for-pay loops on the rocks nd actually has closed down one ■ague in the northeast section of he nation. SINCLAIR BUILDS NEW PIPELINES TO HELP MEET RECORD OIL DEMAND i OIL BY PIPELINE. Faced by an unprecedented public demand for petro leum products, Sinclair Refining Com-' pany is going all-out to increase deliveries to motorists and fuel oil users. As part of Its great $150,000,000 expansion pro gram, Sinclair is adding hundreds of miles Of.pipeline to its already existing lines.' Some'new1*Sinclair' lines'are already speeding gasoline and fuel oil over the all-weather route from refineries to key delivery points. Moreover, Sinclair is also enlarging ita refining capacity and intent sifying its search for new crude supplies* In the future as in the past, look to SineUiJ for Better Products. Better Service. N. C. GREEN, AGENT WILL1AMSTON, N. C. w. T a Mi ▼** Jf SCHEDULE ) Tuesday, July 18 Everetts and Jamesville in Wil i liamston park. Wednesday. July 19 Robersonville at Farm Life i *Oak City, at Washington Bear Grass at Williamston Friday Night, July 21 Williamston at Bear Grass, in | Williamston park. Saturday, July 22 j Oak City at Bear Grass | LEAGUE MEETING j v-— J\ I President Howard Gaylord ! has called a meeting of the officers and directors of the Martin County League for Thursday night of this week at 8:M o’clock at the court house in Williamston. Everyone interested in the league or teams composing it is invited and the representa tives of each club are urged ’ to attend. In the second game of the night which proved to be a real thrill- i er, the Methodists defeated the Episcoterians six to five but the battling Episcoterians carfied the; fight to the bottom of the tenth inning. The game was a topsy turvy affair at: the lead changed : hands several times. The Meth odists got to an early lead as they scored once in the first inning. Brandon was hit on the leg and I took first base and advanced on Harris’ infield out. Stalls then came through with a run scoring single and the Methodists were out in front one to nothing. They J added one more in the second. Os wald Stalls was showing great form during the first part of the game as he held the Episcoterians hitless for four innings of play then they exploded. Skinner and ! Critcher singled in the top of the 1 fifth and Bob Newell came r through with a home run to deep right field tc score both runners. a The score then turned in favor of * the Episcoterians three and two. 1 rhe Methodists then came up and 1 scored two in the fifth and they took the lead. It looked like that me run margin would be enough tor the Methodists but the Epis ■oterians scored two runs in the op of the seventh on one hit by -obb and a fielder's choice to take he lead five to four. The Meth idists came up in the bottom of he seventh and tied it up at five ill. They were up and down in ord -*r in the eighth and ninth innings, rhe Episcoterians started it off in he top of the ninth wh£n "Tex” jjeen singled and Fitzhugh Fus iell followed with a single. Two >n and nobody out. Things look 'd bright for the EP's hut the next hree men popped up to the in ield and that was all for the Epis ; oterians. The Methodists then got their j •hance to do a little damage and I . Poor Attendance Nay Alter Hours The rainy weather which has put many baseball leagues in bad : financial shape and actually caus ed some to disband, has hit the Municipal Swimming PooLin Wil liamston a hard blow, Coach Stuart Maynard, recreational di rector declared today. Unless a let up in the rains or improved at tendance is shown in the next few days it is likely that a change in the operating hours of the pool will be necessary, he said. Classes for non-swimmers have been held for the past week but attendance upon them has also been light. However, the classes \yjll be continued for a while to determine whether the weather has been the principal cause of the lack of patronage. 