Project To Make Sewer Connection Available To All (Continued from page one) ty in Nortli End around the Pen tecostal Holiness Church and the Dr. J. S. Rhodes development, also Simmons Avenue and Hai'lax Street While the rate ot interest can not be determined just now. it ts estimated that the sewei tax will support the interest and part of the principal. It was also pointed out that most of the town's cur rent debt will be retired just about the time for the town to meet the new bond obligation without materially affecting the tax rate. Cites Record Of Achievements By Democratic Party (Continued rrom page one) Siam, comparative figures show great gains in our farm economy. Hogs were selling for only $3.H-4 cwt in 1932. The average 1948 price was $22.80. Corn was selling at only 29c a bushel in 1932. The average 1948 price was $1.30. To bacco was selling lor only lo 1-2 cents a pound in 1932. The aver age price was 44c. Cotton was selling at only (1 1-2 c ents a pound in 1932. Tin average 1948 price was 31c. By last year 78.2 percent of the farms had electricity. When the | Rural Electrification Administra tion was set up in 1933. only 11 percent of the farms had electric lights. The present condition of our banks is an important barometer. On June 30, 1932. only $35,484 | millions were deposited in U. S commercial banks Bv June 30. 1949. deposits in banks had in creased 2811 percent to $137,520 millions. In 1932. 1.453 banks failed with deposits totaling $708 millions. None failed in 1948. From 1934 through 1948 the Fed eral Deposit Insurance Corpora tion spent $268,978,000 to help 4(b | banks with deposits of $522,678, 000 A total of 12,922 commercial banks with assets of S147.o40.82i. 000 were insured by FD1C in 1948. More Americans own homes than ever before many assisted bv housing programs put into ef fect by national Democratic Ad ministrations to make home fi nancing easier and chcapi i and to prevent foreclosure. Biblical Hebrew Official Speech in The Holy Land (Continued Trorn page one) spoke it a ritualistic “rabbinical Hebrew." heard and taught in the synagogues. Christ Jesus spoke Aramaic, but he lived in a bilin gual region. Greek was the lan guage of thi marketplace. Today a vigorous modern liters-> tore in Hebrew is growing- a po etry, biography, drama, novel, and short story. A dead language has come to life. It is a deliberate, romantic, and religious revival unprece dented m history. Furthermore, as this 'apguage of 2,000 years ago becomes again a language of the people, which must serve as a ve hicle for 20th-century ideas of modern polities and technology, it is bound to grow and expand, as do all living tongues. Fourteen Cases In County Court Monday Morning (Continued from puge one) cl with the costs, $22.05 Judgement was suspended up on the- payment of the costs in I the ease in which Kred Wilson was charged with assaulting a' female. Pleading guilty of careless driv ing, Theodore George Warren was fined $10 and required to pay the WEDDING BELLS RING FOR THE BRIDE OF THE YEAR! Lovely Elizabeth Taylor is the blushing bride... Spencer Tracy, the bar ' lassed dad who pays | the bills in the hilari* | ous pictunzation ol the laugh-crammed novel! PM-I Ii ail ■ artr •>. /K»_. Start* r*"?’ THURS.^ Sunday thru Wed. rT * j F"A*Cf$ GOODRICH end AlBlAT HACKSVI • ».s.d on »,« Nov.l by LftWARO STRt r.IFR Directed by VINCENTE MINNELLI • Produced by PANDRO S Rppriiaij VICCAR Theatre, Williamslon, N. C. BOTTLE GAS SERVICE Williamston Bottle Gas Co. 1-46 Main Si. l’lioue 2050 W. J. MILLER & SON Officer WESTERN \!'TO .WMWMVWAAAnnft Population of Nation Is Over I HO Million Noir The Census Bureau has tenta livel.v placed the population of Continental United States at 150, .