Neil's As Reported In The Enterprise Forty Years Ago July 29, 1910 The friends of Miss Viola Rog ers, of Fveretts, are glad to note that she is improving after a long illness. Mr. and Mrs. Sherrod Salsbury, of Hamilton, delightfully enter tained about forty of their friends at “Salsbury Park" last Thursday lieliCii-u:- barbecue, tomatoes, slaw, salads, cucumbers, breads, cakes, and ice cream were served and thoroughly enjoyed. After dinner the guests enjoyed cro quet, tennis, observation races and other games, and at a kit, hour took their departure, all de claring they had never spent a more delightful day. Mrs. R. W. Salsbury, of Hamil ton, entertained the Hamilton Rook Club at her hospitable home on Main street. Several visitors were present “The Floral Love Story” contest proved interesting. Mrs. J, P. Boyle, of Hamilton, entertained at luncheon last week in honor of Miss Anna Clark. Mrs M. I, Fleming returned last week to her home in Hamil ton, after a short visit to her par ents in Enfield. Mrs. Gattie Gladstone, of Ham ilton, has gone to Boston to take a summer course in music. Miss Ruth Matthews, of Ham ilton, left Thursday to resume her run Heilig and Meyers Williiiimfon for llie llnyt In t * Furniture” *3.95 RETAIL — J Ks Advertised in: • - •• » *. J fA, - UFE Post For Men ami Hoys. Si*es! i 1-2 lo II. All with Raw hiile Farrs ami Ruhher Soh*s. Exclusive it BULLUCKS At advnrtifd in LIFE AUGUST - ON LIT SPECIALS f/mi-8^10 LANE Lm-»^ WOOLARD Fnrniture Co. school work in Flordia. Mary Anthony has returned to her home in Hamilton after visit ing her uncle at Swansboro. Miss Lou Mavo Brown, of Ham ilton, is visiting Miss Carrie Sher od in Knfield. Mrs. J. T. Barnhill, of Everett, is on the sick list this week. Miss Hilda Knight, of Hassell, and Miss Bowden, of Greenville, attended the carnival in Ruber sonvitle Thursday. Miss Bessie Salisbury and mother, of Robersonville, have re turned home after visiting in Greenville. Miss Keffie Riddick, of near Williamston, spent several days last week with Miss Nina Rober son at home in Robersonville. Misses Jesse and Maree Sutton. |of Kinston, are visiting Miss Bet tie Roberson at her home m Rob ersonville. Misses Clyde and Annie Farmer, of Wilson, are visiting Mrs. Rob ert Nelson at her home in Rober sonville. Misses Alma, Selma and Mvra Fleming, of near Hassell visited in Robersonville Monday. The many friends of J. W. Height, of Robersonville, are glad to know that he is improving. Miss Roena Holliday, of Ham ilton is visiting her aunt, Mrs Geo. Holliday at l('r home in Rob ersonville. Misses Mudlen Moore and Clyde Edmonson, of Bethel, are visiting in Robersonville. Jodie Woolard, of Roberson ville, spent Sunday in Pnrmcle. Robersonville is leading the County m industries. The build ing for the manufacture of hos iery has been erected, a large cotton gin is rapidly nearing com pletion and a fertilizer factory may ho established in the near future. The enterprise of the peo ple is commendable There is no reason why Martin County can not forge ahead. Miss Ethel Bolin returned to Greenville after spending the week with Miss Hilda Knight in Hassell. Solomon Mitchell, of Hassell, spent a few days at Scotland Nock last week. Jim Rawls and Will Hunting, of Hassell, went to Oak City Friday Henry Cherry returned to his home in Hassell after visiting in Speed. At its regular meeting Tuesday night the Improved Order of Hep tasoph. of Oak City, elected the following officers: T W Daven port, past arcon; H. S Everett, arcon; F. M. Harrell, provost; T C. Ross, prelate; B. M. Worsley, financier; J F. Crisp, Secretary; B. L. Johnson, treasurer; C. M. Hurst, inspector; J. C II Johnson, warden; C. H Harrington, cntinal; .1. W Hines, T. H. JohnSon, B. F. ! Caster, trustees. T. W Davenport, of Oak City, went to Parmele Monday to meet his niece, Miss