1 The rain and wind storms of ' last week-end so filled the pool : with limbs and leaves that it was necessary to drain the water out and fresh water is being turned in 1 >o that the pool is ready for use again. Unless patronage of the pool im proves it is likely that it will be ppened only three or four days a week for the remaining six weeks i of the season. Coach Maynard expressed re ?ret that such a fine facility was send everybody home. The first nan up walked and advanced on i fielder’s choice and both, run lers were safe. Tall, lanky John iVard then laid down a perfect >unt and the bases were loaded, lim Lowry, doing the pitch for the !P’s had allowed the Methodists nly four hits up to this point but lad been a little wild as he had valked seven men. Clayton was he next man up and Lowry walk d home the winning run and the lethodists continued their win ing ways. Stalls was the winning pitcher nd Lowry the loser. Cobb was He leader for the losers getting J wo for four. Stalls got one for liree for the winners. I MEMORIALS l for your cemetery needs on 1 monuments, markers, tomb stones and coping contact me for right prices, I represent the NEW BERN MONUMENTAL WORKS, New Bern, N. C., big buyers of marble and granite. Credit terms if desired. ji ssi: i. 1’iticK P. O. Bo* 522 or 610 West Main St. Dial 2476 Willianiston, N. C. T A SAFE WASHING SPEED FOR EVERY FABRIC.... PLUS MTENTtt mm NFIECTN TM far alaaaar atatfcaa. hi lata tea ! «Mi lata araar. a MW eWT. LIFETIME KTIMCMDIT CIMMNTEE BARTON "Caafra/a Sp*»d" ' WASHER No mote hand washing tfpP delicute fabrics! With a Barton "Conttola Spaed" Washer silks, woolens, cottons, rayons and linens can be washed safely, quickly and cleaner. Ask to see a ^arton and watch "Conttola Dixie Motor Co. Spaed" demonstrated! OMIT #144.75 Waahington Street nnMMMwnMi Williamaton. N. C. STANDINGS MARTIN COUNTY LEAGUE Robersonvillc Farm Life Bear Grass Oak City Everetts Williamston Washington Jamesville W. 18 15 .. 11 7 9 6 12 L. Pet 5 .782 ' 5 ,750 7 .561 10 .423 13 .*21 334 6 12 .334 6 13 .310 RESULTS Sunday, July 16 Farm Life 7, Robersonville 5 (12 ; innings). Jamesville 3-2, Everetts 2-1. seing put to such little use when owns which have no pools are I ■ontinually clamoring to have one :onstructed. --- Usually incompatibility results vhen a husband loses his income ind a wife her patability. ffl IHI »MS'IID»M IVNOICATi. IM. ANDWICHES_20c UNDAES_20c Taylors dairy Vsde A Pasteurized Dairy Products >AIRY BAR ST" PLANT Hau^hton S» WHAT WE GOT fZebulon Record) Jimmy was a bit more fortun ate than another acquaintance qf ours who read an advertisement in a physical culture magazine: "Here’s a good test for your midsection muscles Clasp hands overhead and place feet together on the floor. Now bend to the right at the waist as you sit down CARD OF THANKS Tn those who were so very kind and thoughtful to me during my recent stay in the local hospital 1 : wish td express my sincere appre- t L’iation. I am grateful for every ?ard, letter and all flowers sent me while confined. Asa Moore, Williamston RFD No. 3. to the lcf* of your feet. Then, by sheer force of your muscles, haul youself up, bend to the left, and sit down on the floor to the right of your feet. Stick with it, and let us know the results.” vuu Heilig ami Meyers Williamston for the “Beat Buy$ In Furniture99 Hearing Date Established I hr hearing on the application of this Com pany for an adjustment in it* rates has hecn sot by the North Carolina Ctilitics Conunission for 10:00 a. in. September 6, 19,SO, at the hearing room of the Commission in Italeigh, North Carolina. The petition of the Company for additional gross revenue was filed with the Commission on June 9, 1950. Carolina Telephone & Telegraph Co. * MoftlnqlinqTas'fe... ' . Lrt Mod Fun in Even Sip y WHY TAKE LESS.,. WHEN HPiiS fttST •; ANp YOU SET I TWICE AS MUCH, BESIDES! * carkrt-bekf! 25C f Tn/U. A

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