Shirley Temple In Film Ai the Walts A new delightful comedy pre sented by James Nasser and based on the character, Corliss Archer, created by F. Hugh Her bert, hits the screen of the Watts Theatre Thursday and Friday, through United Artists release. It ^ is called "A Kiss for Corliss.” with gifted Shirley Temple play ing for the second time on the screen the bobby-soxer who has the happy faculty of getting into scrapes that leave her family and friends in a state of happy be fuddlement. The earlier picture woven around Corliss Archer was called Kiss and Tell.” Handsome David Niven shares stellar honors with Shirley, in the role of a suave man-aljout town, ip other words, a high class heel, with whom she gets amusingly involved. Tom Tully plays her father, and Gloria Holden her mother. Darryl Hick man is her long-suffering ado lescent boy friend and Virginia Welles is her girl friend. "A Kiss for Corliss” was pro duced by Colin Miller and di rected by Richard Wallace from a story and screenplay written by Howard Dimsdale. The musical background score was arranged by Werener R. Heymann, with Rudolph Polk serving as musical director. Edward G. Boyle had Police Lieutenant Ricardo Montalban surprises crafty landlady Elsa Lancaster with his identification card in one of the suspenseful mo ments of "Mystery Street,” M-G-M thriller showing Thurs'day and PRIDE ■ That'* ii* anil that'* you! We're proud of our long list of satisfied depositor* —— and our depositor* are proud of the feeling of security they derive from a steadily grow ing savings account. Guaranty Bank & Trust Company Master Model REFRIGERATORS Here's new beauty, new conve nience and mobility—a big refrig erator in small kitchen space — w'tf features and dependability you'll find nowhere else. Come in. See all the Frigidaire refrigerators. Only Frigidaire Gives You All These Features! • Distinctive new styling - inside and eut • New super-storage design • All-aluminum, rust-proof adjustable shelves. s New, deeper, aii-^erce lain stack-up Hydrators • Exclusive Double-Easy Quickube Troys • Now half-shelf and swing down shelf • Now, all-porcelain Multi-Purpose Tray • Now, all-porcelain Moaf Storage Drawer • Moro tpoco for largo itoms • Moro tall-bottlo ipaco • Mora food-frotslng ipaco • famous, eronomko! Motor-Misor mochaniim look Outtidol Look Imidol You Can't Match a FRIGIDAIREI DIXIE MOTOR COMPANY "Mystery Street" Is Viccar Film 'Mystery Street,” new M-G-M thriller, showing at the Viccar Theatre Thursday and Friday, is I more than an exciting motion ! picture. It is a dramatic story be hind the story of thousands of newspaper headlines—the hidden murders which annually are writ ten off the records as "accidental deaths.” It brings to the screen for the first time in film history the most modern methods of crime detection as developed at Harvard's famed Department of Legal Medicine. Sequences taken in the Department, as well as other scenes of Harvard, Boston and the Cap Cod area, were film ed on actual location. The east is headed by Ricardo Montalban and Sally Forrest, with other featured roles filled by Bruce Bennett, Elsa Lanehester and Marshall Thompson. Montal ban, headed for a dramatic career after scoring in Technicolor musi cals, recently appeared in ' Battle ground'’ and “Border Incident.” Miss Forest, now under contract J to M-G-M, is the discovery who charge of thr- interesting set deco rations. Shirley's wardrobe, so beautifully suited to a small town teen-ager, was designed by Eloisc Jenssen. ry/jii1(i uvt rtiitil.