Farm Life Holding To Lead In Loop Rams, Bears And Cubs Also Hold To Top Division Season I .ml- I «n Vi eek> mi V S< lo diilr Show - With the end of the playing sea sun just two weeks off. Farm Life was still holding to its place atop the Martin County League stand mgs. lialt . 'game ahead ol the Robersonvillc Rams while Beat Grass was in third and the Ever etts Cubs held to fourth place. Until the softball league com pietes its pla\ there an few if any open nights left at the Wil liamston ball park, and some of the teams which have made little effort to re-schedule rained out or postponed games may find they arc laced with the necessity of I forfeiting one or two contests. Farm Life took two games dur ing tin past week-end, both from Washington, ti-1 and 2-1, to grab a half game lead over the Rober sonvillc Rams who remained in the chase with a 10-5 victory over Beai Grass Sunday afternoon. It wa> a rough week-end for the Bears as they lost to Washington Friday night before losing to the | Rams Sunday. However, they sal vaged something out of the week end's play with a 5-3 victory Sat urday night over Williamston. Williamston. in turn got an even break for the week-end by taking ,m 8-3 decision over .Jamesville i Sunday after their loss to Bear ; Grass Saturday night. In the first forfeit reported here I Oak City lost to Everetts Sunday | II to 0 when only five Roosters ' showed up for play against the in 1 vading Cubs. It may be that there has been one other forfeit but it has not been reported here. According to the decision of the league at a recent meeting, the regular playing season ends on j the 16th of this month and con* 1 tests not played by that time may be forfeited, it was said. A complete schedule as it is at present set up is printed in this issue today for the information of both fans and managers. Quite a few of the teams have at least five games to make up. Some of them have arranged for a replay of all their home games which were missed but are hav ing difficulty getting arrange ments completed for games away from home which are the respon sibility of the other club. standings r ■\ j MARTIN ( OI'NTY LEAGUE Farm Life Robci sonv iUt Rear Grass Everetts Oak City Wifliamston Washington Jamvsville \V. 19 L° L 14 11 12 13 9 13 9 14 9 16 Pet .760 731 .560 480 .408 .391 .360; 7 17 .288! It 1 "hnou IIoii ' AND WE HAVE IT ■ HEATING ■— and — Sheet Metal Work i t:\ \o\ AIK CU.MII HONING \ |»pro' 11 KG I \|l IM WOKKs r o ii«i\ tan WII.IJAMSTON. N. C. tiioni; Visit Heili" and Meyer 8 WiHiauislon for l lie “Went Buys In Furniture” Your Car Deserves The Best! . . . Ami that's u it Mill c<’l rijtlil here! Uvular cheek oi’ nuli .iliii. battery, oil, tires at mi extra charge! AUTOS THRIVE ON OUR SERVICE! Sinclair Service Station | I IOO% 0»MI S,NC LAIR < Bradford-Allegany Pennsylvania Crude » . '4 % * r r *• « h * SINCLAIR PENNSYLVANIA MOTOR OIL N. C. GREEN Agent — Williamstou, N. C. | BOTTLE GAS SERVICE — Il Cooks - It Heats - It Makes Ice — Courtney Gas Co., Inc. Dial 2572 Tennis Tourney Is Planned Here Willi Wilbur Jackson. Frank Weaver and Junic Peel in charge, a tennis tournament is to be spon sored by the Williamston Junior Chamber of Commerce the latter part of this month and the first of September at the recently con structed all-weather courts at the high school. Entries will be received up to August 20 but the group is anxi ous to have entrants registered as soon as possible so that they can work out more details of the event it was stated yesterday. Quite a few entries have been received in both doubles and singles divisions, some good and sonic not so good players being entered all hoping to add to the interest in the program even if some of them have little chance ot getting bv even their first trial. Fifty cent* will put a pfajer rfi cither the singles or doubles race or $1.00 will put the player in both. Scotland Neck Wins Here 18-1 In a game played recently be tween the group at the high school recreation grounds and a similar team from Scotland Neck the visitors won over the Wil liamston lads, 18 to 8. Harris started for Williamston but had to be relieved by Dallas Wells when, Alin visitors scored 12 runs in the first inning. However, reports on the game show that the sco ing was due most to poor fielding and handling of the ball. Hoys playing for Williamston " vrc Hardison and Copeland at second base, P. Gardner in right field. Beach behind the plate, Whichard in leftfield, R. Ward and W. Gardner in centerfield, Harris and Wells, pitchers, Page at first base, Taylor at third and Ward at Shortstop. Rogerson also got in at centerfield. Scotland Neck got seven hits, Williamston five in the 7-inning i contest, j Baseball practice for the young | people has been well atiended. SCHEDULE D Tuesday, August 1 Bear Grass and Everetts, night. Wednesday, August 2 Farm Life at Washington, night. Jamesville at Williamston Roberson villc at Bear Grass Oak City at Everetts, night. Friday, Aug. 4 Robersonville at