Herr From Virginia Beach Mr#. Carrie Biggs Morrison and Mr Harry Biggs of Virginia Beach arrived here over the week end inr a visit. On Buying Trip In \>w York Mi> Anna Harrison is on a buying trip in New York this V\ ft* k Return F rom New Orleans Mi and Mrs C. I) Carstarphen and M and Mrs Francis Barnes and Miss Erma Benson have re turned homt from a trip to New Orleans. Mere From Plymouth M W C. Sexton ad Mrs Ted Pinin’ and son of Plymouth visited Mr- John Ashley Hardi son here Fridav morning. Herr from Columbia Mr John Ashley Hardison, win recently was transferred to Co lumbia spent the week-end here with his family. Mrs. Hardison will move to Columbia us soon as living quarters can be obtained there. Spent Sunday At Pamlico Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Manning, Jr. spent Sunday at Pamlico Beach with Mr and Mrs. James Bailey i Peel Spent Week-end At Morehead David Carson, Jack Ross, Charles Carver, Jimmy Myers anti Bobby Carter spent the week end in Morehead City. Returns From Florida Miss Mary Ola Lilley has re turned from Jacksonville, Flori da where she visited Miss Pat Harris, her roommate tit Woman’s College Miss Harris returned with her to spend some time here. Returns From Buying Trip Mr Died Darden returned home Saturday from a buying trip in St Louis. In Western Part of State Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Davenport o( Jainesville are spending this week in the western part of the state. On their way home they will stop at Virginia Beach for the week-end. At Pamlico Mi and Mrs. John Hatton Gur giinus. Misses Marjorie Brady and Ann Beasley and Messrs. Robert Cowen and Edgar Gurganus spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs K D. Worrell at their cot tage on Pamlico Beach. Visiting In Nashville Mis W. T Gurkin anti Mr. and Mrs. Dalmer Gurkin arid sons, Billy and Harry Lee, left Friday for Nashville, Tennessee where they will visit relatives for a "week. Here from New York Myron Goldberg of New York spent last week-end here visiting Hus.se11 Norman and Lila Rose Gray Visits Friends In Greenville William Manning III spent Sat urday in Greenville with friends Returns To Norfolk Mrs. Addie Hatton has returned to her home in Norfolk after spending some time here with her sister-in-law, Mrs Mary B. Gurganus, and family. Reported Quite III Mr. and Mrs Lester Williams and Mrs Ellen Williams of Rocky Mount visited their sister and sister-in-law, Mrs. Sam Roberson last Sunday. Mrs. Roberson, a patient in a Washington hospital, is reported to be quite ill follow ing an operation performed last week Visiting In Hot Springs, Ark. Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Mo Knight and children are spending three weeks in Hot Springs, Ark ansas. Return To Richmond Mr and Mrs. Hugh Singleton and daughter, Patricia, returned to their home in Richmond Sun day after visiting Mrs, Singleton's mother, Mrs Myrtle Harris. They were accompanied to Rocky Mount by Mr and Mrs L. Bruce Wynne. Here From Rhode Island Mr. and Mrs Harry Hughes of Providence, R I are here for a month visiting friends. Return From Hendersonville Mr and Mrs Irving Margnlis returned home Sunday from Hen dersonville. Return To Durham Misses Frances and Carolyn Barnhill returned to their home in Durham Sunday following a short visit here with relatives. Announce Engagement Mr and Mrs W R. Banks an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Sadie Elizabeth, to Gar land Ray Eure, son of Mr. and Mrs F. T. Eure of Hertiora, N C. The wedl'ng will take place in the early fall. Here From Coats Mr. and Mrs. £ T. Malone ann sons, E. T. Jr., Johnny and Charles, of Coats spent Sunday I near here with Mr. and Mrs FJlis I Malone. S|>enI Sunday At Pamlico Mr. and Mrs. Kader Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. Riii Barber spent Sunday at Pamlico Beach. Visit In Raleigh Mrs. H. O Peel and Mrs. Oscar Davenport spent Friday in Ral eigh. Visit In Jamesville Mr. and