Cold F bcIs About Loyalty Cf Those On Public Payroll (Continued from page one) steps slu uld Ik taken to cancel or revoke then mi euship on grounds inv.-ivm;. - .... ti vi ties more ■ lepie u u ■: ■ ■ 'h ' - coun tries be; ond ‘d, Iron Curtain. Eight}, t • g h t v. ( i>. uc ! on g*-(»m i • ■. <■(.mi;i! • ism.” A Horn e\ Genes a I McGrath also drove home the point that our traditional free way of life n strongest defense against eom ou r Now K The Time to co to I'Ol KTM.V'S I or I I KMit H1C inumsrn in these words: ' it i: part Jrom an idealistic or even from a rehgous outlook. As a matter of basic self-respect, most American have lived by the rule that calls upon each man to do unt" another as he would have dune unto him •Belief m tlus has given us more than the strength of force and it offei us more than the ; length which scattered pin p: irks of disloyalty or espre m i fifth columns uf under grid enemies can ever muster against a fret and prosperous nation, where every man lives secure in the knowledge that he fret to believe and worship and talk a he pleases ‘11 we over abandon those belie!.- and substitute for them thi belief that the state is more important than the citizen, that tin rights of the individual do not matter it the state feels that it must take away those rights for it, own security, then we shall haw.- surrendered to totali tarianism w ithout a gunshot. I Yoitr Car Deserves The Best! \nil that's wlut :t will get right here! Regular check on raiii ator. batter v, oil, tires at no extra charge! AI TOS TI1KIV 10 ON OI K SLRVICi;: Sinclair Service Station FRIGIDAIRE “Thrifty-30” Electric Range • Biggest oven of any household range • Cooks more food on nc more current • One piece, all-porce lain oven • Provides more cooking space up front • High-speed, waist-high broiler buy it for only $169.75 Dixie Motor Co. Ki FREEZ’R LOCKER FRESH NER SHELF CRIiPER i SNAP SEAL DOOR LATCH i | RIGHT OR LEFT HAND TILT OUT STORAGE BIN DOOR MODFL 720 SPACE MAKING MODEL V to feet liom top to toe, in the spate of n 4 oi 6 cubic foot model and packed with features, too. Never before have you seen so much refrigeration for your money. Penny for Penny a bigger value than ever before. Tome in Today! 7 CU. FT. MODUS START AT $189.95 I!!°WLy PENNHS A OV 1 Firestone Home & Auto Supply Co. i). \ . L-iaytou, Prop? Johnny Liierry, Mgr, L m The happy faces of Sally Forrest and Keefe Brasselle give little in dication of the troubles soon to befall them in an Eagle Lion Films release which opens Tuesday at the Marco Theatre. The Filmakers’ production, also co-starring Hugh O'Brian was directed by screen star Ida Lupino and produced by Collier Young. Wc shall have done to ourselves what no totalitarian army could impose upon us by force . . The Attorney -General suggest ed an alternative to adopting to talitarianism, an alternative that we should all give careful thought j to in days when some, either \ because of confusion or desire to achieve partisan political gain, are seeking to create an atmo- 1 sphere of hysteria and fear in which our traditional liberties will perish He said: "We need to be calm. We need : to anchor ourselves to our tradi- i lions of law and justice and fair, play. “We need to have not only a faith m our God but also a faith \ in our fellow men and in our public servants and a confidence (hat the spirit of fair play that has guided every step of our national life must not be aban doned now. “In the last few months I have raveled the length and breath >f this vast continent of ours. I lave seen Americans-of all races '■ ind creeds and colors in all sec- I ions working at their jobs, wor- i ■ hipping at the churches of their •hoice, speaking their minds with- 1 lut fear or terror, cherishing their ! oved ones in a nation where the : 9 cu. ft. Da luxe Modal shown $309.75 o Full-Width Froaxar Chad • Naw Ice-Blue intariar trim • Naw full-length door o Naw Super-Storage datign o Naw all-porcelain, twin, atock-up Hydratora • Naw Chill Drawer o Sliding Basket-Drawer for •99*, small item* All-aluminum ahalvaa Naw split shall Adiustnbla sliding shall All-porcaloin MuHi-Furposo Troy Inclusive Quickuba Troys Famous Meter-Miso' mechanism Wherever you live—whatever the site of your family, kitchen or budget—be sura to saa tha naw Frigidoira Refrigerators for 1950. See »he complete line of sizes from 4 to 17 cu. ft_see all the roorons why your No. 1 choice is America's No. I Refrigerator, FRIGIDAIREt Como Ini Oof tho facto about all tho naw Frisldalro modolo for 19401 Dixie Motor Co. mma* i WILLIAMSTON' 7 BEAK GRASS 2 The Williamston Martins took over the No. 6 position in the Mar tin County League standings last Wednesday night when they took advantage of loose Bear Grass fielding and timely Martin hitting to defeat the Bears 7 to 2. While the Martins played er rorless ball, the Bears committed four miscues, two of them in the very first inning when they re sulted in two runs for the win ners. Perry drove the two runs in with a double. Morris Stalls was the heavy hitter of the night with a triple and double in four times up and scored