Martins And Farm Life Win Jamesville And Farm Life Only Teams In Action WilluimMon Slops Rears on Tuesday Nigln, 5 lo 1: Caine Fri«la\ \ijjhl Farm' Lite strengthened ir- hold on first place in the onl> game played yesterday afternoon in the Martin County League by defeat mg Jamesville (i to i in a contest baited by rain about the 7th in ning, while Williamston Martins advanced to the No. fi spot in the standings by stopping Bear Grass in the Williamston park Tuesday night. 5 to 4. The Martins were scheduled to play Washington here yesterday afternoon but the game wag called off when rain intereferred. Bear Grass’ game at Oak City was call ed off earlier because of farm work as was the game between Everetts and Robersonville at Robersonville. Although there is no definite announcement as to what teams are to play it is likely that there will be games in the Williamston park next week on both Tuesday and Friday nights as well as the regular scheduled games. Soft ball is played in the park on Monday and Thursday nights The league schedule calls for an end of regular season play on Wednesday. August 1(5 hut it is doubtful if all the teams ran get their games in by that time as there are many rained out tilt on the books. At the present time, it appears that Farm Life and Robersonville are still the teams to heat in tin loop with Bear Grass managing to stay right close on their heels * THEATRE — WIM.IAMSTON THURSDAY ONI A On Stage In Person Arthur Smith Anil llis Cracker-Jacks On Screen "Tough Assignment" With Don “Reil” Harr) Marjorie Steele Sport Cartoon FRIDAY "The Reckless Moment" With James Mason Joan Hennett SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE _ I Allan Rorky Lam* "Bandit King Of Texas" ."Forbidden Jungle" With Don Harvey Forest Taylor Chapter 4 of Serial “ATOM MAN VS. THE SUPERMAN" Cartoon SUNDAY - MONDAY TUESDAY Color by Technicolor "Sierra" With Amiie Murphy Wamla Hemlrix News — Cartoon — Short Ht* «wwawwwm»..^.wsww .. .— Audie Murphy and Wanda Hendrix head the large cast of Universal International's Technicolor western, “Sierra,” filmed in scenic sou thern Utah. The film’s large supporting cast includes Burl Ives, America's Troubador, and Dean Jagger, 1949 “Oscar” winner for his outstanding supporting performance in “Twelve O'clock High." The film shows at the Watts Theatre Sunday through Tuesday. The Everetts Cubs and Oak City Roosters have been alternating at the number four and five spots in tire standings for several weeks now but Washington and Wi^ liamston are still in the running for a place in the first division if they can get into the groove I for any length of time. Right now there is not a team in the league that has a sure thing over any other team when I they meet on the diamond. This is an indication of the improved j calibre of ball being played this year in the league. Washington 11, Jamesville 10 Reporting box scores for the game which they won over the Jamesville club last Saturday night, the Washington Bees do not list positions foi any of the play ers nor do they report the errors made. As received here, it shows Jamesville Ah R II A. Martin 5 0 C | Davenport 0 1 ( I R. Harrell 5 2 2 ! E. L Martin 5 j E. Brown (1 | K. Brown (1 Alexander 5 j McCaffity 5 II. Harrell 5 Kinney 5 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Totals Washington Galloway Cherry I Jackson Wallace Smith Wuola rd <17 10 11 Ah R II 4 I ( 4 1 5 2 1 3 1 1 3 1 I 2 2 ( ! iiKsiri/rs y_ Tuesday Night, July 23 Williamston 3, Bear Grass 4. Wednesday, July 20 Farm Life 0, Jamesville I. (’ 'innings, rain) Bear Grass at Oak City, post poned, farm work. Evere tts at Robci sonville. post poned. farm work. Washington at Williamston rain. SICK Ol)|{ BABY Department CRIBS MATTRESS PLAYPENS STROLLERS CARRIAGES BASINETTE and Manv Others B. S. COURTNEY AND SON 4‘Furniture Sinct> 1914” ! Open Friilays ’til 9:00 11,11 I __ STANDINGS MARTIN COUNTY I.KAOI E Farm Life Robersonville Bear Grass Everetts Oak City Williamston Washington Jamesville W. 17 li! 13 11 S 12 Pet .741) .720 9 .590 13 .4(10 13 14 .4211 .381 .303 16 .304 Washington 9, Williamston 5 According to the box score re ceived here this week, the Wash ington Bees defeated the