Robersonville Returns To Top Place In Martin County League Cubs Win One To Hold* Fourth Place r Martins and Bees Win Two Apiece To Tie For Fifth Busy Srluululi' For All Thr l oams During lli«< Noxl Seven Days ■ The Robersonville Rams turned on the Oak City Roosters yester day afternoon for a 34 to 9 victory that not only set a new record in the Martin County League but put them in first place because the Farm Life team split its two con tests and fell half a game behind. Other things in the league were also topsy turvy as farm work, departure of the national guard unit and other matters upset sev eral of the teams. Williamston got a forfeit from Oak City Tues day night when the Roosters could not get enough men on the field to play and then with Bobby Rog ers on the mound defeated Farm Life yesterday afternoon 8 to 4 to move up to fifth place where they found the Washington Bees were lodged because they had also won over Jamesville and Bear Grass during the past two days. STANDINGS 1 J MARTIN COUNTY LEAGUE Robersonvilh Farm Life Bear Grass Everetts Williamston Washington Oak City W. Ii. Pet 23 ti .742 22 t! .733 15 15 .500 15 HI .434 13 16 .448 13 16 .448 10 16 .385 ; The Everetts Cubs dropped the Bears for a 20 to 14 loss in a slug ! fest last night to hold on to their ' fourth place spot while Washing ton and Williamston were both in a position to threaten both Ever etts and Bear Grass. It appears that several of the teams will come close to finishing the season but it is unlikely that any of them will make the fulT 35 games they were scheduled to play. The season ends next Wednes day night. A busy schedule is on tap t(j^' rest of the seven days re maining. Jamesville and Bear Grass play in the Plymouth park at 8 tonight to make up a game which was to have been played in Jamesville earlier in the season. Tomorrow night Everetts and j Farm Life play in Williamston. | Saturday afternoon Everetts anil i Jamesville play in the Williams jton park and Saturday night the | Oak City Roosters and Williams ton Martins get together again. WASHINGTON 4 JAMESVILLE 2 The Washington Boos defeated Jamesville last Sunday afternoon 4 to 2 in Washington. It was a fast game, being completed in 1:45. A two-run triple bv Fenner Wallace gave Washington two runs in the first inning and a hit and error bonded- -ths-rsy another in the sec ond while J. Ft. Bro'"n stole home for the fourth and final run in the fourth inning. Rogerson of Jamesville hit a long home run over the right field wall m the se cond inning The. box: Washington Cherry, 3b Galloway, ef Jackson, If Wallace, lb Porter, rf Avent, ss Barnes, c Brown, 2b Dawson, p Ah I! II E 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 1 i;1 1 0 3 0 0 0 3 1 3 1 Totals Jamesville Davenport, 2b Hannis, 3b R. Harrell, ss Rogerson, lb C. Bowen, e H. Harrell, If Tucker, rf Ellis, ef Habit, ef, Gardner, p 29 4 8 0 Alt R II E 2 0 2 1 3 0 0 1 3 0 1 1 j 3 2 10 3 0 0 1 i 3 0 0 01 3 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 o' 3 0 0 01 Totals 27 2 5 4 Hal llseil ,4s Strainer 4l Pennsylvania Still Lancaster, Pu. Among the ar ticles confiscated by police at a still raided near Lancaster recent ly were 90 one-gallon jugs of un-j taxed liquor and one felt hat. The ' illegal liquor was being strained through the hat. r ! sr.HF.nrLK V-/ Wednesday, August 0 Williamston at Farm Life Washington at Jamesville Robersonville at Oak City Everetts at Bear Grass, night. Thursday Night. Aug. 10 Bear Grass and Jamesville in Plymouth park. Friday Night, August 11 Everetts at Farm Life, night. Saturday Afternoon, Aug. 12 Jamesville and Everetts in Wil liamston park Saturday, August 12 Oak City at Williamston. night. , Sunday, August 13 Bear Grass at Farm Life Oak City at Jamesville