Slight Damage By Electrical Storm And Wind Friday fContinued from pace one) under normal conditions, is at a premium in several parts of the county. cm HIN T SHOOT RF! ATTVI Wa’ ■ He At -.untaineert A man Ar,--vi an invitation to go bear-hunting one day. "A bear." he said, "reminds me of a little lat man whose pants are about to fall down r*'fiav«aM a o,y iciM like that As advertised in LIFE AUGUST-ONLY SPECIALS ! t No 7520 Pol.shed motched Ame/icon Walnut on waterfall Walnut bo*. *-■ rfh border trimmed in matched ^ Pcnctno Include* Lane Automatic Troy Choose the Love-Gift she’ll cherish . . . «w*»ttl**r., (nether. wit*. »l*l*r, , daughter. Buy now — get thi« hi* •aviflg—lob* until Chnslmol I* ptoyl J- ' REGULAR »S»«» Value* }i|095 While They laU. Only "f7(,rt Moth Protection Ou«r«nte« 1 DOWN Reserves Any LANE CHEST WOOLARD Furniture Co. l ishliii" Ini his vei'j life. .lames Mason battles Roy Roberts, while Joan liennett shrinks back m terror. The scene is from Columbia's "The Reckless Moment" at the Watts Theatre Friday only. Georgia Tobacco Prices Averaging Between S50-S54 (Continued from Page One) Ij5. Hitt,000 produced in South lleorgia and North Florida last year Unfavorable weather, both at planting and harvesting time, cut the yield Itut the growers look for high ei prices, figuring the short crop will sell foi mbit money, and hoping I'm a boost also from the ED6EWOOP AVC.• PMONI 2JO» WILLIAMSON ,N.C. FIXZIT I SYSTEM 1 i;\ci:lu;m m in USED FURNITURE WORRKI.l. \|»m \I\CK COMPANY higher duv'inmrnt support rates land a better expert market. Curing Barn Fire Losses Climbing In Martin County (Continued rrom page one) out fairly well, but in certain . areas the curing'process is fairly i slow and difficult The color is good except in a few cases, but the leaf is "mighty light," the farmers declare. No, no. Lulu, a goblet isn't a I sailor's child. WantS KOK SAI.K: ON K ELECTRIC counter drink box in good con dition. See it at 204 S Smithwick Street M S, Gray jly 25 4t KOK SALK: (i OOI.K CUBS IN good condition. Will sell teas unable. See Ben Selby at the En terprise Of tier. jly 25 tf KOK SALK: LA KOK BABY I Crib with tnnorspring mat 1 tress. $10 Call 2507 KAKM LOANS: LONG TERM and low interest rate. At least twenty-five acres cleared land. •See L A Squires, Bank of Wash mgton Building, Washington, N. | C. jlv 20 5t WHY TAKE LE$S.„^ WHEN PEPSI'S BEST! Uudcr Appointment From Pepsi Lola Company, N, Pepsi Cola Bottling Company u*. Greenville. I CARD OF THANKS It is with deep gratitude that I express my sincere appreciation ■ to my many friemis who have j been so thoughtful and ennsider i ate during my recent and extend ed illness. I am very apprecia tive ot every card, expression of interest and all floral contribu tions. Although I am still confin ed to my room and bed a majority if the time 1 hope to be able to be j iut soon even if on a part time LcHn.v It. Everett. Ham j Iton. N. C EXTRA MONEY FOR YOl ! Show FREE Samples of EM BOSSED NAME - IMPRINTED Chi ,-tmas Cards. Sell fast at 50 ini $1. Pay big profits. Make -If!.!lat). .2.1.-c ai d Assortments. Others for Chiis'mas, all occas ions. Assortments on approval. CHARM, 393 Peachtree N. E„ Di pt. 202, Atlanta, Ga. WANTED: RIDE TO RICHMOND Friday or Saturday of this week. Sally Jones. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER i and, secretary desires work. \ Dial 2205. YOI' ARE INVITED TO ATTEND ; the Family Ice Cream Supper to be held Wednesday night. July 26, on the Methodist Church Lawn from f>:20 to 8:00 sponsored by the Wesleyan Guild. Home made ice cream, cake and candy will be served. In case of rain supper will be held in the Woman's Club. Everybody is welcome. Bring the family. MAN OR WOMAN TO TAKE I over route of established Wat kins customers in the city of Wil liainston. Full time income aver ages $4!j weekly. No investment necessary. We will help you get started. Write J. R. Watkins Co., | Dept. S-3, Richmond, Va. SLAB WOOD FOR SALE. O. Bailey, Bear Grass jly 25 4t NEW HOUSE FOR RENT: 3 rooms, good location. Phone 2222 FOR SALE: NEW 1950 DODGE | Truck with only tiOO miles with | Dc Luxe Cab. Good us new. Will sell right. Stevenson’s Auto Ga- ! rage. Jamesville Highway. 