Mrs. Joe Squires and children and Mrs. Delia Mills of Greenville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sawyer in Jamesville. foi' treatment. | Here Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ange of Jamesville were in town yester day shopping. Returning to Florida After spending two weeks here with his cousin. Garland Woolard, and Mrs. Woolard, Marvin Chaun eey will return to his home in Miami, Florida, over the week end. Here Yesterday Attorney Clifton Everett of Bethel was in town yesterday at tending to professional matters. Spends Week-end Here W. A. Thomason, Jr., a former teacher at State College, Raleigh, and now an associate of the Tex tile World, a leading publication of the textile industry with head quarters in New York, spent the week-end here with Mrs. Thom ason who is visiting in the home of her father Mr. W B. Watts. Returns Home Little Miss Betty Jo Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Millt . has returned to her home from Chowan Hospital in Edenton and is improving from an appen dectomy performed there last week. i • Spend W'eek-end at Morehead Misses Editli Stallings, Frances Raynor, Ann Raynor, Betsy Man ning and Ernestine Gardner and Mr. James Mullins spent the week-end at Morehead. Visiting In Salisbury Mrs. Burras Criteher, Jr., is spending this week with relatives in Salisbury. Return From Beach Mr. and Mrs. Wig Watts. Mrs. L. T. Fowden and Miss Mildred Purvis returned Sunday from Pamlico Beach where they spent] , two Weeks. Spending Week Here Miss Betty Dunn of Goldsboro is spending tins week here with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Baggett. Home From Beach Mr. and Mrs. Charles Manning and children have returned home after spending several days at their cottage on Pamlico Beach. Return Home Sunday Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Criteher, Sr., returned home Sunday from a stay at Beaufort. Spending Week at Morehead Miss Cora Proctor and Mrs. H. E. Harrington and son, Edward, arc spending this week at More head City. At Daytona Beach, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Vasco Green of Ahoskie, Miss Gertrude McLaw horn of Williamston and Mr. Francis Keel of Oak City are spending this week at Daytona Beach, Florida. Spending Week at Pamlico Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ward are spending a week at Pamlico. Birth Announcement Dr. and Mrs. Hubert J. Sheri dan announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Jo, on July 31 in Moses Lake, Washington. Mrs. Sheridan is the former Miss Tru lah Peel of Williamston. Enters Hospital In Greenville Mr. D. C. McLawhorn, Sr. en tered Pitt General Hospital in Greenville Monday night for med ical treatment. Improving Mr. Wm. Dave Manning con- | tinues ill at his home in Griffins Township. Entered Hospital For Treatment Mrs. R. J. Peel, Jr., entered a Rocky Mount hospital yesterday. Announce Birth Mr. and Mrs. Jesse W. Summ ner announce the birth of a daughter, Rose Marie, on Thurs day, July 27, in a Kinston hospi tal. Undergoing Treatment Quite ill during the past week, Mr. N. T. Tice was reported im proved Sunday. Leaves For Hospitals Mr. Dennis Bunting, victim of poison gas in World War 1, left his home in Oak City vesterdat for Fayetteville. He will leave the Hospital there for McQuire General Hospital, Richmond, where he is tentatively scheduled to under go a major operation. He was accompanied by Mrs. Bunt ing, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bunting. « — Responding To Treatment Suffering a heart attack about three weeks ago, Mr. Slade White is responding to treatment at his home in Popular Point Here From Hopewell Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Robinson and daughter of Hopewell, Va., visited Mrs. H. T. Roberson here Sunday.'They were accompanied' home by his mother, Mrs. Leda Roberson, who had been spend ing some time in the county with relatives and