Returns From Dunn Miss (’!' .1- ii -si’ll . oHli’ in t ..V- or,- f> ,rr a vis- with Spend Week at Vies Head Mr .1 F Hedrick anti daughter. ■ od 1 ■ ■ v - • " i,:,v - Ni';KS Hs ad With their daughter and sis ter. Mr- A. I Purdy. Visit In Whiteville Mr. and Mr- J. ii Roebuck and Mr. anti .\ A K Browder visit ed Mt and M Warren Roebuek in Whiteville Sgndav Visits Sister Here Dr. and Mis Beecher Sitterson of LaCresse. Wisconsin, visited his sistcr. Mi .-. R Edwin Peel,. and family here last week-end Spend Pat in New Bern Mr. ant! Mrs. Jack Burden and Mrs. Jess, Mel son visited in New Bern San Return Home Mr DdbiiS' Simpson and dau jjhter, Shanntu ol Darlington. S. C„ hav ieturned to them home after -pend i n r - tint1 111111- h, e with Mrs. Simpson's mother. Mis, Mai y Bell Osbourn, Visit lu Eureka Mr. and Mr.- Di ed Dai den and da light, ' Am * vratod relativ, s in F.urei: Sundat J’.VC (ilassrs liroUrnv We main', in a complete optical service. Lens, temples and frames replaecd aec repaired Quick service. 1’eclr‘s - Jeweler 121 Main St. Tel 2311 I Home From Morehcad Mi and M' • Sum 7.emon and son returned Frida', aitomoon from a few Havs' siav at Moreh'esrt C'ty. t acationing At W rights! ille Mi. and Mrs. Kelly Gay and n Sif spending tier "■ *‘ek a! Wn ghtsville Beach. /' Spend l>a' at Morehcad Misses F.l abeth Mam ng Thel ma Johnson and Meltia Manning spent Sundae at Mm '-In d City Visiting Father Here Mr. Warn i D. Pope o! New Mexico arrived here Monday to spend a then day vacation with his t. the Mi .1 K Pop. wh i met him in Raleigh. In Raleigh I i ida> Mr. and Mrs. Le amort Taylor and children. Maxine and Ray ot Be.a Gaiss spent Friday in Ral eigh where Mr Taylor received in, dieal tr< at merit. Spend Week-end at Seashore Mr.- Anna M.a Lila \ and i ,u ghter. Ann, and Mi.v Dean St.,11 mgs it Janiesville and Miss Isn lent- Gardner spent the week-end at Nags Head. Returns In Home in Bear Grass Mr K. (> Rogers has returned to his home in Bear Grass aftei spending a week in Quitman Georgia. In Rock Hill Rev. and Mrs James I Liiwii ,nd children are .r, Rock lli’.l S C . on vacation. Visit In Fayetteville Mr Kai I Sawyer el Jamesvilh \ jsited in Fayetteville over th. week-end WVWWVIAAIMflIVVWgIl VVWJ i Spend Week-end Here .Vi; am! Mr-. I) C Sdh- and! ■ sumviile spent the week end tier* ; - with Mi and Mrs Talmudist feel- j ; bv. (iiiin1; To M). and M' '■ Pee!e and children will leave this week tn spend a lew days with | Mr. and Mrs Homer Barnhill whoi are vacationini’. at Moreheari City j Return From Michigan Miss Ruth Norton and Ma-slei Billy Carstarphcn returned over the week-end from Michigan j where the\ visited Miss Norton's; 'parents. Mr and Mrs. N. .f Nor- ! ton. I n Vacation at I’amlico Mr and Mrs. Charles Manning and children will leave this week •to spend two weeks at Pamlico Beach. Spend Week end in Parmclc Mrs. Ruby Trahey and daugh ter. Jitnna s|n-nt the week-end . i Parmek \nnminee Itirth of Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Rebel t Bailey of Bear tJi:, - announce the birth of da a; liter Pri.- i ilia Bum . on July 31 in a Washington hospital. p ■ M 1 Bue\ Hodges 1 Home t in Vacation Mrss Mai v Buu Coltrain. .. l>ei ol Watts Hospital Nursing class, Durham, is spending ! < r va eatinn here with la-r mother \t Nags Head >»' Mr and Mrs George Hatton (iuiyanus and daughter. Barbara, and Miss Jackie Harm are spend ing the wi i k at Nag:- Head. ^^Mi/vuvvuvvvi/vviewvtfiiv^ ENROLL MOW With RESERVE HOSPITAL PLAN hi in J'u!! Kisiunllcr.