Business Visitor Here Wade Griffin. member of th< Robet.-jnville police force, was ; busims- visit-.’ hen Wednesday Here Yesterday Mrs J W Grimes manager of tie Wilson Hotel. Robe: sonville. was a shopper here yesterday. On Border Market Tuesdav Messrs Let1 Hardison, Redden Tyre. Joe Lawrence Coltrain. Wil lie Modlin. Leo and Clyde Rober son were on tin border for the openiim of the tobacco markets Tin sday. In Wilson This Week Mr-- Lily bet Muse is visiting Miss Marv Lawrence in Wilson this week. In Greenville Wednesday Mr- D C MeLawhorn visited Mi McLnwhmn. patient in a Gieenvdle hospital, last evening. • i Spending Week at Beach Miss Ethel Taylor and Mr. A1 Ward are spending this week at Pamlico Beach with Al's parents, Mr. and Mrs James Ward. Returns Home Mr- Ra\ Goodmon returned Monday night after having spent a few dav- at Mimosa Shores near Washington ! Returns From New York •I Mii. Anna Harrison has return i ; ed home from a baying trip to : New York. Leave tor Nags Head Mrs. Tom Skinner and son, John, left Wednesday for a week's stay at .Nags Head. Visit At Seashore Mr. and Mrs. Roy Martin and son, Donnie, Misses Hazel and Rachel Bailey and Mr, Flunk Bailey of Bear Grass visited at j Nags Head and Manteo last week end. Attends Funeral of Son Mrs. .1 I' Coltruin and Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Nicholson and daughter. Myrtle Ann, left Tues-1 day afternoon for Washington, D. 1 C.. to attend the military funeral | of Mrs. Coltrain's son, G. K. Col train. Interment was in Arlington! I Cemetery. . Returning Tomorrow i< Mr. Eli Gurganus will return to- I morrow after spending a few days ; 1 in Norfolk. Visiting In Indianapolis Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leggett j are spending this week in Indian apolis, Indiana, with Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Manning. Here Tuesday Mrs. Francis Laughton of Rob ersonville was a business visitor here Tuesday. At Nags Head Mr. and Mis J. D. VVoolard, Sr ,' Mr and Mrs, J D. Woolard, Jr. and son. Jodie, and Mrs Clyde Waters are spending this week at Nags Head. | Return From Tour Mr. and Mis. Charles W Col train have returned from a visit to Washington City, the Skyline Drive, Tennessee arid western North.Carolina. While in the wes tern part of the state they attend ed a presentation of "Unto These Hills" in Cherokee. Move To New Home Mr. and Mi's. Walter Mi/.elle have moved from Main Street to a new home on Beach Street. Here From Windsor Mrs. Wa.vland Spruill and dau ghter of Windsor, were visitors in town yesterday. ■Spend Hay iu Durham Mr. and Mrs. Died Darden and daughter, Ann, spent yesterday in Durham. Business Here Mr. Mack Fuller of Raleigh was u business visitor here Wednes day. Visiting Here Mrs. Ned of Elizabeth City is here visiting Mrs. Joel Muse. Spending Week in Richmond Mi and Mrs. Roger Roberts are spending this week in Richmond and Baltimore. Returning To Beach Mrs. Elbert Peel will return to Nags Head Saturday. She will be accompanied bv Master Joel Muse. Visit In Durham Mr. and Mrs. Neil Ripley and daughter, Susan, visited in Dur ham Tuesday. Engagement announce! Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mayo Har dison announce the engagement o their daughter, Elva, O'Neal. »« James Robert Smith. Jr., son o; Mr. and Mis. James Robert Smith of Hamilton. The wedding wil take place August 20 at the Ham ilton Baptist Church. No invita tions will be mailed. Spending Few Days Here Mrs. E. L Lowie of Gastonia is spending a few days here with re ! iutives. Attend Border Dpe.ning Messrs. Leonard Coltiain, Fish er Harrison. LeRoy Taylor, John nie Gurkin and son. John, were among those who attended the to bacco opening on the border Tues day. Here Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Roebuck of Cross Roads visited here yes terday. Here From Baltimore Mrs. Charlie Davis of Bal timore is visiting here for a few days. Attended Business In New Bern Messrs. John H. Edwards and Hildreth Mobley attended to busi ness in New Bern veshterday af ternoon. Home Prom Georgia Mr. John E. Manning is home from Cartersville, Ga. visiting rel atives and friends. i Returned Home j Mrs. Roy Peel returned home yesterday following a visit