Announcing BIGGEST TRUCK < OPERATING ECONOMY STUDY EVER MADE! nationwide truck VOM/ UN ON tHt * ORV-O’s PROVING ground' A 'i wfn hwwh uuutv win latiimy lOvtands of truck* from '/)-ton Pickup* to 145-h.p. Mg Job* pai ticiporiKg «i *h« big Ford Truck Economy Run throughout Amuiica. Watch for thuinl This month, thousands of Ford Trucks of every size and type, in every kind of trucking riuty launch the biggest truck operating economy demonstration in truck history — the Ford Truck Economy Hun! 'I’Ire operators of these trucks will keep accurate records of all gas and oil consumed, total repairs and maintenance, mileage travelled, loads carried, and work done for the next six months' Dramatic Demonstration that lard is America's No. I Truck Volvo The Ford Economy Run will demonstrate for everyone to see what Ford owners have known right along. Ford Trucks do more tier dollar ... in your business, in any business. Economy is one reason why Ford is America’s No. 1 Truck Value. And value is the big reason why more and more truck users are switching to Ford. Proof of this fact is that Ford Trucks art* making the industry's biggest sales gains! Come in today and let us show you how one of over 175 ’’ 'rd Truck Models w*M save you money on .your job! In the long run, too — Ford Trucking Costs Less Because — FORD TRUCKS LAST LONCER Sow oa *,**2,000 trucks. Mfa • sports Spent! 0:1 v at Morehead Mis H. D. Taylor and daughter, M - Hex Foster, of Norfolk spent Tu-'-'i,-,} el Morehead Citv. in Raleigh Tuesday Mrs K v Ward was a business visitor in Raleigh Tuesday. Visit In Robersonville \t %«<-. J D Page spent Sunday in sonville visiting Mr. - p..rents. Mi and Mrs. J Pas.' . Visit Friends Here M< an i M - David Britt of Fainnont stopped on the way thrnuet ' Tuesday to visit M< s rs Robert no Herbert Cow-1 en and Ch; ■ a- Manning. Here Sunday Mr. am Mrs .lessi Rogerson of R ibe!.lie w< ' guests of Ml and Me- T. I. Savam here Sun day Return From Mountains N irw > i Koi i an : Floyd Mi zelle ha vi returned * honte aftei spending . f. -o iu.vs in the Blue R. M .nit': ns V11 ginia Return Home M : V ; o i11: Mi ibley oi Bear G'.e ret i Tio.| home after v.sdo , ! Fl vv yne In diana, Akron. Ohio, and Rich mond, Vi ginia Visit In (.rt i nville Mr. and Mrs Elliott Taylor of Robersonvilli ..mi Mrs. W A Jan ' s vi - ti M Rut us Tayloi patient :n Ore.-m iHe hospital. Sunday Attending Furniture Show Mi'. Garland Woolard and M Jimmy Hams arc attending t.l furniture show in High Point th week In Morehead Yesterday Miss Ann Beasley and Mr. Ed gar Gurganus visited in Morehea City Wednesday afternoon. Visiting Parents Here Mrs. Paul Roy of Norfolk i here visiting her parents. Mr. am Mrs. P H. Brown. Spending Week at Morehead Mi and Mrs. Rudolph Saunder and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Manninj are spending this week at More head City Visit In Washington Mrsdames Myrtle Harris, Pan Junes and Hugh Singleton ant daughter. Patricia, visited Mr. ant Mis J. C. Meek ins, Jr., in Wash ington Wednesday night. Spend Day In Durham Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hand; spent yesterday in Durham when Mr. Handy received a medica check-up. Here Tuesday Mi N. B Thomas of Wilson vis ited here Tuesday. Business Visitor Here Mr. Tom Speller of Berth Counts w as a business visitor hen yesterday Visits Mother Here Mrs Hilton Carson , and son Warren, of Robersonville. visitet her mother. Mrs. W E Warrer here yesterday. Visiting Here Mi.- Ben Grimes and childrei ol Atlantic City are spendini three weeks here with Mrs Grimes’ parents. Mi and Mrs. H 1, S w a i n. Return From Virginia Beach Mi mil Mrs Rush Bondurant Mi and Mrs. C. G. Crockett, Mi and Mis. Woodrow Tice and Mi and Mrs. J. C Cooke returnet home Tuesday from a stay at thi Cavalier Hotel at Virginia Beach Visiting in Washington Mrs. James L Williams and s»r 1 are spending a few days with re ( latives in Washington. s Business Visitor Here Mr. Dan Bland of Raleigh at . tended to business here yesterday i Home From Hospital Mrs. Robcit Newell and little daughter, Sylvia, returned from . a