The Happy Years At Watts Theatre “The Happy Years. new M-G M attraction at the Watts Thea trc, Sunday and Monday, is i picture which every member o the family, from Grandpa dowt t-o Jittlc Junior, can enjoy to hi: heart's content. Based on the American boy hood stories about Lawrencevilk Academy, made famous severa. decade; by Owen Johnson the Technicolor photoplay is filled // "i\ nt>n lion AND WE HAVE IT HEATING Sheet Metal Work u;\\o\ AIK HIMM I lOMNG A|»pr«> «■« I JOMNS-M \\\ m i: Hoofing < onlr actor WHITE'S hi-;\ riVi \m» siii;i;i !WKT\L WORKS I*. O. Box «04 WIEEIA.MSTON, N. C. PHONE 2220 with delightful humor, tende touches and heartwarming cha raeterizalions. It is the story of the incor rigible young Dink Stover, whose penchant for getting into mis chief gets him expelled from several schools and finally lands him at Lawrenceville Academy. Here he immediately becomes the most unpopular boy on the cam pus because of his refusal to con form to Lawrenceville traditions. Vii-ttmked, duped and ostracized b\ his classmates and made the | chief butt of the sarcasm of his Latin teacher, the formidable Old Roman, who is also football coach. Dink is ready to call it quits when Ins first term ends But when his family are read' to concede that Dink can't "take it," he returns to Lawrenceville to show his met tle not only in battling his stu dent adversaries but as a football hero And in the story's final se quences, when he refuses to take advantage of an opportunity to MEMORIALS Km your cemetery needs on monuments, markers, tomb stones and coping contact me for l ight prices. I represent the NEW BERN MONUMENTAL WORKS, New Bern, N. C., big buyers ol marble and granite. Credit terms if desired. JKSSK T. I'KICE P. O. Box 522 or 010 West Main St. Dial :’47(i Willianiston, N. C. [James Craig Plays First 'Heavy' Role It's a startling “about face for James Craig in his new role as the ex con-man in M-G-M-’s ex citing drama, "Side Street," show ing Tuesday and Wednesday at the Watts Theatre, with Farley Granger and Cathy O'Donnell co starred. In his latest film characteriza i tion, Craig, heretofore seen in i sympathetic roles, turns killer in I one of the most savage portrayals written for a photoplay. Four vic tims, two of them women, met ' violent ends at his hands, j Craig is the second M-G-M star to shift from hero to villain, the cheat in an examination, he proves himself once and for all the stuff that Lawrenceville boys ; arc made of. A large cast of Hollywood's vet jeran juvenile actors are seen in ‘The Happy Years,” with the role [of Dink played by Dean Stock jwell, perfectly cast as a typical American boy of the period. [Other topnotch portrayals are j contributed by Darryl Hickman j as Tough McCarty, Scotty Beck [ett as Tennesse Shad, Donn Gift, I who wins the nickname of Hung ry Smeed after devouring I forty-nine pancakes, breaking all records, and Claudia Barrett as [the girl who first intersts Dink in romance. Leo G. Carroll is I both funny and sympathetic as !the sardonic Old Roman, with |other adult roles filled by Leon Ames as Dink's father and Mar igalo Gillmorc as his harassed mother. William A. Wellman, who achieved great success with his direction of the soldiers in “Bat tleground,” proves himself equal i ly adroit with the almost as tough I youngsters in “The Happy Years,” j and has given his story a delight ful human quality. As in “Battle ground,” he has also assured com plete authenticity of local color by filming much of his new pic ture directly on the Lawrence ville Academy campus. The result is a picture which stands out as one of the screen’s rewarding ef forts. Everyone, young and not so young, will capture its infectious spirit. Men’s Dress and Work Shoes For Less. WILLARD’S SHOE SHOP HumodsBaoikets (Completely Air Conditioned lor Your Shopping Comfort) Our « \<» |>lioii;il S;il<* VuIik'h l>rou<ilil IIn* rmvxls to tlii* nIoiv — beyond our \ exportation^. They Came — They Bought And to those who didn't get waited on, we apologize. COME BACK — Your efforts and patience will be well re warded. — Thank you. e 1 s 1 "Den I took my rusty rifle and I shot him. Dat's how I got my rug.” Jimmy Durante becomes a raconteur for Terry Moore and Queenie Smith in the above scene from George Pal’s comedy, ‘‘THE GREAT RUPERT,” which shows Tuesday and Wednesday at the Marco Theatre. Tom Drake is also starred in the film which is being re leased. by Eagle Lion Films. “ I l first being Ann Sothern, who played'her first “heavy” in “Death in the Doll’s House,” in which she tried to put a small child- witness to murder out of the way. Craig, a product of Nashville, Tenn.,' began his film career in ’ Westerns and won his first im portant “break” opposite Ginger ’ Rogers in “Kitty Foyle.” He has won. popularity in a long string of pictures among