friends. ' / Attend Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Harri son, Sr., and their guest, Mrs. Tom M. Carter of Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Harrison, Mrs. John A. Ward and Mrs. Mary Coltrain attended the wedding of Miss Ma rietta Harrison of Rocky Mount to Robert Hickman of Wadesboro Sunday afternoon in Rocky Mount. Announces Engagement Mrs. William Jesse Melson an nounces the engagement of her ciaughter, Jessie Mae, to Lurry James Bullock, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Bullock of Williamston. The wedding will take place in the early fall. Visit Here Sunday - Mrs. Joe Harper of California and Mr. and Mrs!. Charles Fraley of Tarboro visited Mrs. John L. Rodgerson and Miss Mary Rodger son here Sunday. Returns Home From Hospital Mr. B. S. Courtney, after re ceiving treatment in the local ' hospital. «eturned t^jjJghjtme ! Sunday and is getting along well. Returns Home Mrs. Daisy Purvis returned i home Sunday after spending a few days at Nags Head. Visitiug In Greenville Mrs. Fannie Wyr(ne is visiting relatives in Greenville. In Colin Miller's "A Kiss for Corliss,” based on the famous F. Hugh Herbert character, Corliss Archer, suave man-about-town David Niven has a tough time resisting clever bobby soxer, Shirley Tem ple. The film is due next Thursday and Friday at the Watts The atre through United Artists release. PRESIDENT Clarence W. Griffin, local attorney, was elected presi dent of the Second District Bar Association at a meet ing held in Tarboro last Sat urday. How milt! can a cigarette be? MORE PEOPLE SMOKE CAMELS than any other cigarette! and nmonp, the millions who do... AUDREY BOCKMANN I*' i m o u s r i f I» '■ini m pi on .says <'ami ls vermin ■ v > co r »■ a hit •vitii my taste! A n ii t ho \ i * so mi hi Cool a ml raj Id !” ft Dear I’alron*: V * manager of I In- \ KICVK THKATKK il p;ives me areal plea*nre to |<-!I von that thi* eit\ li;t> Keen honored h> heina chosen for earl\ advance »Iioh inir of "Star* In Mv Crnwii." VI. i',. M.'s production representing a Ivpical Vnierican town and ils peo ple " i111 it* liahlina two-^un parson (>rav. He was a man whose words were loaded as well as his ^nns. V oil'll iinderslnad win "Stars In Ylv Crown" lias heen ahead) hailed a* one of the finest pictures of I •>->(> when von see it at the V iecar lodav or tomor row . Il has heen awarded I'arent .« Magazine's medal for Outstanding Merit. It is based on Saturday I'.veniiii: l’o*l * serial and hook written hv Joe David Drown and star* Joel Mcdrea. I'.llcn Drew and Dean Stoekw ell. I personally consider “Stars In 111) Crown" ex ceptionall) fine entertaiiimenl and I urge von to see it uml. Sineerclv, I he Management V It ( AH I HI A I Ki; - - - for Ihe fine support you have given our Coffee Shoppe during our Iwo years in busi ness. WE ARE CELEBRATING OUR 2nd BIRTHDAY lie people of Martin Comity ami We welcome the opportunity «>f surrounding counties to vii.il us serving von Mr. ami Mrs. John W ier ami Buddy Wier, Proprietors •MADAME IKK • Ameriu'i Fore most Psychic Analyst And Ad visor. Confiden tial advice on all ■* n h | r r t 9. All Troubles Scienti fically and Cor rectly adjusted. Parlor Quiet. KFADINti CONFIDENTIAL A Place Where You Cap Bring Your Friends and Feel No Embarrassment. Office in Trailer Coach Chocowinity, N. C. 3 Miles South of Washington LOOK FOt HAND SION Eye Glasses Broken? We maintain a complete optical service. Lens, temples and frames replaced and repaired Quick service. Peele’s — Jewelers 121 Main St. Tel. 2311 B. S. COURTNEY & SON “Furniture Since 1914” I LAST BIG MARK DOWN On All Summer DRESSES mii11 Sale For ONLY All $10.95 DRESSES On Sale For ONLY - All $12.95 DRESSES On Sale For On Sale For All $16.95 DRESSES On Sale For - $5.95; - $6.951 - $7.95 505 .. $10.95 ONK HIC HACK Of All Make* Ami Model* FOR ONLY $2.95 Buy «il lli«‘M‘ low prires for Next Sousoti. You'll Bay Mori* Ni*xi Su 1)11111*1*. DARDEN’S Department Store WilliamsUm, N. C.