Colton Support Loans Extended To September 30 (Continued from page one) in an orderly manne, by CCC. "On final'liquidation of all cot ton in the pools, the net proceeds, if any. after deduction of all ad vances. interest and accrued costs including storage, insurance and handling charges — will be dis tributed among the producers whose cotton was placed in the pools, in proportion to the amount of 'he loans on the cotton placed in such pools, the chairman ex plains. No payment will be made to producers at the time their cot ton is placed in the pools, he says, and after September HO. 1950. pro ducers will not be entitled to or der the sale of the cotton. Man Charged With Attempt To Break Into Local Home (Continued from page one) » In his pocket thf officers found j a picture Hi Wilkins and his girl I and recognized him During tin meantime. Wilkins; started a hurried run for his home on Peel Street, back of the Odd Fellows Cemetery As he passed E. A. Brown's home, Mr Brown, section master for tin Coast Line, fired at him twice Wilkins step ped up his pact Blood hounds were called from the prison camp ( : and they followed the trail loi I a good ways, losing it in a horse lot. When Chief Hoe buck and Of ficer Chas. Moore went to Wil kins home, they found him in bed with no clothes on. Asked where his clothes were, Wilkins could not produce them The ; clothes picked uu back of the Roberson home were identified by Wilkins' mother as those belong ing to her son. Wilkins separated from his wife, is said to have served three terms on the roads for law vio lations in recent months. Bookmobile Ends Ninth Successful Year In District (Continued from page one) services' and enlarged the re sources of Beaufort. Hyde and Martin Counties Its anil in the future is to give equal opportuni ty for library service to all people in this region. John A. Hardison Fatally Hurt By Mule On Monday (Continued from page one) rmgton and Elder P. E Getsing- j er, his friends from boyhood In torment will be in the Hardison Mill Cemetery in Griffins Town ship. Watts Theatre Williaiiihtoii, N. C. THURSDAY and FRIDAY j IK* ftrl wW# I k**»«4 «nd l«l#) lKfi • d—p, l4fk •MrH n#w| 4 4 i Vice AR THE POLICE SAID "MURDER!" THE SCIENTIST SAID 'MAYBE!' Starts THURSDAY IT COULD HAPPEN IN DAYTON and maybe it has...! si#*1 MONTALBAN FORREST Bruce BENNETT Else LANCHESTER «»oo"»'1*"’ THURSDAY & FRIDAY 1 wo Positions In Grammar School Yet To Be Filled ! (Continued rrorn page one) | Me and Mrs. Austin are now at j home in the teacherage on North Srr.iihwick Street. Mr. Austin, a graduate of N. C. State College, Raleigh, is entering the proles sion this year. He has already signed up forty-eight pupils, and even though his department eon-l fronts a serious housing situa tion at the beginning of the term, j preparations are being made for; a high standard course. Mrs. W. !!. Abernathy, who i ably volunteered to help relieve the teacher shortage in the ele mentary department for several years and who resigned the fifth grade teacher position, has agreed to accept the eight grade, suc ceeding Grover C. Wood, resigned. Mi Wood is now with the Corev Plumbing and Heating Company. Richard Napier of Rockingham las been named to teach mathe matics, science and social studies n the high school. A graduate d Brevard and East Carolina Poachers College, taught for two rears at Swansboro. He is a mar- I ied man. Coast Guard Will Hold Anniversary Event On Friday | (Continued from Pago One) persona I ii ies < »n ha nd for t he day Vkt Admiral O'Neill, Gomman-j riant of the United States Coast Guard forees, will deliver the j main address. He will be intro duced bu Herbert Bonner, Con gressman from the fii'st North Carolina District at 2 p, m Lind- , say Warren, Comptroler General j and W. Kerr Scott, Governor, are among the invited dignitaries. Ed- j mund Harding, North Carolina’s1 i Ambassador ol Goodwill, and the .squire of the Pamlico, will be there to add his bit to the success of the day. There’ll he bands, music, danc ing, singing and everything that goes to make a oig occasion suc cessful The people of Beaufort | County will furnish the hospitali ty in overwhelming measures | The Washington Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring