THE ENTERPRISE Published E'rery Tuesday and Thursday by ENTERPRISE PI fBLISHING CO. WE.IXAMRTON NORTH CAROLINA I * i i | f SIJB^CRFPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) One War_ Sls Months . . IN MARTIN COUNTY OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One V<»nr _ Six Months ___ •5UM 1 50 nr* 1 .76 Advertising Rate Card Upon Reouest » Entered at the post office in Williamston. jJ N C., as second-class matter under the act y of Congress of March 3, 1879 V Address all communications to The Enter '! crise and not individual members of the y firm. v No Subscription Received Under 6 Month* Thursday. Jnl\ 27. I'KIO I « A I / hm LH'/ IHI s • - If a monster devours, the devoured can not be too particular about just what type j of monster did the devouring, lie is more I interested in his fate than he is in the de- j tails. We have been warned against this and that, rigidly so, no doubt. But it would seem that some of those doing the warning are about to tin'll and devour us. not the upper erust, to he sure, hut 1he masses. It seems that a guy b\ the name of Ed- ; ward Rumely i.s.iurnishing the brains for an organization called t|ie Committee for Con stitutional Government. It also seems that he served in prison for his close work with the Nazi out fit in this country. Rumely was questioned recently about large contribu tions received by his lily-white organization. He claims no contributions amounted to $500 or more, hut there is the charge that j one pharmaceutical house chipped in $1,000. It seems as if the Rumely outfit is out to iniluenee legislation and elections, not in the interest nt good government, but in the interest of Kifi corporations and the eon tempi ible reactionaries. We sincerely belive that the Rumely and the Gannetts and others of then ilk are more dangerous to the welfare of our country tnari any other one group in the nation to day. They have already left a dirty trail from Georgia through North Carolina, and they arc not vet satisfied. They are a dan i porous group. They are trying to block con gressional investigations when those invest i gat ions point to their contemptible acts They are pumping money into States to in fluence elections, and they are pumping money into legislative halls to influence legislation—all for their own gain. They talk about the good of the country when all they do and hope to do is for their own good Itftirinfs the I.ann Mower? Christian Science Monitor. Who said the world was going to the clogs? the headlines may be full of misery and mendacity. Professors may worry and poli ticians stew. But one solid citizen is con vinced that progress hasn’t ceased. We speak of the common garden variety of luime gar dener. Not only do the plant hybridizers give him'bigger and better varieties of flowers and vegetables every year. Not only do tool manufacturers turn out every con ceivable kind of gadget to lighten his labors, even to one with which he can practice golf strokes and cut weeds at the same time. Not only do chemists combine fertilizers with weed killers, and even concoct solutions that can distinguish between weeds and grass, and powders that, harm insects but not humans. Now they have come up with an invention to eliminate the lawn-mowing chore. (We call it “chore" although some enthusiasts claim there is no pleasanter way of getting in a good walk.) Researchers down at the University of North Carolina should find a happier name for their beneficent discovery than “maleic hyilrazicle " They warn against extravagant hopes and say that their wonder is not yet ready for use by the public. But experiments have shown that one spraying in spring stopped grass growth for four months. It is also said to do various weeding jobs and hold hack fruit buds till frost is past. But the IT,222,222 men who shave and manicure surburban greensward every week will for give it for failure in any of these other tasks if only it retires the lawn mower. Even then your real gardner will expect more progress. He probably will ask the inventors to find something for that follow next door who lets his dandelions go to seed. II vou would measure the real calibre of a man. note the si. e of the things that make him mad.- -Exchange CHURCF NEWS EVERETTS CHRISTIAN Olin Fox, Pastm. Sunday school at 10:00. Mrs Geo. Taylor, Supt. Christian Youth Fellowshij Monday evening at 7:30, Preaching 4th Sunday at 11:01 1 a m and 7 30 p. m. Woman's Council Saturday af ! lornoon hefore first Sunday u' ! 