Washington Softball Team Will Play All - Stars Here Tonight Playoffs Will Start Ilriv Monday Many Fans Will Want To Watch Stars In Action Mrl lioil i-l i ’ill'll i n" V I' l iki-K Millin' \^r;«in-l l lir \ i*iloi> , here last year. The locals i look both ends of that engage- | loi-nt but reports indicate that the ' 13: Poppeiarc :■ much stronger ; team this year, with a much better won and lost record in their own league. Two games will be play ed tonight Bill 'Skipper” Spivey will cap tain tin All-Stars which are made up from six members of the four teams which are in the league. Members of the team to play to night are Methodists. Oswald Stalls, the .leagues ace- pitcher, Morns Stalls. Darrell Clayton, Bill Thrower. Fisher Harris and Tom Brandon; Christians, Tom Barnhill, Vernon Bunting, Cecil Brown. C T. Roberson, Dink Chcrr.N and Jack Sullivan; Bap tist-. Jack Manning. Ben Hopkins, Wilbur Jackson. Bob Cowen, Charles Siceloff. and Bobby Tay liii . Episcotorians, Dillon Cobb, Karl Roberson, Reg Simpson, Er nest Mears. Bob Newell and Monk Critcher. This All-Star team includes some ol the best talent of the league and they should give the visiting team one of the best soft ball games to be seen on the local diamond this yeai Everyone is in vited to be on hand tonight and give the locals support. The Washington players enjoy ed their visit here last year and were pleased to accept an invita tion to return although they lost the doubleheader last year. It is not likely that they will come to |t\ Wilhtir Jackson '['hi l)i Pepper All-Stars (it v..,siu!i • •: N will meet the All-Stars from the Williamston Church League tonight at eight o'clock in the High School Park The Dr. Pepper h .mi comes to town tonight highly rated as one of the lx 4 softball te: ms in east ern North Carolina. It is the sec ond appearance of the Washing ton team as they played the all tetaO Prlc* *1.95 Pints $3.15 Fifths 86 Proo\ M WHISILETS IN I HI. PRODUCT ill 4 YIARS OR MORE OLD 3J * STRAIQHT •NHBKJT. 44$ NEUTRAL SPIRIT!, DISTILU* PROM DRAIN. I nn unra. ram unm V isit Iieilig ami Meyers Williauislon for the “/Jrjf Buys In Furniture” ] on the FARM SAVE US, VINO! SAVE US! .. v HAVE COURAGE. SINCLAIR 25% VVT CONCENTRATE WILL SAVE YOU. I'LL MIX IT WITH WATER*... AND THEN WATCH LOOK, THIS ONE SPRAYING WILL BE EFFECTIVE FOR SEVERAL WEEKS ...AND SINCLAIR 25% DDT CONCENTRATE HAS MANY OTHER USES, TOO. BETTER GET SOME. IT'LL SAVE YOJLMONEY YOU SET! I'LL PHONE MY SINCLAIR AGENT NOW Mm)Mi formula* far miaing apaaar an oach cartfarnar. WE DELIVER DIRECT TO FARMS - RHONE OR WRITE US FOK Hf N. C. GREEN Wilhaiu&lou, N. C. madmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmatmmmm EXPOSURE TO DEATH SENDS LENSMEN INTO RETREAT FLEEING A TRAP set by the enemy for the fighting fared on the Korean front, Army Signal Corps cameramen retreat in jeeps through an unidentified burning town. However, even as they escape under fire, there’s a lens man somewhere to cover their story. (Defense Dept. Newt o1 the Deu Newmeel Photo jrotn. International) f U.N. FORCES FEED RED PRISONERS j Extension Issues Turkey Circular “Raising Turkeys in Confine ment,” is the title of a new circu- ! ar released by the State College i Extension Service. Lee W. Her- ! rick, turkey specialist, prepared the new publication. The author explains that inter est in the confinement system of raising turkeys has increased con siderably in North Carolina dur ing recent years. Confinement raising is a system in which thb birds are grown to market age on raised platforms which are enclos ed in wire. The ciiculai compares the ad vantages and disadvantages of both the confinement and range systems of raising turkeys. Other sections are devoted to buildings, equipment, feed and vices. Many illustrations are included. Requests for copies of the eir icular, No. 354, should be made to any county farm agent or to the I Agricultural Editor, State College ! Station, Raleigh. CHOW CALL IN A SOUTH KOREAN prisoner of war stockade brings out a line of raptured Communist soldiers. Under the watchful eye of a mili- j ! tary policeman, these young Reds are evidence of the humane treat- ■ nient accorded them by the U.N. Allies as compared to the torture | of American captives. {U.S. .Army Kadtophoto from