Bear Grass And Washington Win Two In Week-End Games Two Top Teams Lost Sunday Tilts Jamesville Gets Even Break On Gardner's Work Only Two Changes In Tlic Slaiulin^s Mmle Art H«* sult Of Rpcenl Play The past week-end was a tough 1 one for the two top teams in the i Martin County League — Farm1 Life 'losing to Jamesville 4-1 and Robersonville dropping an 11-2 deeision to the Everetts Cubs who moved into the first division on the strength of their victory and a double loss by Oak City. The only other change in the fr standings saw the Washington Bees climb from last to sixth spot as a result of their victory over Jamesville Saturday night. 11-10, and over Williamston’s Martins, 0-5, Sunday. Jamesville wound up on the bottom but improved its percent age by taking the victory over Farm Life Sunday to balance off the close loss to the Bees on Satur t day night. Slim Gardner won the game Sunday with a five-hitter to make it three in a row for him tWMMIVMMMMlWMNMIMMM BOYS — GIRLS — MKN — WOMKN RUMINATION TKNNIS TOURNAMKNI Sponsored by Williamston Junior Chamber of Commerce (TPS WILL BE PRESENTED TO THE WINNERS IN SINGLES ANI) DOUBLES. (1) Entrance fee 50c per person. 1! you wish to participate in both singles and doubles the entrance fee will be $1.00 per person. (2) Anyone and Everyone — No age limit. (3) Pairings will be made by a committee of three by draw ing from a hat. (4) All entries must be in by Thursday, August ;t. 1050 For information anil Participation contact Javcees: Wilbur Jackson Junie Peel Frank S. Weaver Phone 3088—2518 Phone 25fc.WTJ.MC Phone 270ft No dale has been set for Semi-Finals, and Finals playoffs but August 25, 1050 has been set as a Tentative date ROYS — GIRLS — MKN — WOMKN AMIWWWWWMMMMMWMWMWIUWWWVWWMWWWWMi Save At Martin County Building And Loan Where Savings Build For You t Save the down payment for a home, where regular savings ami pro fitable earnings provide it — quickly — safely. Start paying for the home you want now. The safely of your investment is insured up to $5,000.00 hy the Federal Savings and Loan Corporation. Inquiries Invited Martin County Building And Loan Association WillianiKton, N. (1. add thru: S___„___J Three more players were added to the squad limit of Marlin County League teams in the meeting'of officials and . ; directors last Thursday night. This means that each team can now carry 20 instead of 17 players on their active list. The list of players which is usually required by July 1 must now be filed with the secretary no later than Thurs day of this week. It was the first meeting of the league in some time. including the double victory over Everetts a week ago Sunday. Hear Grass dropped Oak City in a seven-inning game Saturday mght. 0-0, and then took an it-li decision Sunday at Bear Grass. The Everetts Cubs went to work early and after pinning Ben Scott's ears back took the Rober sonville Rams for an 11-2 ride, ac cording to unofficial reports. Garland Wynne pitched a 2-hit ter for Bear Grass Saturday night against Oak City. There were two home runs in the Washington Williamston eon STANDINGS MARTIN COUNTY LEAGUE Farm Life Robersonville Bear Gras Everetts Oak City Washington Willinmston Jamesville W. 10 18 13 11 9 8 8 13 Pet .727 .720 .619 .460 12 .428 14 13 15 363 .350 .318 test Sunday, Wallace of the Bees petting a round-tripper with one on in the first inning and Newell of the Martins circling the bases while the outfielders searched for his long drive in1o the outer gar dens. In order to give the teams more players to draw from when some of their men are out for various reasons, the league has voted to make the team roster 20 instead of the pervious 17 and all names of players are to he turned m to Se cretary Hack Gaylord by Thins day of this week. BEAR GRASS 8. OAK CITY 3 The Bear Grass Bears used six doubles, two of them b.v J. C. Rawls, and eight singles to defeat Oak City’s Roosters, !! to 3. at Bear