Lana Crosses The i Street, It's a Jam •When Lana Turner recently crossed the street in downtown Los Angles, it resulted in the best organized traffic jam in the Ins tory of this car-c^nges led city Turnr stopped traffic—literally! The project entailed the ser vices of an M-G-M studio contin gent, plus the City Planning Com mission, twenty husky policemen, H5 workers and a preparatory campaign of several weeks, with New York City an innocent by stander in the deal. That city is the locale of “A Life of Her Own,” the picture which brings Lana Turner back to the screen after a two-year absence, and whose opening scenes show her crossing a busy mid town intersection. Some' weeks before the scene was to be photographed, unit manager William Kaplan laid the ground work. First he contacted the City Planning Commission for a permit to block off a city block in the center of Los Angeles an area which took in the famed Bill more Theatre and Biltmore Motel. Next he visited the Police Depart ment to reserve twerjty police men, all over six-feet. Then he reserved fifty spaces in a nearby parking lot for the twenty studio vehicles which were to transport the camera, generator, lights, wardrobe and props needed to dress the sot. Four rooms at the Biltmore Hotel were reserved to serve as beauty parlor and dressing space for Miss Turner and Ann Dvorak, but# there were mgre rooms to rent. For photographic effect Dl rector George Cukor and Camera man George Folsey needed sever til rooms in the adjacent hotel lit for the night scene- So six addi lion a 1 rooms were rented - one on the twelfth floor, two on the eleventh and three on the eight. In each the studio installed an electrician who at given signal flashed on the lights. This wa sonly the beginning. The unit manager had to hin the cigar store across the street and close it to the public . He also had to arrange to feed hr troupe of 115 persons Instead of trying to crash the dinner crowds, he ar ranged with a nearby coffee shop to serve 115 hot turkey dinners in iKtif minutes. | However, Kaplan almost, came | i a cropper because of the much j vaunted California weather. One of the most importants shots was to lie taken at dusk, but twilight is almost unknown in the Los An geles sector. “With the help of the Weather Bureau." he explains, “We charted the light in that particular seetior for ten days previous to our shoot ing date Through these charts we found that we would have dusk between 5:15 and 5:25 on the day we needed it. Exactly ten minutes i to get what we wanted!” f Finally everything was set. The swank IliltiYiore suites were con verted into make-up and dressing rooms, an elevator whisked Miss i Turner in and out ut the hotel in j triple quick time, the corner boot ! black spoke with a Bronx accent, j the news stand, featured New York headlines and Even Monty 1 Woolley, starring in “The Man Who Came To Dinner” on the i theatre marquee, was blocked l out b\ a planted “No Parking” ~k>n so as not to date the scene, j The twenty cops were placed at strategic points in the restricted area and all was ready for Turner I to stop traffic. As she walked across the street, : horns blasted, brakes shrieked, ! taxis skidded.- pedestrians stared. ' Wha1 a fuss about a pretty girl crossing the street," com mented a passerby, “you’d think it Was Lana Turner!” Set Lana at the Vicear Theatre, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday Lex Barker Has Hew Jane Now With 1.1 x Darker again por- i , t raving the intrepid jungle king, j Kd ,,i Hu e Burroughs' “Tarzan ; and the Slave (Jn l" comes to the screen in a melodramatic pre sentation by Sol Lesser. > A mysterious lion worshipping ; tribe ifi tire heart of Africa, is on j counterd by the ape-man, who ! nmnege - to turn its members from savagri after braving then hos | tility. Decimated by a strange epidem 1 ic, the Lionians start raiding their j neighbor: for marriageable worn , M to replenish their diminishing j ; population. While "Tarzan" seeks! j the aid of a doctor to investigate! t the disease, his wife “Jane" and the doctor's nurse are captured I i by the Lioriians. He sets out to! rescue them and halt the epidem ic, with exciting results. A new. ''.Jape’ makes her tip neural^< in the .series. Vanessa l’.rown enacting the role of- "Tar zan's loyal wife. Director Lee Sholem has also assembled an un i usually strong cast in