>20,198 men, women and children, which is nearly 19,000,000 more than the total for ! 940. e< ists. In the ease charging them with assault: with deadly weapons, Linwood. Lawrence and Krnesi Turner, .1: . and William V Pace were found not guilty. FOR SALK: DINING ROOM j Suit Excellent condition. Price very reasonable. Mi>. Frank J. Margolis. Dial 2431. a-3 2t FORCED TO SELL ! I I BEAl'-| tiliil little spinet piano in this; section to interested party who j has established credit and can | , make small down payment and assume few monthly installments. Piano fully guaranteed. Full key- j board. Write Legal Dept., Box 889. | j Concord, N. C\, and we will notify where to set instrument. au 3 31 FOR SALE: WHEEL ( HAIR IN good condition. Call 2337. FOR SALE: 195(1 CHRYSLER SE-j dan (new); 1948 Pontiac, 8 cyl inder, driven 12,000 miles; 1947 Chevrolet Aerosedan. We buy us id cars. C. D. Pittman. Phone | 2730. au 3 tfj NOTICE TO OCR FRIENDS AND Customers. We are now in the position to make your tailor-made1 belts for $1.00. McLawhorn Fur-1 niture Co., Williamston. N. C. au 2t I FOR SALE: 17 REGISTERED Herefor^^ splendid breeding. Plenty Hereford and Angus bred heifers not registered. 1 regis tered five gaited Tennessee Walk er, very gentle. W. S. Hundley, Boydton. Va. au 1 4t FOR SALE: USED OIL AND wood ranges. Priced from $12.50 up. B. S. Courtney and Son. au 1 4t FOK KKINT: ONK STOKA thr«‘t‘-rooiu brick office Building:. Ideal locution. Apply to J. Paul Simpson. au I 2t FOR RENT: 3 ROOM APART ment with bath, hot water fur nished, on Simmons Avenue. See Henry D. Harrison. jly'27 tf FOR SALK: WE HAVE A FEW used ice boxes left. Priced from $1 a.OO up. B. S. Courtney and Son. au 1 4t FOR SALE: ONE ELECTRIC counter drink box in good con dition. See it at 204 S. Smithwick Street. M S. Gray. jly 25 4t FOR SALE: (i GOLF CLUBS IN good condition. Will sell reas onable See Ben Selby at the Ell-J terprise Office. jjv 25 tf _ ( FARM LOANS: LONG TERM j and low interest rate. At least j twont.v-livc acres cleared land. See L. A. Squires. Bank of Wash ington Building, Washington, N. c- jly 20 5t WE CLEAN SEPTIC TANKS and Excess Pools. All work guaranteed. Tommie Nuckles, Phone 2940-2. J. P. Lilley. au 1 2t FOR RENT: THREE ROOM apartment with private bath. Also private entrance. See or call D V. Clayton. Guaranty Bank and Trust Company. Williams ton. au 1 tf FOR TOUR CUSTOM . MAOS Venetian blinds, awnings for th« home or store, tee us. have un tarnojo F'exalum aluminum Tat*" also beautiful colors in wood Henry Harrison, Wiiiiams ‘.on su 28 tf 1 OK RENT; HOLDING FOR rent on N. Kaug'hton Stiett that can h< used for dwelling or store. Henry 1J. Harrison. je 27 tf CLARK’S RHEUMATISM COM pound for positive relief of aches and pains. Guaranteed re rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular lief or money back. Clark Phar macy. m 22 tf SLAB WOOD FOR SALE. O. Bailey, Bear Grass. jly 25 4t WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR all types of high quality hard wood logs. Wells-Oates Lulmber Company, Frank E. Weston, man ager, Williamston. N. C. je 8 tf TORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat. teries. Phone 2818. Turn right at Freezer Lockrer. no 8 tf DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES Mules, Cows and hogs removed promptly. No charge. Phone Greenville, N. C.t 3101. Norfolk Tallow Company. no 8 ti PINE TIMBER WANTED. WE pay Top Prices for standing tim ber and pine logs. Williamston Supply Co. Phone 2460. je 20 tf HEARING AID USERS—Bu tenes and Repair for all makes of Hearing Aids through Clark's Pharmacy, Williamston. N. C au 1 3t PARKERS SELF S E R V I C E Laundry Hours 8 a. m to 5 p. m. Monday through Friday. 