'Backfire' Boasts Top Cast, Story A top-flight cast headed by Virginia Mayo, in a dramatic story directed by one of Holly wood's top megaphoners, com prise the film on tap for Viccar Theatre patrons next Wednesday when “Backfire,” a traditional Warner Bros, two-fisted type of film offering, opens. V* ith the lovely Miss Mayo, the blende star who is rapidly be coming one of the most impor tant actresses in the film capital today, leading the billing. "Back fire is said to possess the same explosive action which made White Heat.,” in which she star red with James Cagney, the smash hit it w'as. Gordon MacRac, another popular star in the ascendant, plays opposite Miss, Mayo, with Edmond O’Brien, Dane Clark, Viveca Lindfors and Richard Robcr filling in the other i key roles. The story of a man who wants to uncover the mysterious cir cumstances surrounding a war buddy's disappearance, ‘Back fire" is set against an action background of big-time gambling, fighting and gunplay. In addition there is also the love story by Virginia Mayo, who becomes in volved in the shady machinations of the underworld while trying to help the man she loves. Vincent Sherman, who recent ly directed "Adventures of Don Juan” and "Hasty Heart," the lat ter, a picture being currently mentioned for Academy Awards handled the reins on this pro duction too for Warner Bros. An action director, Sherman’s name in the “Backfire" billing assures the most avid of fans they're in for some thrilling cinema fare. Dairy investigators of the U. S. Department of Agriculture have found that for more milk per acre, grass silage beats hay. FAMILY . . . K'rry member of the family bat* a "lake in the future of the other*. Kuril rail feel secure "lien the co lice family is financially secure. Iliul's why a saving* account is so important to you, no matter wlial your age. Come open YOUR ac count, now ! Branch Banking & Trust Co. ***w*wlw*****MI*, f u nil in re a lid fixtures, $49,302.21 _ (liber assets _ 6.967.480.31 7,663,000.00 1.610.527.31 " 13,046.88 I 7,500.00 7,290,695.13 248,713.61 169,440.08 TOTAL ASSETS $24,610,409.32 LIAM LIT I E$ I>«‘in«in«l deposit* of individual*. partnership*. ami corporation* __ (1121 3*> '12 I into deposit* of individuals, partnerships, mol corporation*--- 5,875,25 1.22 of (Inited Slnlo fvoverninent (including postal saving*) _ 219,730.30 Deposits of Slate* mol political subdivision*_ 1,608,777.39 16-po-.it* fo hanks_ __ f,J2 22 Other deposits (certified aiol officer*’ check*, etc.) 201,099,441 TOTAL DEPOSITS-*22,767,826.3.11 Other liabilities - 213,321.06 IOIAL LIABILITIES (not inclioliitg subor dinated obligation* shown below) 1_#22,983,347.11 (In/iital Acronnt« Capital* - 500,000.00 -- 730,000.00 Lndivided profit*- 347,696.03 Ifeserves (aiol retirement account for preferred capital) - 29,363.88 - TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS-$ 1,627,061.91 TOTAL Liabilities ami Lanital Accounts_$24,610,409.32 I his bank s capital consist* of Common with total par value of $500,000.00. Memurandu Total deposits to the credit of the State of North Carolina or any official thereof_$ 1,365,422.00 Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes-$ 3,722,608.35 Lupino-Young Picture is Here The Filmakers' daring studs of a juit-l who fought against love and being loved, opens Tuesday at the Marco Theatre, through Eagle Lion release. Produced by Collier Young and directed by Ida Lupino, who also collaborated on the orginal screen play, the modern romance brings together again the sweetheart team of Sails' Forres', and Keefe Brasselle. who scored dramatic ally in "Not Wanted" as the lov ers. Hugh O'Brian, sensational new romantic find, makes his film debut as