support, 1 with Holier! Alda as an American 1 ne'er-do-well getting co-star hill ling Featured arc Denise Dareel 1 is the nurse and Arthur Shields ! ! as the doctoi Hurd Hatfield, Hob ! i ii Warwick and Anthony Caruso j are rest ns leaders of the "Lion ian ” An ensemble of pretty j i slave girts adds glamor to the ; production Striking settings in the huge .join- temples and ( aStles, of the mvs1ey\ tribe and ift the prince’s j hart tfl lend- special color 1o the plot of the offering Mans Jacoby .tnd Arnold Hel-ard wrote the ! •■rrccv.plny. based on the charac iters crenL.u l.y Is-1.gar. Hire Lur ■ one,In ItK() Radii> ilisti ibutes j 'Tarzan and the Slave Ciirl,’’ at'l I the Marco Theatre Sunday and Monday. I Men's Dress and Work Shoes For Less. WILLARD'S SHOE SHOP _ G & W William Penn h Blended Whiskey 86 Proot lota II Prko *1.95 Pints 5 Fifths aiUNMT WHISK EYE IN THIS MODOC? 4 TIAtt OR MOM OLD I3« STRAIOHt MS NEUTRAL SPIRITS, DUTILLM MOM MAIN. ■■ i ora urn. Jobs il l*rok Voir S tiy.s Com mrrrr 11 rail Secretai y nC Commerce Saw - ! yer lias announced that employ- j mi ni in Am i. t junked 1,1511,000 to reach a new record high <if il2,::(i7.000. Clifton Webb and Jeanne ('rain in a tender scene between father and daughter from "Cheaper By The Dozen." the true to life story of a wonderful American family aciapted from the best-seller written by Frank B. Gilbreth, Jr., and Ernestine Gilhreth Carey. Myrna l.oy also stars in this picture, w hich was brought to the screen in Techni-1 color by Twentieth Century-Fox, and is coming to the Marco Theatre on Tuesday and Wednesday. Webb Wonderful In 'Family' Film Clifton Webb has taken a rest from Belvedere roles, lint not from making wonderful movies The hero of "Sitting Pretty" and • "Mr. Belvedere Goes To College" scores his greatest hit in “Cheap or By The Dozen,” the Twentieth Century Fox Technicolor film which opens at the Marco Thoa tro Tuesday. It was, of course, to he expected. Along with Jeanne Crain and Mvrna Boy, Webb romps through one of the most delightful stories of our time, the true story of a family of twelve children based on the recent best-seller by Frank ' B Gilbroth, Jr. and Ernestine Gilbreth Carey. Eagerly awaited by the mil lions who had read the book or heard ol its fame, "Cheaper By The Dozen" proved worth wait mg for. The uproarious tale of the shenanigans that go on in this over-sized family, it is also a mov in,; and compelling story of how a lovable family meets life’s prob j lems Though rarely have we j laughed so much or so loudly, there were tears mixed with our ! laughter, and when we left the ; theatre, we knew that what we had seen was a wonderful piece J of Americana brought to the screen. Webb is superb as “Dad,” the eccentric time and motion ex pert who refuses a request for i a dog, ''because any pet which j doesn't lay egg.. is an extrava ponce,” and buys a vietrola for i the bathroom so the children may listen to French and German Ian ; image records w ithout waste of t imr St 111 vi r> definitely’ a clut raeter, he is more warm and hu man than the aiiduously precise Mr. Belvedere 11 is is an outstand ing humorous performance, yet an outstanding heart wanning one, too. Returning to comedy, for which we knew her best with her fine portrayals in "Margie" and "Apartment for I’eppy,” jJeanine Crain makes a most lov j able and appealing sixteenwear ! old girl, win rebels against her father's Victorian ways A very i different role from her dramatic; [triumph in "Pinky,” Miss Crain Bogart's New Role1 As Movie Writer . I It takes mini' than a kiss to! ehanpe tile opinions of .1 man like flumptirey Hop,art, when those opinions deal with the suh jeet of kissing. Lovely Gloria Grahame is Bo proves her versatility and her roinpetoteni e as one of Holly wood’s finest younger aetresses Myrna Hoy gives a beautifully sensitive performance as “Moth er," a wise and understanding j woman who has her hands full with twelve energetic children and a bombastic, eccentric bus 1 band. Supporting roles are handled skillfully by Hetty l.ynn, Edgar' Buchanan, Barbara *Bates, Mil dred Natwick and Sara Allgood. Expertly directed by Walter .Bang, “Cheaper By The Dozen" was produced by Lamar* Trotti, who also wrote the screenplay | garbs romantic lead in his new-j jest suspense drama, 'In a Lonely | Place,” and she joined forces with I director Nicholas Kav in a de i liberate