Brown's Hospital Observes Its 11th Anniversary Here (Continued Trow page one) hospital has had in this communi ty in past years. We are hen today to show oui gratitude and friendship to Dr Brown and his nurses who have served the peo ple of this area through the facili ties of the institution." the mayot Rev E R Shuller .Methodist minister, ottered a special prayer, and Re\ Stewart B. Simms, pas tor of the Baptist church was '•ail ed upon b’> Mi. Daniel tot a few remarks "It is a privilege to in here on such an occasion the minister said, adding tiiat he was indeed grateful foi what the hos pital means in alleviating suiter ing. “The group gathered here attests the high esteem in which the hospital and its staff are held) in the community,' Mi Simms added Rev N. J. Ward, pastor of the Pentecostal Holiness Church, ex pressed his appreciation for tin program committees invitation to enjoy the fellowship ol those in attendance upon tin- event "Al though neighborly get-togethers art- disappearing, there is some thing about them that renews friendship," the minister said. Hi expressed his appreciation for tin good work the hospital and its staff have done and are doing, and pointed out that Christ, in his , BOXSCORE OR R.C.hithWAYS Killed July 2.1 through July 24 12 Injured July 21 through July 24 161 Killed through July 21 this year 489 Killed through July 24. 1949 431 Injured through July 24 this year (1,385 injured through July 24. 1949 4,937 teachings, laid the foundation for the first hospital, that without Min there would he no such insti tutions. Called on by the toastmastei for a few words. Di V'. E. Brown extended his thanks to the peo ple. declaring they had been mighty good to him. and in return he pledged his best efforts in con tinuing to serve the community and its people. Alter announcing that a similar observance would be planned for the 12th anniversary on the last Wednesday in July, 1951. Toast master Daniel asked Rev. Thomas L. Hastings, rector of the Episco pal church, to return thanks. A long table, prepared on the side lawn, was laden with the most delicious foods. including good old country ham from the tables of Mrs Bertie Daniel and that jovial old gentleman, Mr. Russia Spreading Trade Area Over A Vast Territory (Continued from Page One) Then, when the time is right, the band of Soviet-dominated na tions can he withdrawn into a practically self-sufficient shell, shell, shunning economic contact with the res al the world. A lot of reoriental ion of Western trade will be necessary, if In," happen: Though „ limping 40 percent un der prewar, the valui of K,.st West trade is still vc; v consider able. Quart 0! Liquor Costs Defendants More Than $150 (Continued from page one) Charged with'having nine pints of legal liquor in his possession, William Walter Wilson pleaded not guilty, he was sentenced to the toads for sis months, the court suspending the road term upon the payment of a $100 fine V,ll G Hardison, to say nothing :f the golden brown I'jied chicken, jarbecue that was seasoned just ight, juicy yams, truly southern ■oi n bread and biscuits. And then .here were so many other items. ,]1 prepared to a king's taste. Slill hundreds and hundreds oi bargains! Siill thousands of dollars in savings lor you! Just a few more days of TOBSTIHG you WITH R HOST Of BflRGRMS / TERRIFIC SAVINGS AT GOOD OLD - FASHION PRICES! • Clearance Iiems Narked for Quick Sale! • Special Purchase oi Nuch-Wanied Seas onal Merchandise. • Special Prices on Odd Lots and Rroken Sizes. %a5JL..lrv:tiWg!tA:• y’SlsafcJSL % . JUST ARRIVED—Limited Number MEN’S SPORT SHIRTS \»#/ llii- regular $1.00 ijiiulily, hut I rrijird S1.03 I alm‘! , _ • Wliit Kaxl < olor $1.00 'Fan Blue (irrrii DEPARTMENT' STORES Shop Willi Confidence — Wear Willi Pride Com Meal ansi A dele Jcrgens are starred in the Lipperl Productions fast-moving story of scientific crime-detection, "Radar S< cret Ser vice." John Howard is seen in the leading role, if hows at the Watts Theatre Wednesday. and costs. The defendant is tc. violate no liquor law within the next five years. Charged with speeding, Frank A Thompson of Colorado Springs, Col., was taxed with the costs. Clarence Tyson, pleading guil ty of having a 'small amout of liquor in his possession, was fined $50 and required to pay the colts Jack Compton of Mobane was taxed with the costs for speeding -o Work Progressing On New Terminal For Oil Company (Continued from page one) lee said. It is not known how mans workers will be employed once the terminal is completed, but it is understiNid that the plant will serve the territory within a ra dius of sixty miles It is quite likely that the company plan to operate a fairly large fleet ol trucks, employing possibly ten i r twelve drivers, a plant rnana err and secretarial assistants. Local Young Mas Called To Repcri