THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Thursday by ENTERPRISE H BUSHING < 0. WIIJIAMSTON N('RTH CAROLINA SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) One Year - Sc* Months IN MARTIN COUNTY {ISO 1 50 OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One Year __|S.W Sit Months ..—— — l.W & I Adver’ising Rate Card Upon Requeat f S< I Entered at the post offire in Williamston, N. C., as second-class matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 18711 Address all communications to The Enter prise and not individual members of th» firm. No Subscription Received Under C Month* ! rimrstlny. Inly 20. IO~>0 #v ort'O Probably no one is so naive ns to fail to understand the development in Korea. Com munism. which was hell-born, is challenging the forces of Christianity and civilization by assaulting a weak member of the Family of Nations. The reaction, of the average American citizen is a hitter one: “Every time peace loving peoples try to get settled down to the business of making the world a better place to live in. some gangster government starts a fight!" That is a simple way to look at it. and vet not sn simple after all. because that's just exacth the fact of the mailer. Wouldn't it In a good thing to begin right now to sin iigthen the United States? Wo might quit throwing money around like a drunken sailor in uneconomic private and public expenditures We might get back to a sound basis of moral idealism. We fought the last war with one shoe off; maybe if we begin right now to use elementary common sense, the same kind of common sense that a football player or even a prize-fighter uses in training, we mighl get by without fighting anothei war at all. In the meantime, just give a little thought to the fact that this whole weak alternation at situation was created at a conference where the vodka \v;r flowing, fiveh (ui|> ,sheet Paying Off ! A drainage project in the Farm Life sec tion of Griffins Township really paid off during the recent period when excessive rains fell in that and other sections of the county. Reports from the area indicate that the project limited damage to crops and high ways. that had it not been for the newly cut canal portions of the highway would have been washed away and untold damage would have resulted to crops as a result of the excessive rains. Similar drainage projects are being con sidered in other parts of the county. The promoters can find much consolation in the groat benefits resulting from the completed project in rushing their own to completion. Cost ,it is admitted, run into big figures, but in return, drainage pays big dividends. Martin County can well afford to give drain age serious consideration. I It's ill So Oitirl Dime Much has boon said about deficit spend of a balanced economy right here at home. Il seems that deficit spending was all right as long as big industry received the sub sidies, but it was all wrong when done in i the name of the masses. Now comes along the Korean war, and nothing is said about the huge appropria tions for financing that struggle. If a debt dollar is going to carry us down into the depths of ruination'it matters little whether it was spent for finance or to keep some pool’ soul from starving to death. The self appointed complaints are mighty quiet on the deficit attacking front just now. Proml Of It? The Industrial Press Service points out that where the average* worker received $2S 86 a week m 1939 he is now receiving $54.78 per week now. Surely, the industrialists can’t be proud of the accomplishment because they fought it all the* way. Vorfort Control Monopoly spokesmen have great power of control. When a few millions are spent to balance the economy on the farm front, the spokesmen whoop and shout about so cialism. When billions are spent for arma ments manufactured by their clients, they don’t even bat an eyelid. The spokesmen l.uow when and how to shout and when not to shout when tffelr selfish interns are at stake. On Your limited Time Only! [ America’s Largest-Selling FLOOR FOmCt Hen’s Why We Offer This Summer Special: Every Full, we go crazy trying to meet the flood of order* and installation*. ' Every floor furnace we install now helps relieve thut rush later on—and we offer this dis count to make it worth your while to order now. } 1. Coleman OH Flat-Negister Models ;it in 2. Coleman Dual-Wall Model. Set under floors, no basement needed. Si'/.ea for 2 to 5 wall, use no floor space. UO.OOO and f>0,UOO Kooms-:5d,ouu and r»o,ooo HTU. 11TU. Here s Automat ic Furnace Heating - Priced For Stove-Heating Budgets No Work! rso liros to I>;nI.t 01 tend, no allies to (-loan out. Light y.uir Coleman Floor Furnace this Fall and level in the Find of automatic warmth you want till Spring ! No Dirt! No fuel-grime, no ashes or mess! Less cleaning, less laundry with a Cole man Floor Furnace! Warm Floortl l oleman makes the Floor Furnace that keeps floors warm—up to 4 or 5 rooms. More comfort—better health. Needs No Basement, and no costly ducts. Kasy to install—no “tearing up your house!”