Rocky Mount hospital yesterday I afternoon to their home here on Lee Street. Home From ( amp ; Master Van Taylor Harris re turned tins week from a month's stay at Camp Sea Cull Attend Conference Mesdames Alon/a Bland. On ward Robertson and George Corey and Miss Mary Taylor attended a Jurisdic-tiohal Wesleyan Service Guild Conference at Junaluska last week-end. They visited in Asheville for two days before re turning home. Here Yesterday I Mrs. C. A Askew. Jr., and son of Jumesville visited here vester i day. Returning Today Mrs. S. R. Biggs and Miss Irene Tetterton an returning today af 1 tei a few days' stay at Virginia ■ Beach, Spend Week-end In Everetts Mr. and Mis. Bob Austin of Windsor spent last week-end with Mrs. Austin’s uncle and aunt. Mr. I and Mrs Johnnie Williams and ,: family in Everetts. i Spends Week at Nags Head Miss Knuna Lou Taylor, daugh i ter ol Mi and Mrs. LeRoy Taylor ! spent last week at Nags Head, . the guest of Miss Peggy Gray, . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. I Cii ay ol Robei Miiiville. Expected Home Sunday .' Naneie Allen, daughter of Mr . and Mrs. Randolph Allen, who underwent an operation on Tues 1 day in Watts Hospital, Durham, • is getting along satisfactorily. She . is expected home Sunday night. Miss Dorothy Manning Becomes Bride of Mr. George William Shoe Ceremony Held in the Christian Church Here Sunday On Sunday afternoon. July 16. 1950. at 5 o'cicM k in the Williants ton Chnstian Church, in a simple] but dignified ceremony. Miss Dor- : othy Britton Manning became the bruit- of George William Shoe. Reverend John L. Goff, pastor of the bride, officiated, using the im pressivc double-ring service The church was beautifully de corated witti tall floor standards of white gladioli and fern and sev en-branched candelabra holding lighted cathedral tapers. Family pews were marked with white as ters and stcphanotis caught with white satin ribbon. Prior to the ceremony a pro gram of nuptial music was render- j ed by Mrs. W. C. Manning, Jr., or ganist. and Mrs. Moye Dail of Greenville, soloist. Mrs. Dail sang All For You' and "Entreat Me Not To Leave Thee." The tradi tional bridal chorus from Lohen grin was used for the procession al and Mendelssohn's wedding march for the recessional. During the ceremony "O Perfect Love" was softly played and Mrs. Dail sang "The Lord's Prayer" as a benediction. The ushers were Dr, Kenneth Quiggins. Mr Allen Powell of Greenville, Mr. Vernon Cox of Winterville, and Mr. Jos. W. Grif-' fin, brother-in-law of the bride, of Williamston. Attending her sister as matron of honor was Mrs. Jos. W. Griffin, who wore a dress of orchid lace and chiffon and a matching pic ture hat Her crescent, arm bou quet was of yellow carnations and stcphanotis tied with yellow rib-1 bon. The bride entered on the arm ol her cousin, Mr. James C. Man ning, and was given in marriage bv her mother. The groom had as his best man, Mr Milton Adams I of Wilson. Miss Ruth Manning of Williamston presided at the door as mistress of ceremonies. The bride wore an original dress ol Chantilly type lari fashioned! with a portrait neckline, a full ! skirt and a wide circular train. Hei veil of imported illusion fell 1 rom a halo of lace. Her only or nament was a diamond pendant, gift of the groom. Mrs. Manning, mother of the! | bride, wore a floor length dress i of deep rose crepe with black ac cessories. Mrs. Shoe, stepmothe; of the groom, also wore a floor length dress of pink lace will black accessories. Their shoulde corsages were purple orchids. The bride is the daughter Mrs Simon Wilson Manning anc the late Mr. Manning of Wil iiamston. She attended Woman College in Greensboro and for th< past several years she has beer employed as secretary of the Mar tin County Schools. The bride groom, son of Mr. William B Shoe, is a graduate of State Col lege and served in the Navy dur ing World War II for a period ol more than three years. He is now associated with the firm of James W Griffith. Architect, Greenville, N. C. Immediately following the cere mony. the bride's mother and her brother and