Everetts, night. Saturday, August 5 Williamston and Jamesville, at night. Sunday, August 6 Farm Life al Williamston Jamesvilie at Washington Bear Grass at Everetts Oak City at Robersonville Tuesday, August 8 Oak Cdy and Williamston, at night. Wednesday, August 9 Williamston at Farm Life Washington at Jamesville Everetts at Bear Grass Robersonville at Oak City Wednesday Night, August 9 Bear Grass and opponent to be announced later. Friday Night, August II Everetts at Farm Life, night. Saturday, August 12 Oak City at Williamston, night. Sunday, August 13 Bear Grass at Farm Life Oak City at Jamesville Everetts at Washington Robersonville at Williamston Tuesday, August 15 Williamston and opponent to be announced, night. Wednesday, August 16 Farm Life at Oak City Jamesville at Bear Grass Williamston at Everetts, night. Washington at Robersonville (End of season) Softball Playoffs To Begin Next Monday All-Star Game Is Scheduled Here Thursday Night 1 Season Ended Last With Methodints Win* nin^e Tbf Pennant SOFTBALL LEAGUE (Games through July 13; Standings Team W. L. Pet. Methodists _ . .14 4 .778 Christians .10 8 .556 Baptists _ __ ... 7 11 .389 Episcoterians ... 6 12 .334 --♦ RESULTS (Final Games of Season) Monday, July 31 Episcoterians 12, Baptists 4. Methodists 5, Christians 4. Schedule of Semi-Finals (Best two of three) Methodists vs. Baptists. Christians vs. Episcoterians. By Wilbur Jackson The Softball League Playoffs will get underway Monday night at eight o'clock in the high school park with the pennant winning; Methodists meeting the third place Baptists in the first game and the second place Christians1 meeting the fourth place Episco terians in the night's finale. The! Methodists won the pennant fairly easy, running into a little trouble at the end of the season. The dark horse of the play-offs will be the Episcoterians who gave every body a fit in the last week of play. Most of the teams are fairly even ly matched when all their players show up and a good brand of soft ball will be seen in these play offs. The league is operating slightly in the red due to the lack of attendance at the regular sea son games. Why not come out during these play-off games which will be held every Monday and Thursday nights to decide the Champion, and support your church team. The league needs all the support it can get at this time. Methodists Take Pennant Although the season ended just last night the issue was decided to all intents and purposes by the play in the doubleheader last Thursday night. The high-flying Episcoterians who have won three out of their last four games, downed the second place Chris tians in a very well played ball game on a rather soggy field. The score was seven to six. The Christians got off to a very good start as they hopped on starter Ernest Mears for five runs in the first inning. Mears wasj very wild, walking three men. It. his first appearance on the mound since the first of the sea son. The Christians added one in the bottom of the third on hits by Goff and Spivey, coupled with two fielders’ choices. The Episcoterians, behind six to one, got the ball to rolling in the top of the fourth inning and scored four runs on Jack Ross’ long triple to close the gap to six and five. They added two more in (he fifth which proved to be en ough. Mears, although very wild, allowed the losers only four hits. 1 Roberson and Mears led the win ners with two for. four apiece. ! Goff was best for the losers with I two for four. In the second game the Meth odists poured it on the fast-falling Baptists as they made thirteen hits good for as many runs while “Preacher’’ Shuller was limiting the losers to two' hits and two runs. The Methodists had two big innings as they scored fi^ runs in the fourth and added seven more in the sixth as their team batted around. Stalls led the win ners at bat, getting two for two and scoring two runs for a perfect | ALL-STAR GAMK ! \/ The Dr, Pepper Softball team of the Washington, N. C.. league will play the All Star team from the Williams ton Church Softball League a ooubleheader Thursday night, Aug. 3rd. The first game wiil start at eight o’clock. The Dr. Pepper team is making its sc cond appearance here as they played a similar engagement last year. The All-Star team from this league will be made up of five players from each church team. The details are to be announced tomorrow. WILLIAMSTON 8 JAMESVILLE 3 Jamesville ran into the old 7th inning jinx again Sunday after noon when the Williamston Mar gins used four runs in that frame to salt away an 8 to 3 victory. Bob Newell pitched 6-hit ball for the Martins and Slim Gardner, who started for Jamesville and who had won his last three starts, allowed only 7 hits until the fatal fourth when he was knocked out of the box. A1 Habit took over and went the rest of the way. Jamesville scored one run in the third frame and the Martins |came back with one in the fourth. Williamston went ahead with two in the sixth and Jamesville got one in the same frame to keep it close. The