Davenport, who will spend this week with him. Bill Woodard, of Bath, has been visiting his sister, Mrs. L. J. Dav enport, at her home in Oak City Frank Harrell and Will Casper, of Oak City, wcnl to Scotland Neck Saturday. Mrs J. D. Raw ls, of Bear Grass, spent a few days ilh her parents, M: and Mrs. Kincheon Moblrv near Cross Roads this week Mis. W R Roberson, of Bear Grass, who has been very ill foi some time is not improved. Mrs C. W Keith entertained at the Atlantic Hotel Monday even ing in honor of Misses Ethel Skinner and Mary Shelburn, of Greenville Quite a number were present and participated in the Men’s Dress and Work Shoes For Less. WILLARD S SHOE SHOP It Tulip* Kiioh iSniv '" AND WE HAVE IT HEATING — and — Sheet Metal Work LENNOX AIK CONDITIONING i Approved JOIINS-MANVILLE Roofing Contractor WHITE'S HEATING AND SHEET METAL WORKS P. O. Box 604 WILLIAMSTON, N; C. PHONE 2230 While an amused Joel McCrea and Ellen Drew look on, medieine showman Charles Kemper mysteriously transfers a coin from his hat into amazed little Dean Stoekwell's nose. It's one of the laugh mo ments from “Stars in My Crown," M-G-M’s poignant drama of a pio neer preacher and his family. The new offering opens next week at the Viccar Theatre. melon feast which was greatly enjoyed by all The weekly outing of the Cue Club was at the residence of M. No. 2 July 29,1910 W. Ballard Thursday. There were plenty of good things for the inner men and Mr Ballard, who is an ideal host, contributed much to the comfort and pleasure of the entire party. Elder Sylvester Hassell has re turned from his annual outing on the beach at Nags Head and is 1 much improved. During his ab sence Frank S. Hassell attended to his eorrespondanee which is vidutnnious. Dr John Higgs is the possessor | of a skin, which covered bruin, ! the pig eater, who lived and died in Griffins Township The skin | will be used for a buggy robe. Mi and Mrs John D Simpson left Wednesday for Beaufort and Morehead, where they will spend several weeks W J and Mrs. Hodges with 1. Over-all l.UBRICARR lubrication —including inspection ofynur Huick from radiator to rear end. 2. Removal of one front wheel, inspection of brake lining and wheel bearing. 3. Inspection of tires, />/#s cross switching of wheels to save you money on wear and mileage. 4. Headlight aim corrected. 5. Stop lights and other waring lights checked. 6. Kngine tune-up—for snappier performance and increased mileage economy. Phone this week, for prices and its appointment— before the rush! Sff YOUR NEAREST BUICK DEALER Master William and Mrs. C. W. ! Keith, went to Ocean View Thurs- i day. Mrs. L. H. Harrison and child ren, accompanied by Mrs I. Harrison, spent Thursday in Tar j boro. II II I'ope, FM Janies, Robert I Grimes and Jack Higgs, ol Rob ersonvdle, were in town Wednes 1 day. Mrs. Hannah Ray and daughter,' Helba, went to Norfolk Wednes day for a visit. Mrs. Kittle and children, of i Pactolus, are the guests of Mrs j W. K. Warren. Mrs James Pei rj and children j returned from Roanoke Rapids Tuesday. M s. Stewart Hailev and son,! of F. eretts, visited in town this wet k. Gf'.eo Howard Kent is visit ing his father at Oyster Point, Va Miss Rennie Biggs went to Washington Thursday afternoon. Miss Blanche Mizdl is visiting relatives in Smithfield. Maurice Watts is at home after a visit to^Ocean View. Efficiency Expert Promotes Gadgets The average American busi ness man may he a bungler when it rume: Io managing a home, as i any vacationing housewife can | tell you, hut lie slimes in pro (lucinj- the ^ad^els that help the Little Woman run her home more efficiently. At the recent Nation al Housewares Show in Atlantic City business men who mac >. — —~-— — - never have boiled hii egg or done a week's wash were credited with producing eight work-savers that have helped free American wo men from the kitchen . lavery Benjamin A Kagir, president of Kkeo 1‘roiloi l Company, wm Id largest producer of hoti a-hold iHi plemenls, cited the e major m volitions as having done the most to lighten the housewife's burden til recent years: I) gas and elec trie refrigerators, stoves and home freezers; 2) pressure cook ers; ;u speeialized cutlery ; 4) streamlined kitchen tools; 5) mod ern, lightweight cooking utensils; fi) detergents and other cleaning agent.