International) Many Entries Listed For Jaycee Tennis Tournament -* Many entries are being received by the committee in charge of the ! Wiiliamston Junior Chamber of ('.ommei re Tenuis Tournament toj be held here the latter part of this j month. While play has not been fre quent enough here for the past few years to make it possible for players to work out teams for doubles because few of them are very well acquainted with what ! to expect of their fellow players, a large number of entries in the singles division is expected and al I ready there are a number of pairs 1 entered in the doubles. It was indicated yesterday aft | ernoon that around 20 have enter ed the singles competition while eight or ten teams have entered the doubles section as teams and a number of others have entered with the job of pairing them left to tlie committee in charge. It has been emphasized that those i entering the tournament are not being required to qualify as ex pert players and anyone can enter by paying the fee of 50c for each division of play or $1.00 for entry | in both singles and doubles. The list up to yesterday showed some who have played very little , tennis for years as well as some who have played more or less con sistently for many years. Includ ed in the list of doubles teams are Vernon Bunting and Bill Spi vey who were the winners of the last tournament held here years ago. They have to be classed as j favorites in this one also, but it is j | apparent that some of the others j : will be trying to give them a race | | for it. Frank Weaver. Wilbur Jackson or Junie Peel will accept the entry j of anyone who wishes to play in the tournament and help reviye interest in the game of tennis among the people here, j Four all-weather courts are ! available for play now. Young jsters are urged to come out and | play during the hours prior to ti:00 | p. m. every day except Wednes day so that the courts will be free | for use by older persons front 6:00 I until dark. town taking the local softball tal ent as lightly as they did last sea son, They will he after getting at least one victory out of the dou ; bleheadcr. While the team to play here tonight js the Dr. Pepper; i entry in the Washington softball! league it *s likely that some of thi' more important positions will contain reinforcements from the stais of the Washington league. I While Williamston’s players are ■ pleased to have gained a reputa tion for fail play and hospitality in their play with Washington teams in the past, the stars in the I church league here are also deter 'mined to prove to Washington that la.->t year's double win was no fluke. Death Rate In Europe Declines _a_- ■ W A statement made public by the World Health Organization, with headquarters in Geneva, Swit zerland, shows that in the past fifty years the death rate in west ern Europe has declined by 42 percent. The organization esti mated, on the basis of a study of mortality, that t ,752,000 West ern Europeans of all ages and sexes who fifty years ago would have died were now being saved each year. The study was based on thir teen European countries with a total population of about 203,000, 000. On the basis of the 1900 death rates, 4,178,000 persons would have died in these countries in one year, Instead the figure has ; | been cut by 1,732,000—a reduc . „uii * id oercent. j Observers from otiier towns at j tending various games here dur 1 ing the summer liave remarked i that the Williamston Church ' I/eajrue when its plavers are on | hand m strength, is a pretty last |cuvuit. Eleven Events In Program At Pool Stale College Tips To the Housewife young tender vegetables, and can-1 ning them as soon after harvest as possible. How “C-Rich’ are your canned tomatoes? Now is the time to do a little thinking about your sup ply of canned tomatoes for the * winter. They are a valuable source of vitamin C. Vitamin C protects the health of the teeth and blood vessels, helps in the healing of wounds, and aids in jvarding off many infections. Since it is not stored in our bodies, every day's food must provide us with an adequate supply. The first recorded typewriter was patented in England in 1714. Believed to have been inspired by the antics of a group of local house Wives and business women while taking