Visit Hertford M. and Mrs L. B. Chessor spent Wednesday afternoon tr Herliord. Tiidereoing Treatnient Me. Mandv iviodlin is under going treatment m the local hos pita 1. Here From Miami Mr Marvin Chauneey of Miami. >s spending the week with Mi and Mrs Garland Woolard. Visited In Ahoskie Mrs K D. Worrell visited her father. Mi Odom, in Ahoskie yesterday afternoi>n Spending Week at Nags Head Mi Nancy Mercer is spending this week at Nags Head. Leave For Nags Head Mi- Mildred Watson. Mrs Del la Topping and Mr .1 K Hedrick of .lamesville will leave this week end t” spend a lew (Jays at Nags Hess v. th Mis A P Purdy At Morehead City Dr. and Mrs. W. II. Gray, Jr., a ' spending i few days at More head City. Here I rum Norfolk Mrs Kenneth Askew and Miss e: Mai and Katherine Roberson of No, folk visited their parents, Mr and Mrs Noah Roberson, over the week-end Here From Miami Mr. and Mrs Henry Ward of M::.n v'-ited Mrs. Eddie Trahev In i' for short time this week • 'I \I > V Ml IKK • \meriea's Pore ill ip s t Psychic \iialy s( And Ail \ ism . (onliilen advice on all s u b ,i e c 1 s. All I roubles Scicnli I'ically and Cor rectly adjw.sted. Parlor (hiict. i l’» \l<!\(, ( OM Ili| \ || \|, '■ I'ui-’c W i . :i V..., ('an IIrinj* Van !• i 11 :;■ a and Feel Nn _ Kinhai : nasment Oil ht in | railer ( uadi ( Inicim null . N ( .. .Milrv Snu 1 h nl \\ asliitii*ton i.ihik i pi; ii \\i> sk;.\ Spending: Week Here Mr W. H Adkins of Robersnn ville is spending this week here with his daughter, Mrs. J H Ed wards, and family ♦ — Returns Home Little Miss Elia Martin Gaylord returned home Monday after spending two days with Penny Lee Martin in Robersonville Here From Ahoskie Mrs. Florence Beasley and her mother of Ahoskie are spending this week here with Dr W. C. Mmrcer arid his son, Billy Mercer. Returned From Convention Mt ssi's, C. W. Burnham and J. A. Vann have returned from an in surance convention in Atlantic City where they were guests of their company. Spending Week at Nags Head Mr, and Mis. A. P. Purdy are spending this week at their cot tage at Nags Head. Mr. Purdv will return Sunday and Mrs Pur dy will remain for another week, j Improving Mr. Slade White, prominent Popular Point Township farmer, is improving at his home follow-! ing a heart attack suffered about two weeks ago. He is able to have i some company, but is confined to his bed. Mrs. White, who broke her ankle some weeks ago, is able to be up and about with the aid ol crutches Here From Baltimore Mr and Mrs. Henry Bohrner of Baltimore arrived Monday to visit relatives in Bear Grass this week Mrs Henrv Harrison, Mrs Leonard Mobley and Miss Eliza beth Green Harrison of Bear | Grass who have been visiting the Bohmers in Baltimore'accompan ied them here. Eye Glasses Broken? We maintain a complete optical service. Lens, temples and frames replaced and repaired Quick service. Prole's — Jewelers 121 Main St. Tel. 2311 Announce Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Rush Walton Bon durant announce the engagement | of the ir daughter. Miss Edna Julia i Loughinghouse, to Mi David I Chester M< La whom, Jr. The wed !ding will take place in the early fall. -o Return Today From Baltimore Mr. and Mrs. J, D. Page and son, Jimmy, and Don Reynolds, and Mr. Page's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Page of Robersonvilie, will return today after spending several days jn Baltimore with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jones (jnd Mr. and Mrs. James Russell. Visit Here Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Win. H. Gray. Sr., and daughters. Misses Lula and Nancy Gray, of Robersonville vis ited here Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Gray, former Robersonville po lice chief, appealed much improv ed following a dong illness. Recovering From Operation Little Miss Betty Jo Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller, is recuperating in Chowan Hospital in Edenton from an ap pendectomy performed there last Monday night. If >aleigh Tuesday I unie Peel, Lawrenge G. Lir.d ■iiey and Pete Fowden were in j Raleigh Tuesday making ar-1 rangements for the summer en-j