—Let us show you—nowl Save 15%~nBf Better Ask About Our Low Down Payment And Easy Terms! Dixie Motor Company WilliuniHtnn. N. C. ! CHURCF I NEWS EVERETTS CHRISTIAN Olin Fox, Pastoi. Sunday school at 10:00. Mrs ! Geo. Taylor, Supt. Christian Youth Fellowship Monday evening at 7:30. Preaching 4th Sunday at 11:0£ a. rn and 7:3v, m. I Woman's Council Saturday af ternoon before first Sunday ai 3:30. Visitors arp welcome. HASSELL CHRISTIAN Olin Fox, Pastor. Sunday school at 10:00. C B Burroughs, Supt. Christian Youth Fellowship at i 6:45 p. m. Preaching first and third Sun days at I! :00 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. The Woman’s Council Wednes day evening after first Sunday at 7:30. Visitors are welcome. PENTECOSTAL HOUNESS N. J. Ward, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:45. Sam Whiehard, Supt. Morning worship at 11:00. Youth service at 6:30. Evangelistic service at 7:30. Mid-week prayer service, Wed nesday night at 7:30. Piuev Grove Raptist W. B. Harrington, Pastor. Regular services will be held at Piney Grove Baptist Church Sun day night at !i:00 o'clock. All members are urged to be present and the public is invited. FAIRVIEW CIIUKCII of CHRIST Bible school at 10. Albert Tyre, Supt. Church service at II. P. E. Cay ton, Pastor. Morning sermon: “The Almost Christian.” Evening service at il. OAK CITY CHRISTIAN Olin Fox, Pastor. Sunday school at 10:00. Ernest Bunting, Supt. Preaching 2nd Sunday, 11:00 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Woman’s Council Wednesday ! afternoon after second Sunday at I 3:30. Visitors are welcome. ' VtIDDICK’S GROVE W. B. Harrington, Pastor, i Regular services will be held at Riddick's Grove Baptist Church Sunday at U:0O o'clock (note this service has been changed from 3 p. m. back to 11:00 a. m.). All members are urged to be present i and the public, is invited. EVERETTS BAPTIST E. R. Stewart,.Pastor. 10 a. m„ Bible school. G. H. j Forbes, Supt. 11 a. m„ Worship services. "Awake! Arise!1' 7 p. m. Training Union. Paul Bailey, Director. 8 p. m., Evening worship aer jvice. 8 p. m., Thursday night. Pray er service, followed by-choir prac tice. HAMILTON BAPTIST E. R. Stewart, Pastor. 10 a. rn., Bible school. H. S: Johnson, Supt. 7 p. m„ Baptist Training Union. Willie Knox, Director. 8 p. m., Monday. Boy Scouts 1 meet. 8 p. m., Wednesday, prayer ser vices followed by choir practice. 8 p. m., Friday night. Youth choir will meet. CHRISTIAN John L. Goff, Pastor. Bible school, 9:45. Classes for all ages. The Philathea Bible Class and the Bob Peel Bible Class in vite anyone not now attending Bible School to visit them. W, H. Sessoms, Supt. Morning worship and celebra tion of the Lord’s Supper 11:00. Sermon subject: “The Thing That | Matters." Co-operative service at !8:00 with the First Methodist Church. Rev. E. R. Shuller will deliver the sermon. CYF and Chi Rho groups will rppet at 7:00. The ; Methodist Youth Fellowship will meet with the CYF ano he in I charge of the program. Choir re hearsal Tuesday at 8:00. Church Of The Advent (Episcopal) The Rev. Thos. L. Hastings, Rector Weekday Morning and Evening Prayer 8 and 5. Sunday, July 23, Trinity -Seven. 7:30, Holy Communion. 9:45. Chureh School. 11 a. m., Morning prayer. Tuesday, July 25, St. James Day. 10:30 a. nt„ Holy Communion. Sunday Collect: . "Lord of all power and might, who art the author and giver of all good things; Graft in our hearts the loye of thy Name, increase in us true religion, nourish us with ail goodness, and of thy great mercy keep us in the same; through Je sus Christ our Lord." BAPTIST 11:45, Sunday school. 11:00, Worship. 7:00, Training Union. 