the | event. J. Max Roebuck is general chairman. Mr Roebuck says that j nc is expecting thousands of visitors for the day Everything I will be carried out with split sec ond timing. There is ample room oil the miles of shore along the beauti ful Pamlico so that visitors may watch the spectacular events in comparative comfort from Wash ington park. County and Towns Share In Special Tax Distribution (Continued trcru page one) The biggest check, $Miii.HT 1.79, will be addressed to the City of Charlotte, North Carolina's big gest municipality. The second biggest check, $133,877.90, goes to Mecklenburg County. Officials Plan Education Event *' — C onfcrencc on Education in the South. The governors of the Mutes of Alabama, Arkansas, Honda, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Caiolina, 1 ennessee, and Virgin ia have invited the presidents and faculty members ot the universi ties in the South to a meeting to be belli at Daytona Beach, Flori da, Scptcmbei 4 to 11. The pur pose of the meeting, according to a Nt vi \urk Times report, is to devise an agreement specify ing the graduate studies each in stitution is to develop on a reg ional basis. WantS KOK SAI.K: 17 REGISTERED Heretords, splendid breeding. Plenty Hereford and Angus bred | heifers—not registered. 1 regis ! ''o-ed five galled Tennessee Walk jer, very gentle. W. S Hundley. Boydtou. Va. au 1 4t LOK SALK: TOHAt CO STICKS. Call John W. Eubanks, Phone I 4051, Hassell, N C jlv 27 2t ; LOT FOR SALE—1 LOT 60 x 150 I on Fairground. 326 Simmons 'Avenue. j|., 27 2t ; wr'"XL*c«:r,-SHp ijr* ux« a nci Excess Pools. All work guaranteed Tommie Nuekles, ; Phone 29*40-2, J. P. Liliey. au 1 2t FOR SALE. 1942 HUDSON 4 door with Radio and Heater, I 19*41 Ford 2-Door Coach, 193k Do Soto, clean, 1936 Chevrolet 2-Door Coach and 1935 Chevrolet 2-Door! Coach. See Stevenson’s Auto Ga- ' rage. 24 hours .service. Phone day j 1 3033, Phone Night. 2532. au 1 2t I MAN OK WOMAN TO TAKE; ov< r route ot established Wat- ! kins :! rs in the city of Wil- : iiamston. Full time income aver- | $45 weekly. N< investment ; j neesesary. We will help you get i started. Write .1. R. Watkins Co..! Dent. S-3. Richmond. Va. I OK SALK: USED OIL AND wood ranges Priced from SI2.50 up. B. S. Courtney and Son. au 1 4t FOR SALE: 80 GALLON DOF ble element Electrict Water Heater in excellent condition. Call Kloise M. Bennett at 2549. FOR KKNT: ONE STORY tlii-ec-rooiii brick office 1>ii ild in^E. Ideal location. A|*|*l\ to ,|. Paul Siinpsoii. au 1 2t FOR RENT: 3 ROOM APART ; ment with bath, hot water fur nished, ori Simmons Avenue. Sec Henry D. Harrison. jly 27 tf FOR SALE: 5 LAUNDRY HEAT- | ers with tanks for 1-2 price. R. j L. Coburn, Williamston, N. C. jlv 27 2t 1 ... .. FOR SALE: WE HAVE A FEW | used ice boxes left. Priced from $15.00 up. B. S. Courtney and Son. au 1 4t FOR SALK: ONK ELECTRIC counter drink box in good con dition. See it cit 204 S. Smithwick Street M. S. Gray. jly 25 41 FOR SALE: 0 GOLF ( LI BS IN good condition. Will sell reas onable. See Ben Selby at the En terprise Office. j 1 y 25 tf WE HAVE A FEW TOBACCO sticks left. Williamston Lutn bei Company, Highway 17, Wil liamston, N. C. HEAD AND DISABLED HORSES Mules, Cows and hogs removed promptly. No charge. Phone Greenville, N. C„ 3101. Norfolk Tallow Company. no 8 tf I ---- FOR RENT: LARGE BEDROOM next to bath for couple with or without kitchen facilities or two furnished or unfurnished rooms. Mrs. W R. Ingram. FARM LOANS: LONG TERM and low interest rate. At least twenty-five acres cleared land. See L. A. Squires, Bank of Wash ington Building, Washington. N. C. jly 20 5t FOR RENT: THREE ~ ROOM apartment with private bath. Also private entrance. See or call D. V. Clayton, Guaranty Bank and Trust Company, Williams t°n. au 1 tf [free APPRAISALS on all j Body and Fender Repairs with | no obligations. Roanoke Chevro let Co., Wiiliamston. N. C. je 22 tf FOR RENT: SANDING MACH ine. Refinish your floors your self and do a first class job of sanding and polishing your worn dingy floors. We will rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy and rental costs are low. Worrell Appliance Com pany. Dial 2057. no 8 tf MR. FARMER—STORE YOUR cured hams and shoulders for protection against skippers and