'The Hasty Heart' Here This Week Once in a decade there comes a motion picture which leaps right out from among even the better ones as the word is passed among moviegoers everywhere that here a film not to be missed. Such a picture is "The Hasty Heart." A urner Hro.'\ Him sh.it .v. lsng land under the direction of Vin cent Sherman, and starring Ron aid Reagon, Patrica Neal and Richard Todd, the English star. It comes to the Marco Theatre on Thursday and Friday. The word wasn’t long in get ting around. As soon as the film was completed and screened for the first select audiences in Hollywood, critics and preview patrons alike rushed to sing its praises. Louella Parsons, on her na tionwide radio and newspaper hookup, sgid, "In 'Hasty Heart’ a new star is born. Richard Todd gives an extraordinarily fine per formance in a picture that is so Lillie AIImtI BY GEO. GI’RGANITS DONT AFRAID - ALgEET ME* NOT GETTING fPEADY TOSPRING ATYOU/ ’■’Vit* ^RTINCOUNTy PUIMBIHGtHEATING CASH { TWOMC CABetr \ 3/ a.a. WXSHWOTOMST. tV/iLAMSTOWM A/.C. Richard Todd and Patricia Neal provide romantic interest in Warn er Bros.' "Hasty Heart,” coming Thursday and Friday to the Marco. good that is is an improvement on the stage play " The noted columnist and radio celebrity, Dorothy Kilgallen, had to sky, " ‘Hasty Heart’ is won derful! Everything that makes your heart feel good!" A highly moving drama packed with both laughs and tears "Has ty Heart” is the story of six sol diers in a hospital, men from many countries, who must be | keep a secret from one of their inumber, a scot who has fallen in ! love with their nurse, played by the lovely Patricia Neal, who starred recently opposite Gary J Cooper in “The Fountainhead." As the lighthearted Yank who finds himself stranded in an Eng i hsh hospital, Ronald Reagon turns m what is said to be his greatest performance since his peak role in “Kings How " Hut in addition it will be Richard Todd, a new comer to American audiences from the English screen, who in playing the difficult role of the ill-starred Scotsman, seems head ed for Academy Award honors Others in the strong support ing east include Anthony Nieholls, Howard Marion Crawford, Ralph Mieheal John Sherman and Or lando Martins Both cast and story combine to make "Hasty Heart” one of the jnost popular film offerings in the "must-see” class this year, if ad Vance word from press and pub lie are heeded Bill Elliott Comes Here Thursday One of the most forceful west j ern characters who ever shot his j way across the cinematic plains I plays Thursday and Friday at I the Watts Theatre in the person I of William Elliot as “Ringo” Bak | or. The picture is Republic’s "The Savage Horde,” and it offers the kind of vigorous, dynamic enter tainment that is typically Amcri can in flavor. Elliot plays Ringo with gusto, and armed or unarmed, puts up the roughest, toughest lights as a man who makes his own laws, Ringo rides into the lawless Utah territory to visit Ins sweetheart and finds himself with a battle on j his hands, Wanted for the murder of an army officer. Ringo is 'Tie mg hunted by his younger brother, ; Mike (Jim Davis), a lieutenant under the command of Colonel Brice (Douglass Drumbnlle) Mike knows that Ringo killed in self defense, hut he is under or MASONIC NOTICE n Regular meeting of Skewarkee Lodge No till 'y G ;Y Tuesday night, August It, ■>/ at 8 o’clock. All Master Masons invited Iai wrenee G landslip , See. I hull Hailes Masler ders to bring his brother in, dead | or alive! When Ringo accidentally wounds Mike, he is overcome with remorse and smashes his gun, leaving himself unarmed for the trouble- that followes. Hi' starts a one-man campaign to clear his name and in so doing, runs smack into the middle of the land grab racket being run by -predatory! Wade Proctor, played by Grant Withers. Ringo, though gunless, fights on the side of the small ranchers, who arc striving desperately to hold on to their property. Led by Noah Beny, they combine tonvs and justice finally triumphs. On the distaff side, lovely A drian Booth is effective as Ringo’s