3 30. j Visitors arc welcome. HASSELL CHRISTIAN OJir. Fox, Pastor. Sunday school at 10:00. C B Burroughs, Supt. Christian Youth Fellowship at G:45 p. m. Preaching first and third Sun days at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The Woman’s Council Wednes day evening after first Sunday at 7:30. Visitors are welcome. , PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS N. J. Ward, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:4.r>. Sam Whtchard, Supt. Morning worship at 11:00. Youth service at 0:30. Evangelistic service at 7:30. Mid-week prayer service, Wed nesday night at 7 30. OAK CITY CHRISTIAN Olin Fox, Pastor. Sunday school at 10:00. Ernest Bunting. Supt. Preaching 2nd Sunday, 11:00 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Woman’s Council Wednesday afternoon after second Sunday at 3:30. Visitors are welcome. CHRISTIAN John L. Goff. Pastor. Bible school, 9:45. Classes for dl ages. The Philathea Bible 'lass and the Bob Peel Bible class nvites any adults not now attend ng Bible school. W II Sessions, 4upt. Morning worship and eelebra ion of tlic Lord’s Supper at 11:00 sermon by pastor. CYF meets will) MYF at the rirst Methodist church at 7:00. hi Rho group meets at 7:00. Eve ung service at 11:00 with Mr. Gofl lelivering the sermon at the Methodist Church. Tuesday. BOO hoir rehearsal. Lowest Priced Car with "ROCKET” ENGINE and OLDS HYORA-MATIC! TOP NUMBER on the hi^hwax! . . . OhJoinohile's brilliant new *>•' "hh the Hot kcl I ii»mr ami m*\> II\dm-\lalio Drive*! SMOOTH NUMBER! . . . tlio nrw «>'}. smoother llian evrr as ( Md-mobile II \tiia-Malic | mirs with Kocket l.n^ine poster! BEAUTIFUL NUMBER! . . . the sparklm* ”88,'* superbly ► I >1***1 lh** I iiliiiaiiiit wax! (lleau, Iree-lloxx ill" lmt*-> match the heantx ol ultra-'*mart interiors. TRY THIS NUMBER See your ( Hdsinohile dealer aiul a~k h»r a T Ki«kt*l ride in the next }{.T ! I' * the luv>< ~l priced Kockel' ilxdra Malic car? ! Maka a Data with a No cleat i“f —— PHONE YOUR NEAREST Oin$MOIIL( DKALEk Chns. H. Jenkins & Co. W1LLIAMSTON — AHOSKIE — AULANDER — EDENTON — WINDSOR _ ifu/ii- Ihi<<# u/iii.ui^. u, WJ»" —*' •*« «// (Htiunvlnlt nsvdrit. A CCNfRAl MOTORS VAIUC I PRESBYTERIAN James Lowry, Pastor. Williamston Sunday school 9:45. Morning worship, ! 1 :f)0. Sermon topic ‘ The Art of Worship." Youth Fellowship at 9 30 Sun day evening. Roberson’s Chapel Sunday school, 12:30. Youth fellowship Thursday, 8. Bear Grass , Sunday school, 10:00. Penning worship, 8:00. J Prayer meeting Thursday, 8:00 Church Of The Advent (Episcopal) ; Tin Rev. Tims. Hastings, Rector. Weekday Morning and Evening Prayer 8 and 5. ! Sunday, July 30, Trinity Eight, i 7:30 a. to., Holy Communion. 0:45 a. in.. Church school. 11:00 a. rrc. Morning Prayer and Litany. Monday 10:30 a. m„ Woman’s, Auxiliary Meeting. Collect for Eighth Sunday after! Trinity: “O God, whose never-1 failing providence ordereth all things both in heaven and earth; j We humbly beseech thee to put away from us all hurtful things, and to give us those things which are profitable lor us; through Je sus Christ our Lord ” HAMILTON BAPTIST E. H. Stewart, Pastor. 10 a. m., Bible school. H. S. Johnson, Supt. 7 p. m.. Baptist Training Union. 8 p. m., Worship service: "Put ting Christ And His Cause First." 8 p. m„ Monday. Scouts meet. 8 p. m., Wednesday. Prayer ser vices Followed by choir rehears- ! al. All members urged 1o attend1 and the public is invited. BAPTIST | 9:45, Sunday school. 1 1.00, Worship. 7:00, Training Union. 8:00, Worship. ji The nursery will, be open dur-l; mg the morning services. ‘ Tuesday. 5:00, Ethel Guest. G. A. ! * ’ ... - ! meeting. Wednesday: ft:00, Midweek sor i vice. Thursday: 8 00, Adult choir | practice. Fridarv: ft 00, Philathea class meeting with Mrs. II. H Thomp I son. < 8:00, Deacons meeting. Jaitimillr !Vfollio«list Buell E Bingham, Minister. Sunday school—-10:00 O'clock. Howard Gaylord, Supt. * Sunday evening: 8:00 o'clock the A’ S. C. S. will conduct its quar tet iy study class at the Roper church. The hook to be studied is “Near East Panorama.” Mrs. Grace Cites,son will conduct the i study class. All the societies oi all the t harge are urged to attend this : study class EVERETTS BAPTIST E. R. Stewart, Pastor. 10 a. in., Bible school. G. H. Forbes, Supt. 11 a. m.. Morning services. “Is the Young Man Safe?” 7 p, in., Baptist Training Union. Paul Bailey, Director. 8 p. in., Thursday. Prayer ser vices, followed by choir rehearsal. 2 30 p. in., Sunday. Fifth Sun day Sing at Siloam Church, across; the Roanoke bridge in Bertie i’ounty. The public is invited to ill services. 