Everetts at Washington Robersonville at Williamston Tuesday, August 15 Washington at Williamston, night. Wednesday, August 1C Farm Life at Oak City Jamesville at Bear Grass Williamston at Everetts, night. Washington at Robersonville (End uf season) Swimming Neel At Pool Friday Although there was a possibility that one or two of the longer races might have to be called off be cause of a shortage of entrants, a program of nearly a dozen events is scheduled at the Williamston Municipal Pool tomorrow night at 7:15 and no admission is to be charged for contestants or specta tors. « Besides those entering the event previously, Coach Stuart Maynard announced yesterday that Jimmy Page, Ralph Parker, Edgar Dela mar, Jacob Zemon and Maurice Everett, of Robersonville, had added their names to the entry TOUR ONf TIRE; INVESTMENT ...FOR MANY YEARS TO COME ROYALTEX « the- 3000 ^clrf - j pt- '•'# ftt»fiLMOU».|lON HI VI* FOSStUI tMOtf y strong Enough to 1 SUPPORT CAR WITHOUT TIMES no*.oof nwtciiQH NfVM Km/Ill $1/011 V OWN THE TIRES THAT REMAIN FRESH AND NEW ...when other tires are giving up thesrlives TV r."|y EVERLASTING WHITEWALLS! To maintain the spotless beauty of your tires. The Only PROTECTIVE CURBGUARD! To end all grinding curb scuff and abrasion—all cleaning nuisance and expense! TV Only 25% SOFTER and SAFER RIDE! Absorb the road in silence, cushion and protect you at any speed! TV Only U. S. NYLON LIFE-TUBES! far puncture and blowout protection never possible before! THI LOWKST COST MR SAFC Mill IN TIRE HISTORY! UNITED STATES RUBBER COMPANY THE ENTIRE ATI ANTIC SEABOARD GREETS AND WELCOMES THE GREAT ROYALS Never in memory of the oldest vetertn motorist have any tires gone over like the great Mid*(Century R»>ais on the whole Atlantic Seaboard. Every trail and highway, from New York to Miami, shows them doing their stuff, on every type of car. old or new. delivering their exclusive Ever lasting Whitewall beauty with skid-protec tion. blowout protection and LIFE PRO TECTION NEVER KNOWN OR POS SIBI L BEFORE. With I ife- I uhes putting rugged .NYLON strength between drivers and every blpwout possibility. YOUR INVESTMENT FOR THE YEARS Priced as low at your Life and Safety Permit f • THE QUALITIES MID FEATURES NEVER KNOWN IEFORE • templet* p»eef atMSRilratisR before yew foy| e fa»y credit terms if y»v Seme them! • fully guaranteed I ask roe thu* on the next can you oov Put them m jeer presewt car Miy i B. & W. Tire Company—Willinmston, N. 8-—-----' & 2., 23 „» ^ m Ss 32 3- ■ 33.3.■ '##. * "V * “i list. Reside tilt* I’omic diving event which serves as a warm-up tor the main show there will he a scramble for 100 pennies (Coach intimated a nickle or two might be slipped in); a 90-ft. free style race. 90-ft. backhand race; 90-ft. breaststroke race; 100-It. freestyle rar e; double crawi va spermi hum' ber); 360-ft relay race, balloon race, match bos race and a .living contest. Winners in the recent scout meet at the pool ‘will be among the entrants m the meet tmiua row night. It may be that some of the scout teams will attend the show and get in some practice even if they do not enter the com petition officially. I I msi its Tuesday, August 8 Williamston 9. Oak City 0, for feit, Oak City short of players. Washington li. Bear Grass I Wednesday Afternoon, Aug. f) W'Uityrnstnn 8 Farm f.ife -1 Ro’oersonville a-t, Oak City >i. F'ai n Life .i, Jamesvi’ie 2 Wednesday Night, Aug. f) Washington 7. J.imesville li. Everetts 20, Bear Grass 1-1. I'tilth (.nil sii nil s II luiilin^ Hfltl 1/ ihvrdveu Aberdeen Proving Ground, 'id. The bride at a recent wed ding was nut. only the renter of attraction, as usual, but she out ranked the other members of the bridal party. The groom, Thomas J McGrath, and his best man, i were only