8 a. m. to 12 noon on Saturday. Try us for a quick and economical wash ser vice. je 8 tf MR. FA RMER-rSTORE YOUR cured hams and shoulders for protection against skippers and other insects for the summer. Prices very reasonable. Colonial Frozen Foods, Williamston, N. C. jly 13 6t FOR RENT. SANDING MACH ine. Relinish your floors your self and do a first class job of sanding and polishing your worn dingy floors. We will rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy and rental costs are low. Worrell Appliance Com pany. Dial 2057. no 8 tf FOR SALE: 1942 HUDSON 4 door with Radio and Heater. 1941 Ford 2-Door Coach, 1938 De Soto, clean. 1936 Chevrolet 2-Door Coach and 1935 Chevrolet 2-Door Coach. See Stevenson’s Auto Ga rage. 24 hours service. Phone day 3033, Phone Night, .2582. au 1 2t .VWWVWVWWWWVWW, TRIO Roliersouville, N. C. THURSDAY - FRIDAY August 3 and 4 IROQUOIS TRAIL With George Montgomery and Brenda Marshall Cartoon and Short SATURDAY, Aug. 5 GUN LAW JUSTICE With Jimmy W'akely LUCKY LOSERS With "Slip" Mahoney and MUGGSIE SUNDAY, Aug. 6 ABBOTT COSTELLO MEET FRANKENSTEIN Cartoon and Traveltalk MONDAY - TUESDAY August 7 and K ASPHALT JUNGLE With-Sterling Hayden Latest News and Short PRINCE OF PEACE August 10 and 11 WWWMWWWWWWWW wwwwwwwvwwwww HAMILTON THEATRE THURSDAY - FRIDAY August 3 and 4 Shows at 7:15 and 9:15 WINCHESTER 73 With Janies Stewart and Shelly Winters Latest News SATURDAY, August 5 Double Feature Program Shows Continuous 1 to II RETURN OF THE LASH With Lash La Rue TRIP TROUBLE SERIAL SUNDAY - MONDAY August ti and 7 “WABASH AVENUE” ( Betty Grable And Victor Mature Plus Cartoon TUESDAY, August 8 “TENSION” Barry Sullivan Plus Cartoon WEDNESDAY, August 9 ”1 WAS A SHOPLIFTER” Howard Duff Plus Serial, Cartoon Mi Short MOV IES Are REITER THAN EVER MNMhMMMMNMINIMMI Adults 20c Children 15c THURSDAY - FRIDAY "Gunga Din" Cary Grant V ielor MeEaglen CARTOON SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE "Susanna Pass" With Roy Rogers Dale Evans Also "Out oi the Storm" With Lois Collier Jimmy Uyilon Chapter No. 5 of Serial The Invisible Monster Cartoon SUNDAY • MONDAY "Guilty oi no if Treason With (lharles Itiekford This is the true story of Cardinal Minx 'tty TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "The Big Steal" With Robert Mitelium Jane Greer Lawn Mowers Sharpened We Sell and Repair. Bicycles-T ricycles. Harley-Davidson Motor cycle Sales and Service. QUINN’S MOTORCYCLE SHOP Washington St., Dial 2384 oooeoooeoooeoe-aopQoowoopeoooeac JUST ARRIVED AT DE PARTM £ NT STORES^ LADIES’ BETTER DRESSES - COATS SUITS FOR FALL Bought early, before reeent price increases be eanie effective our new fall goods are in or are coining in daily and are offered at real savings under today's market. Come in early while onr stock is complete, because we can not replace these items at prices quoted in this ad. Watts Theatre WiHiaiu*tou, N. C. Sunday—Monday—Tuesday This wets it man who Inal by his gum mm mm ~T00 LONG! usk i em it Kuos. EASY LAY-A-WAY PLAN! NEW TALL SUITS from $16.50 HEW FALL DRESSES from $6.95 NEW FALL COATS from $16.50 TUNE IN WKKF FOR LEDER BROTHERS PROGRAM —Listen to Leder Brothers’ New Radio Show—Guy Lom bardo and His Royal Canadians — 15 Minute Entertain ment Every Sunday Afternoon, 1:30 to 1:45—Over WRRF, Washington, N. C.—930 on your dial. BtoJ . Dt PARTME /V T STORES Shop W ith Coofidence nod W ear ff'ilh l*ride •eaa aattpacaflaoi

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