Visiting Here M.t . and M s K h. K.mball and daughter. Martha Dunn, of Fred ericksburg Va art '-.siting friends hurt this week-end Announce Birth of Daughter Mr and Mrs Mack Gilbert Wynne announce the birth of a (laughter. Beverly Marie, on Fri day, August -I. in a Washington ••luispiUi!. Mv Wynne is- i.b« f<>i - iner Miss Rachel Edmondson of near Williamston. Visiting In Winston-Salem Mr and Mrs. Fete Mendenhall of Bear Grass and Mrs. Parker Peele and son, left yesterday to spend two days in Winston-Salem. Returns Home Tuesday Mrs. S. H Grimes returned homo Tuesday morning from Elizabeth City after visiting her parents for a few days. Business Visitor Here Mr Bud Black of Raleigh at tended tii business here this week for the Royal Baking Company. Reported Improving Dr. John D Biggs, patient in a local hospital, is reported to be improving. Visiting Sister Mrs Paul Jones is visiting hoi sister, Mrs. Hugh Singleton, in! Richmond this week. Visits At Pamlico Bobby Glisson spent Monday night and Tuesday at Pamlico Beach Visiting In Micro Mrs Wheelei Maiming and daughter. Mary Evelyn, are visit mg Mrs Manning's parents in Mi cro this week Attend Program in l.ewislon Mi and Mrs James Bulluek. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hams. Mr and Mis. Charlie Hamilton and! Mr. Wheelei Manning attended a i charter night program of the Lew' iston Lions Club Friday night Spending Week Here Cpl. Ale-x J Sekulich of the Cherry Point Mdine An Station is spending a week of his 30-day leave here with Mr and Mrs. Pal mer While Spend Day at Nags Head Mr. Russell Turner and Mr J A Everett of Palmyra and Mr. Hassell Worsley of Oak City spent Sunday at Nags Head. Moves To Durham Mrs Ira Alexandci of James ville moved yesterday to her new home in Durham. Visiting In Charlotte Mis Bessie Hampion is visiting relatives in Charlotte for two Spending v acalion Here Miss Evelyn Harrison ot Dur ham is spending her vacation here with her mother, Mrs. L. B. Harrison. Returning From Tour Mr. and Mrs. Bill Spivey and daughter. Beth, and Mrs. Bill Glovei and daughter. Joannic, arc returning today from a trip m the western part of the state. -<0 Return From Vass Mrs. R H. Clayton. Jr,. Mrs C. G. Crockett and Master Carroll! Freeman Brown have returned irom Vass after spending a few days with Mrs. Crockett’s son. Mr. Bud ( rockett. and family. Undergoes Operation Master John M, ,ig Hodges, son ol Mr, and Mrs. Simpson Hodges ol Beai Grass, underwent an operation for appendicitis Tuesday morning in a Washington hospital. Attend Lions’ Meeting Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Manning attended a cabinet meeting of the Lions District 31-1- held in Green ville Sunday. Visits Brother Here Mr and Mrs. H. M. Ballard of Washington, D. C„ visited his brother, Mr. P. A. Ballard, here tins week. Here Yesterday Mr. Dallas HolLday of James vi’ie was here yesterday attend ing to business. • Returns From Raleigh Mr. Luther Hardison returned ".tenia after .pending a few m htucign with rtniUves. MISS LILLIE DILLARD WEDS JAMES KNOX Mist- Lillie Mae Dillard, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs, Hppson Dil lard and James Gibson Knox, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Mack Kr'w of Williamston, were mar ried Saturday evening. August 5, at seven o’clock in Suffolk, Va. at the home of Rev. R E. Brittle who officiated at the double ring The bride wore a dress of white crepe with white accessories and a corsage of purple orchids. Miss Florence Bowden was ma tron of honor She wore a navy dress with white accessories and a corsage of gardenias. R. G. Burton was best man. Mrs Hopson Dillard, mother of the bride, and Mrs R. G Burton were the only other witnesses of the wedding. Immediately following the wed ding a reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Bow den Punch and bridal cakes were served the, guests by Mesdames Ralph Oliver and Wilber Rose. Upon the bride and groom's return from a wedding trip they will make their home in Ports mouth, Va. Engagement announced Mi and Mrs. Roy Beacham of Route 3, Washington, N. C. an nounce the engagement and ap proaching marriage of their daughter, Mattie Elizabeth, to Mr. Dallas Rodgers, son of Mrs. Al belt Rodgers and the late Mr. Rodgers of JamesVille. The wed ding will take place in early Sep temhci Entertains for nijice Mrs. Stuart Davis, Jr. enter lamed last night at her home on