Wil liamston Martins last Sunday ! to 5 by scoring 7 runs in the ver\ first inning. Williamston pocket away with 1 run in the first, twi in the second and one each in tin third aim fourth frames to rut tin Bees’ lead to two points at 7-5 bu the Martins failed to score in tin last five innings and were left ou of the race. Washington secret one run in each the 8th and 9th ti increase their final score to 9-5. The box as received here show cd no positions for the players o either team nor any errors th may have been made The box: Williamston Ah It Whitehurst 4 Harrison 4 Sullivan 5 Wynn 5 Stalls 4 Rodgers 4 Davenport 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 Brown Roberson Kirkman Arnold 3 I 3 1 1 1 2 0 32 1 1 Totals Score by innings: Jamesville 202 212 001 1 Washington 102 600 101 1 •WVMAtUtMMMAMMMMAAMU HAMILTON THEATRE THURSDAY - FRIDAY July 27-28 Shows 7:15 and 9.15 In Technicolor FORBIDDEN JUNGLE With Donald O'Connor and Gale Storm Latest News SATURDAY, July 29 Shows Continuously 1 til 11 Double Feature Program CURTAIN CALL AT CACTUS CREEK With Alan Lane COVERED WAGON With Maria Monte/. Serial SUNDAY ONLY, July 30 Shows at 3:00 and 9:00 SINGING GUNS With Vaughn Monroe and Ella Kaines Color Cartoon MONDAY - TUESDAY July 31 and Aug. 1 Shows at 7:15 and 9:15 JACKIE ROBINSON STORY With Jackie Robinson and Ruby Dee Color Cartoon MOVIES Are BETTER THAN EVER AMMMMMWMIMMWIMMMMIMMmi l SCHF.m I K v. Friday Night. Jnly 2# Washington at Bear Grass, in Williamston park. Saturday. Julv 20 Washington at Farm Life, after noon game on Farm Life diamond. Sunday.July 30 Washington at Farm Life Williamston at Jamesville Bear Grass at Roborsonville Fveretts at Oak City Wednesday, August 2 '''Farm Life at Washington Jamesville at Williamston Robersonville at Bear Grass Oak City at Fveretts Saturday, August WIHinmston at Jamesville j Warren 4 1 1 ; Peek 4 2 2 3(1 5 9 Ah K II 4 2 3 5 0 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 4 0 1 4 2 1 4 1 1 4 1 2 3 1 0 Totals 35 9 11 Seore by innings: Williamston 121 100 000 f Washington 700 000 011- f Totals Washington | Jackson Cherry ; Smith i Wallace J Langston i Galloway ! Tetterton Roberson Brown Church Hells' Jive Costs Hell Hinder llis Jol Great Corrnird. England. When townsfolk* objected to hear ing 'Tut Another Nirkle In,’ played on their church bells, tin bell-ringer of tho Paris Church James Eadie, quit in huff. WantS FOR IlKNT: 3 ROOM APART ij ment with bath, hot water fur 11 nished, on Simmons Avenue Sei ; Henry 1). Harrison. jly 27 t FOR SAI.F: 5 I XI NDRY HEAT | i ers with tanks for 1-2 price. I! L. Coburn, Wiiiiamston, N C. jly 27 2 I WANTED: HOUSEKEEPER FOl 1 1 couple in rural home. See n I call Ernest White, Phone 14! I Hamilton. I Adult* 20c 8 Children 15c 0 1 THURSDAY - FRIDAY "Four Faces West" With Joel MeUrea Frances Dee ( Ul'tOOl! SATURDAY dociu.f FKATinti: Lush I.aline "Hark of the Lash" "The Creeper" Witli June V iiirenl I'lttpiw of-K»S'h*F<»» “i iik invisiuue MONSTER" Cartoon SUNDAY - MONDAY "Arabian Night' Color by Technicolor With Jon Mall Marie Monte/. Western Musical Cartoon TUESDAYand WEDNESDAY "Young Lovers' With Sally Forrest Keefe Itrasselle Fealurette - Cartoon LOT FOR SAI F—1 I.OT »>0 \ t;.(l on Fairground. 32(1 Simmo? Avenue. jlv 2? 2t FOR SALK: ONE ELECTRIC counter drink box in good eon dition. See it at 1104 S. Smithwiek Street. M. S. Gray jlv 25 4t FOR SALE: ii (50LF ( LI BS IN good condition. Will sell reas onable. See Ben Sclhv at the Kn terprise Office. jly 2a tl FARM LOANS: LONG TERM and low interest rate. At Gael twenty-five acres cleat ed land Set' I,. A Squires, Bank of mgton Building, Washington. N C. jly 20 r.t FOR SALE: NEW |».»0 BOOLE Truck with only (i()0 miles with Do Luxe Cab. Good as. now. W !! | sell right. Stevenson s Auto G . rage, Jana-sville Highway .’S hours service. Road serviet Dial Day. 3033. Night, 2582 jl 25 "t PAMLICO BEACH COTTAGES For rent, Moore's Beach R d Clean, modern conveniences, sandy beach, boats Vernon Ward, Ransomville, N. C jv25 2t YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat (tries. Phone 28IR. Turn right at Freezer Locker. no 8 tf DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES Mules, Cows and hogs removed promptly. No charge. Phone Greenville, N. C.. 3101. Norfolk Tallow Company. no 8 t, FREE APPRAISALS ON \l,l Rady and Fonder Repairs with no obligations. Roanoke Chevro let Co., Willianiston, N C. je 22 tl IFOR RENT: BOLDING LOR rent on N. Haughton Street that can he used for dwollilt" or store Henry 1). Harrison, je 27 t 5 FOR RKNT: ONI, STUin llircc-room Inick oflici Imilding. Ideal location Apply lo ,). I’an I Simps«m. . * jly 25 2 SACKIFK I S M l OF 1)1 MON slrators 1 Automatic Bendix Irnner, sun nil. i Automata Hut Point>r SJHFSn. ! Electro Chef Cook. > s-h) 50. 