24- | hours service. Road service. Dial Day, 3033. Night, 2582 j I 25 2t PAMLICO BEACH COTTAGES For rent, Moore's Beach Road Clean, modern conveniences, sandy beach, boats. Vernon Ward, Ransomville, N. C. jy25 2t 1 Our Mechanic Hus Just Returned From A Tile & Linoleum School For Expert Floor Covering in iu lim it m i LINOLEUM TILE ASPHALT TILE INLAID Ask About Our Personalized Floor. Vi oolurtl Furniture Co. MARCO Adults 20c Children 15c TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "The Great Rupert" yvith Jimmy Duniiilc Comedy Cartoon THURSDAY - FRIDAY "Four Faces West" With Joel McCrea Frances Dee Cartoon Gordon MacRae and Virginia Mayo supply the romantic interest in the new Warner Bros, suspense drama,‘•Backfire,” coming to the Vic car Theatre Wednesday. Also in the cast are Dane (dark, Edmund O’Brien and Viveca Lindfors. YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat. lories. Phone 281,8. Turn right at Freezer Loclfer. no 8 tf DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES Mules, Cows and hogs removed promptly. No charge. Phone Greenville, N, C\, 3101. Norfolk Tallow Company. no 8 ti MR. FARMER—STORE YOUR cured hams and shoulders for protection against skippers and other insects for the summer. Prices very reasonable. Colonial Frozen Foods, Wiiliarhston, N. C. jly 13 (it FREE APPRAISALS ON ALL Body and Fender Repairs with no obligations. Roanoke Chevro let Co., Williamston, N. C. je 22 tf FOR RENT: BUILDING FOR rent on N. Haughton Street that can be used for dwelling or store. Henry If. Harrison. je 27 tf SACRIFICE SALE OF DEMON strators- 1 Automatic Bendix 1 i-oner, $99.50, 1 Automatic Hot Point Ironer—$99.50, 1 Electro Chef Cooke—$49.50. 1 Bendix Automatic Washer, $149.50. Wool aid Furniture Company, Wil liamston, N. C. jly 11 (it Watts Theatre Williamson, N. C. FRIDAY ONLY V It could happen to so many married women I '*7' COLUMBIA PICTURE ) CLHALSINt HOOKS * fcrton W«r ki H#i»| fc*«vo* ond toh$tf W S*4«»W't »o.*d upon 9 U4Ui H*m» )ou<»*«l ilarf k» |i‘»ok»U' «n riaf If ™ — f __ _ . _ - _ Hoidu, OttMidd by MA* 0*JU h«du<»d »>y WAITt" WANotf .i •' ■ ■••• ■ • . Watts Theatre VS illiaiiislou, ]\. (I. THURSDAY ONLY Kuf(iilar 1‘rirrs ON THE STAGE J and THE Ckackek* JACKS WBT — CBS NETWORK MCM RECORDS On The Screen "Tough Assignment" With Don “Red” Burry | FOB RENT: SANDING MACH ine. Refinish your floors your- ! jself and do a first class job of 'sanding and polishing your worn) | dingy floors. We will rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy apd rental costs, are low. Worrell Appliance Com pany. Dial 2057. no 8 tf CLARK'S RHEUMATISM COM ! pound for positive relief ol laches and pains. Guaranteed re | rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago | neuritis, neuralgia and musculai I lief or money back. Clark Phar | maey. m ->2 tl (FOR RENT; ONE STORY three-room brick office ! Imildin'*. Ideal location. Vpply If> J Paid Sim;(»<m, jly 25 2t FOB FOUR CUSTOM . MADE Venetian blinds, awnings tor the home or store, see us. 7fr hav« the famous F'exalum aluminum slats; also beautiful colors in wood. Henry Harrison, Wiiiiams ton. au 26 tf PARKER'S SELF - S E R V 1C E Laundry. Hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Monday through Friday. 8 a. m. to 12 noon on Saturday. Try us for a quick and economical wash ser vice. je 8 tf I PINE TIMBER WANTED. WE pay Top Prices for standing tim ber and pine logs. Willianiston Supply Co. Phone 2460. je 20 tf TRIO Rnliersonvillc, N. C. TONIGHT, July 25 LAWLESS With Carey McDonald ami Gail Russell Plus: First newsreel films from embattled Korea and Short WEDNESDAY, July 2<i OLD TEXAS TRAIL With Rod Cameron TYRANT OF THE SEA With lion Randall and Serial THURSDAY - FRIDAY July 27 and 28 MY FRIEND IRMA GOES WEST With Marie Wilson, John Lund and Dianna Lynn Cartoon and Short IhMWIMWWWUWUXWItW WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR all types of high quality hard wood logs. Wells-Oates T.ulmber Company, Frank E. Weston, man ager, Wuliamston, N. C. jo 8 tf EXPERT BODY AND FENDER repair. Reasonable prices and Satisfactory Service is our aun. Roanoke Chevrolet Company, William: ton, N. C. je 22 tf RESTORE YOUR CAR'S TAINT to its original lustre and bril iianet with a new Paint Job. < Roanoke Chevrolet Company, WilliamstcHj, N. C. je 22 tf Juawn Mowers Sharpened W Se’l and Repair. B i cy e lcs-T r icy cl es. llarlcy• Davidson Mdtni cycle Sales and Service. QIJINVS MOTORCYCLE SHOP Washington St., Dial 21184 HAMILTON THEATRE LAST TIMES TUESDAY July 25 Foi l! DAYS' LEAVE With Cornel Wilde Plus Cartoon WEDNESDAY, July 2<i Double Feature Program Shows 7:15 and 9:15 FOLK DAYS LEAVE With Rex Allen MILLS OF OkLAHOVIV With Toni Neal SERIAL THURSDAY - FRIDAY July 27-28 Shows 7:15 and 9:15 In Technicolor Forbidden ji ngle . With Donald O’Connor and Gale Slorm Latest News SATURDAY, July 29 Shows Continuously 1 til 11 Double Feature Proliant CURTAIN CALL AT CACTUS CREEK With Alan Lane COV ERED W AGON With Maria Montez Serial MOV IES Are BETTER TH\N EVER THAT 'WHITE HEAT' GIRL BRINGS ALL HER FIRE TO A E» LARR* MAR. i! VIC C A R—Wednesday Only WWfc&W

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