11 CONDUCTING SERVICES Rev. Daniel Hardison is con- ! lucting a series of religious ser vices in the Barber community of famesville Township. His topic "or Friday night will be, “Booze". Hie public is invited. NOTICE OF SALE | sioith Carolina, Martin County. The land hereinafter described laving been offered for sale to ] he highest bidder for cash on - Monday, the 3rd day of July, 1 950, at which time and place, M. Peel became the last and high- > ■st bidder for same at the price of 1 i426G.OO, bid having been raised l md the Board of Commissioners I if Martin County, under and by t FIFTH SUNDAY SING AT SILOAM NEXT SUNDAY •The next Fifth Sunday Sing, ac cording to the director, will he held with SFloam Baptist Church This church ran be reached 1>> crossing the Roanoke river bridge and driving toward Windsor until a sharp curve to the right is reach ed. Here turn off on dirt road tc left and travel about one mile to the church. Special numbers in solos, duets, trios, quartets, sex tets, choir-numbers, choruses and congregational numbers will la the program, A large crowd is expected and the public ** invited tii attend. authority of law conferred upon them, will, on Monday, the 7th dav ot Angus!. 1950, at 12 o'clock noon in front of the courthouse door in the Town of Will.amston, N C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following de scribed real estate, to-wit: beginning at corner of Jones’ house and lot on Main Street in tike Town of Williamston, thence along Main Street 55 feet, thence a line parallel with Main Street HiO feet to a stob, thence a line parallel with Main Street 55 feet to Jones’ line, thence along Jones’ line U>0 feet to the beginning, this acing the same premises convev ?d to W. J. Griffin bv B. A Critcher and wife, Ozella, by deed fated Dec. 1st, 1919, and of record in*Book D-2, pag*> 105 of the Pub ic Registry of Martin County, ind also being the same premises ■onveyed to Julius S Pee! bv W J Griffin and wife, Mary E. Grif in, and also being the same land leeded to Martin County by Les ie Fowden and others, of record n Book D-2, page 571. This is a final sale of said land ind bid will not remain open, and inybodv interested will appear ind bid. This the 10th dav of Julv. 1950 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS (TF MARTIN COUNTY By J. Sam Getsinger, Clerk ‘egl and Peel. Attvs , Villiamston, N. C. I.v 13-20-27 au 3 • NOTICE OF PUBLICATION 'Jorth Carolina, Martin County In Superior Court iitura Mills, v. Abram Mills. The defendant, Abram Mills, yill take notice that an action on itled as above has been cnni nenoeri in the Superior Court of Jartin County, North Carolina, I o obtain an absolute divorce on - the grounds of two years’ .separa tion: and the defendant will fujf ther take notice that he is requir ed, to appear at the office of the Clerk Superior Court of said County in the Courthouse in Wil liamston, N. C\, on the 14th day of August, 1950, or within twenty (till) clays thereafter and answer or demur to the complaint in sai,l action or ihe plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This 17th day of July, 1950 L B. Wynne, Clerk Superior Court of Martin Countv jly 20-27 au 0-10 'Crinitu of Beauty Design. material and craftsmanship are itj* three things which injure beautilul and permanent memorials A beautilullv designed memorial can be like exquisite seamed glass cathedral windows whuh are an inspiration 10 all who v:ew them When fashioned ol nature s most endur ing stone it wiii keeo memory Wight throughout the years. A memorial is ore of the most impor lant purchases you will erer make tiuj with confidence fre-m an eitabhched dealer where seriiv# *r> J io»l git J*iureJ. Funeral Home \\ illinmston. 1\. (!. ^ AUTHORIZED DFAI-ER ☆ * BIGGS GEORGIA RGYALTEX « Mijn )DOO f»0king • l ff< •><• hid riyrk i.ijN mh» POtitfiK *U4?M THE GREAT/flat D.S. ROYALS m yurJlLm m womb STK5NO fNOUOH TO 'ilWMl CAS WIIMO'Jt TIHsl LIFE-TUBE •iQwour ototfcriON Ntvi* PGtSfllf •fFO*f WWjSkwBfflS® *-Do We Mean? THREE TIRE UVES IN ONE* Extreme trend depth permits continuous maintenance of Royaltex non-skid traction. Get 60% MORE SAEE MILES With skid protection never known or possible before! You set EVERLASTING WHITEWALLS II ith Protective Curbguard to maintain the spotless beauty of your tires. You Get Now U. S. NYLON LIFE-TUBES! vor blowout protection never possible before. THE LOWEST COST PfK SAFE MILE IN TIRE HISTORY! UNITED STATES RUBBER COMPANY ■w*or2rarsf Tire ifreat MID-CENTURY MASTERS give you extreme tread deptli. Their original de-tikidded tread treatment cut be entirely refreshed and renewed at any time — when other tires are divind up their lives. Thus you ride with fresh, new ali-seasou ttauion for years to come. AU YOU NIIO TO DO is visit your [/. S. Royal dealer. He has all the equipment. He will fully restore every detail of your Royaltex non-skid safety traction. Tire Qualities and Features Never Known Beforel Equip yourself and family with tfits beauty, mileaifi and super-safety today. Get COMPLETE PROOF demonstration before you buy I A Hlghatt cosh allowances tar all yaur aid tiros and tubas. ★ lasy credit terms If you desire them. A Fully guaranteed. Ask far them on the next car you buy PUT THEM ON YOUR PRESENT CAR TODAY I B. & W. Tire Company—Williamston, N.