HIXTY 5IG£ - he wants ter know. Ef you ever heered thcr story bout ther stranger that drived thro a strange county, thinkin bout his pocket bein nigh-on to emptiness, and him a fur ways frum home? And how his bruin f4'gered 'irri out a way to ad little bit to ther little-bit he had left? Well, hit was en-durin ther days when ther farmers didn't know ther rael value of cotton-seeds fer fertilize, much less what thay air wuth now fer makin margarine butter. Thay thort cotton-seeds was good fer nuthin but fillin gul lies to stop land-washes. Ther broke travler must a bin a little ber-head of his day, or wuldnt a knowd how to back-up his skeem to bolster-up his pocket. As he driv-erlong he cum to a big cot ton-farm with a c*tton-gin-house ni-by ther road, and thar was a t big pile of cotton-seeds thowd out on ther open yard jest lak briars cut frum a ditch-bank. Thcr farm ers livin-hous was way-of yander in a grove of trees. He driv-up to ther gin-hous and lookd erround twell he found a empty toe-sack. Then he went to thcr seed-pile and scratched away ther outsiders, twell he cum to ther good ones, and filled his sack ehock-er-block. Then he put it on ther back of his buggy and driv up to ther farmers ' house an, nocked on ther door. Ther farmer cum out, shuck hands , with ’im and said—I was jest a sef.tin down to bfekfas, wont yer cum-in and pertake with me? Ther stranger thanked-’im with a Yas-Sir, and endurin ther meal said—My biznrs to see yer is to | sell yer sum cotton-seeds that'll make ther biggest crap you ever seed—pervided you treats ’em lak 1 kin tell yer how. How much I cotton you bin makin avrage to ! ther acre? Oh, bout half-a-bale all round—sais ther farmer. Ther travler said—Well, I got one bag of seeds that’ll plan yer 3-4 acres thin, and ther price is 25$. and : thay'l make yer make one or more 500 pound bales to ther acre, ef I vou'l jest haul-out yer horse stable this fall and spied it thick Ion yer ditch banks; then spread them rottin cotton-seeds, I seed over yander, thick on top ther horse-stable; plow it lip, and nest | spring drill it down yer cotton j rows, with bout 2-3 hundred pounds of hi-grade phosphate to ther acre; plant these-here seeds, | and cultervate ther crap clean after evy rain, Then next year jyoul hav all ther hi-grade seeds | you needs to plant yer whole farm. Yas-Sir, ther trade was made. And ther next fall, ther ! stranger had their faith (or ther gall) to write that farmer and ast ■ fer re-sults. And ther farmer j writ-im back—that he had dun made plans to put his son on ther | road a-sellin “Bale-or-Better” ■ cotton-seeds to all his nabers and beryond. Then ther stranger writ j ther farmer—I sho am glad your | son is a-goin to take-up whar 1 left off—but dont fergit to tel'im to put forth strong on How' to Fer tilize and How-to-Cultervate. Don McGuire is the hard-hitting T-Man, Intent on silencing pretty suspect Tracey Roberts in Monogram's "Sideshow," at the Watts Theatre. Mystery film is played against gay carnival background. It is showing for one day, Saturday. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain Deed of Trust executed to the undersigned Trustee by Hezekiah Bell and wife, Waterine Bell, to Wheeler Martin, Trustee, dated December 11, 1947, of record in the the Register of Deeds Office in Martin County in Book 0-4, page 244, to secure a certain note of even date therewith and the stipulations in said Deed of Trust not having been complied with and at the request of the said holder of the note, the undersign led Trustee, will on the 25th day nf September, 1950, at 12 o’clock Noon, in front of me Courthouse Door in Martin County, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described land: ! A lot of land and improvements I thereon in the town of Williams jton, N. C., and being lot No. 10 in Block “B" of the Sycamore Park Land Division as shown by a map of same of record in Land Divis I ion Book No. 1, page 275, and be ing the same land conveyed to Grantors by R. J Hardison and wife August 17. 