the third starring member of the emotional triangle. The Filmakers is a nt ss' produc tion company consisting of Collier Young, president; Ida Lupino, vice-president and Malvin Wald, secretary. The purpose of the or ganization is presentation of chal lenging and timely themes drawn from the hearts and minds of the people today The Filmakers also dedicates itself to a policy of dis covering unknown acting talent assured of being “stars for to morrow.” The story depicting a miracle in the making, carries a message eian. When the Crakerjarks appear at the Watts Theatre on Thurs day, July 27, folk and western music enthusiasts will really find a bonanza of musical joy. V MKMOKULS For your cemetery needs on monuments, markers, tomb stones and coping eontaet me for right prices. I represent the NEW BERN MONT MENTAI, WORKS, New Hern, N. big buyers of marble and granite. Credit tei ms if desired. JKSSK T. PRICK P. O. Box 522 or 610 West Main St. Dial 2476 Willianiston, N. C. Thv Soil mifl Tliv Crop (iovvrn ( «»• <#/ lAmrstonv Adolph Mehlioh, soil fertility scientist with the North Carolina Experiment Station, says the im portance of fine limestone de pends on two things. The first thing, he says, is the original acidity of the soil, and the second is the limited require ment of the crop to be grown. To arrive at these conclusions he conducted a series of tests. He found the rate of plant reaction to riolomitic limestone which did j not pass a 10-mesh sieve is very slow, even on extremely acid soils. On the other hand, dolomdic material which passe,, a 40-mesh sieve but so retained by a 100 mesh sieve is riearis as effective on acid soils as that which glasses a 100-mesh sieve, of hope and bravery. Music, laughter and tears are the in gredients of the drama. In addi tion, startling scenes of a fight for life and happiness offer tense excitement. TO BUILD YOURSELF UP TO A PICTURE OF (HOOD HEALTH DRINK -THE PURE Milk from TAYLORS DAIRY U_ ' __ SANDWK IIKS ___ 20« SUINDAKS_20, TAYLORS DAIRY Grade A Pasteuriitd Dairy Products DAIRY BAR Sf PLANT Hau^hton St. CENTURY Club STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY ‘2: *6 PROOP AiPWI NATIONAL DISTILLERS PROD. CORP„ NEW YORK. N. Y. | —. —- ■ »■ —---- i ”553 — Don't Make Driving A Hazard! RECAPPING (»iv«»s you jrrralt’r protection . . . assure* safer «lt*i\ ii*jr . . . faster stopping. SEE OS TODAY B. & W. TIRE CO. Williaiiislon, V (;. Don't Miss It! Everybody's Coming! . . . AGAIN TOMORROW! GREATER VALUES THAN EVER! CLEANING HOUSE: Vi r him* thnusauils of clnin suninirr "nmls llial must In- mnvril in urilrr llial we ran rIran mil all our mill lots. Iirokrn si/.rs, anil mills anil mils. \\ i* arr uffrrin" IrrnirniliMis Inis in even ilrparl nirnl at Oraslir Krtlurlinns! Dnn l Vliss this sinil mrr ( Irau-l p! NOTICE: Wr nuisl makr innm umi fur nnr fall anil niiitrr inrrrlianilisr uliirli nill hr rulliu^ in llir slnrr in a fin* *vrrks. Wr nrril llir room llirsr suninirr trnmls arr Inking! \nw is llir limr In Ini* rvmn liiinp; *nu will nrril fur llir rrinainilrr nf llir sniunirr! Our luss **ill hr yuur "a in! SALE THIS SALE IS OUTSTANDING SPECIAL ITEMS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT This Sale Is The Half-Year Clean-Out Event Designed To Save Yon Dollars! Be Here Early Tomorrow Morning! " iiiusl ('Iran liousr now ol all Miiinnrr mrrrliaiiilifef* . . . otltl hits • • • brokru siy,t‘* ami unit'll rt'^ula r mt‘rt'liamli»t* tv hit'll has hot'ii punliast'il al a nt*tv low prift* frr llii* sprrial salt*! I.ri uolliiiip krrp you away from this lu<> Salt*! Briiift llif family ami plan lo slay all tiny! \ oil will fiml bargains in t't t'i't tIt*pat'lnit'llt! BELK - TYLER’S Williaiuslon, N. C