them, “Mar ’ riage Is a Private Affair,” "The ( Human Comedy,” "Little Mister Jim" and "Our Vines Have Ten der Grapes." Filmed largely in New York City ,w'ith its characters repre senting a cross-section of the var ied types, rich and poor, which make this metropolis one of the most colorful cities in the world, M-G-M's “Side Street," offers a compelling dramatic story , ac tion-packed, fast-moving and marked by some of the season's most persuasive screen perform ances. Told through the eyes of Paul j Kelly, cast as a New YorK horn’- . I cide squad captain, the story cen- j i ters on the plight of a work-a- ! , day young couple, Cathy O'Don-1 1 nell, young expectant mother, and Farley Granger, her ill-paid hus- j band who in economic despera ! tion resorts to robbery. When he 1 subsequently tries to return the ; money it is too late and he finds himself hopelessly caught in a t mesh which involves a shady lawyer and his sadistic ex-con pal, a black-mailing adventuress and a duwn-at-the-heel Green wich Village night club singer.: There is enough action for sever- i al pictures in the terror-ridden man-hunt and the excitement- i pitched chase through the streets of lower New York in which the ■ police finally catch up with a vicious murderer. . Farley Granger gives an out standing performance as the hus band unable to resist the temp tation of sudden wealth, and Ca thy O’Donnell is poignantly mov ing as the young wife. James j Craig, unexpectedly east as a, "heavy," is the sinister con-man, j Jean Hagen scores as the night 1 club singer and other expert character work is contributed by Paul Harvey, Edrmrn Ryrn and Charles McCraw, The realistic and taut direction of Anthony Mann also aids in making “Side SLAB WOOD FOR SALE CHEAP. Dial 2460 Willianiston Supply Co. ST. MARTIN’S, Hamiltoc Evening prayer, 8 o’clock Sun day night. Move To New Home Mr. and Mrs. D. L. (Tootsie Roberson and children have mov cd into their garage apartment 01 Church Street. Mr. and Mrs. Ton Letchworth and family have mov ed from W^rrer Street to th home vacated by the Roberson on the Washington Road. Street” topnoteh motion picturi fare. Now Is The Time to go to COURTNEY’S For FURNITURE In Wallace cor few ways Mrs. Gene Boney and daughter are spending a few days with rela tives in Wallace. “You know, dear, John doesn't seem to be as well dressed as lie was when you married him.” “That’s funny. I’m sure it's the same suit.” 1 Vitit Ileilig and Meyers Williainston for the f “Be*l Buy» In Furniture99 BOTTLE GAS — It Cooks — It Heals Courtney Gas Co., Inc. » You’re money ahead 4 ways with a new Chevrolet truck! Straight Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey FULL 4 YEARS OLD FIRM — Chevrolet's low purchase price means ywA» money ahead to start. SECOND —Chevrolet's great, action-packed Valve-in Head engine plus the sensational I new Power-Jet carburetor provides high-powered performance at low cost per mile. THIRD—there are rugged Advance-Design features that lower your maintenance costs by, keeping Chevrolet trucks on tha road and out of the shop! And FOURTH —because these value loaded trucks are preferred over any other make, their resale value is right at the top. Yes, you really save all around on a Chevrolet truck. Come in and get the full facts. Let us prove that—whatever your hauling need—you’ll be money ahead with a Chevrolet Advance-Design truckl l ) ) > i ! CHEVROLET /j W—U \ ) ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS » Performance Leaders Chevrolet* newert and mad powerful truck* loatuta an improved 9t-h.p. Thriftmaiter Valve In-Head engine and a brend-new 103-h.p, Leadmoder Valve-in-Head engine Smooth, guiek acceletotion It provided by Chovrslet'i new rower*Jet carburetor. Synchro-M*»h tram miuion enable* the driver to drift with greater Mae, imeethne** and *afety. Payfoad Leaders Chevrolet truck* deliver the goad* at law cott per mile—and deliver them fattl Feature* like Chevrolet'* Dia phragm Spring clutch lor tmoath engagement and Double-Articulated brake* lor complete driver central enable you to meet the mo*t demaed Ing road ichedule*. Popularity Leader Chevrolet Advance-Design truck* ora America'* bigge*t *ellertl That'* became uier* recagnite the value of *uch Chevrolet feature* a* Hypaid rear a vies that ate S timer more durable then spiral bevel type, and Unit-Dafign cab and bedim that are precidan-built (or added drengtb and rigidity, and far longer Ufa. Price Leaders Chavrolot'* rock-bottom Initial cad, economy of operation and upkeep, and high trade-in vol.'e add up to the lowed price fat you. Compere valued Compare who! you get lor the price you pay. You'll Snd everything favor* Chavtolat Puck*. t I } I Roanoke Chevrolet Company—Williams! on, N. C. ■M ■ekmamamniMr Mnmdtk

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