For Army Service Continued on pace eight) istration in this county. Chair man Rice said that the young men thinking everything had bJowr over, jus! paid little or no at tention to the law requiring then to register when they reachei then eighteenth birthday. Whet registration delinquents an found, the board is directed ti turn the names over to the l! S Attorney Cent ral's district olfici for investigation and prosecuturn i if necessary. I (loir llil l irr 7 iruas (hi Jay-milk tint Is l iihiii i Indianapolis. Inti. A jay i v. ulkmg cow, .ucii stia.veii tua the nearby stockyards, was in by five automtibiii s before polic could corral her Slic wasn't hur vwwwwwwwwwwvr TRIO Roltcrsonvillc, N. C. TONIGHT - FRIDAY July 27 and 28 MV FKIEM) IRMA <;.oesavkst W ith iVtarie Wilson. John Lund and Dianna Lynn Cartoon and Short SATURDAY, July 2!) ARIZONA COWlim With Rex Allen sum; show With Don McGuire and Trace) Roberts Sl'NDAY - MONDAY July 3(1 and 31 mi; i i.vmi; wo THE ARROW With Burt Lancaster and Virginia Mayo Cartoon and Short Tl'ISDAV ONLY. Alt rust 1 PLEASE liELIIA K ME With Deborah Kerr and Robert Walker News and Short .tlUIMIWUVVUWMUUUUUIW !lr I'riril I o I hip Hnl It H iis Hainful Task' Cleveland, O. — When his wife tipped over a pot of scalding water on herself, Rry Boothe, ko, started for a drugstore hr help. Fin route, his car collided with an other Boothe offered to settle for $2. As he stepped hack from tic car, a street car struck him send ing him to a hospital for cuts and bruises. When he finally got home, his tv if. • had t ri ated I i, i ] f wjth a home remedy Maria Mcciez Star In Arabian Nights A : inu'ou* r.i-'v example of v, i! he shown Sunday ev Monday when Rcalart’s “Ara i.i ... ],:• tits’’ ' pens at the Marco rhea’: 'in 1"),. anticipated VValer vVanger production must he ir- ;rdcd a.-> more that a work ti! : . ur! hoi sheer beauty, i 0>tic splendor and torrid, ac ta n-filied drama, here is a. ’ ■ <: ■:, : •, ;r»tph of the first mag mi u ■ j\ i! i- embellished by i-lf.irm’,!,-- Technicolor. r.ifw ..euablo are the charac terizations r.f its three stars. Jor Hail Maria Monte/ and Sabu. Me; ..i ein'ij' • She -razndc. the Ikfgctad dancing girl, who wants • w.;-i v a Caliph. She does and ti; .t is the story fit' “Arabian Nights." and Jon Hall portrays H;u • o.n-i-I-Keschid, the Caliph. o oir ‘ ulv -1lures before she r; ;:Tit Haroun, however, are b<.- 1 t.-kl on the screen itself, for id. is adult entertainment ad he! in j close !1.- to the original fa- iiiation of the classic tale. Arm ; the picture’s numerous hi ! ii id , audiences will remem ber ti. splendid performances of !/ 1 Krih on, Billy Gilbert, Edgar ;, i n-t Shornp Howard To. is a ci tus sequence which Ian i -oit vividly and magnifi cent do <■; t vi1a. across which the c,as van- travel. There are --m i d the slave markets and luxuisvi- harems, where femi ■ i,( h< ally ; emphasized in pro lie..d<- profusion. The spectacu Latiies' 11)11 1 It 'lli1 ' H Si«'|> into »«';sl siix, i iius . . . roni|>k*l«* -lock hi I ..i;-< Sujimu r SIhm .«• Ki ilm i i! ii r < l.f Ml \\i \ THESE ABE LEDEE EEOS. QUALITY SHOSS. ?:3T HEAP SALE Smf OiESI lar O; xnuti Ga~ncc preseiyicu oy Miss Montez is a memorable screen event, as is the furious battle between Hall and Erikson The fight, staged against a mov ing panorama of countless desert warriors, is probably the film’s timv v i»ii 61, CKCtUng Other players deserving special praise include Thomas Gomez and Turhan Bey. Outstanding in the picture’s feminine group are Elyse Knox, Acquanetta and Carmen D’Antonio. Lets not be fancy*.. THIS TOOK 6UTS! ^ _|_liey'll r-Iiuiit insults at you .. . they 11 conic in at you spikes first . . . they 11 throw at your head . . . but no mutter u lntl Inifjpens — von ran I jig!it_hpckl MINOR WATSON ! ‘‘BRANCH RICKEY” Yes onlv in America could a man have the courage, the will ami the1 greatness to face such ovcnvhelming odds with onlv a hall... a hat. .. ■and a glove—q;h/ win! JACKIE ROBINSON "HIMSELF” HAMILTON THEATRE VICCAR Uni®' ^hC Ci*Y STE81ING HAYDEN •'LOUIS GALHE1N »«»*»« Thursday and Friday SATURDAY — Double Feature BROOKLYN ORCHID M ith II illiani Hetulix NORTH FROM THE LONE STAR M ith Hill Elliott CARTOON SERIAL - ————-- - I him i k I III l\|{SI>\ Sl’OM ... <>/{ his nsmi.s him...1 M-G-M presents ONE OF THE FINE FAMILY PICTURES OF 19501 “stars in m Crown" The bully gets bullwhipped! STABBING JOEL McCREA ELLEN DBEW DEAN STOCKWELl^' Young doctor loves backwoods beauty! if* .From (he thrilling Saturday Evening Post series! !'|j I ^ ALAN MALI • LEWIS STONE • JAMES MITCHELL jUANO HERNANDEZ ■ CHARLES KEMPER Screen Pi*r bv Msrgve! Fitts ■ Bised c» «* M unit Artsftn-n fcy tee rw jrsKn Directed Cy JACQUES TOURNEUR . Prorineert tu W JJM H. WRIGHT • A Nteiro-Goldwyn-Meve, Picture Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wed.