sister-in-law, Lt. and Mrs S. W. Manning, Jr., gave a re ception at the thome on Watts Street. The house was decorated throughout with floral f arrange ments of white and mixed gladioli. Mr. J. C. Manning received the guests at the front door and intro duced them to the receiving line which was composed of the bridal party and the parents of the bride ind groom. Miss Ruth Manning nvited the guests into the dining oom where they were served juncli and bridal cakes wdth nuts jnd mints by Mrs. Raleigh Har ■ington and Miss Mary Rodgerson, issisted by Mesdames T. F. Dav enport, K. Ross'Froneberger, Jim Lowery, Jack Hardison, William H. Gray, Jr., Fletcher Thomas, Hoke Roberson, Dillon Cobb, and Miss Anna Belle Privott. Mrs. W. H. Sessorns directed the guests to the gift room, and Mrs. W. H. Wil liams, Jr., sister of the groom, pre sided over the bride’s register. Goodbyes were said by Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Abbitt. Immediately after the reception, he couple left for a trip through the Skyline drive. For traveling he bride wore a navy, silk shan ung suit with navy and white ac cessories and her wedding orchid. Mter August first the couple will >iake their home in Greenville, N, Cake-Cutting Following the rehearsal of the Shoe-Manning wedding on Satur luy evening, July 15th, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. W. Griffin entertained the bridal party, out-of-town guests and friends of the families it a cake-cutting in the home of Mrs. Simon Manning on Watts Street. Mrs. Griffin and the tride, Miss Dorothy Manning, re ceived the guests and invited them nto the dining room where Mrs, Manning, mother of the bride, served the wedding cakes and Mrs. W. B. Shoe, step-mother of he B'oom, served the green and white ice cream. The table was ’overed with a white linen, cut work cloth, centered with the arge wedding cake flanked by turning tapers. White floral de •or .lions were used throughout the home. The bride and groom chose this ime to remember the nit-riibeis of he bridal party with appropriate gifts of jewelry. Coca-Cola Party Miss Lissie Pearce entertained it a Coca-Cola party on Saturday "orning, July 8, for Miss Dorothy Manning at the home of Mrs. Frank. Hitch. Coca-Colas, canapes, pickles and nuts were served. A corsage of asters and baby’s breath and the cream and sugar pieces in her chosen china pattern were given to the honored. Coca-Cola Party On Thursday morning, July G & W William Penn Blended Whiskey •A Wf\ PrUm 13th. Mrs. Fletcher Thomas hon ored Miss Dorothy Manning with a Coca-Cola party during the hour from ten until eleven o'clock. Miss Manning received with the hostess who invited the guests into the dining room. The table feat ured a centerpiece of hydra hold ing a miniature bride. Mixed summer flowers were ar~anged throughout the house. Chicken salad and open-faced sandwiches, oickles, nuts, moons and Coca Colas were served to approxi mate 25 guests. Assisting in serv ing were Mesaames Marvin Bril ton, Jack Sullivan and James Bul iuek. The hostess presented the hon oree with a gardenia corsage and j a piece of silver in her chosen pat i tern, and also honored Mrs. Wil | liam H. Gray, Jr., a recent bride, 'with a crystal vinegar cruet. Out-of-town guests included Mrs. Beulah Britton, Mrs. Willie Johnson and Miss Ann Johnson of Robersonville. Shower and Bridge Party Mrs. Dillon Cobb, Mrs. Fred ! Hoskins, and Miss Marjorie Linds- I j ley honored Miss Dorothy Man- j I ning, bride-elect, at a miscellane-1 ous shower and bridge party atj the home of Mrs. Cobb on Marsh-, all Avenue, Thursday flight. Mixed summer flowers were us- j ed in decorating. The dining room j table was centered with a beauti-; ful arrangement of white dahlias, feverfew, and gladioli. A punch] bowl was used at one end of the table and the gifts were showered! from a flower trimmed parasol. The honoree was presented with a delicate corsage of white asters j and in addition to her other gifts, j she also received a brass planter from the hostesses. Mrs. S. W. Manning, mother of the bride-elect, and Mrs. J. I. Low ly