Visit \t Beach Sunday A: ng visiting at Pamlico TV<g -v’ v '‘-pit Mr and Mrs Slim D • Vi. and Mrs. Bei. C i child)m. Mi. H)l ■ ■ M 1 and daughters. Mr. John Henry Edwards and son. Jack. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sessoms and ckiluien. Mr and Mis Homer B.irnh.ll and daughter. Sandy, and MiC. J. Bi adv To Visit Nags Head Mesdamos Paul Jones. Bruce Wynne and Hugh Singleton and daughter. Patricia, will spend Tuns lav and Wednesday at the. Arlington at Nags Head. Visiting In Hendersonville M aid M, Irving Margolis arc visiting m Hendersonville where they rue entering theii daughter-. Gad and Sandra, at Camp Blue Sta; for a month. l’eturn f ront Vacation Dr n i M - J T Llewellyn have • turnvi ti "in a vacation at Nagr Head Visit At Camp Leach Mi nd Mrs .1 S Avers and Mr. and Mr- Henry Handy visited then iaughteis Judy Avers and Lee Hand> , t Camp Leach Sun day. Spending Week Here Mi- Hilton Carson and son of Robe' si.nville are spending this week he) i■ vith Mrs W K War ren. I1 \ isiting in W iimington Mis Tslmsdp Selby and dau shtci. Deborah, accompanied by Mrs Gilbert Wynne of Elizabeth 1 City, leit yesterday morning for 1 v.'dn salon where they will visit ’ theil ns thei. Mrs C F Ash le\ Here From Norfolk Mi and Mrs D S. Haislip and ■ son. Ji rrv. ! Norfolk, spent the ! week t 'iii w nivMrs Haislip's par- I • nts. Mi . end Mi J B. James Spend Week end at Morehead 1 Guv (' irrow. Jen \ Forehand, Lmdelh \\ i rj, Wilinn Jackson ■ at ■ Jim mi Mannii ■ spent the 1 week end at Morehead Citv Spend Week end in Greenville Mi V I. Skinner and daugh • h ’ . M r\. spent last week-end in Greenv:; visiting relatives Mrs. 1 Skinnei - mother. Mrs W. T Lips- t eomli. returned with them for nlf visit, here. ; | Hl&tyfiiisBMm Completely Air Conditioned For Your Shopping Comfort Extends It’s SUMMER CLEARANCE Until End Oi Month Hundreds of unusual values. All sum mer wearables musf be sold - - to make room for the new arrivals of Fall Mer chandise. Be Smart — Be Thrifty AND BUY NOW Herr Sunday Mis. Gerald James and little daughter. Donna Kaye, of Merry Hi!], spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr- J. B. James, I'mtergoes Major Operation Mr Howell Warren. Sr., under went a major operation in a Wash ington hospital vesterdav and was reported tins morning to be get ting along very well. Returns To Home In Norfolk Mrs. Rex Foster returned to her home in Noi folk Thursday after spending several days-here with her parents. Mi and Mrs. Dirk Taylor Mis Taylor accompanied her back to spend a few days in Norfolk. Visiting In Oriental Miss Pattie Spruill of Greens boro spent last week here with Mr. and Mrs D V. Clayton, Sr. Mr- Clayton's mother, Mrs Pattie Spruill, left Saturday with Miss Spruill for a visit in Oriental. Return To Kaleigli Mrs. Bill Smith and children, Jo Peele and Billy, have returned :o Raleigh alter spending a few fays here with her parents, Mr mil Mrs. Oscar Peel. During her day here she had as her house past. Mis Joseph Smith of Max on. {('turning Home Mrs John Hatton Gurganus and hildren will return home today rum Cheriton, Va.. where they lave been visiting relatives for everal weeks. They are being ae ompanied by Mrs. Gurganus' nother. Mrs Krnest Turner, who vill spend a few days here. risiting Here Mi and Mrs. VV. K. Parker pent Sundu.v in Kenhridge, Va. >1rs. Howard Cone and son, Berk-! rv accompanied them home for visit. >n Shopping Tour Mi Charlie Davis ot the Outlet ’luif left toda.v for the northern narkets to purchase fall goods, is expected to return home in few days. U Nags Head l.ila Hose Gray left Sunday for ships Head where she will be the most ol Patsy Robinson of Robor onville. She was accompanied >y Ann Bynum of Farmville. Spend* Week-end at Home Mr. Bi n Selby spent the week - end with his parents. Mr. and M■ - D. O. Si Ibv in jFtansoniville. Visit in Roanoke Rapids Mrs. Jack Gray and son, Bobby, spent last week In Roanoke Rapids visiting relatives. Vacationing at Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. Billy Biggs and Mr. and Mrs. James L. Harris are spending several days at Nags Head. Return From Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thrower and children. Miss Jessie Mae Melson, Mrs. Jesse Melson and Mrs. C. B. Roebuck returned Sunday from Nags Head. Visit Here Sunday Mr. and Mis. Dick Mallory and son of Plymouth visited relatives here Sunday evening. Attends Meeting Mi W. H. Carstarphen attended a meeting of the board of direc tors of the N. C. Association of Insurance Agents in Wrightsville Beach last week-end. Returns Home Mrs J. I-. Hodgerson, her condi tion much improved following treatment in a Rocky Mount hos pital, returned to her home here last Fridas'. • Spend Week-end at Beach Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hamilton spent