Company Review: Five-Year Period In This Section (Continued from page one) company has experienced several unusually severe storms and the new equipment has assisted greatly in reducing customer out age time The Albemarle district is the first in the Company's sys tem to install two-way radio com munication." "Recent improvements to pla..t equipment" according to Mr. Woolforri. "include the installa tion of two 33.000 volt oil cir cuit breakers at a 33.000 •• . . >rt uit breaker at Wiliiarnston and 33,000 volt reg ulator at Wiliiarnston to improve service in the area Other im provements include substation and distribution system changes at Creswell and Tarbro. "In that part of the district Now Is The Time to go to COURTNEY'S For FURNITURE [north- of the Albemarle Sour i recent major improvements ir elude the extension of the 110.Of volt line to. and the constructs of a major substation at. Eliza beth City A 33,000 volt line t Banco, N. C.. the installation < a nc’v substation at Banco and second 600 KW diesel generate at the Kitty Hawk generatin (station has recently been com pleted." "Vepcn employees of the A1 bemarle district are continuall; planning for future change:., im provemerits and additions, to ou facilities," said Mi Wool ford, "all of which will result increase! capacity and in better service fo our rapidly growing number o electric service customers ii Northeastern North Carolina Many improvements othei than ; few mentioned above are alread' so tar advanced that their installa tion during the year is assured." Local Physician Victim of Suicide Thursday Night (Continued from Page One) and a short time later aquired M l ft V V r in 2 KINDS ^1 «*n know. you've «ot TWO kimls of ex penses. There aro l.MMKDI \TK eosls of Ii\ in", ami then there art* tilings you've ;-rol to hoy ami pay for in the future. Mow about those loiiji range expenses? Om -liouhl Im* saving NOW . possible for a home of your own or Junior's etluea t ion. |] Trust Company 1 Guaranty Bank & SA VE US, VINO! SAViUS! HAVE COURAGE. SINCLAIR 25% DDT CONCENTRATE WILL SAVE YOU. I'LL MIT IT WITH WATER*... AND THEN WATCH LOOK, THIS ONE SPRAYING WILL 9E EFFECTIVE FOR SEVERAL WEEKS ...AND SINCLAIR 25% DDT CONCENTRATE HAS MANY OTHER USES. TOO. 9ETTER GET SOME. IT’LL SAVE YOJJ^MONEY y YOU BETl I'LL PHONE MY SINCLAIR \AGENT NOW - Itmvimi tm w<« •> Mtk inWw, Wf DELIVER DIRECT TO FARMS - RHONE OR WRITE US FOR N. C. GREEN Ageul — — Williamstou, N. C. d j property. He opened up one bee -jjnint and then another, allowini Olhis practice to gradually lapse 11 ! Not long after locating here, hi I was married and his wife die " ! more than her share to hold thi ^ home together and save his prac 11 lice. Domestic problems develop 1 led. He was tried and lound guilt) ' of malpractice ot medicine, ant was saved only when the court sei I a SI.800 verdict aside. Hi was car ried into court for non-support !and later for a separation agree | ment He and his secretary shared the ■ ;sam< home much t,l the time just 1 | before he fatally shot her with a . I pistol. He claimed at the time that they were just playing and that the shooting was accidental. Coroner Biggs said the death was definitely sucicide. that no j formal inquest was necessary. Funeral services were conduct ed at his office-home on Washing I ton Street yesterday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock by Rev. A. W. Lamb, pastor of the Mt. Shiloh Baptist Church and burial was in Unity Cemetery. Rocky Mount. Tobacco Diseases Appearing In All ; Sections Of State (Continued lrom page one) j equal to Oxford 20 and black shank resistance equal to Oxford 1 It produces large, broad and well proportioned leaves spaced widely on the stalk There are several fields of D. B. 101 in Mar tin County this year. It is sug gested that interested growers ob !serve these plantings and inspect same after it has been cured. Several farmers in the vicinity of Chocowinitv have switched en tirely to D B. 101, Dixie Bright 102, resistant to both Granville Wilt and Black Shank, has excellent quality but j is not a high yielder Repeated loss of tobacco by I any grower as the result of di sease is almost inexcusable. Diseases can be identified and i resistant varieties