Grass Sunday afternoon. Willi ford of Bear Grass and Grady Moore of Oak City walked two men apieee, Moore led in strike outs 10 to 5 but Williford was mates gave him errorless support while Moore had shaky support. Oak C ity opened the game with I one run in the first inning hut Bear Grass came right back to | count three tallies in the last of the first and had the game won j when they scored a single run in , the last of the second. Oak City tallied one run in the fourth and another in the fifth while Bear Grass got another run in the fifth, one in the sixth and 2 in the 8th. Besides Rawls, other Bears hit ting doubles were Smith, Perkins, I Roebuck and Williford, j The box: Oak City | Manning, 3b j Keel. 2b Alt l( II I 2 2 1 2 I) II ! Tyson, G , i 2 II II I Worsley, 13.. rf j Manning, R., cf ' Liverman, J., I b :< i l 4 o o 3 0 11 ^ I JAMESVILLE 4. FARM LIFE 1 j Witt, Slim Gardner pitching his j third victory in a row, ;t neat five hitter, Jamesville defeated the' league-leading Farm Life team in Jamesville Sunday afternoon 4 to 1. Despite the loss. Farm Life held to its top spot by a few per-1 rentage points because the second place Rams of Robersonville also lost Sunday. Jamesville has been playing in the field and at bat a pretty good brand of hall and with Gardner | in good form they have picked up conside rable prestige in the league of late. For a while Slim had dif ficulty getting by the 7th frame. Hi' went the full nine Sunday and got errorless support. Jamesville won the game with two runs in the first inning, added one in the fourth and one in the seventh. Farm Life’s lone tally came in the sixth frame. Farm Life Manning, ss G Hardison, Ih S. Hardison, r T. Tier, rf llayos, 21) G. Tiro, If C. Ward, rf F. Griffin, 3b Perry, p Kicks, If Staneil Hardison, p Ah R II 4 1 1 4 0 1 4 0 0 4 (I 0 4 0 2 2 0 1 3 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 I 0 0 1 0 0 V. 0 o| 0 (I 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Totals 31 1 ! Jamcsville All K 1 R. Harrell, 21) 4 0 I). Harris, 3h 4 2 F„ L. Martin, II. 3 1 I Belch, rf 4 0 IK. Brown, ss 3 0 K, Brown, e 3 0 Alexander, i f 4 0 H. Harrell, If 3 0 11 Gardner, p 4 1 5 1 II F 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Totals 32 4 9 0 Score by mumps: Farm Life 000 001 000 1 Jamcsville 200 100 lOx 4 IlKAIt GRASS (!, OAK CITY U In a seven inning panic played Saturday night m Wiliiamston, Garland Wynne held the Oak City Roosters to two hits while his ‘mates were getting 11 binglos and six runs to e.ive Bear Grass a ti t decision One of the Oak City 1 hits was a double by Francis Wor |Sley while Smith and Roberson ol Bear Grass each ban pod out dou bios. Wobbleton and Peaks of tin Bears, with two for three, wen the only batters to pet more than one hit in the contest. Manning of Oak City issued 3 hascS'On balls and fanned 3, Gar land Wynne allowed three free tickets to first but struckout an even dozen. Bear Grass won the panic in the first innmp by scoring two rum and then added another tally in the fourth and three in the fifth The box: Oak City : Hassell. 2b All It II I 3 0 0 0 j Worsley, F., il I Strickland, as Moore, p 4 0 11 4 0 0 1 4 0 11 Totals Bear Grass | Smith, rf Perkins, cf Wobbleton, It Roebuck, lb Peaks, 2b Rawls, c Roberson, 31j i Hodges, ss \ Williford, p Totals | Score Oak City Bear 31 3 6 3 Ab k ii i: 4 3 2 0 5 1 2 (I 4 2 2 0 5 2 3 0 5 0 I 0 4 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 1 (1 38 8 14 C bv innings: 100 110 000—' Grass 310 011 02x—i G & W William Penn U ended Whiskey j I ; fetal Prlc# *1.95 Pint* Fifth* 86 Proei mm m t ui«n Own, •RAMMT WMIfKIYf IN TMK NOMB « TU1I Oft MOM OU. U« ITIAIOHf MS NHJTIAl mill M1IU) MOM MAM. mm mm, kk\ ium | SCHEDULE | V _/ Wednesday. July 38 Jamesville at Farm Life Washington at Williamston Everetts at Robersonville Bear Grass at Oak City Friday Night. July 38 Washington at Bear C Williamston park. Saturday, July 