Farm Life Maintains Lead In League With Two Wins Sunday Rams Keeping Close Bell in cl Paee-Se! I e rs Marlins Win One I,<»;■.(• Two Dining: il««' W irk-end Hill Hold To Fourth Plan* Sj»n! The Farm Life team, pace- a f ters m the Martin County League for some weeks now, maintained their position at the top of the heap Sunday by taking the de cision from Williamston in a re play of a protested game and then defeating the Martins in a regular game for a double victory while the Rccbet sonville Rams were keeping it close with two wins during the week-end, one over the LOOK WHAT happened "s WHEM l ADVISED HIM TO TIE the muck to milues Tail TO tfEEP tT FROM SWISHiNO HIM— HAW' MU K from 7 TAYLORS DAIRY But Lose Couple To Tie The lees SANDW ICIIKS SIJNDAES ___ 2n< 2<>« Taylors dairy ^•4w aiaafr Grade d fhstcurized Dairy Products DAIRY BAR Sf PLANT HaugHton S-f. STWniMiS M \RTT\ ( (MATY I F \G1 !' Farm Life Robersonville Bear Grass Everetts | Oak City Williamston Washington Jamesville W. I . Pet 21 7 .750 22 8 ,733 15 13 .530 14 16 .400 10 14 .417 11 10 .407 11 16 .407 7 20 .256 Everetts Cubs and the other over Oak City's Roosters. Washington's Bees defeated the Jamesville team Sunday to move Onto" a tie with the Martins who ■ lost ground by le. in;: two and winning one. Bear Grass had hut ; one game and held on to third place by winning that while the fourth place Cubs were losing a pair. Had Bear Grass lost and the Cubs won their two games Ever etts would have moved to third i place. Tin' Roosters h st a chance to get closer to the first division by dropping their f.tmday game to Robot sonville. Although 111(\ have lost their i last several outings, Jamesville l continues to pla\ good hall and the play in the league is still the most balann d it ha- been since the loop was organised. Scores are still hard to keep up with as the various teams fail to get in thro reports, not only of tin box but nl the actual score as well. The regulai league season clos is Wednesday of next week and it will he virtually impossible for any ot the teams to complete their season's schedule. Right now it i> certain that hviiei sonville and the harm bite boy.- will he in the two top positions but it will take but one game to change the order of Mheir placement in the top spots Bear Gra and Everetts would appear right now to have the in* -ad.- track on the other two play off spots nut if the re maining eon t' sts are played there is plenty of room for Oak City and ev. n Wil liamston and Washington to get in. Plan Swimming Races At the Pool I\ attiring contestants from ill ovi'r tl'is section, most of whom h:tve patronized the pool during the summer, a program of races, contests and special events is to bo presented at the Williamston Municipal Swimming Pool Fri day night of this week, beginning at 7:30- and is to be free. Some difficulty was being ex pei icnood late Monday in gutting enough contestants for the vari ous events and it was requested that all prospective entrants get •their names in by tomorrow night Wednesday-*-so an effort can he made to arrange the races for fair competition according to ages and experience. George Harris, Ray mond Robertson. Jerry Forehand, Lindelle Ward, Henry Taylor and Jack Ross signed up last week-end and a youngster from Roberson \ ilit* signed late Monday. Be tween 23 and 30 hoys are needed for the events and failure to get them could cause cancellation of the program. A final announcement is to be placed in the Thursday issue of the Enterprise and names are re quested by Wednesday night in order to meet the publication deadline. Some of the events will be simi lar to those in the district Scout races at the pool recently which drew a large attendance. There will he races in the different kind nl strokes and relay races as well as diving -comic and competitive. The comic diving i not a part of the official program of 11 events hut Starts at t:13 a- a sort of warm up for the main program. The program will lit