are available. Turpenline j Drippings —<$— i Compiled By Hill Sharpe (Southport Pilot) ALMOST GONE (Walt Hargett, Asheboro Courier-Tribune) ^ Some of Randolph county’s landmarks that are vanishing are the old covered bridges. Once there were dozens of them throughout the county, but now they are hard to find. I have found five, with directions from Red Hughes at the highway of fice—one over Richland Creek south of highway 902, one over Brush Creek east of Coleridge, one over Mill Creek at Beane's Mill (now Cox’s Mill), one over the west branch of Little River beyond Pisgah and one over Uwharrie River North of high way ti4. As road improvements continue, the covered bridges w ill be replaced, and I would like to hear of any others still remaining in the county • # * JUST TOLERABLE (Sanford Herald) When in the spring he asked a tobacco farmer how his plant bed was progressing he said, Just tolerable.” Later when the plants had been set m the field the newcomer questioned the farmer as to how 1 the crop was getting was getting !: along to receive the answer, '‘Just tolerable.” When the crop was in the pro cess of being cured the man from i.j. not tit asked the farmer how it looked. ' Just tolerable," was the reply. When the leaf was graded and placed on auction the northerner happened to be on sale and spy ing the farmer walked up ti him and asked, "Well how did it tell?" i "Jus tolerable,” was the an- i swer. “Now I know what you south erners mean when you say just tolerable’,” he told the farmer, Guaranty Takes Over at Aurora Maple T. Hail, chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Cor poration, today announced that all : deposits of the’ Bank of Aurora are being taken over by the Guar jantv Bank and Trust Company, | Greenville. North Carolina. FDIC | will advance about $1,500,000 in cash to make the transfer possible. Until the tr ansaction is complet | eel, depositors of the Bank of Au i ora may continue to do business as usual at the banks' Aurora of fice and at its Bayboro brnach. [Chairman Hail assured depositors of the bank that no depositor will suliei a penny > loss and that there will be no interruption to 1 their banking services. The Bank ol Aurora had be come overextended, the FDIC Chairman declared, and its liquid ity was impaired. In cooperation with Gurney P. Hood, Commis sioner of Banks for the State of1 North Carolina, and after consul tation with W H. Woolard, presi dent of the Guaranty Bank and I Trust Company of Greenville, the following plan was worked out: 1. The Guaranty Bank and Trust Company will assume all i deposit liabilities of the Bank of Aurora; 2. Federal Deposit Insurance i Corporation will advance cash in an amount sufficient to cover all deposits of the Bank of Aurora1 taken over by the Greenville in stitution and. as security for its advance, will take over all assets of the Bank ot Aurora for orderly liquidation; 3. The Guaranty Bank and Trust Company will establish branch of fices in the present home office and Bayboro quarters of the Bank of Aurora. The plan has the full approval, of Mr. Hood and the North Caro-1 lina Banking Board. A resolution agreeing to the sale has been pass ed by the board of directors of the Bank ol Aurora. Mr. Woolard and his executive committee have approved the purchase and the es tablishment of branches of the Guaranty Bank and Trust Com pany of Greenville in Aurora and Bayboro. Mechanical details of the trans-j' lei iliav take a tew days. Mr. Hai l said, but business meanwhile will continue as usual at the Bank of Aurora. "This is the seventh instance in which Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has been called upon in North Carolina to aid an insur ed bank that encountered difficul- . Federal Deposit In surance Corporation is constantly i alert to protect depositors in in- I sured banks from anv loss of their funds, and will continue to con tiibute to stability of the hanking system to the best of its ability. 