28 Washington at Farm Lift ass, in RESULTS Saturday, July 22 Bear Grass 6, Oak City 0. Washington 11, Jamesville 10 Sunday, July 22 Jamesville 4, Farm Life 1. Bear Grass 8, Oak City 2. Everetts, 11, Robersonville 2. Washington !), Williamston 5. Everetts 5, Jamesville I Tho box score of the Everetts Jntnesville name played in Wil liamston Tuesday night of last week, won by Everetts 5 to 1, is given below although the results have already been included in the standings. Everetts Ah It II E Wynne, 2b f> 0 I 0 KecTsb 2' 0 0 1 Worsley, F., If Tyson, G„ c Worsley, n„ if Manning, p Liverntan, J., cf Strickland, ss Moore, lb 2 0 10 :t 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 :i 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 Totals Bear Grass Smith, if Perkins, cf Wohbleton, If Roebuck, lb Rawls, c Roberson, 3h Hodges, ss Wynne, p 23 0 2 1 Ah It II E 4 110 2 2 0 0 3 2 2 0 3 0 I 0 I 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 3 I) 0 I 3 0 1 0 Totals Score by innings: 2!) (i i! 1 Oak City Hear Grass 000 000 0 0 200 130 x 0 What a stepper! Jim! hint to ihr •’at* prdal ami .she steps out like no other low-prired ear. Ami that's lrma whether you're driving a Ford \ -«'{ or "Sii". Hut this hit'll »t«‘|»f»rr in a low Hpemler when it rome* to m*is. )uu ran own a V -8, lor example, lor hundred* lens thun inoHi ■'Siiea*’ and a Ford Si*’- lor eien Ira*. What a stopper! Tlii* T»0 Knid actually hcl/w you applv tin* brake*. They're 3.V , easier -actiii” kin*:-Size Hr.ikr-» that u-e cut motnt*fition to help you *lop. lake Kurd a ritra-rii|»j:p<l "Ijfrgiiard'* Body, they v«• you tin* kind of protection you‘d ex|»ect only of roHtlieni earn. And for added nafelv and roirifort, you ride low and level m tftar* \J,id Ship'’ mm-lion of tin* nir, * l*etHffn the wheel*—not over them. You’re cradled ill comfort on *'Hydra-4 loil” front tfpriut’H arid ”l*ara i'lei** rear apring* that give J road-bugging smooth* HfM truly am agin* What a looker! (.old Medal hm ' KiiHliion f !ur of tS»c Year." Ami I'ortln slay good looking l»ecau*c tlieir linked *on iinifth U "made to live outdoor*.” 'That mean* lit««li resale value which, together with Ford* low run niii** eoHin, put* Ford furl her out front art America'* aftvingertl car. slur/ tv/taf a saver I Williomston Motor Company Williumsloti, IN. C. 5 r. Keel. If Taylor, lb Stalls, .11',, lib J. Stalls, rf Fleniinf*, cf D Keel, ss ,1 Keel, e J. M. Stalls, p 4 4 3 3 4 3 0 0 III II I I 1 1 II 1 2 1 I) 0 ll 2 1 I) 1 2 >1 0 II (i Totals 3ti 5 !1 Jamesville Ah R Harrell, ss 3 D Harris, Mb -l II. Harrell, If 2 K. 1,. Martin, Ib 3 Al Habit, |) 4 11. Davenport, 2b 2 Alexander, rf 4 K. Brown, e 4 1) dailies, rf 3 It II 0 1 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 I II (I tl 2 0 1 II I) F 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Totals 23 1 (i 4 Score by innings: Everetts 000 010 220 ,ri Jamesville 000 100 000 1 Thp Pause That Distresses The lecturer was a celebrated doctor of law, and liis talk was to ho on "Fools." Tlio chairman who was something; of a wit, stood up to introduce him "Ladies and nontlcmon," ho said, "wo arc now to have a lee How mild can a cigarette be? MORE PEOPLE SMOKE CAMELS than any other cigarette! and among the millions who Jo... singing s?<: r says: “Whon I moUn. I him* In think of my l h 1‘oa t It's ( hi mt* I s for mo ! Thoy’n* mild !" LANNY R0S3 Television 111ro on fools by one" lie pair ed, and there was loud laui.hter before he resumed 'of the wisest men m the eountiN The lecturer then rose to speak I.adii and c.pnHemen," he ifilil I'm not half ■ , big a fool a . the maiiman he paused, and attain their was loud Iaugh ! tor "would have you suppose." ft] ft] flu Only $180.25 Ilishillnl M illi two mon nis si rri \ or n n ( I n,ni!ir I <miil \ ) B. S. Courtney & Son I'nrnil urr Simr 1^11 Open lriii;i\ 1 \ !i! ftl ft M N ft] ft]

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