1945, and of re cord in the Public Registry of Martin County in Book K-4, page 609, and being the same land con veyed to R. J. Hardison by S. E. Hardison and of record in Book D-4, page 9, and being a lot of 120 feet deep and 50 feet wide. Dated this the 8th dav of Aug ust 1950. WHEELER MARTIN, Trustee. au 24-31 se 7-14 NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. In The Superior Court Flora Brown Keel, Vs. Isaac Keel. The defendant, Isaac Keel, a bove named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, to secure an absolute di vorce based upon over two years continuous separation; and the defendant will further take no tice that he is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County at his of lice m Williamston, N. C., on the 31st day of August, 1950, and an swer or demur to the complaint m said action on said date, and unless the defendant answers or demurs to said complaint on the i above date, or within twenty (20) I days thereafter as required by law, the plaintift win apply to the Court for the relief demanded in Now Is The Tune to go to COURTNEY’S For FURNITURE the said complaint. i This the 1st day of August, 1950. I L. B. Wynne, Clerk Superior Court of Martin County, au 3-10-17-24 NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. In The Superior Court Herbert G. Jones Vs. Louisiana Cotton Jones The defendant, Louisiana Cot ton Jones, above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, to secure an ab solute divorce based upon ovet two years continuous separation; and the defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County at his office in Williamston, N fc , on the 31st day of August, 1950 and answer or demur to the com plaint of the plaintiff in said ac tion on said date, and unless the defendant answers or demurs to said complaint on the above date or within twenty (20) days there after as provided by the laws of the State of North Carolina, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 1st day of August, 1950. L. B. Wynne, Clerk Superior Court of Martin Countv, au 3-10-17-24 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executors of the Estate of Noah Thomas Tice, deceased, late of Martin County , N C.. this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Wil liamston, N C., on or before the 22nd day of August, 1951, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons ir debted to saiiil estate will please make immediate payment. This 22nd day of August. 1950. William Woodrow Tice and A. Thomas Tice, Executors of the Estate of Noah Thomas Tice au 24-31 se 7-14-21-28 The Best Dressed Look To The BLUE STAR GLEANERS Marlin Comity's Laifivsl anil Mosl Mnilrrn ( Iranrrs Kxpni Alteration mid Dyeing — Kug Cleaning ALL WORK GUARANTEED Washington Street Telephone 2.'».'>2 ill C.lollirs I nun roil 1 gainst I'irr ami Thvft BEAl ESTATE Oily ' « ity ««•» S,,sur^’F^m"for cab* S.£vi-js;“. Tut-u?J«PB |„ K. *l)l* i> —^ *1 R SALE Even Bay it The PLANTERS yiAHEHOW® first sales TUESDAY. August 29 .4 ml BEDKESDAY. A«jwl * ,A R M K K s ■ • ■ s* V.«, T—■i ahdt ARBERSO* jj®. urnnrRT H1GHSMITH HERBERT plenty or floor space RoberaottviUe, >• M " " *> m r* m m our means here you arc -your hand on tlie beautiful steering wheel, the tip of your toe on the sensitive throttle, your thoughts on your favorite highway. You’re going to find out —for yourself— whether all these wonderful things you’ve been hearing are true. A Hick of the finger, and the great I lydra Matic Drive is set for action. A touch to the throttle, and the power of the dynamic engine goes to the rear wheels. Softly, quietly—ami, oh, so smoothly— you roll out into the street. What’s this s' A “Stop" sign! You take your toe oft the throttle tttui put it on the brake—and you settle down to the softest, most reassuring stop you ever experienced in all your lije. Say, it's fun even to put on the brakes! You look to the right and you look to the left. The crossing is clear—and you touch the throttle. You can tell you’re going places—for the back of the seat comes up to press against your shoulders. Hut it’s all so easy! I'Yom settled stop to driving speed is one continu ous sweep as if by automatic propulsion. What an experience! Again and again, the lug Wakes bring you to a velvet stop. Again and again, the great engine sweeps you into aetion with one continuous movement. Again and again, a rough stretch of road rolls under the wheels and leaves you wondering what happened to it. Yes, it’s true! This wonderful car's />