last week-end in Wrights ville Beach. lAltt At Nags Head Over Week-end M esdaioes Roy Ward. W. J Smith and Clyde Ward spent last week-end at Nags Head. Continues III Mrs Estelle Harris, a patient in Duke Hospital for about two weeks, continues about the same, reports reaching here yesterday, stated. improving Slowly Mr LeRov Everett of Hamilton who recently returned from Duke Hospital. Durham, where he re reived medical treatment for sev ■ral weeks is reported to be im proving slowly but surely. Al lhough he is still confined to his bed lus physician allows him now lo sit up for several minutes each i Family \if!It I lee (.ream Su/titer Sal For July 26 A family night ice cream sup per will be served Wednesday night. July 20th from 6:30 until 8 o'clock on the Methodist Church lawn. This supper is being spon sored by the' Wesleyan Service Guild, an organization that has wholesome recreation as one of its 1 aims. i Homemade ice cream, cake and (canclv will be served. The public, especially family groups, is invit ■ ed to attend. - In case of rain the supper will be served in the Woman's Club. HO.NORFD ON TOTH BIRTHDAY Mrs. Vennie Wynne of Bear Glass was honored on her 70th birthday Sunday. July 16th. by a surprise birthday dinner given by her daughter. Guests were greet ed and entertained in many dif ferent ways. Many varieties of foods and drinks were served to all present, the buffet style. The table was dressed with a white eloth with her birthday eake in, the center Seventy lighted can dles were placed atop the cake. Those present were her grand children. Mr. and Mrs. Mack G. . Rogerson of Bethel. Mrs. Ervin Whitehurst of Norfolk. Va.. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Lillcy, Mr. and Mrs Samuel Rogerson, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Griffin, Mr. Carroll and John Rogerson, Misses Grace, i Janie and Louvenia Rogerson, all of Williainston; her great grand children. Miss Helen Rogerson of Bethel and Misses Jeanette Lillev 1 and Patricia Griffin of Williams ton; her sister. Mrs. Will Britton of Cross Roads. Friends present were Mrs. Opheus Bailey and dau- , ghter, Ruth Hazel. Mrs. George Taylor, and Miss Louise Corey of Williainston. also Polly and Eve lyn Cowan. She received many useful and lovely gifts and the party was en joyed by all. Return To Richmond Mr and Mi s. Charles Rngerson ! have returned to their home in ! Richmond alter spending a few days with Mr. Rogerson's mother, | Mrs Alice Salisbury, near here. i Visiting In Rear (irass Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chadwick j and daughter. Rose Marie, of To ledo, Ohio, arc spending a week with her mother, Mrs. Vennie Wynne, and sister, Mrs. C. C. Rog erson. At Beach Last Week-end Mr. J. T. Price visited Wrights vilic Beach last week-end. Move To New Home Mr. anti Mrs. Jas. S. Ayers and daughter, Judy, are moving this week to their new country home between Hamilton and Oak City. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Barnhill are moving into the Ayers home on Franklin Street. On Georgia Market Messrs. Carlyle Langley, Evan j Griffin. Jack Hardison, J. E. Grif fin, Joe! Mum and Evan Willard j are among those from here whoj are on the Georgia tohaeeo mar kets. Your homo frozon hoi unit tan _ bo oithor... ^ I# #«n Ua a a H can b» an •xptruiv* luxury...or it can b« tha matt important monay-tavar in your houtxKold! T* moke your horn* storage unit pay. buy your meats, frozen Wi. and other perishables from us •< wholesale prices. You’ll get top-grad* impacted meots, properly chilled, aged, and professionally cut and trimmed to suit your family tiie and preferencoi. Your meats will be wrapped in material!, scientifically designed for this purpose, and will be sharp froien at temperatures much colder than a home storage unit, resulting in juicier meat that keeps its original flavor longer. I Wi welcome your patronage - whether you rant on a of our tockart or net. Coma in and let at ihow you how wa can tove you money. ColonialFrozenFoods lluiiglilou Street Phone 2825 * Program At High j School Is Popular y . 8 The recreational program at the h high school grounds is growing in - popularity it was reported last ; week-end with over two dozen s boys reporting for the activities include baseball. ( If attendance holds up it is like ly that games will be arranged . for the youngsters with other communities in this section. 