Hail forbidden Jungle' Picture Heralded by preview audience as an intensely thrilling and ex otic adventure picture. "Forbid den Jungle." Saturday at tin Watls T: tr< includes in it; east one of the largest and nios valuable collections ol wild am mals ever gathered together foi a feature film Produced by Jack Schwarz, u h< made "The Enchanted Forest ‘ this latest film has also been ac churned as one of the most amaz ing, exciting ami realists pic tures of life in the African wilds ever to be filmed Weaving then way through the story are Hollywood's most fam ous animal stars, many of which are still comparatively untamed and required the presence of ex tetaO Prlc* $1.95 Pint! 53.15 Fifth* 66 Proo* fM ITIAIOWT WHISKEYS IN THIS PRODUCT iff « YEARS OB MOBS OLD SSTJ STEPIOHT ■AlUmY. W* NEUTRAL SPIRITS, DISTIUJ* PEOM OR AIN. mama t ran units, soul sums Hailed by preview audiences as one of Hie most terrifying and spine tingling wild animal lights ever filmed is this one in which a fero cious gorilla engages a full-grown man-eating tiger in a roaring liglii to 1 he finish in the thrilling new adventure film, “Forbidden Jungle." which starts locally on Saturday at the Watts Theatre, via Eagle Lion Films release. pert tamers on the set at all times. The plot of "Forbidden Jungle" deals with the search by a famed big game huntur for the missing heir to a great American fortune, who was lost when his wealthy parents were killed on an Afri can safari After penetrating the outer rim of the dark and sinister African fastness, the hunter en counters intensely hostile natives whose actions convince him that In- quarr\ is near. Determined at ,11 costs to solve the mystery of the "forbidden jungle," he be comes involved in the most dan gerously exciting adventure of his life. Furious fights between fero emus beasts are a highlighting] feature of "Forbidden Jungle." | As tension mounts and suspense! reaches the cracking point, therej is a thrilling, climatic sequence] m which a 650-pound gorilla j lights a 500-pound tiger in a re enactment of the real-life fight! involving a circus tiger and a] gorilla, which resulted in the I death of the gorilla. The other wild animals seen in the picture include the only black panther ever to be broken for work in motion pictures, a gigan tic lion and three of the world’s smartest and most valuable chim panzees. Cast m the film’s top roles arc a quartet of outstanding players including lovely Alyce Louis, Don Harvey, Robert Cabal and veteran character actor Forrest Taylor. Robert Emmett Tansey, con sidered by many in Hollywood to be filmdoin’s ace outdoor action director, with more than 200 pic tures to his credit, directed “For bidden Jungle," which is an Egale Lion Films release. Mobilization Chief ISamed By President Truman President Truman has appoint ed W. Stuart Symington as Su preme Cheif of the nation’s mobil zation program. With Congress concurring, all power and all au A'HEN YOU buy a waiei heatei —you're making an investment lor the years- an investment in your v.nuly s health, ; omfort, and convenience So, before you buy, be suie to investigate the many, many • dvantf ges of a modern electric water heater . . . TU k&det tkdi i Neater inside and out . . . there's nothing about an ciectr. Wcdei lieatei to make or collect dirt. It goes about it;; business quietly, supplying all the hot water v°u need without fuss 01 bother. It is so completely automat;', you might even forget it's in the house — with all saiety! Cv.. . - Cm tm&MJMX vycuhAf, £njoy the luxury of abundant hot water at piggy bank cost! lc worth of electricity heats 4 gallons, on VEPCO's low off-peak rate! MM! Whether you're rinsing out « "lew little things" before you go to bed, or doing * family-sue Monday morning wash . . . hot water by wire it REDDY! tjoM/i 'Ptmie*/ kitffftfaftce'Oto&A, viRGisifl ainnii nnn power uttnpiinv Nason, Bennett In New Film The shattering impact of one reckless moment in a woman's life has been delineated with mounting tension and terrifying realism in Columbia's "The Reck less Moment," Friday at the Watts Theatre. James Mason and Joan Bennett are the chief pro tagonists, with young and vi brant Geraldine Brooks holding j down the principal supporting From Elisabeth Sanxay Hold ing's “Ladies Home Journal" story, there has been fashioned this grippi g movie of a mother's frenzied efforts to keep her fam ! ily together in the face of mur der, blackmail and scandal. Max Opuls who directed, has neatly balanced the moments of sheer terror against the peaceful sur roundings of a rather ordinary home-loving family. The malevolent events are pie- * cipltated when Miss Bro#ks, play ing Miss Bennett’s impetuous daughter, attempts to break off an alliance with a handsome lady killer. In a struggle, she stuns him with a blow and he falls to a frightful death. Miss Bennett discovers the body and, fearful for her daughter, dumps it in the marshes. Shortly after the corpse is dis-1 covered, Mason appears and at tempts to blackmail Miss Bennett. I using some indiscreet letters her \ daughter had written to the dead i man. Miss Bennett, although fore-1 ed to the wall when she cannot raise the specified amount of the blackmail money, displays an in- : domitable spirit which wins Mas on's unrestrained admiration. The wild web of violence that drew them irresistibly together tight ens another notch when Mason's thoritv of the National Security 1 Resources Board were transfer- ; red to him, as chairman. Other members of the Board, all of Cab- I inet rank, merely will serve in an 1 advisory capacity to him. 1 Suspicion fills the minds of June Vincent, Onslow Stevens and Ralph Morgan in a suspenseful moment from “The Creeper,” when they