1 he Guaranty Bank,and Trust Company of Greenville is one of . the oldest and most stable banks ‘ in North Carolina. It has a his- ' lory of continuous operation since U101; it is well managed; it will provide excellent service to the I depositors whose accounts it is lasing over: and it will continue 1 to provide the benetits of Federal < ieposit insurance to those deposi- . ors, Mr. Hai l concluded alien he had looked over the *■ hecks. "You mean pretty damn < lorry’.” t POLITICS ( Monroe Journal) I Polities only give a wider op Jortunity for men to slide down , he plank of honesty into the I Jough of mud. 1 am inclined to - hink that if there were a general ^ dection of candidates for the Kingdom of Heaven the earn- ^ jaien would bey a bout the same * is the ordinary one. * • • THEN AS NOW John Wesley Clay, Winston-Salem Journal) Speaking of the census, I used :o live in Hickory, N. C. 1 knew ■very living soul in the town, •ven to their cats and dogs. Gruvei Cleveland was then ‘resident, and he sent enumera ors down to take a census of the own. They counted heads and G*W SEVEN _ STAR wklikay. •'Tin Mralfkl wkUklat «ra 4 17 •Iralfltt whl.kay. *214* ••viral tplrltt dlitlNa* ,*rv"» «r«U. I i% tlralfM *W»ki| 4 yurt *14. 111% atralght whUkay • y—n *14. 7)4% tlralght l*rlil«k»y * yaart •14.** a wotTt'ttMlfta; rtotu, iuinsii 4 reported 3,023 souls an the town. But Hickory had been charted as the “City of Hickory," and a city must surely have more than that number of inhabitants. The businessmen were determined to have at least 3,500, so they hired a man to take the census again. The man hired was a retired Methodist preacher, and the poor I soul trudged from pillar to post [ and he could find 2,998, and some i folks claimed that he counted several as yet. unborn. A HORRIBLE WORLD (Laurinburg Exchange) We are living in a horrible world, says a woman writer, when the vong have to be taught to avoid and distrust all stran gers. "Yet we know many may be saved if they can be trained to resist the lure of an auto ride, a piec^ of candy or the promise of an i^-e cream soda.” The observation is pertinent and to the point. But it is a bad world when children must be warned against the stranger and the wolves in human form who prey upon the innocent and the helpless. WantS REGISTERED MALE AND FE niale English Setter Puppies. Whelped May 20th. Brown and White. Pair (male and female) 98 percent white. Perfect mark ings and health. De-wormed. Jos. W. Bailey, Everetts. jl 13 2t APARTMENT WANTED: 3^ room unfurnished, preferably down stairs and in good section of Williamston. Phone 3185. jl 13 3t MR. FARMER—STORE YOUR cured hams and shoulders for protection against skippers and >ther insects for the summer. Prices very reasonable. Colonial frozen Foods, Williamston, N. :. jly 13 fit •OR SALE: SODA FOUNTAIN^ 17 eu. ft. Refrigerator, Gas -lange, and several booths for ■afe use. Apply 318 Sycamore it., H. C. Horton. jl 13 3t WANTED: CORN IN SHUCK, truckload lots, at farm, any vhere. Write or call, L. N. James, rhe Coin House, Bethel, N. C. ap 18 tf •VANTED: 1st CLASS MACHINE setter for large planer mill. Ap )l,v giving experience and refer ■nces to P. O. Box 148, c/o Pcrson lel Department, Franklin, Vir :inih. jly 18 2t V NEW HOUSE FOR RENT OR sale, on Beach Street. See Her nan Bowen. jly 18 2t .0 HOUSES FOR RENT: S4.00 per week. R. S. Critcher. dAN OR WOMAN TO TAKE over route ol established Wat lins customers in the eity of Wil iamston. Full time income aver- [ ges $45 weekly. No investment lecexsary. We will help you get farted. Write J. R. Watkins Co., j )ept. S-3, Richmond, Va. OR RENT: FURNISHED apartment, equipped with gas i angc and electric refrigerator, -'all 2068. T)R SALE: AT BARGAIN: ONE 18 It. Freezer. Dial 2048 or see! as per Everett, Robersonville, N. VILL STORE PIANO FOR USE of same. CaM 2296. jly 18 2t REE APPRAISALS ON ALL Body and Fender Repairs with o obligations. Roanoke Chcvro- j i't Co., Williamston, N. C. jo 22 tf 1 TNE TIMBER-WANTED^ WE j pay Top Prices for standing tint- J icr and pine logs. Williamston J iupply Co. Pllone 2460. je 20 tf 1 Narco Theatre WILLI AMSTON THURSDAY • FRIDAY NO PICTURE HAS MORE GLORY! WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR all types of high quality hard wood logs. Wells-Oates Lulmber Company, Frank E. Weston, man ager, Williamston, N. C. je 8 tf FOR RENT: SANDING MACH ine. Refinish your floors your self and do a first class job of sanding and polishing your worn dingy floors. We will rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy and rental costs j are low. Worrell Appliance Com pany. Dial 2057. no 8 tf SACRIFICE SALE OF DEMON strators—i Automatic Bendix Ironer, $89.50, 1 Automatic Hot Point Ironer—S99.50, 1 Electro Chef Cooker—$49.50. 