Committees Listed For Coming Year For Local P.-T. A. (Continued rrom page one) poets of the recreational activities of the schools appears to be need ed at present but further informa tion will be needed from the school offie als before it is named. The committees toi 1950-1951: Program: Mrs, E R. Froneberg er. chairman. Mrs C. 1 Harris, vice chairman, Miss Mary W hit ley. Mr. Carlyle Cox. Mr, \ J Spivev and Mrs. John L. Goff. Metnbeiship. Mis. L l'bin Rog ers, chairman, Mrs S. P. Wool ford. vice chairman. Mis. J. C, Cooke, Mr W. H Scssoms, Mrs. W. H. Abernathy and Mr. Joseph Griffin. Hospitality Mis- Margaret Me ! Daniel, chairman. Mrs. W. C). Gnf 1 in, Mrs. R. D Elliott. Mrs. W H. I Sessoms. Mrs, Wm. W. Tire. Mrs. | R. L. Coburn. | Publications Mrs J. L. Harris, 'chairman. Mrs. W. R Giover, vice chairman, and Mrs. V E. Brown. Finance Mrs Irving Margolis. chairman. Mrs. C. H. Godwin. Jr.. ; vice chairman. Mr. William H. Everett and Mr. R. W. Bondurant. Publicity: Mr. J. C. Eubanks, : chairman. Mr. B. G. Stewart and Mi 1'. M Manning. Music: Miss Anne Royster, |chairman. Mr Jack Butler, vice I chairman, and Miss Grace I niton. Transportation: Mrs. Herbert I Whitley, chairman. Mrs. C. B. j Clark, Jr.. .Mrs W. M Baker. Mrs. A. J. Manning. Mrs W E. Thorn ton. Welcoming committee: Mrs. Herbert Taylor, chairman. Mrs. B. C. Stewart, Mrs. V. J. Spivey [and Mrs. Velma Coburn, (This is a group to welcome new teachers and parent.-* moving to our tutor, i. Officers ot the local unit this year will be Lee Reynolds, presi dent, R. ,L. Coburn, vice president, Mrs, William Gray, secretary and Mrs. D. R. Davis, treasurer. Watts Theatre Wednesday - Thursday - Friday Williamson, N. NOW -mv"~' ~' LAWLESS NO-MAN'S LAND IN THE , WESTWARD PUSH FOR GOLD! COLUMBIA PICTURE*-. (.>*»•»'' Randolph SCOTT Nevadan Aon i UilKOiitr ttW I MNJME • 1WK£R - FAYliN George WM Charles Kempei • Jetl Coin • Low Puweis — r—uM r •>«. • « SCOP-BROWN MOOUCIU* Scfwn era* b» foot* * -awl* ** 0< I uADOV IAF RKOWN bj GORDON DOUGLAS • w HARRY K)l BROWN '/ . Jock O'Mahoney i s i: i) WASHING MACHINES REFRIGERATORS ICE BOXES a m:i kigkkators — $10 — $«5 2 \\ \SHIN(; M \CHINKS — #75.0U I ICK KOXKS — $13 TO $30 IW m Western Auto Associate Store John Ford’s m, successor to “fort Apache” and “She Wore A Yellow Ribbon” present starring with CHAM.ES KEMPER • ALAN MOMMA* fcw JANE DARWEU 1 Pitfeu* t) MMSV MCilXU CtWtMIM ■ IttMMM D Ml MM HCTMU VICCAE - Wed., Thurs. and Friday Xp* Mayin# THE WHITE TOWER” in Technirolor, filmeil in S«iw Al|»n. (iuini* Huiim. Valli, Forii Prices For Tips Are The Highest On Record Here iContinued rrorn pace one) or an average of $58.26 per hun dred pounds. The market con sumed all its selling time-, but the selling period was cut back one hour from the schedule in effect last week Large Crowds At Martin General's Open House Here (Continued from Page One) is returning to his home today. Bruce Leggett, and Mis. Car lyle Price tire receiving treat ment. Mrs. Julius Gurganus had her tonsils removed yesterday. Mrs. Walter Barr and Mrs. Earl Mobley, both of Williamslon, un derwent operations yesterday morning. The Martin General is receiving its first colored patients today. There was a delay in completing that portion of the hospital. Equipment for the kitchen is just about