llaughton Street for her niece, Miss Ann Hooker c>f Silver Springs, Maryland, who is spend ing two weeks here. Games were played during the \ evening and a sweet course was I served by the hostess to approxi mately 111 guests. CORRECTION The Thursday, August 3, edition of The Enterprise reported that ihe Navy Recruiting Office locat ed on Wednesday morning in the Williamston Post Office would be closed until August 25. The no tice should have read that the Army recruiting office would be closed until the 25th of this month. —— -- --— Move To New Home Mr. and Mrs. Bill White and daughter moved into their new home on Franklin Street a few days ago. Annual Picnic Members of the Presbyterian Sunday School enjoyed their an nua! picnic at Whiehard’s Beach >’t st11 day afternoon. Birth Announcement Mr and Mrs. Kader Gardner announce the birth of a son, Jerry Ronald, on July 31 at the home on Warren Street. Thousands Attend Church Meeting Ni'W York.—From Angola and Venezuela, from Australia and the fiji Islands, from the Bible lands, the Gold Coast, and behind the Iron Curtain, from Kenya, Pakis tan, Thailand, and many other countries are coming 5.000 dele gates to the World Convention on Christian Education at Toronto, Canada, this month. Sunday school leaders, child rens youth, and adult experts, ministers, and laymen from near ly 70 nations are attending the mid-century convention, sponsor ed by the World Council of Chris tian Education according to Dr Forest L. Knapp, general secre tary. 1 he theme is “Jesus Christ— Teacher and Lord.” Among the more than 200 speakers, leaders of worship and discussion groups, and others in responsibility are the following world-known Christian Educa tors: Lord Mackintosh of Halifax "! England; Dr. Luther A. Weigle, ol the United States; Bishop Ste phen C. Neill, of England, assist ant to the Archbishop of Canter Bury, and associate general score tary of the World Council ol Churches: Or Charles Malik o! Lebanon, head of the Lebanes* delegation to the United Nations and lroiuer president of the U. N Lcur.ouuc and Sue-ai Council. Beta Club Group : Reports On Trip —.— On Friday July 28 th, Dean Stallings, Jackie Mizeile, Venita Stallings, Mary Alice Griffin, -Margaret Perry, Shirley Gaines, iPat Holliday, Bobby Lilley, Oli | ver Hamilton and Dorman Gaines. I members of (he Jamesviiie Bela jClub with Mr and Mrs. V. B. Hairr, our advisor and his wife left on an interesting and educa tional trip. The place of interest being Williamsburg, Va. After reaching our destination we were assigned our rooms at the William and Mary College. Friday night we witnessed Paul Green's production of The Common Glory at the waterside Theatre which was wonderful. Saturday was our day of tour ing. We met our guide at the Rec reation Center and many interest ing things were learned and seen as we visited the Capitol Goal, Magazine and Guardhouse, Governor’s Palace and Garden and the Bruton Parish Church. During the afternoon without the aid of our guide we visited the museum, Wig-Maker, Pewterer and Jamestown. Sunday we left Williamsburg for Virginia Beach where we en joyed the sun and water for the day. A tired but happy dozen ar rived home Sunday night feeling as if we had completed a course in history,—Pat Holliday, Report er. Boy Scouts Report Their Activities There will be a meeting of the Cub Scouts and their parents Fri day night at 7:.'i0 at the Episcopal Parish House. Scouts Hen Andrews and Hugh Linds ley will tell the Cubs of the | highlights of the recent Boy Scout Jamboree held at Valley Forge, I Pennsylvania. _i_ I Troop 27 I Buddy Fussell opened the meet ing bv having James Pittman lead us in the Scout Oath and Law. Tommy Cooke led us in the Lord's Prayer. Mr. Matthews talked to us about going camping and we have de cided to go to the sound, if pos sible. Jacob Zemon gave a report on his trip to Camp Charles. Tom my Cooke did the same. Jacob Zemon closed the meet ing by leading us in the Scoutmas ter's benediction. Scribe, James Pittman. --o ■■ Move Here Dr. and Mrs. G. G. Himmel wright and children moved here lroni Washington yesterday .id are at home m the Leggett house , on Smithwick Street while their new home is under construction. Expert FLOOR COVERING Rubber 'File Linoleum 'File \»pbull 'File luluitl Linoleum Flour SuutlLug See U» for Quotations WOOLARD FURNITURE Louipuuy NVilliulustou (Mary Lou Lee At The only student from North Carolina enrolled this year, Mary Lou Lee of Williamston is leaving Saturday morning by bus for Wheeling, W. Va., to attend a two week Drum Major Camp at Ogle bay Park where she will take a special course in baton twirling and other band activities. Recognized as one of the out- j | standing high school band major-j cttes in the state and two-time I winner of superior ratings in dis- 1 trict twirling contests, Mary Lou j will be m the 12th grade next year ; at Williamston High School and! 0} taking the training tin.