1 Bendix \uloma*i«- W,;: in" $14!t.5l) Wool ard Furniture Company, Wil liamston. N (' jly 11 61 I OK HIM : SANDING MACII ine. Refimsh your floors your self and do a first class job of sanding and polishing your worn .jinny flours. We will rent and •how you how to operate the ma , I line. Its easy and rental costs ■ re low. Worrell Appliance Com pany. Dial 20.>7 no 8 tf it tty. ftflRTM ATISM -POM p.und f.'t p,-sieve ’’oiu't of aches and pains. Guaranteed re rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago. UI ills. P i!..i at;.5 muscular f or monev hack. Clark Phar nary. m 22 tf K. I All.Mi ll STOKI VOI K cured hams and shoulders for protection against skippers and other insects for the summer Prices very v ■asonable. Colonial Frozen Fo. d .. Willianiston, N C. jl> 13 fit I OK Vtll K CUSTOM - MAIMS Venetian blinds, awnings for the home or store, see us We have the famous Flexalum aluminum slats; also beautiful colors in wood. Henry Harrison, Williams ton. au 26 tf • 1* HIKER'S Si l l S F It V I 1 ! I ,aundr\ . 1 lours !! a m. to 5 p frt M mo v through Ft tda.v ,8a m to 12 noon on Saturday Try us foi | a quick and economical wash sor Vice. je 8 1 l.awn Mo-vc ; Sharpened \\ ■ Sell and Repair. 11 icye 1 os Tricycles 11 a11. \ 1 lavidson Motor cycle Sales and Service. {)[ INN'S Mirioiin < i l shop Washington St.. Dial 23114 ! OK SAM.: TOBACCO STICKS. Call John VV Eubanks, Phone 106 S, Hassell, N. C. jly 27 2t • TIM WANT II) WE pay Top Prii ■ s !< - i -Tar.'l'mT tin her and pine Inf's. Williamston Supply Co, Phono 2400, jo 20 tf RESTOIIE VOI R CAR’S PAINT to its original lustre and bril itanee with a new Paint: Job. Roanoke Chevrolet Company. Williamston. N. C. je 22 tf SLAB WOOD LOR SALE. O. Bane' Bear Gras-. _i;v l.t 4t EXPERT P>< l»V AM) LENDER repair. Rea-oftible prices and Satisfactory Service is our aim. Roanoke Chevrolet Company, William, ion, N. C. jo ‘19. tf WE ARE IN THE MARKET I OR all types of high quality hard wood logs, Wells Oates Lulrnber Company. Frank E. Wi -ton. man ager. Wdliamston, N. C. je 8 tf Watts Theatre \\ i!!i im-lnn. V ( Sunday - Monday - Tuesday $TAUi0N- A M/VGetiOO'S lover V\cQ( B\iW smm Son^' audie MURPHY * w.anda HENDRIX BURL IVES * DEAN JAGGER Sli««)1i.siIONA Hint! ■ i *r h hALPREO £ GREEN ■ , ;j ?,M!CHEL KRAIKt teed on 3 Novel by Sluart Hardy ■ A UNIVLRSAl INTERNATIONAL Picture 'fVVWV:w».'vw*'VVk BOTTLE GAS SERVICE Williamston Bottle Gas Co. IMmnr 20.’»0 \\ . J. All 111, K & SON 1 10 M iin Si. Oilin': W I SH UN VI TO 1 JlrtAAJW./lfUHW'rtJXflAJ'AilA/’ »AnjUWUV«UVWUVW*AAA/«Vn«AIVft»V»«nAnaiUUUUVnArtjrUWW«vuV^> flirt1 (I IU1 Solo or/on1 yoll ill ,'iilr! i Only De Sotc gives you oil these outstanding features • SMART NEW STYLING • NEW HARMONIZING INTERIORS • BIG 12-INCH BRAKES EOR SURE, EASIER BRAKING WA11 Rt'ROQf IGNITION FOR QUICK STARTS IN WETTEST WEATHER SCUFF RESISTANT CYLINDER WALLS LONGER LIFE VALVES • TIP TOE HYDRAULIC 1 SHIFT LETS YOU DRIVE WITHOUT SHIFTING (Standard on Custom Models. Optional al extra cost on be luxe | Models) bigger glass area EASY, SHOCK FRrE STEERING FULL-CRAOLED RIDE • HIGH COMPRESSION POWERMASTER ENGINE • AMAZING OPERATING ECONOMY De Soto,Plymouth Dealers Present “IT PAYS TO BE IGNORANT” Starring Tom Howard. Every Wednesday night over all CBS Station! ...SO EASY TO BUY! Step in and get all the facts. We will give you a geneious allowance on your present car. Eusy monthly payments. You will be surprised at how easily this beautiful new De Soto can be yourf. see DE$OTO and \ PLYMOUTH^/ GRIFFIN MOTOR CO. 103 Wurfiiiii^loii Slm*l WILLI ALSTON, N. G

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