roof fell in in the 7th as the Martins got four. James ville also got one in that inning to end their scoring for the game. Williamston got its the top of the 9th. The box: Williamston Whitehurst, ss Harrison, 2b Perry, S., If Wynne, H„ lb Wynne, Geo., lb (8) Stalls, cf Whitfield, cf (9) Rogers, 3b Davenport, rf Perry, A., c Newell, p last tally in Ah 3 4 5 2 1 4 4 5 4 3 K H 0 (I Totals Jamesville Harrell, Roy, 2b Harris, D., e Brown, E., ss McCaffity, lb Alexander, cf Harrell, H., 3b Rogerson, rf Williams, If C. Brown, If (8) Gardner, p Habit, p (7, 2 out) 36 8 13 1 Ab R II E 5 0 2 0 5 0 10 4 0 0 O' 2 110 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 10 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 0 10 2 110 Totals 32 3 6 0 Score by innings: Williamston 000 102 401 - )! Jamesville 001 001 100 3 night at but. The win was the J thirteenth for the Methodists | against only four losses. The win assured the Methodists of the I league pennant. How mild can a cigarette be? MORE PEOPLE SMOKE CAMELS than any i other cigarette! «nd MMf the millions u>ho do... PETER UNO HAYES Star of stage and TV: "I found what cigarette mildness means when I made my )wn Camel 30 Day Test ! I’ve tmoked Camels ever since!” !VEN *3« *11V. PROOF ••••IKNAM ft WCMtTI IfMtVlft; 9IOIIA, IUINOII Swimming Even! Planned At Pool Plans are being worked out for a big swimming program at the Municipal Swimming Pool here on the evening of Friday August 11. The swimming show will be free and it is planned to have prizes for all the events which begin at 7:30 p. m. with a scramble for 100 pennies. A comic diving event will serve as a preliminary from 7.15 to 7:30 Tb.e events as listed yesterday: 1 —100 pennies scramble; 2—90-it. free style race; 3—90-ft. backhand race, 4—00-it, breasts tfbkc race; 5—180-ft. freestyle race; 6—90-ft. double crawl race (a special race); 7—3G0-ft. relay race; 8—90-ft. girls free style; 9—Balloon race of 90-ft.; 10—Match box race; 11 — Diving contest. The pool is closing in a few weeks and the local pool officials expressed their appreciation yes terday for the splendid patronage given the pool by youngsters from ail sections of the county. It was emphasized that these out-of-town boys are expected to enter the events on August 11 along with the youngsters from Williamston. The event will be similar' to the recent scout races at the pool. Link* Albert BY GKO. GURGANUS -MOTHER I'XRXJHDM '-OHMOTHER " fm-) PLUMBIN6&HEATING CAS* \ PAOM* atae/r3/ 2.0. ■ WASHmOTOHST. *VM CAM STOW//, tf.c. RESULTS v. Friday Night, July 28 Washington 5, Bear Grass 0. Saturday Afternoon, Julv 29 Farm Life 6, Washington 1. Saturday Night, July 29 Bear Grass 5. Williamston 3. Sunday, July 30 WiJhamston 8. Jamesville 3. Farm Life 2, Washington 3. Robersonville 10, Bear Grass 5 Everetts 9, Oak City 0. ( Forfeit) Hamilton Hornets Top Windsor Club The Hamilton Hornets played the Elm Grove nine from Windsor on July 30 and got revenge from a defeat last Sunday. The Hornets got nine hits and made three errors and Elm Grove got three hits and made two er- ! rors. The winning pitcher was Walter Scott and the loser was A. Hoggard. Ray Jernigan started for Elm Grove and was relieved by Hoggard in the fifth inning, j Scott went the distance for Ham ilton and struckout 17 batters and Hoggard struck out 7 batters. Not any of Elm Grove players got more than one hit apiece. The leading hitter for Hamilton was Braxton Williams, getting three doubles for five times at bat and Walter Scott, getting a single, dou ble and a home tun for five times at bat. Fate Whitfield hit a triple in the fifth inning with the bases loaded. The game was reported by Gar land Hardison of the Hornets with the following box for Hamilton: Hamilton \b R H E E. Scott, ef 6 2 10 F. Scott, ss 2 2 0 1 F. Whitfield, lb 2 2 2 0 B Williams, c 5 13 0 F. Scott, 3b 5 10 1 V. Whitfield. 2b 4 0 0 1 P. Edmonds. If 4 0 0 0 H. Manning, if 4 2 10 W. Scott, p 5 2 3 0 Totals 37 12 10 3 Him: "Did anyone ever tell you how wonderful you are?” Her: “No, I don’t think anyone ever did.” Him: “Then I'd like to know where you ever got the idea.” FAMILY .. K\ci-y nicmhcr of tin* family has a slake in the future of the others, Kaeli ean feel secure when the en tire family is financially secure. Thai’s why a savings account is so important to you. no matter what your ajte. dome open YOUR ac count, now ! Branch Banking & Trust Co. SINCLAIR DRILLS 2 MILES DEEP TO HELP MEET RECORD OIL DEMAND I 2-MILE CORKSCREW. Drilling as deep as two miles into the earth, with ultra-modern equipment and new scientific meth ods, Sinclair is tapping new oil pools to help meet the record demand for petroleum products. This intensified devel opment of new crude oil sources is but a small part of Sinclair's $150,000, 000 expansion program. Sinclair’s program also includes new pipelines and new, improved refin ing facilities. In the future as in the past, look to Sinclair for Better ^Products, Better Service, N. C. GREEN, AGENT WILL1AMST0N, N. C. • H