with relatives in Hyde County. Her daughters, Mis. Nelson Leggett and Miss Dorothy Peel, went down with her. Attended Meeting Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Manning and Mr. and Mrs. Exum Ward, Jr., | attended ladies' night at the Swan Quarter Lions Club last evening. — . _ At Pamlico Beach Leary (Boogie) Forehand is spending a few days at Pamlico Beach with Fletcher Thomas. Pliilathie Class Will Meet The Philathie Class of the Memorial Baptist church wili meet with Mrs. H. L. Thompson on Ray Street Friday night at H o’clock. Leave Friday For Alabama ' Mr. and Mrs. Elton Hardy arc 1 leaving Friday morning for Bir-1 mingham, Ala. where they will j attend the Southern Wholesale . Confectioner’s Convention. ♦ Accepted Position As Teacher Miss Elizabeth Manning has ac cepted a position in the home ec onomics department, Woodland High School and reported for duty a short time ago. Visited In Keli'ord Professor and Mrs. H. L. Aus- ! ttn and Mr and Mrs. P. T Roane visited in Kelford last night. . Move To New Home Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Curstarphen and son, Billy, are moving to the ; Harrison duplex on Simmons, Avenue. Purchasing the Carstar phen home on Haughton Street, | Mrs. G. H. Harrison, Sr., plans |j to move there soon. » —. Moving Mrs. Daisy Rogers, selling her home on Williams Street to the Langleys, is moving to the Tar Heel Apartments today. Here From Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. George Manning of Norfolk visited here today. I l ye (»la«s<‘? Broken? We maintain a complete optical service Lens, temples and frames replaced and repaired Quick service. IVele's — Jewelers 121 Main St. Tel. 2311 a W CM HAT THE H FIRST AID to mhmn uoaiiort ia ti electric fam .. and your appliance deaUi can ahow you typaa and uni to lit each need Moving air cool* ' >u quicker! An a the ventilating Ian torcar ataU, hot, daytime air out of your house, and draw* i« cool night bieesoa tot mgkt-tuua comfort that iasta through th« neat day! It caa b« aaaily inatalted in your attic floor or window. A portable electric Ian done tha job whar aver you nwd it- you caa nova your breeea from room to room1 A w inflow Ian I<h your kitchan eliminate* cooking dree wi loot and cooking odor a! Mew /non ait lonrfihanete 41a tar laat eapea aive than in tha pad, and available in a wide tan«e of atylna and aiaaa Joaf 0/ operation It an emmtl jmft oon’f effort i■ be enoom forte hie! WRGHHd ElECTRIC dm MUI0I COmPIfflV I Recipes Of The Week By Miss EVELYN HANCOCK Home Service Director Virginia Electric and Power Company I Buying Eggs Nutritionists advise an egg a i day as part of the well planned dietary because eggs furnish pro teins of high quality and several i of the essentia! minerals and viti mirts. How fresh is the egg you’re having for breakfast? No reed to bank on your grocer's say;so. Here’s how you can test it: Put the egg in the bottom of a bowl of cold water. If it lies on its side, it’s strictly fresh. If it stands at an angle, it’s at least three days old. If it stands on end, the egg has been around for at least ten days. The food value of an egg changes little, if at all, after it is laid. The flavor, however, is affected by the "freshness." It is not possible to tell much about an egg from its outside appear ance. Size and color are not re lated to quality, taste or whole someness. A fresh egg is not necessarily a new laid egg. f reshness is an expression of quality rather than of age. Eggs from a modern, well managed poultry farm which are kept cool every minute of their way to your kitchen will still be fresh eggs even though they have been some time on the way. Eggs al lowed to stay too long in the warm nest and jolted through hot sun from farm to retail store may be far less fresh although only two or three days old. "Fresh country eggs" are no longer fresh after they have stood all day on the hot stand of a way side market Where does your re- ! j taller keep eggs'.' Are they out on the counter at room tempera ture where they will deteriorate* rapidly or are they in his re frigerator? When you break a fresh egg, the odor should be delicate and "Fresh," the albumen should be firm and the yolk should stand up