- <»i \n\ Oilin' 1, , \ M ur. nr Win lvii:i\ii‘- ( niM|»i U'iilioii \< ( III! \ . > — ' n k m - - i mi n mu Hi I MM Villi' M VNl) I will \ I* 11'“' i’iii in nmii < i min srv.0011 lihrrul < ush Hi'iirfih lor Mortal Hu 'Hi, Opt 111 Mcdi' in; >. La In a '1w ' K SuiueenV Fees I nr Gp • Sickness 1 es'.' Oll'\ 1‘ ,n Ant 'liosia X-Ray .me! Ambulance. Pay; ns Dut in Aefidonir m > 11 nis Pei Hay tor Whnlt Dnetm 1***0 1 I ‘ I ION IN I’K KM I I'M \SSI SSA15I.F S3,1100,000 Mil I. i\. Chtiost V"H) Own |.I(i,\l It I S1 It VI NO I I I I HI INI HI \SI S I KK I I Y NON \ SSI IS OVIK I II I Dl I VMS ,H S I \1 Ml I Ills ( (M I-ON i KFSKKVI I IM I NS I It A NTH CO Mis I in 01. (, M.nsli.ill. I .oral Represent.11 iAt* 1 i’<ix ir»j. I’iione on I W'll 1 I WISTON N I Please serri nu information about yr-ut Hns j pit,.] 1*1 1: N. i nations 5 livn- f'l. If \„l Krdmrtl I VA 5 / 1,1 I In hi i in in ll<lrrl\ :•> 1 RKK l J D, inml< nl> I «1TV STATE lit I Day To SO \ r§« - — — —- — One Hat k Of DRESSES IIrt'tuly l{r<lii< r‘d lo Itrlon ( iksI $10.90 New Reduced Sale Prices Start Thursday WEAR RIGHT SHOP One Hack Of DRESSES formerly Offered at Iteloic ( ast hiti /than! Ha SWIM SuITS 1-2 PRICE DRESSES Ml So LEONA HARDISON Bride of henry corey The wedding of Miss Leona Brown Hard:-on, daughter of Mr. and Mt -A-a J Hard! - >n of Farm Lit", and IIf-nr\ Wil-.>n Cop y, son of Mr. and Mi' Henry Corey of Farm Life, was solemnized Mon day. July 31, at the home of the R«v. W. B Hm i Murton who offi f-fat■ -d at thr double ring ccre Mrs Corey is a graduate of the ia.iii Hass ■ the Farm Life School Mr. Corev served in the N . v during World War II. Aftei a o.i, trip along the , oast of North Carolina the cou ji, will make their home with the I>! idc s parents Spend Day at Pamlico Mr. an,■ Mr.- Ben D. Courtney • ns. n ! ■ i ■ ‘ I'.' n. spent. Sun day with friends at Pamlico Be«tcn. Returns From Beach Mr Prince Purdy spent the •a ei^k-cnd at Nags Head. Mrs. Pm i\ who lias been spending .several weeks at their cottage there returned home with him Sunday Visiting toi l In Ijjmesville Miss Nadean Murray of Wash ington, I). C., is spending sorrte time with hoi aunt, Mrs. John '-twinsoji, in Jainesville. In Coldshort) Hospital Mi . J. C. White returned home l„st week liom tloldshoro she visited hei father, Mr. J. C Norris, who is recovering from a major operation in a hospital Business Visitors In Kit linmiul Mi. i s B B and Sutton Car staipkien attended to business in Richmond last Friday. Spends Meek Here Little Miss Claudia Lee Talbott of Peteisburg returned to hei In me lest wi ek end after spend ing a week with Mr. and Mrs Francis Vaughn. Mr. and Mrs Vaughn ,w < ompanied h ■ home. Hum* I rum Ho pital Miss Mattie Willoughby has re turned to bei 11. i/o on Hamiltoi Highway aftei • undergoing treat mi nt in the local hospital for sov era] days last week. AliNIVEtw AHY PARTY Mr. M..- Jim Staton Ayers | ; tujday evening at :» r. v ■ i . nee: Oak City at , . :!n< , j>*.n ins Mr and Mrs. ;> )| J. : >n their 21st wedding anniversary. 