two runs. A line drive by Bobby Rogers hit the side of the gymnasium for a dou ble. It likely would have been a aome run anywhere else around \ the field. Virgil Wobbleton slam Tied out a double for Bear Grass while Hodges joined Stalls as the jnlv hitters to get more than one ; lome is most important, and the jovernment remains the servant )f the people. “After what 1 have seen and icard, communism does not righten me and it should not Tighten you . . .” FARM LIFE 4 ROBERSONVILLE « Farm L;fe won a shutout vie- | tory over Rohcrsonville last Wed nesday afternoon and with the win the Farm Life boys moved to the top of the deck on a percent age basis. Farm Life didn't get but three j hits but they made four runs off them while the Rams could not squeeze a run out of the eight safeties they got off Staneil liar- i dison of Farm Life. Rightfieider Fleming of the Ro. bersonville team was the only batter to get better than one hit. | He had two for four times up. The box: Robersonvillc E. Forbes, ss Ross, 2b Cherry, If Brown, cf Matthews, c Fleming, rf Forbes, G., .'lb Wynne, A., lb James, p Totals Farm Life Manning, ss Hardison, G„ lb Simon Hardison, Ricks, cf Ah r H i: ■4 0 1 31 1 « 1 0 4 0 0 0 2 0 10 4 0 10 4 0 2 0 3 0 1 1 4 0 0 0 3 0 11 Ab K II E 3 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 j c 3 0 0 0 3 10 0; 32 0 8 2 hit. Ho had two singles. The box: Bear Grass Smith, 3b Terry, cf Wobbleton, c Roebuck, lb Peaks, If Rodgerson, rf Hodges, ss Wynne, 2b Williford, p Totals tVilliamston Whitehurst, ss Harrison, 2b Sullivan, cf Wynne, lb 3erry, If Stalls, rf lodgers, 3b V Perry, c Newell, p Ab it ii i; 3 0 I 1 J 4 1 0 0 4 0 10' 4 0 0 0 j 4 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 4 0 2 1 | 3 0 0 2 3 1 1 Oj 33 2 7 4^| Ab R II E 5 2 1 0 | 4 110 4 0 0 0 I 4 1 1 0 | 4 0 1 O' 4 2 2 0 1 4 0 10 4 I 0 0 j 37 7 7 0| Totals Make New Type Airplane Camera A new airplane camera which is able to photograph a .strip of earth twenty-six miles long in a space of two seconds while the plane is flying at a height of 10. 000 feet has been developed, it was announced by the Air Force recently. As a sample, a picture was taken in Washington, D C., and it showed Mount Vernon in the distance at one end, and Coles ville, Md., could be faintly seen at the other edge It has not been disclosed whether this camera is intended for the recently develop ed long-range reconnaissance plane (B-30) or for the more speedy jet reconnaissance planes which have a shorter range. The distance the camera can take in horizontally "can be increased by a corresponding elevation of the aircraft” said the Air Force. An T Tice, if Hayes, 2b C. Ward, rf F. Griffin, 3b * StaneiJ Hardison, p 3 10 0 3 110 2 0 0 0 3 110 3 0 0 0 Totals 26 4 3 0 Score by innings: Robersonvilie 000 000 000 0 Farm Life 040 000 OOx—4 Men’s Dress and Work Shoes For Less. WILLARD’S SHOE SHOP BOTTLE GAS — It Cooks — It Heats Courtney Gas Co., Inc. SERVICE - It Makes Ice — Dial 2572 ! other feature of the camera is tiiat it saves time and material for fin ishing up two extra rolls of film required by other cameras which take pictures from horizon to hori zon by making three different pic tures—one right below the plane, and the others in front and -be hind the plane. The twenty-six mile strip is about three miles wide at a height of 10,000 feet. At a tea the theory of prenatal influence was being discussed when a. newcomer to trfc neigh borhood arrived and was intro duced. For several minutes she listened interestedly and then spoke up. ' I find myself in disagreement," she said, "for 1 am quite sure theie is no such thing as prenatal I influence. Take my ease as an example. Shortly before I was born my mother tripped over some phonograph records and cracked every one. But it didn't , affect me affect me affect me af fect me.” Visit Heilig ami o Meyers « WiUiaimtou for the “Beat Buys In Furniture” I r4* A A CO. “That’s the hottest water boy in the country. It should remind everyone to call Wheeler Manning at 2426 in Wil liamston and discuss their Fire Insurance needs with him.” SPEND 5 MINUTES WITH US —SEE HOW YOU CAN SAVE $ 1000 : . ; i i A' You cou/dpay iWOO mo fie and not get afiDodge room-ease of handling ... famous dependability/ Take 5 minutes and! see for yourself just how Dodge gives you roominess costlier cars can’t match. Take the wheel and discover handling ease money can't buy anywhere else . . . ruggedness that belongs to Dodge, and Dodge alone. Yes, you could |»av $I,(KR) more and still not get all the extra-value features Dodge gives )ou! Come in today! . ’ .•••• •• .. - - ..'■ • ■ • '■. DODGE dusts fitwds/fsn more Men Me towest-pn'eedcsrst pi Your present car may newer again be worm what wSgive you now... Chances are it will more than cover the down payment on a big new Dodge I Your- present car may he worth more in trade than it ever will he again. Share in our success. New Dodge models are rolling off the production lines in record volume, and we can assure you rally delivery on your favorite model. Trade now—aud save! ^ DIXIE MOTOR COMPANY, Iuc.— W iiliamstou, N. C. Wt