1 Bobby Carter, leader in the pro gram which is part of the over-all • town recreation setup, states that there is some promising talent in the group of youngsters, all in the teen-age brackets. A practice game was held last week with Carter and Dallas Wells as the battery for one group and Jack Ross. Fred Mat thews and Watson McKeel as the batteries for th4? other. Boys list as taking part in the program are: Edward Ward, Mar shall Beach, Henry Taylor, Tom my Gurganus, Charles Lee Ed wards, Charles Cloven Rogerson, Gene Copeland, Peter Gardner, Wilber Stewart, Dallas Wells, Ro bert Godard, Fred Matthews, Ron dell Beach, Wade Gardner, Ray mond Robertson, Jimmie Page, Watson McKeel, Bobby Carter, John Wells, Jack Ross, John i Dunn. Thad White. Jackie Mars lander, Pete White, Jacob Zemon j and Jimmy Hardison. 1 Returns Home Little Miss Nancy Harrison re turned to her home in Bear Gl ass last Saturday after receiving i treatment in Duke Hospital. Returns Hume Miss Nancie Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Allen, re turned home Saturday after suc cessfully undergoing an opera tion in Duke Hospital earlier in the week. She was reported this morning to be getting along very i well. Here from South Carolina Mrs. Dubose Simpson and dau- 1 ghter of Darlington, S. C\, are spending two weeks here with Mrs. Simpson’s mother, Mrs. Mary Bell Osborn. How mild can a cigarette be? MORE PEOPLE SMOKECAMELS than any other cigarette! and among the millions who do... BENAY VENUTA PopuIarrecord - in« artist has this tu say “My own (’ ;i m e ! *10 Day Mildness Test adds up to lots more smoking enjoyment!" Visit Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Griffin and sons visited Nags Head Sunday. i I Improving Critically ill following an op eration nearly two weeks ago. Little Miss Vickie Martin of Jamesville is still improving in the hospital here, it was reported this morning. Visited Roanoke Rapids Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Anderson J visited in Roanoke Rapids and] Petersburg last Thursday. Here From Oak City Professor John Hassell of Oak City attended to business here this morning. Gay: “You don't seem to real ize which side your bread is but tered on.” Jay: “What does it matter? I eat both sides." I THEATRE — WILLIAMSTON II TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Side Street With Farley Grander <lathy O'Donnell Cartoon II THURSDAY ONLY On Stage In Person Arthur Smith Ami Hi* Cracker-Jacks On Screen "Tough Assignment" With Don “Red” Burry Marjorie Steele Sport Cartoon FRIDAY "The Reckless Moment" James Mason Joint Bennett Little Albert BY CEO. GllRCANlTS i Aii»HLMmmja38n saaarvww fnrmjaiH MApTINCOUNTv PtUKBINCfi-HEATtNG Ms* \,P*o*s 09M/rls/aoL * WXfHNIOTON ST. *f/44AAtSI0#W MC. ! Egg* Should Not Be Left Out Too l^ong Eggs should be held at a temp* erature between 50 and fiO degrees Fahrenheit, with a relative hum | idity of about 75 percent. At 69 degrees fertile eggs start germin ating. and between 70 and 100 de grees eggs quickly lose their taste and flavor. There is a tendency for the whites to become watery and the yolks to flatten out. The eggs assume the characteristics of staleners. which the purchaser | will resent. R. S. Dearstyne, head of the: poultry department at State Col lege, says the problem of the pro ducer is to retain the qualitr of freshly laid eggs for as long a period of time as possible. To es tablish this objective, the poultry man must collect eggs frequently! during the day, cool them as rap idly as possible, and store them under good conditions. Eye Classes Broken? We maintain a complete optical aervice. Lens, temples and frames replaced and repaired Quick service. I Peele’s — Jewelers 121 Main St. Tel. 2311 | TO SERVE CHICKEN SUPPER I The ladies auxiliary of the Wil liamston Pentecostal Holiness Church will serve a chicken sup per Friday evening in front of the | home of Mrs. View Nicholson on Oak Street, in North End. The price per plate will be 75c for the large and 35c for small. They will serve from 5:30 to 7:00 p. m. The public is invited to come and en joy the supper. SLAB WOOD FOR SALE CHEAP. Dial 2460 Willinmston Supply Co, • MADAME LEE • ■ immia s r orp in O S t Psychic Analyst And Ad visor. Confiden tial advice on all subjects. All Troubles Scienti fically and Cor rectly adjusted. Parlor Quiet. HEADING CONFIDENTIAL A Place Where You Can Brins Your Friends and Feel No Embarrassment. Office in Trailer Coach Chocowinlty, N. C. 3 Miles South of Washington LOOK FOR HAND SIGN G*W SEVEN" STAR t MmM vhliktf "THt Straight whlsklas ars 4 )Mn ar mars aid. 27HH 'straight whliksy. 42tt*t Watral spirits dlstlNM fcaai grain. 1 (H ttralghf Srhlskay 4 ytsri aid. 19% straight whlsksy 9 yaars aid. 7H% straight arhlsksy 4 yaars sit.* $0*0 O 4/S 9T, $ois An 90 PROOF v . - ;v ■; » All Summer Merchandise MUST GOH Our Entire Stock 01 Sumner Dresses Beuchweur Huts - Bugs IStiir Of for od it AMAZING MID SEASON PRICES This is a sale you rnit'l afford to miss! Hurry in for unexcelled savings on summer wear for now and through the rest of the season. Wear Right Shop Mrs. W. H. Carsturpheii - Mrs. Rita Everett, Props.

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