12.i • i . ..’ri Brunswick stew w. : ( < re i to .approximately 1! w r reni Market f., <j n Wilke d returned S: to’ ‘ err. thfc South (.' lari tobac. o markets. He de i t! prices are really on the hr_?h side. Return To Kakigh Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Wallace and di.lighten havt returned to their home m Raleigh after spending a ! -v U lien- with Mrs Wallace's mother. Mrs W W. Crandall, rel atives and friends. Before re- | turning home they spent a few I days at Virginia Beach with Mr. | Well, i i mother. Mrs J. C. Wal | laee of Norfolk. Returns to Virginia Mrs Kt nest Turner has return ed to he home in Cheriton, Va.. aftci spending several days here with her daughter. Mrs John Hat ton Gurganu-:. and family. Here On Vacation Mi CK.rle.- J Brady Jr., of N; shrill T< me sei a. i : ved Sat - ' urdny t' spend In vac ation with I hi.- parents. M: and Mrs, C. J. Blew Sr TI.ev are spending tin. v. ■ - k at Pamlico Beach. Spend Day In Plymouth Mi: Toni Phelps and sons and Ms Bell Daniels spent Thursday with Mi. end Mrs R M. Daniels in Plymouth, Spend Week end at Nags Head ' Mr. and M, . Ben G Ljjley of ! JamesviUe sp ;it the week-end at Nag- Head. Home t rum Hospital Mi Men Ward, son of Mr. and Mrs liny Ward of Bear Grass, re j turned hmne Priday following an appendectomy performed in a Washington hospit tl Monday. Return To Ollio M . nd Mi A T. Smith of Day tun, Ohio, left for their Home 1 this morning iftoi spending sev G ra! dads with M>- SmitiJs'par iInts Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Smith. I near 1 ’afmyra. on the FAKIVI 7 WHAT HAVE YOU GOT THERE, DIM? 1 A HANDY, NEW UTILITY CAN Of SINCLAIR OPALINE GEAR LUBRICANT. A tSm - ®UA iU'lH ** " BUT Y WHAT'?/ PUT REMEMBER DUST AftD GRIT GET INTO ANY GEAR BOY. SO BE SURE TO DRAIN THE TRANS' MISSION AND FINAL DRIVE REGULARLY AS YOUR TRACTOR MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDS. i I WE DELIVER DIRECT O FARMS PHONE OR WRITE US FOR N. C. GREEN Wi!!ir,niiB!on 'V. MIS' INEZ ANGE WEDS MR. ARCHIE PADGETT A quiet wedding was solemniz ed m th- presence of relatives and fnds last Wednesday in the par ser.;.e of the Williamston Chris tion Church, when Miss Inez Ange of .tjimes.ville. became the bride of Mr. Archie Hertford Padgett of j. snesvil’e. Rev John L. Golf • formed the ceremony. Mi . P;-d'•eft is the daughter of Mr. and Mr- Bonnie Ange of Jamewiile od was graduated from the -Tamesv'ile High School last May. Mr I’adgHt .i~ the son of Mr. and Mrs Dennis Padgett of Jamtsville and was graduated from the Jarre sville High School in 1949. After a brief wedding trip the young couple will be tit home with the groom's father, where he is engaged in farming. Visiting In Elizabeth < ity Miss Betty Jones and Miss Ear line Perry of Jamcsville, -N. C.. RED. is visiting in Elizabeth City this \v< ek. In Raleigh For Three Days Mr Larry Jones and a group of boys of Jamcsville arc visiting in Raleigh for three days. Visits Parents Here Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Williams, Jr.. ,ind - n of Eiizaboth City visited his paients here last week-end. Home From Hospital Mi Estelle Harris returned to /,i ; hoini in Bear Grass last week after receiving treatment in a Washington hospital for several days. Spend Week-end at Beach Mrs, Jack Hardison and chil dren, Jimmy and Sammy, and Mrs. Ji s. Griffin and children J Jr. and Sallie Grey, spent the week-end at Mon-head City. • In Western Part of State I Mi Eug- ne Bone.v is spending several wo ks in the western pari -! the State, attending to business Here Vest* relay I Mr and Mrs. Dewey Edmond sun of Hassell visited here yester • ' Retm ns Home Mr. N. T Tice returned to hi J ! - 11 . m G - 111 i ns S. 11 ui day a ft - | !