Recipes Of The Week By Miss EVELYN HANCOCK Home Service Director Virginia Electric and Power Company Meat Cookery Meat cookery can be divided into two general classifications: Dry heat: The meat is sur rounded by hot air in the oven, under the broiler, or in the skil let. Examples are roasting, oven broiling. Moist heat: The meat is sur rounded by hot liquid or by steam. Examples are braising, stewing, and cooking in water. The method by which meat will be cooked depends on the cut of meat, the quality of the meat, and the age animal from FRESH’NER SHELF CRISPER SNAP SEAL DOOR LATCH RIGHT OR (LEFT HAND DOOF TILT OUT STORAGE IIN - ! ! [/nrriknnrmMt»*rii" TOP TO TOE REFRIGERATION XU. MODEL 720 7 FT. SPACE MAKING MODEL 7 cw. feet from top to toe, in the spoce j pj MODELS of a 4 or 6 cubic foot model and packed jyART £T with features, too. Never before have you seen so much refrigeration for your money. Penny for Penny a bigger value than ever before. $189.95 Come in Today! Pomes ***1 Firestone Home & Auto Supply Co. I). V. Clayton, Prop. Johnny Cherry, Mgr. Robert Walker is caught between the admiration of his neighbor, Jan Sterling, and the jealousy of bis wife, Joan Leslie, in a scene from "The Skipper Surprised His Wife," M-tl-M's new romantic comedy coming to the Watts Theatre Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Edward Arnold, Spring Byinglon and Leon Ames are others in an all-laugh cast. which it comes. Only tender, juicy cuts are best cooked by the dry heat method. On the other hand, less tender cuts are made tender by cooking with moist heat; for long slow cooking in moisture softens the connective tissue which has made the meat tough. There arc a few exceptions to the general luie of drv heat for tender cuts of meat Some thin cuts of meat such as chops and cutlets of pork and veal need to be cooked well done They are better when braised or fried, rather than broiled or pan-broiled. Braising or frying cooks them well done without drying them out. The most important guide to follow in all meat cookery is the use of low cooking temperatures. This keeps the savour and juices in the meat, cuts shrinkage, pro duces more tender, palatable meat and dear, flavorful meat drip pings Even when cooking meat m water, simmer rather than boil The following method of meat cookery comes under the moist heat classification and is more specifically labeled as braising. Special Breaded Veal Steaks 1 1-2 lb. veal steaks cut into individual servings 1 teaspoon salt 1-4 teaspoon pepper 1 cup fine bread crumbs 1 egg, slightly beaten 4 tablespoons lard or bacon drippings 1 small onion, chopped 2 tablespoons chopped green pepper | 2 tablespoons water 1 No 2 1-2 can or li cups toma i toes Issuing Numerous Drivers' Licenses Raleigh. -Drivel's license ex ummers issued a total of 47,492 li Add salt and pepper to bread .crumbs ( omhme egg .uni water Dip individual steaks into this di luted egg and dredge with sea soned bread crumbs Brown meat slowly on both sides in hot fat. Add tomatoes, onion, and green pepper Cover and simmer 1 hour. Serve steaks with sauce m which they are cooked, ti serv ings. FRIGIDAIRE “Thrifty-30” Electric Range - • Biggest oven of any l household range J • Cooks more food on J| no more current • One-piece, all-porce lain oven • Provides more cooking space up front • High-speed, waist-high Buy it for only $169.75 Dixie Motor Co. I ll Better Balance' mate fllERUIRV PJ>^ the best car -for you! /~-Vv