rampment of the local unit of the1 National Guard. To Attend Opening Quite a few local tobacconists, farmers and other interested cit izens plan to attend the tobacco market openings along the border next Tuesday. Much Improved Little Miss Vickie Martin, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mar lin of Jamesville, continues to improve in the local hospital. Dangerously ill for more than a week, she is now able to sit up i luring short intervals. Visited Here Today Mr. and Mrs State Roberson of Karin Life visited here this morni ng. Behind ihe Scenes Effect of the War rean war is the major key to business prospects again this week, and prehaps for many week, and perhaps for many | U, S troops still on the defensive, no quick mop-up of the Red-led North Korean forces is in sight, and the home front is acting ac cordingly, Retailers, for instance jure already beginning to feel the wars impact as some consumers l ush to stock up. New York buy ing offices are urging the retail men to move cautiously, however To quote a top executive of one of the leading firms: 'It would he far better for all retailers to play a conservative role in this present situation than to speculate on merchandise and have large stocks on hand which may or may not be desirable at s;>me fu ture time." One Retailer’s View — Macy’s, the world’s largest store, took a foresighted step last week when it bought space in New York papers to tell people the facts about shortages. "There's no im portant shortage of anything," said the copy. “Our own counters are bulging with merchandise. In many, many lines, there’s a sur plus. . . . We believe any talk of genuine shortages is nonsense — and dangeroue nonsense!" Here's a message worth noting by both customers and retailers. As Macy’s pointed out: "America's produc tive capacity is at such a high level that it can cope with just about everything except a stam pede of hoarding and panic buy ing." L’ontiiiues Seriously III After a long stay in various hospitals, Mrs. Roy Bowers con tinues seriously ill at her home near here. Return from Beach Mrs. Calvin Sluder and Miss Essie Peel have returned from a stay at Pamlico Beach. Returns Home Miss Glenda Wells has return ed to her home in New Bern aft er spending ten days here with Jane Manning. Here from Jamesville Professor V. B. Ilairr of James ville attended to business here Ibis morning. A group of farmers from the •ounty visited the Tobacco Ex jeriment Station near Oxford eesterday. _ WEAR RIGHT SHOP AUGUST SALE Beginning Friday, July 28 Final Clearance BELOW COST latfming'IST) summefTGDods must go?o make room FOR FALL PURCHASES! SUMMER SUITS-All Sizes. SPRING SUITS —All Sizes MANY LARGE SIZE DRESSES-Up To 44. MANY HALF SIZE DRESSES-141-2to241-2 BATHING SUITS — 1-2 PRICE BLOUSES In "Arabian Nights,'’ Maria Montez is co-starred with Jon Hall and Sabu. The realart picture, filmed in Techniocolor, was produced by Walter Wanger. MISS MILDRED HOPKINS Weds Gilbert Hopkins Miss Mildred Hopkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hopkins of Jamesville, became the bride of Gilbert Hopkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. John N. Hopkins of near Wil liamston at five o’clock Sunday, July Hi. in the Greenville Baptist Church. The ceremony was performed in the present of p few friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins will be at home with the groom's parents. FIFTH SUNDAY SERVICE AT JAMESVILLE CHURCH The Jamesville Ruritun Club is sponsoring a fifth Sunday church service Sunday morning, July 30, at 11 o’clock at the Jamesville Christian church. Rev. Olin D. Fox, Christian minister of Hassell, will conduct the service. This is a project sponsored by the club in cooperation with the church com mittee in trying to provide a church service in the community every Sunday. The public is in vited to attend. Attended Business In Norfolk Mr. Lewis Pippin attended to business in Norfolk yesterday. Guest Organist At Local Church Eugene Whitehead, III, of Scot land Neck will be the guest or ganist at the morning and even ing services of the Memorial Baptist Church Sunday. Eugene