0:00, Worship. The nursery will be open dur ing the morning services. Monday, 8:00, Y. W. A. meeting at the church. Tuesday, 4:00, Intermediate G. A. meeting at the church; 8:00, Sunday School Teachers and Of ficers meeting in the Junior De partment. Wednesday: 3:30, Sunbeam meeting; 8:00, midweek service. Thursday: 8:00, Adult Choir Practice. WILLIAMS CHAPEL AME ZION Rev. J. H. McMullen, Pastor. The Rev. W. N. Williams, choir and congregation of the B. B, Me morial C. M. E. Church of Wash ington, North Carolina, will wor ship with Williams Chapel A. M. E. Zion Chureh Sunday evening at 3:00 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN Williamston Sunday school 9:45. Morning worship, 11:00. Ser mon Topic: “The Life Everlast ing." There will be an important congregational meeting immedi ately after the morning service, and all members are urged to be 1 present. Youth Fellowship, 6:30, Sunday night will meet at the manse fo" ! supper. Roberson's Chapel Sunday school, 12;30. Youth Fellowship Thursday, 11. Prayer meeting Tuesday, .3:00 Bear Grass I Sunday school, 10:0(1. Evening worship, 8:00. 1 Prayer meeting Thursday, 8:00 WEST END BAPTIST J. Thad Ashley, Pastor. 9:45 a. m., Sunday school. Bur- j roughs Taylor, Supt. 11:00 a. m., Morning worship. 8:00 p. m., Evening worship. The mid-week prayer service will be held Wednesday evening at eight o’clock. The public is invited to worship here at all services. *" * METHODIST E. R. Shuller, Minister. 9:45, Church school. Fletcher Thomas, Supt. ' 11:00, Morning worship. 7:00, The Young people will meet with the young people of the Christian Church. 8:00, Evening worship at the Christian Church. 8:00, Wednesday. Choir rehear sat. <«Jf FIFTH SUNDAY SING The next Fifth Sunday Sing will be held with the Siloarn Baptist Church, July 30th, at 2:30 p. m. Siloarn church is located across the Roanoke River Bridge, a few miles in Bertie County. Special numbers in solos, duets, trios, quartets, sextets, choruses and choir numbers are welcomed. Rev. E. R. Stewart will appreciate it if anyone desiring to take part will notify , him at Hamilton,IN. C., concerning the numbers tfiey wish to present. A large crotydjis expected and the public is invited. - - --—— CARD OF THANKS ! — X To our many friends and rela tives we extend our sincere thanks for sympathy shown us during the recent death of our little bpy. May God bless you. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Jones and Family. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as ex ecutor of the estate of Mary (May Hilia) Bryant, late of Martin County this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present same to the undersign ed on >r before the 20th day of June, 1951, or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This 20th day of June. 1950. Ida Lee Hyman and Solotnan Hyman, Executors of the Es tate of Mary (May Ri 11a> Bry ant. Oak City, N. C. je 22-29 jly fi-13-20-27 Why Wail Until Tin* Last Minute*? Get your Tobacco Flues NOW! WHITE'S HEATING AND SHEET METAL WORKS SiuillnvM'k Slreol Williiinisloii. N. C. First of the Fine Cars in Fa he — BlE BOY that parks like a midget You look at the king*si?.e wheel* base on this strapping Buick Roadmaster. • Ym look at those long Ruiek-tapered fenders sweeping from buihper to “double bubble” tail beacon. Y)ii step inside and luxuriate in leg* room and hiproom and headroom generous as old*time hospitality. \bu ride it-and wonder if wings were ever so soft. You feel that big bonnetful of Fireball power whisk you from standing start to road speed with the honeyed magic of Dynatlow Drive. Add you tell yourself this is entirely too perfect. All this automobile must be hard to handle, .jo big for your garage. Tor.t In HBNR'i I fAYtO? A6C Notwo/k, a viry Monday Wlllig. Good sir, just slide over and take this Roadmaster's wheel. Pick a curb space you’d ordinarily pass by, and buck this Ruick into it op your very first try. Here Buick has done a neat job of re* ducing over-all inches while keeping interior king-size comfort. When you wheel this whopper into your own garage, you'll be tickled pink at the room all around it. So come on! Head for your Buick dealer’s now for a tryout of a Buick RoADMA&TBJt. You will find it in a selection of body types, in finishes to suit a queen's taste — and at prices to muke you wonder why anyone ever pays more. MN>f4r romwrmoMT ThU ritggad Irani and (!) tali lha ityla nala, (1) total on repair cotli — vertical ban arc individually re placeable, 13) avoid* "locking harm," (4) mabai parking and Highway 17 Chas. H. Jenkins & Of Williamston, Inc. Phona 2147 Co. .Williaimtnn, N. C. ■MM BITTII AUTOMOIHIS All IUIU IUICK «IU Wll# Tift* lir HI III i

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