were present for the shower and refreshments. Other guests were Mesdames'Bill Howell, Jos eph Griffin, Dick Slade, Jack Har dison, Bill Abbitt, Hoke Roberson, George Mahler, T. F. Davenport, i W. T. Ross, Clyde Griffin, D. L. Simmons, and Misses Ruth Ward and Mary Rodgerson. i Miss Mary Ellen Ward 1 Weds Thomas Harden, jr. A quiet marraige was celebrat ed in the Christian parsonage on Saturday, July 15th when Miss Marv Ellen Ward became the bride of Mr. Thomas Harden, Jr. The Rev. John L. Goff, pastor of the Williamston Christian church, heard the vows. The bride was attractively attired in a white dress suit with navy accessories and carried a bridal hououet of white flowers. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Simon Ward and the late Simon Ward of Williamston and was graduated from the Williams ton High School in the class of 1950. Mr. Harden H the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harden of Will iamston and is a graduate of Will iamston High School. After a short wedding trip the couple will be at home on the Harden farm, where the groom is engaged in agricultural pursuits. -o— '» Miss Janie smith weds I WILLIAM D. LEGGETT Miss Janie Smith, daughter of Mr. James A. Smith of Grimes land, and William D. Leggett, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Leggett of Bear Grass, were married Satur- j day evening in the home of the [ Reverend M. L. Ambrose who of ficiated. Mr. and Mrs. Leggett left after the ceremony for h short wedding trip. Upon their return they will be at home in Bear Grass. To Attend Convention Mr. and Mrs. Dan Peel and Mr. and Mrs. John Dennis Harrison left today for Myrtle Beach where they'll attend an insurance con vention. In Raleigh Today Mrs. Jesse Lilley is in Raleigh today for a medical check-up. She was injured in an automobile acci dent several months ago. Mrs. Lil ley is being accompanied by her son, Mr. Jesse Gray Lilley. Visiting1 In New Orleans Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Carstarph^ Mr. and Mrs. Francis Barnes af Miss Erma Benson left today for a visit in New Orleans, 1 Visit Here Mr. and Mrs. Pete Norway Martinsville. Va., and Mrs. Eva Gaylord of Washington, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Harrison, Sr., Sunday. Spending Few Days at Beach _ Mr .and Mrs. Charles Manning and children left yesterday to spend a few days at-their cottage on Pamlico Beach. * Attends Furniture Show Mr. D. C. McLawhorn attended the furniture show in High Poipjt this week. On Tobacco Market Mr. Jay Griffin, Landy (Bull) Griffin and Jimmy Leggett left today for Lake City, Florida where they will be on the Tobac co Market. Reported Improving A patient in the local hospital since Iasi Thursday, Little Miss Vickie Mai tin of Jamesville was reported improved this morning. However, she continues quite ill Enters Local Hospital Mrs. Opheus Price entered the local hospital early this week for treatment and possibly an opera tion. Spend Week-end In Mountains Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Godard and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Godard spent last week-end in Asheville and Cherokee. Eye Glasses Broken? We maintain a complete optical service. Lens, temples and frames replaced and repaired Quick service. Peele’s — Jewelers 121 Main 8t. Tel. 2311 you can manage aeitet with. A*' * Freezer SMART to own * fre«2er! It** like having a supermarket right in your kitchon ... a ttoiage lockar for commercially iioten foods ... a store irat never closes. can MV* extra portion* and "left overa" that poor ftaily oan enjoy next ~ montlt instead oi noat day. Yeti'll mv# atanay too... oaaity to 9% on food budgets and on aoaaonal ioeda ouch aa Iruita, vegetable*. (owl, yo« oan •ova m much aa 20% to ©0% by buying in quantity when supply ia planttiul and prices are low. You'll save 39c to *l.bu ovary week to making lower trips to aaarkot. And-you oan aava~2 to S hours a week in shopping, cooking and baking time You oan ho a cook tor a day — a guoen for 7a«*» «n aty!** k i/mi to At tra>x kumily'M m—cla. & tfHfi iuSut •Afttima