is the fourteen year old son of Mr. Eugene Whitehead Jr., who moved about eight years ago from Williamston to Scot land Neck. While a resident here, Mr. Whitehead was connected with Lindsley Ice Company. Visit Here Tuesday Mrs. Elizabeth Denning of Ben son and Miss Mildred Everett of Hamilton visited here Tuesday af ternoon. In Rocky Mount Mrs. Henry D. Harrison and Mi's. John A. Ward, Sr., are visit ing in Rocky “Mount. Paramores Hold Family Reunion The Annual Reunion of the H. A. Paramore Family was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Clark, Route one, Rober sonvilie, on Sunday, July 23. Seventy-five persons were pre sent from towns in North Carolina ar.d Virginia. All of the children of Mr. Paramore and his wife, Mrs. Emily W_ Paramore were present. Mr. and Mrs. Clark’s mother, Mrs. Ida P. Clark, was host to the gathering this year. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Lane, Miss Evelyn Paramore. Miss Mary Ann Journ lgan, Norfolk, Va.; Mrs. Jack Bailey and daughter. Virginia Beach, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Hubert H. Ross and daughter, Hope, Suf folk, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Leary and son, Tommie, Hert ford, N. C.: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Leary, Jr., and family, Jackson ville; Mi', and Mrs. W. H. Para more, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Paramore, Raleigh; Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Paramore, Scotland Neck; Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Spence, Mrs. Katherine Connally, Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Spence and children, Robbie and Becky, Durham: Mrs. V. T. Moore, J. C. Moore and Miss Annie Lee Moore, Tarboro; Mr. and Mrs. W D. Harris, Miss Leigh Harris, Mr. and Mrs J, T, Para more, Enfield; Mr. and Mrs. Heb er Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie F.llis and family. Winton: Mr.^ and Mrs. H. D. Jenkins, Mrs. Ethel Moore and sons, Randolph and Howard E. Moore, Miss Marie Grifin, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Moore and family, Miss Gerolene Will iams, Mrs. Ella Bonds, and Miss Angeleno Dickerson, Williams ton; Mr. and Mrs. Milton Donal son and family. Miss Bernice Mae Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Clark and family, and Mrs. Ida Clark, Roberson ville. Return From New Bern Misses Mary Lou Lee and Bcttj^ Rhodes Taylor returned Tuesday after spending a few days with Mrs. W. E. Smith iri Now Bern. Visit Coliseum Jane Manning, Glenda Faye Wells, Bill Bob Peel, and John Clark visited the tee skating link at the Coliseum in Raleigh last Thursday evening. G*W SEVEN STAR i. Ihfrfirf wlilikty.' "TJm strsiyht whltkls* sr* 4 >wn a r msrs ili I7HH tM|hl whl(W#y. UHK •astral spirits slisfl - Irsfs grain. I S% rtralfh* wkliiiy 4 yssr* *14. 11% Mralghl whitksy f yssr* *14. 7Vk% (trslfhl vbitksy 4 yssr* sl4.~ $3«o 4/5 W, m * z on w 7w PROOF OOORIRHAM * WORTS lIMITIft, RIORIA, MORE AND MORE—ITS FORD, FORD, FORD! 6H ft.Fotd F-l Pickup shown Haro G.V.W. ratinf—4,700 lbs Body capacity—45-cu. ft. A»ail •B4a with 95-b.p. Sii or 100 h p. V-8. Ona of avoi 175 models iiHudmi 145 b.p Ikg Jobs Coast to Coast they're switching to AMERICAS NO.1 ECONOMY PICKUP FORB SIVtS YOB IB IXTRA VALOIS AY NO ULTRA COSY /. 45-cu. ft. body capacity. 2. 1,480 lbs. payload ca pacity. 3. Up to 15% {(renter frame section modulus. 4. Up to 18% mor e brake lining area. 5. Big 10" Gyro-Crip clutch with low pedal pres sure. 6. Light curb weight only 3,220 lbs./ 7. Aluminum alloy Flightlight pistons. S. Oil filter and oil bath air cleaner (standard). 9. Ford level action tab suspension (standard). 10. Door glass Air Wing ventilators (standard). FOR BIBBER LOABS ... cheese the a-f». long, 54-In. wide Express body, avail able on Ford Series F-2, rated up te 5,700 lbs. G.V.W., and Series F- 5, rated up te 6,500 lbs. rord Trucking Costs less Becovse— ID TRUCKS LAST LONCI fec-sS"** g-ftc 95 1 No. i ! tfoin &*«■ **^S tw*a rsetarmtM Sat* M S.Sta.OOO track* a*. Williamston Motor Company Williainston, N. C.

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