all in place, and the hospital started serving its own meals last Saturday. Mrs. D. C. Sharpe and little son left the hospital Sunday for their home here, and Mrs.' A. Garner House and little daugh ter have returned to their home in Robersonville On a very rare occasion an en thusiastic golfer arrived home for dinner. During the meal his wile said: Wife Junior tells me that he caddied for you this afternoon. Golfer -Well, do you know, I thought I’d seen that boy before. WantS CRACK YOUR LOT WITH A inonunu'nt of marble or granite j that will perpetuate your family name as your Iriends iinii neigh bors have perpetuated theirs, j Choose it now while all concern ed can have a voice in its choice. Contact R Sherrod Corey, Wil liamston, N. f- Dial 29493. Rep. of Brown Memorial Company. Rocky Mount. N. C. au 29 4t FOR SALE: ONE HEAVY. PAD ded folding Storkline baby car I1 riage, in excellent condition. $12. Call 2179. STOP IN AND SEE OUR STOCK I of Used Furniture. Williamston Hardware Company, Williamston, | N. C. au 29 tl j FOR SALE: 3 BURNER APART- \ mr lit electric stove. May be se'cn'| at J. S Ayers Electric Shop on I Elm Street. DIADAM) DISABLED HORSES Mules, Cows and hogs removed promptly. No charge. Phone Greenville, N. C., 3101. Norfolk Tallow Company. no 8 tr PINE TIMBER WANTED. WE pay Top Prices for standing tim ber and pine logs. Williamston | Supply Co. Phone 24(10. jo 20 tf FOR RENT: SANDING MACH ine. Refinish your floors your self and do a first class job ol sanding and polishing your worn dingy floors. We will rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy and renln.1 costs are low Worrell Appliance Com -■p3Tf^ no 8 tl FOH SALE: CHEAP, 1 GOOD gentle work mule. See Mrs. J.ihn A. Hardison, Williamston, N. C„ RFD No. 1. Box 116 WANTED ifcKET BOY FOR Viccai’ Theatre. Apply to Dr. Brown. Community Hospital. au 15 tf FOR RENT: ONE BRICK of fir** building with B rooms. See !V1rs. J. H. Saunders or J. H. Saunders. Jr. a 10 If YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat teiies. Phone 2818. Turn right at Freezer Locker. no 8 tf GOOD USED FURNITURE—WiI liamston Hardware Company, Williamston, N. C. au 29 tf FOR VOUR CUSTOM . MAIII | Venetian blinds, awnings for the , home or store, see us. 7fr have I the famous K'exalum aluminum | slats; also beautiful colors in wood Henry Harrisop, Wiiliams ton. au 26 tf FOR SALE: 1946 DODGE, 4-Door sedan, low mileage and excel-| lent upholstery. Privately owned. Call 210(1. au 22 tf MAN OR WOMAN TO TAKE over route of established Wat kins customers in the city ol Wil liamston. Full time income aver ages $45 weekly. No investment necessary. We will help you get j started. Write J. R. Watkins Co., i Dept S-5. Richmond, Va. RELIABLE MAN WITH CAR to call on farmers in East Mar- ; tin County. Wonderful opportuni ty. $15 to $20 in a day. No ex perience or capital required. Per manent. Write today. McNess Company. Dept. C, Candler Bldg., Baltimore 2, Md. CLARK’S RHEUMATISM COM pound for positive relief of aches and pains. Guaranteed re rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular lief or money back. Clark Phar macy. m 22 tf FOR SALE: ELECTRIC STOVE in good condition. Will sell cheap. Phone 2674 a 29 2t PARKER’S SELF -SERV fCE Laundry. Hours 8 a. in. to 5 p. | m. Monday through Friday. 