''Stars In My Crown' Sunday "Stars in My Crown," new M-G-M attraction at the Viccar Theatre, beginning Sunday, is a tenderly-unfolded, heartwarming story of a small Southern settle ment at the close of the Civil War and of a two-fisted preacher who leads the way in making his com munity a better place to live in. t Joel McCrea enacts Josiah Gray, ex-cavalryman who comes tu the little village of Walesburg, in spires the community to build its first church, marries the pretty organist, Harriet, and becomes a second father to their little ward, John, The parson’s steadfast cour age and honesty make themselves felt on almost every member of the village and he even wins the iconoclastic Doc Harris over to his side when he saves the life of the latter’s fiancee. Faith, after •all the jdoctor’s medical know ledge has failed. Only one man proves stubborn in his resistance to Josiah’s precepts of honor and humility. He is Lon Backett, the town’s richest man. who tries to exert his own authority over that of the law, but who in the picture's stirring climax, is forced to bow to the stronger will of the indomitable preacher. # Although "Stars in My Crown" has its share of rugged action, it MEMORIALS Fur your cemetery needs on monuments markers, tomb stones and coping eofitact me for right prices. I represent the NEW BERN MONUMENTAL WORKS, New Bern, N. C.. big buyers of marble and granite. Credit terms if desired. JESSE T. PRICE | P. O. Box 522 or 610 West Main St. Dial 2476 Willianiston, N. C. Our Mechanic lln> Jfirst Rrturnnl From A Tile & Linoleum School For Export Floor L'ovrriiifg In RUBBER TILE LINOLEUM TILE ASPHALT TILE INLAID '' Ask About Our Personalized Floor. Woolunl Furniture Co. is the atmospheric details of a ! small, growing village, the home- | spun humoi and the vivid natur- | alness of characterization which give the picture its warmth and color. There is the glowing se quence, for instance, in which the experienced Uncle Prill and the neophyte John go fishing, or the uproariously funny Medicine Show scenes, or the episode in which Doc Harris removes a fish hook from a young victim, or that in which Josiah backs the town bully into a pool of mud. Then there are the various moments in which oldfashioned ballads and folk tunes of the period are sung in choral groups, an authentic as well as charmingly melodic touch. The picture has been beauti fully cast, with Joel McCrea's por trait of the parson who can preach with his fist as well as with words, one of the most satis fying characterizations he has ever attempted. Ellen Drew is ex cellent as his industrious young wife with Dean Stockwell win ning many of the laughs in the role of little John who would like to always to be summer so that there would be no school. Standing out in a large supporting cast arc Alan Hale as the parson's staunch supporter, Lewis Stone as , the beloved Doc Harris, Sr., James Mitchell as the son who follows in his footsteps, Amanda Blake as Faith, Juano Hernandez as the genial Uuele Prill, Charles Kemper as the Medicine Show man and Ed Begley as the avari i cious Lon Backet. Jacques Tourneur directing, and William IL Wright on the production end, have also acquit ted themselves admirably, with | the result that "Stars in My Crown" emerges as one of the season's fine motion pictures It will prove an entertainment treat for film-goers of every age Audie Murphy Scores in'Sierra' "Sierra," the Universal-Inter j national Technicolor film start! 1 Sunday at the W'atts Theatre, i: ! full of those ingredients tha bring the whole family into thi theatre for an exciting show. Ro mance, action and color with ; background of wild horses adt i up to a brilliant outdoor film tha |earns Audit- Murphy a permanen i place among the roster of strong * silent stars. Running neck and neck w, 1 Audie for acting honors is Wan da Hendrix who plays a lady law yer of the early west. Inept as i novice counsellor-at-law Wand; makes up for it with determine tion to help and a love for hu man that makes for poignan scenes between these two young EXCELLENT BUYS In USED FURNITURE WORKELI/APPLIANCE COMPANY Don't Hake Driving A Hazard! RECAPPING (rive* you greater protection . . . as»uren safer driving . . . faster stopping. SEE OS TODAY . B. & W. TIRE CO. Willianiston, N. C, Guns or gals , . . Rex Allen, rugged new western star, is handy with both, as he demonstrates to pretty Teala lairing in "The Arizona Cowboy.” Republic's thrill-filled saga showing Wednesday at the Watts Theatre. sters. It is a perfect vehicle for Audio to display the tenderness that inevitably shows through a \ rough mountain exterior The story centers around Mur phy and his father, played with! admirable strength and restraint by Dean Jagger, 1949 "Oscar" winner for his supporting role in “Twelve O’clock High.” who has hidden out for 15 years in the mountains because he has been j accused of a crime he did not com- ! mit. Audie’s