other insects for the summer. Prices very reasonable. Colonial Frozen Foods, Wiiliamston, N. C- jly 13 6t for Tour custom . mads Venetian blinds, awnings for th* home or store, see us. We have the famous Fiexaium aluminum slats; also beautiful colors in wood- Henry Harrison, Wiiliams ton. au 20 tf t FOR RENT; BUILDING FOR rent on N. Haughton Street that < can be used for dwelling or store. Henry D. Harrison. je 27 tf CLARK'S RHEUMATISM COM pound for positive relief of aches and pains. Guaranteed re rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular lief or money back. Clark Phar macy. m 22 tf RESTORE YOUR CAR’S PAINT to its original lustre and bril liance with a new Paint Job. Roanoke Chevrolet Company, Williamston, N. C. .je 22 tf SLAB WOOD FOR SALE O Bailey, Bear Grass. jlv 25 4t EXPERT BODY AND FENDER repair. Reasonable prices and Satisfactory Service is our aim. Roanoke Chevrolet Company, i Williamston, JV- C. je 22 tf WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR all types of high quality hard wood logs. Wells-Oatcs Lulraiiec. Company, Frank E. Weston, man ager, Williamston, N. C. je 8 tf 1 j TORE RADIO SERVICE FOB repairs, parts, tubes and bat twies. Phone 2818. Turn right at I Freezer Locker. no 8 tf PINE TIMBER "WANTED. WE pay Top Prices lor standing tim ber and pine Jogs. Williamston Supply Co. Phone 2460. je 20 tf HEARING aTd USERS—BAT j teries and Repair for all makes ! of Hearing Aids through Clark’s Pharmacy. Williamston, N C. au 1 8t PARKER’S SELF SERVICE I Laundry. Hours 8 a. m. to 5 p; m. Monday through Friday. 8 a. m. ! to 12 noon on Saturday. Try us for la quick and economical wash ser vice. je 8 tf EXCELLENT BUYS In USED FURNITURE WOKHELL APPLIANCE COMPANY Narco Theatre * WILLI AMSTON IHIKSDAY - FRIDAY Now Is The Time to go to COURTNEY’S For FURNITURE TRIO Roberaonvillc, N. C. TUESDAY ONLY, August 1 PLEASE BELIEV E ME With Deborah Kerr and Robert Walker News and Short WEDNESDAY. Aug. 2 PIONEER OF FRONTIER With Hill Elliott I'LL REACH FOR A STAR With Frances Langford Phil Regan and serial THURSDAY - FRIDAY August 3 and 4 IROQUOIS TRAIL With George Montgomery and Brenda Marshall Cartoon and Short PRINCE OF PEACE August 16 and II AUTO TIRES Are Scarce BUY YOURS NOW \V »• li«v«* iiiosi All our Tin*!* art* fiuar» auleetl a^ain>l cut*. break!*, puneture* ami blow-out*. 000 x I ft-— | Year <»ua ranter Only $10.45 plus tax Western Auto Associate Store l ift Alain St. W. J. Miller ami Sou Dial 2050 Men’s Dress and Work Shoes For Less. WILLARD’S SHOE SHOP Adults 20c Children 15c TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "Young Lovers" With Sally Forrest Keefe Rrasselle Featured* — Cartoon THURSDAY . FRIDAY "Gunga Din" i Cary Craut Victor McLaglen CARTOON Lawn Mowers Sharpened We Sell and Repair. Bicycles-Tricycles. Harley-Davidson Motor eyele Sales and Service, QUINN’S MOTORCYCLE SHOP Washington St., Dial 2384 HAMILTON THEATRE Tuesday August 1 Shows at 7:15 and 9:15 JACKIE ROBINSON STORY With Jackie Robinson and Ruby Dee Color Cartoon WEDNESDAY. Aug. 2 Double Feature Program Shows at 7:15 and 9:15 BANDITS OF EL DORADO With Charles Starreti ASSIGNED TO DANGER With Gene Raymond Serial THURSDAY - FRIDAY August 3 and 4 Shows at 7:15 and 9:15 WINCHESTER 73 With James Stewart and Shelly Winters Latest News MOVIES Arc BETTER THAN EVER * OBEY PLUMBINGS EDGE WOOD AVC . • PHONE 23M WILLIAAG^TON, H.C. THEATRE — WILLIAMSTON LAST TIME TUESDAY Color by Technicolor 11 mam If Sierra With Atitlic* Murphy Wanda Hendrix News — Cartoon — Short WEDNESDAY DOUBLE FEATURE Rex Allen In "Arizona Cowboy" Radar Secret Service' n With Joint Howard Adele Jeraens THURSDAY - FRIDAY "Kiss For Corliss" With Shirley Temple Davit! Niven NEWS SHORT <1 | Tfa Jfoaring Story of t/ie ftim that Won the Wedtf e MlKtL MTtnHIOtN. muots uames STEWART Shelley WINTERS u DURYEA Stephen McNALLY IM MtMAM MNCV LOU *» Camk btr mm. DUTCH HCNtY who wolttfct (hi id UM M k«ip «. WACO JOHNNY Hit hondii who fond ihr Goo hot drew too slow. HIGH SPADE tlx friend who trailed the Gu but never found it MILLARD MITCHELL • Charles Drake • John Mclntire • Will Geer • Jay C. Flippen Za*m*r to aoaot l NNttK Md KWH CMS • Dinctod to um«WY MMN ■ Product* to WON KOSlNPttf. SHOWING THURSDAY ail FRIDAY HAMILTON THEATRE I