•<•(•< iving treatment in a Wash ington hespital for several days. ENjAGEMENT ANNOUNCED I Mr. and Mr-. Richard Mizell of Windsor announce the marriage of their daughter. Janace, to Na thaniel Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Taylor of Wiiliams ton. on August 5. at seven o'clock in the evening at. the Baptist Church in Windsor. The ceremony was performed in the presence *of ; a few close friends. Upon M> md Mrs, Tuy tor’s re : tur n from a short wedding trip j they will be at home in Edcntnn ; where Mr. Taylor is employed by , the Bamby Bread Company. Miss Georgia Harrison ; weds David Kirkland ' Miss Georgia L. Harrison, dau-l ghter of Mir and Mis. O. H Har- , rison became the bride of Mr.' David A. Kirkland, son of Mr and i Mrs. David Kirkland of Scotland Neck Saturday, August A 1950. in the home here of Rev. N. J. Ward, pastor of the Pentecostal Holiness Church. The bride and groom will make their home in Scotland Neck — i Announce liirtli of Son Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald Dixon of Whitakers announce the birth | of a son. Danny MacDonald, in a Rocky Mount hospital on Sunday. Augijst 6. Mrs Dixon is the form er Miss Kay Edmondson of Wil i liamston. daughter of Mr and Mrs. i 1 Kann.v Edmondson. • - In Williamsburg Mr. and Mrs. John Ashley Har-I dison and son are spending a few 1 days in Williamsburg. Return From Tour j Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Whitley and daughter. Miss Elizabeth, return ed home Safui da.\ from an ex tended western tour. tsoy scouts tie pur i Their Activities Troop 27 Troop 27 opened their regular Hooting by having Bobby Rogers 'end several verses from the Bi ale Eddie Daniels led us in the Lord's Prayer. Mr. Bunting, our assistant Sc;>utmaster, gave us a talk on what Scouting stood for. He told us Scouting stood for fun and work. Mr. Matthews, our Scoutmaster, held an open discussion on chang ing the meeting time. The major ity voting to change the time from 7:00 to 7:20. Joe Clayton and Eddie Daniels made very interesting reports on the activities they participated in at Camp Charles. James Pittman led us in reciting the Scout Oath and Law. We then closed the meeting by having Jerry Savage lead us in the Scoutmasters’ benediction. Scribe James Pittman. Recoverin , from Operation Mis. .1 P. cl. Jr., is recover ing from an operation in a Rocky Mount hospital. Spend Week-end at Seashore Mr and Mrs. Dick Taylor and Mr and Mrs. Luke Thomason spent last week-end at Nags Head. . f Enters Hospital Mr. Harry Jones entered a Washington hospital Sunday mor ning for treatment. How mild can a cigarette be? MORE PEOPLE SMOKE CAMELS than any other cigarette! and among the millions who do,. NANETTE FABRAY Nanette. Droad w a y rn usical-com e d y star, m a d e tlie Camel 30-Day M i 1 d n e s s Test 4 Says Nanet1e “It convinced me ! Camels suit me to a ‘T’.” — Our Summer Clearance Continues Until All Summer Dresses Suits Swim Suits Pluy Shorts AND t V1 Every Item Has Been Repriced for Quick CLEARANCE If yon aro in tor (st od in soring on Quality Mgr clunniiso this is yonr opportunity to stork up in faro of a rising market. tkute<$sBtolUet&

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