-; 7) frozen and other pro cessed foods and concentrates; and ill better working conditions doe hr improved kit. hen archi tr*t tinv lifitt I SCAB WOOD FOR SACK CHEAP. Dial 2160 \\ iiliani'lnti Supply Co. BOTTLE GAS — Il Cooks — It Heals Courtney Gas Co., Inc. SERVICE - Il Makes Ice — Dial 2572 SHOP WITH CONFIDENCE sam: Mom: on well-known mtwos \i your fkiknoi.y colonial siori: KELLOGG'S FUFSII FRISI* i:t o*. i*kK. CORN FLAKES 13-0z.Pkg. 18c YOUR CHOICE OF POPULAR BRANDS CIGARETTES Carton $1.46 EVAPORATED ANI) ENRICHED CARNATION MILK tallcan 12c DEI. MONTE EARI.Y GARDEN SWEET PEAS 17-02. can 21c (aia ran teed A feats tfnder smoked PICNICS Suifl .% I’reminm ti 111 X Ills ;\v Wl. Whole or ll.ill' TjC TFNDER BEEF CHUCK ROAST BABY BFEF < HEAVY ; WESTERN I “ 69c i'.oloiiiul's Fresh Produce Is ALWAYS TOP -VIHUTY7 I RI SH TENDER GREEN SN AP II E A NS 2 Ills. 2.V TENDER GREEN ON TIIE-t Oil (- O K 1\ 6 Kin’s 2f><* VEl.I.OVY ( ROOK-NECK S VII AS II 2 His. I.m FIRM CRISP ICEBERG I.KTTUCK 2lu-iiils2.'!r u. S. NO. 1 WASHED WHITE POTATOES 10 His. .TV STOKEI.Y'S ( FT GREEN liKANS no 2 con 2!>r SWIFT SHORTENING .1KWKL Mli <‘lii \V.\v I.IIIKY'S TOMATO ,| I i 1(1 I . IIO 2 4*11 I l<‘ AI.ASKAN PINK SALMON III i n .TTi* iDAiKr Ir«v44<;' - V / 1 rYl s, ■KIM \!>l I KI :»! r.I) -.!)! |» I K! -!! GROUND BEEF it :,<v TI'N'DI |{ HllMlls^ STEW BEEr ib 77c I* YBY HI II s II \»v SIRLOIN ib Tender Kill End PORK ROAST, II,. r.i,. Thrifty End-Cut imikk diors, n>. 4 Ocean-/ res!i Seafoods STAR RFTTERFISII. pound 25e SPECKI.E TKOCT. pound 43e N- ( SHRIMP. pound 63c DRESSED TKOCT. pound 83c GARDEN PRODUCE l-’iuilN and ypKetalilep will, the moist freshness of the farm still (Unship; to them. We preserve tlii-.l precious fleethiK freshness liv ittpld ulnti ment, careful handling and moisture rondi tlonliiK. U. S. NO. 1 TREE-RIPENED PEACHES 2 u>* 29c DAIRY PRODUCTS i ftXT** I..4MCK Jt l( r SUNKIST Doz LEMONS * (NCI1 UU HICK SLU ING TOMATOES d, I 1LNOLK I.BkhN NM4I.I. Hons FANCY OKRA n I: me vtnow ONIONS u 5 no i 2 Lb, 2.‘ Sutimluy NirIiI is Fninilv Nil'll!. Li Enry SATURDAY i.inti vs rouNin BEEr HASH 35c LIBBY'S \||N\\ SAUSAGE no i 19C NAttlst o ( l( 41 Kl KS RITZ 1 Lb Pliq 33c III IN/. TOMATO KETCHUP 4 or 25c IT.Arr.1 BABY rOOD J, 9c Mill I I S T A ST V MEXI-CORN no*. 19c Mill 1.1 s 41 l CiKI.I \ ASPARAGUS 1 ib 45c OdANSl'KW ( K 4 Mil It It V SAUCE Mb 17c I'or .Vour health's sake, serve dairy prod «i< sin » iv day. \n,| for the finest flavifr. buy , ' "b’nlal Stores, where t|ualily and *11 Iimcss a iv a -,in t ti. PICK OF THE NEST LGE. EGGS 55c FRESH SHIPPED Doz (vise mi mi ,i -,u\ue CHEESE bin n ,4M( an »\ CHEESE N V \(.| II i \ I K4 SH4l:r CHEESE I KI 4M.I I Cl HI ( It, KV BUTTER Hb 35c EN TIL 8!30 OUT A R MAYEK WEINERS vvaxpo P A PI- N WAX-SEEL r.lKRON-'S SI DSV AMMONIA NORUIEKN P A PI K TOWELS NOKTIII'RV TOII.IT TISSUE TOILET SOAP OCTAGON i. 6c SOAP FLAKES BLU-WHITE*. 9c WOOI2HI MY Tout I SOAP R*g lu 3(1 KH E E IfiHAKT RATH I Is SOAP 3c (, HOI um SOAP •<*»!» Si** 11c _»■ ,M„„„ l ie, „ - NAPKINS ( WTOHMlUi Hi eil APP XjE-S.— w,,-'»inii(4N SARDINES 2 TOMATOES 2 TEN-PLOW MARGARINE Pkg Of 80 Can Hearty Rcdgate PORK & BEANS ILb ft c Co y npac.iiittt with mi at LIBBY’S LIBBY'S IAS1Y DEVILED HAM LIBBY'S I LA YOKE II. CORNED BEEF ion ii soap—hath sizf ii. PALMOLIVE I Oil.I I SOAP-It Yl II • IVORY _ooas rox*u roov„f£gs. shop tom#,al /

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