1 Bendix Automatic Washer, $149.50. Wool aid Furniture Company, Wil iiamston, N. C. jly 11 6t FOR RENT: BUILDING FOR rent on N. Haughton Street that can be used for dwelling or store. Henry D. Harrison. je 27 tf WE BUY, SELL AND WIRE OLD oil lamps. Bring us your lamps for estimate or to be wired. Wor rell Appliance Company. Dial 2057, Williamston. no 8 tf DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES Mules, Cows and hogs removed promptly. No charge. Phone Greenville, N. C.. 3101. Norfolk Tallow Company. no 8 11 FOR SALE: MYRTLE BROWN residence on Church Street. R. L. Coburn. Williamston. jly 11 4t plumping EDGE WOOD AVE •PM0NI2509 WllUAM$TON,N X. FIXZIT I SYSTEM Adult* 20c Children 15c TUESDAY und WEDNESDAY "Barricade" With Duue Clark Rutli Human Special Cartoon THURSDAY - FRIDAY 'The Golden Gloves Story" With Jaiiicn Dunn Dewy Martin Robersonvillc, N. C. TONIGHT, July 18 ONCE MURK MY DARLING With Robert Montgomery and Ann Myth Latest News ft' Short WEDNESDAY, July 18 RIDERS OF WHISTLING PINES With Gene Autry BODYliOLD With Willard Parker Lola Albright And, Serial THURSDAY • FRIDAY July 28-21 THE BIG HANGOVER With Van Johnson and Elisabeth Taylor Cartoon and Short ! YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat teries. Phone 2818. Turn right at Freezer Locleer. no 8 tf FOR SALE: TEN FEEDER PIGS. Leslie Jones. RFD 3, Williams ton, N. C. jly 18 2t CLARK’S RHEUMATISM COIVL pound for positive relief of aches and pains. Guaranteed re rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular lief or money back. Clark Phar macy. m 22 tf for . made Venetian blinds, awnuigs for the home or store, see us. We have the famous Flexalum aluminum slats; also beautiful colors in wood. Henry Harrison, Wiiliams ion. au 26 tl PARKER'S SELF -SERVICE Laundry. Hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Monday through Friday. 8 a. m. to 12 noon on Saturday. Try us for a quick and economical Wash ser vice. je 8 tf TOBACCO CURING WOOD FOR sale. Cheap. Critcher Lumber Company. jly 6 5t WWMMAWWWMWIMMMWW HAMILTON THEATRE LAST TIMES TUESDAY July 18 ROCK ISLAM) TRAIL With Forrest Tucker and Adele Mara Plus Color Cartoon WEDNESDAY, July 19 Shows 7:15 and 9:15 SPY HUNT With Howard Duff and Marta Toren Plus Color Cartoon & Serial THURSDAY - FRIDAY • July 20 - 21 Shows 7:15 and 9:15 PEGGY With Diana Lynn, Charlotte Greenwood & Chas. Coburn In Technicolor Latest News SATURDAY, July 22 Shows Continuously 1 111 )) Double Feature Program BEYOND THE PECOS With Rod Cameron SQUARE DANCE JUBILEE With Spade Cooley Plus Serial MOVIES Are BETTER THAN EVER WWIMIMMWWMWMMMMWW EXPERT BOD*' AND FENDER repair. Reasonable prices and Satisfactory Service is our aim. Roanoke Chevrolet Company, Williamston. N. C. je 22 tf WANTED TO RENT-^ ROOM with meals. Call Morris Griffin at 2753. jlv 11 3t RESTORE YOUR CAR’S PAINT to its original lustre and bril liance with a new Paint Job. Roanoke Chevrolet Company, Williamston, N. C. je 22 tf Lawn Mowers Sharpened We Sell and Repair. Bicycles Tricycles. Harley-Davidson Motor cycle Sales and Service. QUINN’S MOTORCYCLE SHOP Washington St., Dial 2384 j WATTS THEATRE — WILLIAMSTON LAST TIME TUESDAY "Curtain Call at Cactus Creek" With Donald O’Connor (Halt* Storm WEDNESDAY DOUBLE FEATURE Jimmie Wakelv In "Roaring Westward" "Humphrey Takes a Chance" With Joi* Kirkwood, Jr. Eooii Errol Cartoon THURSDAY - FRIDAY "Love Happy" With rim Marx Itrollmr News Cartoon TORS FROM TODAFS HEADLINES! The story of Hie manhunt that rocked the world! •*m4 on lh« Im«Ii > "PANTHER'S MOON" 'i Howard DUFF - Marta TOREN Philip FRIEND ■ Robert DOUGLAS Philip DORN • Walter SLEZAK • Kurt KREUGER Screenplay bv GEORGE ZUCKERMAN and LEONARD LEE • Due ted by GEORGE SHERMAN Producer! by RALPH DIETRICH. • / UNIVERSAL INTERNATIONAL PICTURE VIC C A R—Thursday and Friday Now Playing: “COLT .45” In Technicolor Randolph Scot! — Ruth Roman — Zachary Scott i.

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