discover that several vials of priceless serum are missing from their secret experiments in the new mystery thriller released by Twen tieth Century-Fox and opening Saturday at the Marco Theatre, partner, realizing the former is softening because of his feeling for their intended victim, decides to take matters into his own hands. Mason, enraged at his part ner’s crude behavior, enrages in a death struggle with him and then, to deflect suspicion from Miss Bennett, performs a last herroic act of self-sacrfice. Mason, as the blackmailer who is almost redeemed by his love for j decent woman, delivers another1 mpressrve portrayal that justifies lis celebrated reputation as an ictor. He skirts the pale of decent j society, but conveys the feeling, hat he is not an unmigitated ' •ogue. Miss Bennett, underplay ng the moments in between her strong emotional scenes, conveys 1 completely credible portrait of i married woman whose life is rlasted by one reckless moment. Miss Brooks gives a spirited per ormanee as the rebellious daugh- | er. Portraying important fea ured roles, Henry O’Neill and jhepperd Strudwick keep pace Henry Garson and Robert W. ioderberg penned the screen play. j Valter Wanger produced “The tecless Moment." j Armed Forces Smaller But Better Equipped Affording to Defense Secretary Louis Johnson, the United States Army is smaller than it was when war came out more than eight years ago, but it js better equip ped. On Dec, 7, 1941, the Army had about 1,300,000 men, includ 'The Creeper' Is A Mystery Hit A story of mystery, intrigue and murder, ‘The Creeper,” whieh opens Saturday at the Mareo Theatre is rated high by the pre viewers, The picture reveals the existence of a strange "cat ser um,” and what it docs to men makes for suspenseful, spine-ting ling entertainment. With Eduardo Ciannelli, Ons low Stevens, June Vincent, Ralph Morgan, Jams Wilson and John Baragrey in featured roles, the film is . said to be packed with edge-of-the-seat suspense and thrills, ‘ The Creeper” is the story of what happens when a scientific experiment gets out of control because a thwarted scientist is forbidden to carry his wierd ex periment further. His scientific research reveals the horrible secret of the creeping killer. Onslow Stevens portrays the ing what was then the Army Air Force. The Army now has some 593,000 men. The separate Air Force has 350.000 men. The Ma rines have about 74,000 men. This makes a total active land force of 667.000. sinister and vengeful scientist who continues the forbidden ex periment to extract a strange serum from a peculiar species of West Indian cats. He is aided in these mysterious goings-on by June Vincent. Ralph Morgan is seen as a doomed scientist, and his daughter (Janis Wilson) is saved by handsome John Bara grey. It is apparent from the begin ning that “The Creeper" is no ordinary beast and even the police are helpless as he strikes again and again. The picture build.; up to an exciting climax that leads to romantic complications even as the creeping horror in the night is diamatieaily revealed. "The Creeper.” a Twentieth Century-Fox release, was pro duced by Bernard Small and di rected by Jean Yarbrough from the screenplay by Maurice Tom bragel. * ABOUT ATHLETrS FOOT 2127 Prominent Druggittv Can't Be Wrong Htrt’i whet Stout of Porkersburg, W. Vo., toys. "Tbs »olo of T-4-L boo boon vorjr pltitlaf. Ono customer sold It Is tke first thing bo lix yoors tkot nvt reltof.** IN ONE HOUR if not completely pltoitd. Your 40e Otck nt ony drug store. Lecotly et Warren H. Biggs Pharmacy; Wind sor Pharmacy at Windsor. • “’if “ “ “ ’i^' ’^* ’A* »a»a« >.♦;< ».♦;« »:♦;« »:•:>»>:«»:«» m M TRY OUR OAKERY DELICACIES h h N M %% M m PIES Why wilt in the kitchen these hot (lays when you can buy delicious desserts right here. Our fruit and cream pies have flaky crusts, rich fillings and mountains of meringue. Jo * C * MARTIN'S BAKERY Drive home the facts... Step into a POWE * Chevrolet and enjoy the big driving thrill of the day • # • smooth, effortless, no-shift driving at lowest cost! J SET THE LEVER IN “DRIVE” AND GO! Si in a Powerglidc Chcv sold and enjoy finest no shill driving at lowest cost. All you have to do is. Set the lcvc/ in “DRIVE”—press on the accelerator—and go! 1 DRIVING OPERATIONS INSTEAD OP 151 Start the engine ... set the control lever ... press the accelerator . . . and that's all there is to it! With Powergiide Auto stetr, accelerate and brake as desired with no dutch to touch! MORI imCIINT ON ICI OR SNOW! Yea. you can rock out of enow or icy ruts with this automatic drive, changing from forward to reverse instantly, without clashing. Other advan tages include Emergency Low for extra braking rower SMOOTH POWER-FLOW AT ALL SPEEDS! You'll enjoy an abso lutely smooth flow of power at all speeds. You'll have unfimited flexibility and change of top driving speed, with out any Jag, drag or roughness. MUCH1 FASTER ACCELERATION, TOO! The traffic light says "Co" . . . you press on the ac celerator . . . and you're away in a flash on a wave of power, while others arc shilling gears. I SO MUCH SIMPLER— SO MUCH SAFERI Whas ease — and what safety—compared with other drives! 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Moreover, it greatly reduces car wear and greatly in* creases cqr life! 9( omhiuation rf Pnu ttglide Automdlu / ratumtiftioa and I05>k.p, cngtua optional on Pt Luxa modal* *• axtta tost. k.,. Hy • CfovrWW.. • mtJ yyt mJtvtmaJ why It'^ FIRST . . . AND FINEST M ... AT LOWEST COST! IA CHEVROLET Cam k... driv* a Ch*vrol»l...mnd yu’ll unJartltmd why *'% AMERICA’S BEST SELLER . . . AMERICA S BEST BUY Roanoke Chevrolet Company —Williams! on, N. C.

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