8 a. m. io 12 noon on Saturday. Try us for I a quick and economical wash ser I vice. je 8 tf W E ARE IN THE MARKET FOR all types of high quality hard wood logs. Wells-Oates Lulmber Company, Frank E. Weston, man i ager, Williamston, N. C. je 8 tf Out Mechanic liu* Just Krtunml From A rile & Linoleum School For Export Floor Covering In ItllUUEK III F LINOLEUM Till: ASPHALT TILE INLAID PLASTIC WALL TILE Ask About Our Personalized Floor. Woolnnl Fiiniilnrr Co. SHOTGUNS AND R I F L E S We have just received a large shipment of all makes and models: —REMINGTON —WINCHESTER —SAVAGE — MAKLJN —STEVENS —MOSSBEKG AMMUNITION I WESTERN AUTO ASSOC. STORE TRIO Rolu'i'Mmvillc, N. C. TONIGHT, Aug. 29 i in;- • mum; With Kli/abelh Taylor and , Spencer Tracy ] News & Short WEDNESDAY, Aug. 30 JOHNNY STOOL IMG LON With Howard Duff and Shelly Winters ARIZONA STAGECOACH With “Crash" Corrigan and “Dusty” King and Serial THURSDAY - FRIDAY Aug. 31-Sept. 1 KISS TOMORROW GOODBYE With James Cagney and Barbara Peyton Cartoon and Short I Lawn Mowers Sharpened We Sell and Repair. Bicycle.s-Trieycles, Harley-'Davidson Motor cycle Sales and Service. QUINN’S MOTORCYCLE SHOP Washington St., Dial 2384 USED OUTBOARD M O T O R S 2—0 H. P. WIZARD I—8 H. P. CHAMPION 1— 5 H. P. SEA KING 2— 5 H. P. JOHNSON j—7 |.2 II. P. MARTIN These motors are in First Class Condition. WESTERN AUTO ASSOC. STORE Adults 20c Children 15c TUESDAY anil WEDNESDAY "Twelve O'Clock High" Gregory Peek Hugh Marlowe SPORT THURSDAY - FRIDAY "MALAYA" Spencer Tracy James Slewarl SPORT {watts THEATRE — WILL1AMSTON LAST TIME TUESDAY Color by Technicolor "Flame And the - i nnwjfip -g-g- ■ • — Arrow With ltiii'l bucatler Virginia Mayo News — Sport — Cartoon WEDNESDAY THURSDAY • FRIDAY "The Nevadan" With Ruiululph Seoll Dorothy Malone SPORT FEATVRETTR Time to be smart . . Time to be thrifty . . . Time for School time Is Robin Hood time, mother. Dolla^for dollar, you just can’t buy More shoe value anywhere! Though the price is small, the value is great. Robin Hoods fit, wear and look like the quality shoes they arc. Plenty of styles to pick from. Bring your scholars in for Robin Hoods today! , $2.9510 54.50 Prices: f •Pedometer tests show that children walk and run an average of 7H k miles a day, at school and play, says Dr, Joseph Lelyveld, Chairman of the National Pout Health Council. W'e carry the shoes that will lake this punishment! 'BUILT TOR ACTION" SHOES i for Boy* and Oirls The exclusive design of Red Goose Shoes provides roomy support—helps children’s feet grow healthy. And extra reinforcements at points of strain make Red Goose Shoes hold their fit as they wear, make them u*nd up under the gruelling treatment children give them. We’ll be glad to help ycu choose the right style, the light pair of Red Goose Shoes for your bo$ or girl! Whyuot:fT us a visit soon and see our A ky" , eo — Maniahimnr J esse nwwp** ^ a « N'lO* » • ' i? »MH full selection? Red Goose' >hoesi ww ^NATIONALLY AOVUTISIft $3.95 to $5.95 ' TI NE IN WRRF FOR LEDER BROTHERS PROGRAM—Listen to Letter Brothers' New Radio Show — Guy Lombardo and HU Royal Canadians — 15-Minute Entertainment Every Sunday Afternoon, 1:30 to 1.45—Over WRRF. Washington, N. C,—9:30 on your dial. department store5 Shop Willi Coufideuee — Wear Willi Pride