under the | direction nl Coach Stuart Mayn ard, directoK of the recreational program here this year He re puit. out of town patronage has been good this summer and he is anxious for these youngsters to Home on in for the program Fri day night. It is open to them. Oak City is not far behind the Cubs and Williamston is but a game and a halt as is Washington, the two teams being tied at the pi a-:ent foi the numbei six spot. Anyway, another week will de cide the issue and it may well be that games the rest ot this week and Sunday will settle it. SINCLAIR BRILLS 2 MILES DEEP TO HELP MEET RECORD OIL DEMAND 2-MILE CORKSCREW. Drilling as deep as two miles into the earth, with ultra-modern equipment and new scientific meth ods, Sinclair is tapping new oil pools to help meet the record demand for petroleum products. This intensified devel opment of new crude oil sources is but a ?~iall part of Sinclair’s $150,000, 000 expansion program. Sinclair’s program also includes new pipelines and new, improved refin ing facilities. In the future as in the past, look to Sinclair for Better Products, Better Service. 0 0, gewef^ N. C. GREEN, AGENT WILLI AMSTON, N. C i scminru: ^ Wednesday. August ft Williamston at Farm Life Washington at Jamesville Robersonville at Oak Citv Everetts at Beat Grass, night. Friday Night, August 11 Everetts at Farm Life, night. Saturday, August 12 Oak City at Williamston, night Sunday, August 13 Bear Grass at Farm Life Oak City at Jamesvtlie Everetts at Washington Robersonville at Williamston Tuesday, August 15 Williamston and opponent to In* announced, night. Wednesday, August 1(1 Farm Life at Oak City Jamesville at Bear Grass Williamston at Everetts, night. Washington at Robersonville (End of seasbn) Entrenched Group Working Against Lobby Committee (Continued from page one) ling and dragging them before the bar of Congress to be branded as malefactors.” Yet what is Buehanan trying to i do? Simply find out for Congress and the people where these or ganizatiuns got the money they use to shape public opinion and in i lluenee Congress on national leg islation. 1! Ou Pont and the rest are do in.", nothing wrong, why do they object to having their names made public as the men who put up the money'' Why do they try to cru cify Buehanan for bringing them out into the light of day? Incidentally, the “ad” appeals to the rich readers of the "Wall Street Journal" to contribute up to $1,000 "oi more" to Hart's cuun j eil. Of course, more will contri bute it they think then names will i be kept secret Another example of the propa gaiichi against the lobby probe committee was pointed out to tin House by Buehanan a "Life" mu j gazine editorial entitled "The Right of Pet ition." "Misstatements made in 'Life',' 1 Buchanan said, "are read by mil lions of citizens,” who supposi that magazine is telling them the truth. «]*) Hut what "Life” did, Buchanan said, was to misrepresent a ques tionnaire sent by the committee to about 175 large corporations, ask mg them foi information about the money they contributed to lobbying and propaganda organi zations, such as Hart’s “council" and the "Committee for Constitu tional Government," headed by Flank Gannett and Edward A. Rumley. "Life" tried to make its reader. believe that this questionnaire in j some way violated American eiti zens' constitutional right to “peti i t ion” Congrats. That sounds bad, but what has it to do with the questionnaire? All it did was ask corporations how much mn|iev they .spent on lob bying, and who got the money. Enters Hoc Icy (Mount Hospital J. D. Ward entered a Rocky Mount hospital last week for treatment. FOOD LOCKERS *tSWr FOOD ft MONET =-■- ■ ■ . ■ ■■ STOKK YOUR OWN FOODS ECONOMICALLY II costs only a few cents per day to rent a food locker. In quire today the savings realized through storing food will pay the rent on your lockei many times over. reasonable rental FEES! BY MONTH OR BY YEAR! COLONIAL » FROZEN FOODS •-r.