first lieutenant-- The chaplain wore captain's bars, but the brirle, the former I.uta May Cornel us. is a WAC major She will continue to keep her rank. Park up thf» family's appetites and you perk up their energies' Set the full;** dovn to a breakfast that's »> appeiv ax wholesome as the dav s s I: » : meal should be tresh crisp cereal .vmu.I viih cream and sugar or fresh inn ctackU crisp bacon, steaming hot eig (maybe scrambled with grated cheese'i buttery brown toast made from vitamin enriched Our Pride bread, and fraurant, vllmulating Gold Lube) Cofree For a Sun lav surprise try btoiling CS Pcache wnh jacon? And Sundays and any day In the week a tall cold glass of C S Dranse and Grapefruit June is a well ‘.tuner" for any breakfast.’ Bacon N tgs» All The Trimmings! I.nsoious Chilled M' lon Rr*« In the Nest With CUsp Uncoil piping Hot Whole Wheat Muffins Jelly flow Label Coffee Healthfnl Tomato Juirc rmp ( l'ooehy Cereal With Mill; or Light Cream Soft Cooked Nsgs _ Marmalade Toast Gold Label Col fee Chilled Orange Juice Scrambled " ''h ( ' " Bacon Delicious Hot Prune M'lffins dellj Gold Label’ Coffee Pi eh «l‘ f/ie \f %t f»r(i(/e M* I’fev/i LGE. EGGS 55 STORES Libby's Healthful tomato JUICE 46-Oz. Can „i,H Pruduvi* son breymkby ITTER i Lb ■IS KAY .5 [EESE Gb W( BBS'S l-ims ISESE Lb OI K'S ( I.OVKBBIOOM UTTER *Lb 35c EAS 17 01 Mc BBT’S WBOI.E KBBNU ORN 1201 l6t sours DOO FOOD ash 2 1bb obtistno no RISCO 3 Lb H ><' TfT'S I l Nf ll MEAT 'REM 0 0, 49c lROC.UVSTAI.WHnE _ iYRUP u'Lb bviioiti.v roniAMi lies IANDY 2 01 29c Crisp Fresh Kellogg s CORN FLUKES 8-Oz 1^01 13-0*. 1Q0 Pkg. M,& \ Pkg. IO ^orVH*arlV_5l!^!liL Naturally Tender Chuck ROAST Bahv Beef } Heavy Western Naturally Tender Sirloin STEAK Baby Beef i Heavy Western Lb ^3c , Lb Me AIUIOI if 1 \lt l‘l III PORK SAUSAGE * 4‘)c I IrMJI.K ( i M l II C l I PORK chops b a.v VC)I Mi TIMOR Si 1C I D PORK LIVER lb 45c Fresh (-rern Headless SHRIMP lb.. 67c CEREAL I NIC 1C lll'.O T\ APORATU) CS MILK 3 Ml 1.1.0Vi (.bill I \IUI COFFEE roc. C \»ll\ III IMH I) MAPI.I! AND CANE SYRUP H ilMlMini I’tvc \Kt I I CM H AUNT jemima 6-Oz. Pkg. T all 1 Lb. Bag 12 Or. Bottle 13* 33* 77* 27* 17 20 Ox. |H(| Pkg -———TTfrui** anl* ^Mts • t Serve FreejLlIHl^ # at if. Loaf/ ll hi tv linking POTATOES 5 *• 33c 2C) 4* POLE BEiliVS Fancy New Crop PORTO RICIAN YAMS, 3 lies. 33c FIRM KFO RIFF SLIC INC. TOMATOES - 25c I * NO I V III OIV ONIONS Fresh Plump Tender CORN tTe cob EARS ore TO U.YII.Y MARKET 1IIVM.I' fltOIM I K milts laion I II Ml St I IIO 1: ONl.t RI'NiIVI A:! I (if l UPOKATED PRUNES < REAM OK \\ III AT CEREAL (JEAKIK OH IIM l»A\nV GRITS ’S Oi 5Lb, MAX,till Illll >i COFFEE RCKRENHING III ( ORANGE ad. 1 Lb 46 Oi. 49c 30c 47c 83c 29c SWIFT’S 1*1 KK SHORTENING SWIFT NING 3 b 84c SWIFT KAEAD OIL JEWEL OIL » CANNED IIAMHI IIGI ns SWIFTS oo2 33c 47c WIFT S STRAINED MEAT f°' ••bi“ HFAI GOLD ORANGE OR LEMON Cm 6 Or 21c 17c UPTON'S DESSERT MIX FROSTEE 2 «... 27c ’ * K?’'I,*N MUM O ritl.MII .'I CRACKERS 26c I'l.AIN IA1U.I SAI I STERLING 9c new iieodoh an'I DIAL soap 2 ■*'» 37c v.\ !t I ■. IMHO—HAC-.’.WMI DOG rOOD 2 c.n. 27c f.l TS (JOiillN < II.ANI K OXYDOL l.. 27c lllll s IN—l>IK I S OUT TIDE Lfl. Pk« 27c I ok Di.sin-:s DREFT Lb., pb. 27c IlOf Sf.lioi.l) Cl.FANFR SPIC «■ SPAN 2 pbgs 47c I OK FAINDK V P & G SOAP 3 •» 23c PAI MOI.IVK—it Alii l ie SOAP_2 "»« 1/c Florida Blended or Grapefruit JUICE 3 20c • lit*lay Mglil Is Family Night - OPEN TIL 8:30 P.M. Every SATURDAY TH» HIM CM CM «'» < WHCATIES *»■ 14« I III'.41' I OK H4IM IS KARO SYRUP 'hi. 23# M l HITIOI S H\NSWTtT PRUNE JUICE 31# CRISTA!, HRANI) HAKKD APPLES 1723# Ql'Ii'K OR RIlillAR . QUAKER oats « 32# 41 NT Il'MIMA RK'KWHCAT ' FLOUR 3001 18f V I COCKTAIL JUICE -o. 35# COLOH/AL S COMPUTi VAR/t / Y MtAA/S orPatsr y/ m w - m ttt