sweetheart, and Barbara Fuller, who won acclaim for her out standing performance in "The Red Menace," scores once more in her first western picture The supporting east is headed by Bob Steele, Roy Bareroft, Will Wright, Still Need Muscle Down on the Farm The harrow and the hoe will still he necessary down on the farm, even with effeetive weed kiliine, ehemieals sueh as 2.4-D. Kver since 2.4-1') was introduced to U. S cornfields aftet World Wa, I!, there have been p redid • tions that cultivators and'othci weed control implements would soon he obsolete Spectacular re Earle llodgms and Stuart Ham blcn. Republic hits proved its supre macy in the deluxe action field once more with "The Savage Horde," which had Joseph Kane as Associate Producin' and l)i rector. Kenneth Garnet wrote the screen play from the story by Thames Williamson and Gerald Geraghty. Again Royal betters the best with ROYAL TRY ITS MAGIC IN YOUR OFFICE! CALL — I rlcplionr ."» I 7<» HUDSON TYPEWRITER CO. !(>.'> S. \\ Si. liocl>\ Uoinil, N. I.. suits with the new chemical, such | as eliminating weeds for the en tire summer with a, single apple ration in the spring, were report ed from various parts of the coun try. But. s;iv researchers at Rhode Island State College, lack of nil t i vat ion may cut corn yields as much as weeds, depending upon weather conditions Without stir ring and aerating, soil ran be com paeted by rain and son almost to the consistency of brick. And some weeds can come hack after ,< 2.4 1) treatment. A series of carefully-controlled experiments using 2,4-D with and withoui cultivation weie carried on in Kingston, H. ! in tire plots Austin^Nichols GREAT OAK BLENDED WHISKEY Tha Straight Whiskeys in this prod act are 2 years or more old, 30% Straight Whiskey, 70% Grain Neutral Spirits; 20% Straight Whis key 2 years old, S % Straight Whiskey 4 years old, 5% Straight Whiskey i years old. 86 proof Austiry^NicKois 6CoW. Inc MJvMt new i which were not touched with a cultivator, yields were less than hall' the normal amount. It seems that 2.4 D bv itself is not the complete answer," says Dr Francis B Mullet lie points j out that with chemical weed con trol, a certain amount of cultiva tion will still he needed, depend ins upon suit and weather condi-j tions and the stubbornness of the j weeds brim; fought I ISo Sugar Shortage Seen In Sat ion In Sear Future Broker? say that there should be ru. hoarding of sugar, due to tjie Korean war, because there is approximately a million tons of surplus raw sugar on hand in Cuba alone. This is an addition to the 7..r)UI).01 It) tons the t riited States is expected to "se this year. IV MW A l\ver\ mrmlirr of lln* faniih lia- a slake in lli<* future of the others. I’.acli can led secure when llie en tice laniiU is I'inaucialh secure. That's uh\ a saxiups aecounl is so important to \oii, no matter ulial votir ape. < '.nine open ^ >I I! nr* count, non ! inch Banking & Trust Co, i i lAiWIAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAIUMUlAAi^WUUWUUWWW^AAAAMAA, BOTTLE GAS — It Cooks — It Heats Courtney Gas Co., Inc. If You Want To Buy, Borrow Or Sell See Us If you are inierested either directly cr indirectly in selling, buying or borrowing money, it will pay you to contact us. We Specialize In Buying And Selling Farms We will sell anything on a commission basis and when you buy from us you don't have to worry about financing the irans action. We are in a position to give you short or long terms. We devote our entire time to selling, buying and financing. That is our business. If you have delinquent obligations that need attention see us first. We'll negotiate a loan for you on automobiles or other legitimate collateral. We operate not only in Martin and adjoining counties but all sections of North Carolina. Whether it is real estate or person al property you want to sell think of and contact us first. We do only one thing and do it efficiently . . . buy, sell and finance. Roanoke Real Estate & Auction Co. HENRY JOHNSON, Manager Telephone 2I>77 W1L1J A MSTON, N. C. MS

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