YOU GET THE RIGHT RIDING COMfORTl The road may look rough but it will never feel rough —when you travel in Mercury! "Cushion-Coil" springing, plus frvun-rubher cushioned makeJ.t the smoothest thing on wheels. And six ride comfort ably in this big, roomy, broad-beamed Mercury, too! f YOU get THE RIGHT POWER! With a big, new Mercury, you've got an engine that's nylit for the car and a ear that’s rnjht for the engine. Result: Livelier “get-up-and-go” performance . . . plus greater economy! Mercury is “America's No. I Economy Car”! YOU GET THE RIGHT ROADABILITY! If ever a car was “Imilt for the road,” it’s Mercury! It takes curves, rough roads as though they didn't exist! And to Mercury they dou’t! Get your hands on it for just a few miles and you’ll know what we mean when we say; .’’Go for a ride and you'll go for Mercury!” Go ftra ride-and you'll go ftr MERCURY Williomston Motor Company Williuin*lou, IV C. i •enses during July, the North j i’arohna Department of Motor Ve- ! licles reported- today. Of the number. 31.854 were op u ator’s licenses issued on new ap plications. 314 were duplicates is sued on old applications and 2.0(18 were duuheates issued on new ap plications. Chauffeur's licenses for 1950-51 issued during July numb ered 13,191. Net revenue from issuance of licenses was $97,184.2(5. with $69. 223 50 coming i'i urn ot ig mu! opera tor's licenses, $26,581.50 from orig inal chauffeur's licenses and $1, 379.26 from duplicate operator's and chauffeur's licenses. G & W William 3 Penn Blended Whiskey 86 Proot IM tTVANIHT WHIlKIYt IN THI* PRODUCT All 4 YIARS 08 MORI OLD. SS* STRAIOMT WIT, MS NEUTRAL SPIA1T*, DUTAU* PROM MAIN. >v« >>'< tv« »v» »>•« >v< >v« r»;« tv« >vt >vi >>fi r*~i > i>;i tvi »>•< >v< ;K; -it? IK ft :»? m lit? •«• •H* ft it? it* It* -It* ft ft •it? ft •it? -it*: ft ft ft ft ft •li ft ft it*: ft ft ft ft ft BdfcTyler ’ H o moot1 Rotter V ,t I u o JUST UNPACKED! SMART . . . NEW FALL SHOES 'Thv Hi tint's! C.ollrrlion In Our History I l LOVELY . . . NEW FASHION LANE" SHOES > ‘ii* »ii* »£< y£J**t i »!*!i »!3!i »V« m m ft ft ft ft ft :ft ■♦it*: •it*; ft ft ft •it*: •ft ft ill? •it* •it*. •it? ft :»:• ft ft ft •it? ft ft ft >«•: :«r •it? •it? •it? ft ♦it!! !\o> ellv stales in smart dress pumps! Siiiiic with i>|M*ii toes anil heels. M>uir with closed loes ami heels! Smart liiffli heel dress slyles ami eomforlahle walkiii" heels! Featured special!) are holli hrowu ami hla<‘k hah) doll pumps. •«! M >JK :«S n :K: m $5.95 to :« •It! M n m M § M 'H these ('i)im' in siinlcv calfskins mnl kids! *Uj Ik (inloo include: (Jitciin llrnnns, Black*, jjj*. Ifnls, W ines ami (>ir\s! See lltese lonely jMs m shoes lomorrotv . :j Si/.r> I In 10 \\ nltli* VA V In (. Use Our Lay-Away Plan \\ c al>n uaU " and oilier fine fall 'line*! Sot* tlx in <• u h ! m >«: n 1 n 2 M n H - Smart Fall ;»i :»• ft ill; :>«? :»! k \H?Vh lu.'.J.% Ul L« U1U, O •! til' , 1M.V I SivUm. Sml 'Ilf* jiimI Nmrll\ Tin»! TImm* ntmr in Snrtlr ami I .callioi>. Ultii-K ami »» liilr. ItlacU ami aliilc sulillo. Iirmui loafrr- ami ^aiilfil folor in Miiart I'all < a-ual-! m ,,5. ?»• n «1K $4.95 to $5.95 liir ino*l oiilsliiiitliii}; eolleelioti of early full *lioe* in our history! See them tomorrow ! You'll wuut sev era I |iair* of these! / s i; <)( n COM KISIEST tnurn n.i\: m BELK-TYLER'S of WILLIANSTON • i u*i\ si\.i > r*i i c*i \u’i\u''\t r*' t /i*! ur*i ur^ i / r*».’ * < u*,.%i***.iu*i\f5iuy.'>?s~’i K^r^z-i >.* wT*% .v,w.»„v.*„v.*,.,« *t*;«*^**