swimming and div ing lessons at the pool under the direction of Dr. J. A. Edens, a comic diving routine is to be the preliminary event at the big free program at the Williamston Muni cipal Swimming Pool next Thurs day night, August 11. The women themselves will probably be on hand to see if the mimics do a good job and to laugh again at the things they have al ready had a lot of fun_ in doing while learning to take care of themselves in the water. Dr. Edens has not had a large class! but he has had an attentive one and one whose members refused j to let mistakes hamper their ef forts. As for the free program at the poo) it gets underway officially at 7:30 with the '100 pennies scram ble" which is sure to be exciting. No. 2 on the program will be a 90 ft. free style race (the pool is 90 feet long); 3—90-It. backhand race; 4—90- I t. breaststroke race; 5—180-ft. freestyle race; 6-—90-1't. double crawl race which is a spe cial race with the swimmers oper ating in pairs; 7—360->ft. relay race with teams of four; 8—90-i't. girls free style; 9—-balloon race of 90 ft.; and 10—match box race in which the contestants swim with a box of matches in their mouth and the race is won by the first to strike a match after reaching tire finish line. The last event on the program will be a diving contest without the comic effects. Entries are invited from all over the county and especially from the out-of-town youngsters who have By Ruth Current State Home Demonstration Agent Gambling in home canning doesn’t pay—and that’s putting it mildly, home canning specialists say. They explain that any house wife who is going to the trouble and time of canning should make sure that all equipment is in best condition and that she uses fresh food of good quality and follows the most up-to-date directions. Housewives sometimes are tempted to save a penny here and there by using imperfect jars or lids. That's hazardous. Any jar with the slightest crack or chip should be discarded because these defects may prevent an airtight seal and thus lead to spoilage. The same is true of lids with dented or spread edges, or masonry-type caps with loose or cracked linings. The flat lips of two-piece metal closures cannot be re-used so should be discarded when the jar of food is opened. ’Generally it is safest to buy these lids new each year, even if some unused are left from the year before. The pres sure gauge of a canncr should be cheeked for accuracy each year. The specialists remind house wives that canning cannot im prove any food and therefore that putting up poor quality food does not pay. They advise using only fresh, firm, sound fruits and patronized the pool so faithfully during the summer. Now Is The Time to go to COURTNEY’S For FURNITURE . i i—..,— .... I It Takes “Know /foie” AND WE HAVE IT HEATING — and — Sheet Metal Work LENNOX AIK CONDITIONING Approved JOHNS-MANV1LLE Hoofing Contractor WHITE'S HEATING AND SHEET METAL WORKS P. O. Box 604 WILLI AMSTON, N. C. PHONE 2220 ■« n * » BOTTLE GAS SERVICE — It Cooks — It Heals — It Makes Ice — Courtney Gas Co., Inc. Dial 2572 WITH OIL FILTER, OIL BATH AIR CLEANER No other full else 6-cylinder pickup truck has a lower list price than today's Ford Model F-l! Ford Truck users say there's no other pickup that gets more work done for less money spent on Ras, oil and repairs. Yes, Ford Trucks are engineered to do more per dollar. Y ou can ■see it in the big rugged 6'2-ft.-long all-steel body which measures over 4 ft. wide. Y'ou can feel it in the surge of power developed by the thrifty 9i-h.p. Ford "Six.'’ Come in today and let us show you why more truck users are switching to Ford ... the truck that costs less . . . the truck that lasts longer! Over 175 models to choose from. HERE’S WHY THE FORD PICKUP WILL DO MORE FOR YOUR DOLLAR! Thrifty 95-h.p. 6-cylinder engine; V-« available at slight antra cast it Oat-saving Loadematic ignition ir Lightweight alumi num allay pistons it Oyro-Orip soft pedal dutch ★ Easy shifting Synchra-Silant transmission it Husky hypoid roar axle it Airplana-typa shack absarbart, front and roar it 45 cu. ft. all-stoat body it "Million Dollar" Cab with Air Wing ventilators and Laval Action sutpantian it tonus tuilt con struction which moans big reserves of strength and power.