only friend before! Wanda comes along is Burl Ives, America's Troubador, who shows up brilliantly especially in the scene in which he sings a jailer to j sleep so that he can help Audie to escape. The villian, Richard Ruber, al most, but not quite gets the 500 Interesting Bits Of Business in U. S. America's truck farmers arc j letter off today than they were, i year ago. According to the latest >fficial estimates, they're getting 7 per cent more ft r their pro- | iuets than at this time last year. \ir lines are boosting passenger mileage to new ceilings One line •ecently topped the 6,000,000 a fay total twice in a week . Au tomobile dealers are also doing r rushing business Much of it is "scare buying," however by people who are alraid the war may put a crimp in car produc tion. horses that Andie has eorraled to tame and sell. And, of course, Murphy and Miss Hendrix, after many tumultuous arguments, find themselves in their lore and wan der off into the hills together. Between Alfred Green's direc tion and Russell Mcttv's outstand ing camera work the mounting against which the stars play is made as breathtaking as any film background of the decade. Most of the picture was filmed in the fabulous mountain country around Kanab, Utah. The stam pede of wild horses which is the climax of the picture is full of that edge-of-the-seat excitement. The film was produced by Michel Kraike. Patent medicine testimonial: ! 'Si; i < taking you. tat.I. I icgu iarly. I am another woman. Need less to say. n\v husband is delight .-d." CARD OF THANKS It is with deep gratitude that we express our sincere apprecia tion to our friends who were so thoughtful and considerate dur ing the recent illness and death of our father, father-in-law and grandfather. We are very ap preciative of every card, floral offering., cars and ever;, person that went up to Hobgood,, N. C. We feel very grateful The Armston family of Witliamston EXECUTORS NOTICE Having this day .qualified as ex ecutor of (Sic estate of Mary ! May Rill.it Bryant, late of Martin County this is to notify all persons ATHLETE'S FOOT Ha Alcahal — Na Acid — Na Sting Fu quick relief end good run It* got •u famous VICTORY OINTMKNT. l>e valopad foe th* boyl In tho Arair, now &OM homo folks. C.-rt VICTORY—Gel ■Ilk. kirn for rtrcl Aid and Itching, i ta fga «p in/ pari gf the kodj. Sold in Willitimston by Clark's Drug Store and Davis Pharmacy; or your hometown druggist.. Now Is The Time to go to COURTNEY’S For FURNITURE having claims against s; id estate to present same t»* the » nclet'sigit r-d on jr before the 20th day of June. 1951. or this notice will hi' pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This 20th (iftv ttf Juno, 19.7G. Ida Lop Hyman and Soloman Hyman. Executors nf tho Es late of Mary (May Rilla) Bry ant, Oak City, N. C. jo 22-29 jIy fi-13-20-27 OLD $TA6C Straight Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey FULL 4 YEARS OLD $040 $010 W 4/s ar. ^ pint Sfi PROOF. KKNTUCKY straight bourron whiskey, THE STAGG DISTILLING CO.. FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY Oil, how restful and easy and relaxing it is to sit at tin- wheel of a 19x0 C adillac- and cruise down your favorite highway! Men write from all sections of the country to say that they drive their Cadillacs hundreds of miles each week—for the sheer joy of driving. A man whose name you would instantly rec ognize says he can scarcely wait tor Saturday morning—when he slides helnnd the wheel of his C adillac to drive out his week’s recreation. You'll never believe it until you try it—for it's an unbelievable experience. The moment you get behind the wheel, you sense that something out of the ordinary is about to happen. I he big, deep-cushioned seat all but^absorbs you. The slender, obedient wheel is in exactly the right position for resting your hands. \ isioii — ahead of you and all around you- is unob structed. There is only the enticing highway, beckoning you on. And then you’re away — so quietly, so effort lessly, so smoothly that only the objects along the roadside give you a sense of motion. The gieat motor—so miserly of gasojinc that a single tankful is usually enough for a full day’s drive—sends back a thrill each rime you touch the throttle. You ride as it on a magic carpet. And you hear only the soft rush of the wind— streamlining past like a lullaby. And bow easy ir all is! The steering wheel seems to foresee the curves and turns, t he lug, powerful brakes are as suit as velvet. And the marvelous balance imparts a sense of security that puts you completely at case. Yes—it’s a wonderful, wonderful experience — which you ought to try for your-dt. < hie h nr at the wheel - and we’re sure you'll feel.. . that it a/iiiusl reads your nunJ! I I I I I I I I I I I Highway \ 17 Chos. H. Jenkins & Company Of Williamston, Inc. !*HO\i; 2117 Williauistuu, M. C.

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