firm and round. A flattened albumen or a yolk that breaks too easily is an indica tion of deterioration. The color of the yolk is not necessarily an indication of its food value or freshness but with in limits is indicative of its fla vor. The color of the yolk is in fluenced by individual eharac- | teristics of the hen and what she I has eaten. When hens first get I a good deal of green food in the I spring, the color of the yolk is ■ deeper. For all practical purposes I the white is comprised of two 1 The gunfighter can be a man of passion as well as a man of killing, which Gregory Peck proves in this romantic scene with Helen West cott from "The Gunfighter,” a Twentieth Century-Fox western drama coming on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday to the Watts Theatre. parts, a thick section around the yolk and a thinner one outside. If all of the white is thin and watery, the egg probably is of pourer quality. Fine flavor is the one characteristic most de sired in eggs. Scientific study has traced the causes of off-flavor partly to improper care and feed of the hens, partly to the changes brought about by age, and partly to contamination from outside. In most wholesale markets eggs are sorted and the grade is de-1 termined by candling. Candling I is examining the inside of the! egg before an electric light bulbi in a dark room. Because egg shells are transparent the condi tion an behavior ot tne yolk, the condition of the albumen, and the size of the air space at the larger end of the egg are clearly visible when held in front of the bright light. The best cold storage plants to day use eggs of good quality which are cooled promptly and held under most favorable condi tions of temperature and humidi ty, to protect and retain their original quality More than half the total egg supply of the year is produced i during March, April May and i June. The largest number of eggs is stored during April and May when production is at its peak and prices usually are lowest. | During the fall and early winter and prices usually are higher the J withdrawal from storage is the greatest. Cold storage is one means of saving from a time of plenty for a time of scarcity. The result is that the price spread he ’ tween summer and winter is# , greatly reduced. When eggs are bought into the home they should be put in the refrigerator immediately. They should never he allowed to stand 'at room temperature even during mealtime. Spend Day in Richmond Mrs. Thessie Barnhill and Mrs. i W. K. Parker spent Tuesday in Richmond. -3>- L Visiting Here Mrs. Bill Kieckhefer and little | daughter of Milwaukee are spend : ing some time here with Mrs. Ki leckhefer’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Biggs. OM T-4-L FOB ATHurrrs foot BICAUS1_ ll k». |rwtar PENKTRATIWft f»*m, Witk •»% uAkiui aWakal kut, It «*rrlM tk* a.ttv. >.4tc*tUa DEEPLY, t« kill (hi |«rm cihUicI. (Ut IN ONE HOUR .Or /ami 40« klik •*¥ 4ru* »Un. i*«U/ at Wari'en H iiit<gs Pharmacy; Wind sor Pharmacy at Windsor. • MADAME LEE * I America’s Forer must Psychic Analyst And Ad visor. Confiden tial advice on ail subjects. All Troubles Scienti fically and Cor rectly adjusted. Parlor Quiet. READING CONFIDENTIAL A Place Where You Can Bring Your Friends and Feel No Embarrassment. Office In. Trailer Coach Chocowinity, N. C. 3 Miles South of Washington LOOK FOB HAND SIGN Straight Kmntucky Bourbon Whitkoy * FULL 4 YEARS OLD STA > S^„ *0” A 4 L I M Ml'tS i* & A pair 10 mono your heart ling, your phone ring lor back-to-school and many months lo COMO. Abort: Tinywale corduroy teams up with wool jersey to achieve the casual blouse two-piece look over o slim skirt. $22.95 tight: A steol Irons your white-collar man. Criep, permanently stiffened, easily wash able collar on corduroy... and a long, string tie to wear two way* at sketched. SI 7.9$. Ours alone. tkotyotos Btolkets j Yes, we are continuing our tremendous sale of price.slashed sum. mer goods despite the fuel (hut we are redecorating. Don't fail to lake advantage of Wear Right's August bargain event! All Summer Merchandise Musi Go To Make Room For New Fall Fashions Which Are Arriving Daily! weaiprighiSB

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