*•• U-tui*'. iv *hv un wed ninth. I in "Not Wanted Bruce Bennett lust scored in "Treasure of Siena Madre”; Elsa Lanchester, one of the screen's outstanding character actresses, cumes to the new film from her hit in 'Come to the Stable”; and Marshall Thompson last played Ricardo Montalban’s fellow G. I. in "Battleground.” "Mystery Street” was directed by John Sturges ‘Gun Crazy,” "The Return of October”). It was produced bv Frank E. Taylor, for mer New York publishing firm literary editor. The screen play is by Sydney Boehm and Richard Brooks; the story by Leonard Spigelgass Social News Returned To Home In Durham Mr. Whit Purvis, -Jr , returned to New York Sunday after spend ing his summer vacation here with his mother, Mrs. Daisy Pur Visit In Morehead City Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Forbes of Gibsonvilie and Mr. and Mrs. Dock Hollis and son, Ray ..pent the week-end in Morehead City visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Whiehai d. Returns Home Mrs Clarence Foibes has re turned to her home in Gibsonvilie | after a week's v isit w ith her parents Mr. and Mrs. Dock Hollis. She was accompanied by her husband. Enters Local Hospital Dr. John Biggs entered the lo cal hospital last week-end for treatment. Here From Henderson Mr. R G. Harrison of Hender son is spending a few days here with relatives and friends. Returning Home From Hospital Critically ill for ten days or | more, little Miss Vickie Martin I is returning to her home in Jamesville within a day or two after a stay of nearly three weeks m the local hospital. Visited In Washington Mesdames Herbert Taylor, W. B, Gaylord and James H. Ward and Misses Harriet Ward, Sarah ; Manning and Patricia Taylor visited in Washington yesterday. Here From Henderson Mrs. R G. Harrison, Mrs Ed Dixon and daughter of Hender son visited here yesterday. In Rocky Mount Hospital i Mis. Frank Weston is undergo ! ing treatment in a Rocky Mount I hospital. • Home From Texas Mr. and Mrs Walter Martin and ■children returned last week from 'a visit with relatives in Texas. United Nations Plan Observance United Nations Week.—The United Nations Secretariat has set October 16 to 24 as United Na tions Week in 1950. During this week the peoples throughout the world are called upon to arrange special programs and religious services that focus on the United Nations its work, its achieve ments, its plans for the future. "Churches have a signal oppor tunity during this week,” says the call, “to co-operate with all community organizations in the development of a strong moral and spirtual support for the Unit ed Nations Only such support will make possible a more effec tive world organization." G & W William Penn j Blended Whiskey #rlc« Plntf Fifth* Prooi ! ntAMiff miwm m thm n«M uruuMMonou m«»ti*»5 , ux NtuTtAL viLiri panu» ROM MAM. BelkMer FINAL CLEAN UP SALE! Let Nothing Keep You Away VII Of Oyr SimiiiMT Ooods Vlnsl <«o Now. Kvrryliiin^ al price* you may not see auaiit for mam moons. MEN'S SUITS Conic and cel (hem. Only a few left. Prac tically all siz es. Blue, tan. Kray, teal, etc. Double and single breast ed. STRIPED AWNINGS Only a ft‘w of these mu if you want Miiur of them, conic carlv. $1.99 DISH CLOTHS Top «| mi I i I y dish dollis. 5c LADIES' HATS All colors anil sizes. Hedneed lo the Iioiic. $1 and $2 BOYS' WEAR Swim trunks, trousers, shirts, etc. Keilnceil lo the hone. Ihilcony. GIRLS' WEAR Swim suits, sun suits, shorts, ami dresses, l ake the stairs to the hal* cony. > MAIIHIAI. Summer mater ials. I'ique. or gandy, swiss, ba tiste. Values to 89e. 47c We Are Saving (>ooe|it. SPORT SHIRT SUCCESSES ‘•SEABRIUIT” Sail formal for pmiiiiin,nl fil. Fabric hlirinkiijM* Irs* limit 1% l»y checked stand aril tests. Hu. shirt lias a luoavay collar, for dress or sport. $1.00 SHOES 1'la.v shoes anil sandals. livery color and all sizes. Shoe depart ment. This is goodbye lo all of these shoes. We must have more space for our Kail merchandise. 76c - $1.47 1.97 - 3.77 STRAW HATS (irnuinr Panama Straw 'tills. VII sizes rciliiceil to tin- Imne. SWIM TRUNKS lleantifnl swim trunks in all sizes. Tilt* colors art' bine, jjreen, wine, black, Hr. Drastically rriinml. I ,;t> imiow sn \m:s Just another money savine har pain. Huy them now while they are mi ehea|». m:ri i:n i>m*;ssi:s llrinliri-g>. sIiiti'n j£iiltimlim>, rl«v Ml si/oi.. Itcaulifnl to look a! ;m*l Iim «•!v to oai\ DRESSES ( nitons, silks, hcitihergs in Siy.cs (o 4f>. liny several of these. Oiil> a limited sup Pl.v. * *