*, sum mer she hones to have her final 1 year with the Green Wave Band j her most outstanding one ^--^ Shi' wit) have six hours of prac tice a day under top-notch in structors of the nation while vari ous forms of recreation are also provided for leisure hours. Head of the camp is A1 Stodden of Terre Haute, Ind., outstanding twirling instructor in the mid-west who j has judged many state and nation-1 al contests, coached many cham pions and is himself a former! champion. He has served on the ! faculty at VanderCook School of j Music, Chicago, as baton twirling j and drum majoring instructor. In! the marching department will be | Robert Welly who has served on I many clinic and festival faculties-! n the middle west a id is recog-1 lined as a pioneer in the "field of j hand pageantry. Others include j Bill Skrivan who has won first place four times in the Chicago-1 land Music Festival Contest andj ias been teaching for five years, j Lillian Beaumont, winner of first1 Cluli Members To Camp For a Week Sixty-one Martin County 4-H dub members will leave here next Monday morning for a week’s stay in camp on Roanoke Island. Traveling in special busses, the group will join other club place six times in Indiana State competition and at present is head drum majorette of the Depauw Marching Band. June Chnson, a winner of many honors in state and national competition, and an' outstanding drum major. Gene Critchfield. The two-weeks' camp will close j August 27 and Mary Lou will be! back in tune to tell the other: band members about her experi ences at the annual picnic on Sep- j tember 1. j members iron, Berlin,. JJ/pi and Cumberland Counties. The following plan to attend the camp: Mary Lou Cox, Elizabeth Ann Everett, Carolyn Brown Forbes, Emma Everett, Esther Tyler, Er nice Grimes, Linda Bullock, John Beach, Clayton Everett, Barbara Peele, Bettie Carol Gurganus, Mur Griffin, Anita Ray Everett, Bobby Gley Mobley, Joyce Davenport, Gordon Roberson, John Griffin, Peggy Ann Lillev, Loretta Simp son. Janie Bullock, Pasty Barrett, Shirley Rawls, Barbara Harrell, Shirley J. Stevenson, Joan Man ning, Edward Grim*.:-, Louise Williams, Peggy Jean Mobley, Joan Coltrain, John A. Lilley, Jr., Neva Faye Gardner, Ronnie Co burn, Barbara F. Martin, Nancy Gurkin, Janie Lou Thompson, Mamie Rogerson, Sylvia M. Grif fin, Kaye Tyson, Charles Russell, Shirla B. Griffin, Curtis Gurganus, Eugene Bryant, Li | ther Bryant, Marie Carson, Hn bert Everett. Paul W. Harringto David Brown, Jimmie Lee Tayla William 1-illey, John C. Housj Blanche Manning, Margaret A ■ drews, Anna S. Whitfield. Jw Williams, Joyce Whitfield, Janil Whitfield. Leiwana Edmondso! A. D. Coltrain, Caroline Wallai^j and Walter Johnson. Visiting In Richmond Miss Essie Peel is visiting rel| tives in Richmond this week. f __ ■—.1 Eye Glasses Broken? *f We maintain a complete optica service. Lens, temples ant! frames replaced and repaired, Quick service. Peel e’a — Jewelers 121 Main St. Tel. 2*1 f let Me do the hard jobs, Mr. Farmer" «• TOBACCO fanning or any other kind is easier and more profitable when yon use WIRED help! Reddy Kilowatt does scores of chores at such little cost: * Runs the oil burner or stoker for heat to cure tobacco! * Runs the fans to circulate steady heat lor better curing! * Lights the packing house for better grading, safety and convenience! • Milks the cows, cools the milk, separates the cream, churns the butter 1 * Dries the hay, lifts the hay. fills the silol • Pumps the water, heats the water, saws the wood! * Increases egg. poultry, and livestock profits! j • Brings city conveniences into the farm home, and does many, many more things too numerous to mention! Q Thanks to sound business management and experience, farm ers in VEPCOland enjoy LOW-COST electricity. Are YOU making the most of your CHEAPEST farm help? I

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