- T 1 Hornets Defeat Bethel Team The Hamilton Hornets defeated la strong team f: oin Bet! .-I August Hi on the Hamilton diamond The ‘Hornets got 7 hits and made m j error. Bethel got 7 hits and was I eharged with one error. Worsley started for Bethel :nd was relieved in the sixth inning 'by Manager D C Martin, with Worsley takirfg the loss Fran's Scott went the distance for Han ilton to be the winning pitcher Vance Whitfield hit a triple in the third inning with the bases loaded. Hugh F.verett hit a home run with one on base. The lio nets. Manager Garland Hardison' reports, now have a record of .1.7 victories against (i losses. Hamilton Scott, F., ss Scott, F... of Whitfield, V.. 2b William. B„ e Everett, H., iib Scott. W , lb Scott. Jr., if | Hardison, G . II j Scott. F., p \b K I! F 4 2 0 (I 3 110 5 0 11 4 110: 4 110 4 1 2 0 2 1 no; 2 1101 3 1 1 0 31 ;i k i Totals MEMO III II S For your cemetery needs on monuments, markers, tomb stones and coping contact me for i igllt pi ices. I represent the NEW BEEN MOM'MI NTAI, I YVOltKS, New lb i n. N C„ bi» | buyers of marble and granite Credit terms if desired. JKSSi; -I. IMIICK H. (). Box 522 or (11(1 West Main St. Dial 217(1 W illi.iiuston, N. t i HI SI ITS Friday. August I Robersonville 1!!. Kveretts 5 Williamston at Washington, rain Saturdav, \uslist .i WilImmst.'ll .i .1 unesvilio 3 Sunday, August (> Boar Gr.i'-s 11. Everetts 5. Farm Life 7 a. Wiilianist m 3--1 Vc'-himtton won over J.unes \ r. \,11 t score oi 10)01 tetl, K ‘l.l• i si. •; in i i i■ von ov .0 (ink V tv. exact score unreported. YU SIC (.(M S AKOfNI) i Montgomery i lernld) Albemarle and other towns are incr icnem a some disappoint i ,ei the census figures Monroe, j I'-'r instance, expected about ,000 and is falling short Albe marie was expecting 13.000 and is felling short. Of course there is great effort to find persons who may have been accidently skip ped and a good many names will be promptly added. Bui the main trouble is of course that the boosters were too enthusiatie. < They exported too great an in iti'hsi*. There will be some disap pciintnv'rit for a while and then tit: will set about onthusiatically estimating what the population will he .n ten years hence. MINISTERS MEET Meeting here this morning, ministers and education leaders in the county are discussing plans t^ %L ■ ? >?„Ci -cr, 'T' coot t> By Using One Of Our ELECTRIC FANS S, COURTNEY & SON M lZj "I’iimiltin' Since Wl /" stout, on \ lunm muits i ii <>:o<> 1 i M m [I I IT'S LEO THE FIELD FOR YEARS 1 Ford Model F-5 shown, 1 4,000 lbs G.V.W., available with 95 h.p. Six or 100-h.p. V I! is one qf over 1/5 Ford Truck models rurtuiny Irwin 95 h.p. Pickups to 14.5 h.p Big Jobs. /■•A FOR POWER TO HANDLE EVEN GREATER LOADS—THE FORD F-6 l And the Ford F*5 outsells every ether IV2 ton truck today! > no ForJ Model M> is rated up to 16.000 lbs. G V W Your choice ol V 8 or Six in three great engines including the new HO h.p Six. • Registration figures prove it! The Ford F-f> has outstripped ail sales com petition since 194o. In fact, since the war’s end, smart truckers have chosen the F-5 over the next leading make hy a ratio of five to three! So, follow the lead of men who really know ton-and a-half’s. It will pay you to switch t< Ford and Ford Truck economy! WAY AHEAD IN SALES BECAUSE IT’S WAY AHEAD IN VALUE— 10 way* better than the 4 other leading make* 1. I |> tn 1,720 Him. more payload capacity. 2. I p to I,.t00 lbs. higher fi.V.YV. rating. \. Cp to .tlO lbs. less chassis dead weight. I, Widest (.i'j-Inch) rear brake shoe ilning. 'V furthest compression ratio 6. Choice of \ Sol G-cylinder engine. 7. Oil filter at no extra cost. $. Oil bath air cleaner at no extra coat. 9. biggest clutch lining area. 10. The “Million Dollar" Cab for extra driver comfort, roominess and safety. Ford Trucking costs less Because— FORD TRUCKS LAST LONGER fixing lot ait roglxtration data on 6,392,000 truck*, Ufa Inxurant* exporti prove ford Trv«k» latt iengerl /nu. Williamston Motor Co.—Williamston, N. C.