and laudable effort to | chance Bogart's opinion from "movie kisses phooey" to movie kisses ah'" As a result, Hollywood believes, the love scenes in "In a Lon Icy Place," at the Watts Theatre, pro bably are the most incendiary since "Casablanca." A Santana Production for Columbia Pictures, the new film is the relentless story of a man of violence, and of the Kiri who tried to change him. The theme alone was sufficient to su I per charge the romantic passages of the picture, but then is even I more to it than that Bogart stars las a Hollywood write! whose ! savage furies help to make him a suspect in a murder case; Miss ICrahame appeals as the part time actress who is at first his principal alibi and then the only woman in his life. As stated, "movie kisses ah!" j was the major concern of Miss |Grahame and of director Rav. and iheir efforts naturaiiy at 1 feeted Bogart After all, he had to co-operate in the kissing! And “movie kisssos -ah!" has been the response of “In a I.onelv Place" audiences wherever the picture has been screened Mr. Bogart, though ' a tough man to convince lie still says "phoney!" Every time he kissed Miss Grahame, di rector Nicholas Rav had his own face a foot or so away from thi ardent pair, cheeking on then performance But, even worse, Bogart complained: ' About tin think you work yourself up to think tins might he pretty nice, some lag lug jostles you white he moves an are light around to I another position, or a grip yells | in your ear, or a diredot ..ays j'cut!’ You can see just how \ jetting that makes movie kissing In fact," the star declared, after 'a cautious look around to see it Miss Grahame was in hearing [distance, “1 don't care how beau tiful tlie lady is, anyone who ('.igarettp* IT ill (.out More If nr ini: the (online Y0fir While the cigarette smoking public will pend an extra $125, 1000,000 iii this fiscal year, as a result of the penny-a park boost ! announced in ..Inly, the nation’s i .smokers eolisumeil a h>tu! of ! :t.'l5,000,000,(too cigarettes in the 'year ended June 50 — a new record, being.-, nine 5.000.000,000 more than in the previous year, | A total of 5,500.000,000 cigars were smoked, a little more than three per cent fewer than iri each el' the preceding years wants llu kind of kissing can have it " OSE T-4-L FOR ATHLETE S FOOT BECAUSE— It has greater PENETRATING PoWIT. With 90% undiluted alcohol baaa, II carries the active medication DEEPLY, to kill the germ on contact. Get happy relief IN ONE HOUR or your 40c back 'at any diug store. Today at Want'd ii. tJifiKs Pharmacy; Wind* \ sor Pharmacy at Windsor. GOOD USED Furniture Scarce If you lH'cil iiond l -<•<! I'iirnilniT, kikr mil- n«hi<T un«l ltit> your iTi|iiimuriits # ill onrr. ll i«i get I in;; sciirn1 unil pricos hit inlvaiiriiiif. 1" I Williomston Hdw. Co. I Willianiston, V C. *—T I A HANDY, N£W UTILITY fAN OF SINCLAIR OPALINl GEAR LUBRICANT. /r SAY, THAT CANjl Will BE HANDY (' AROUND THE FARM \ WHIN IT'S EMPTY. ) —VI SURE Wilt. AND IN YOUR TRACTOR AND TRUCKS, OPALINE GEAR LUBRICANT PROTECTS GEARS AND MAKES SHIFTING EASIER IN HOT WEATHER OR COLD BUT. BUT j WHATjy BUT REMEMBER DUST AND GRIT GIT INTO AN/ GIAR SOt. SO SI SURE TO DRAIN THE TRANS' MISSION AND FINAL DRIVE REGULARLY AS YOUR TRACTOR MANUFACTURER RECOMN.ENDS. Wi DELIVER DIRECT TO FARMS-PHONE OR WRITE US FOR N. C. GREEN Ag»uil — — W illiiinislon. N. C, Ton Qimlily Hr, I CmI nml Trimmrd ■/ hr Coloninl •Sl"’r' Yn,‘ ... ;r™ Roast a<> •" <M<‘ Itrrf Hr.vr Wrstr. Tl NIll'K I'l *1 HO' NO .. Steak - ,b w' FI AM MF.AT NO WASTF I IMil II I'M - -• - _ Jiiiy Steak Lb «)<)e Lb MFC IIONI'1 I HS Al l STEW BEEF AllWIII II's STAR m FRANKS Ub wio ..H m« i*a«'k »<)«• ^mfkSREl Fresh Ground Kiul ('ill Pork Chops lb. 63c QCCF ,k 63c Sliri'il \oun|! CORK I-IV KR lb. 39c Fancy Calif Red Flame Tokay GRAPES 1 27c LETTUCE 2 23c TKVDER TASTY (IHIIV mt uJC SNAP beans 2 •- iip " K NO I WHITT “■ OiU POTATOES 10 35c _ U s NO. 1 new CROi> • A Ml S 5 lbs 29c 'V'iikts'm*™,• ■««•«^wir > T Sa4M I HOII'I , l‘°,,,u ,v IVn-li F**1**1' :W,‘ l?rwl. Slirii»|* «* ~'U Oynlt r^ l*« ‘,0‘‘ Enriched Evaporated C S MILK Tall Cans 23 s* IN OUR DAIRY department ( oi.oiieu margarine NU’fREAT ^ A T-u k o nil nmj i IIKSII shii-eui J EC»wSG'4<le A" D<" AKMorn s ciovi urn imM butter »,b 35c Mil II AMERICAN CHEESE lb VI ATER M AIM DICE 3 lb Cello 41c NIIOH’ll S IN(1 CRISCO 3 ib 91c QT OMc - -JOHN SON'S GLO-COAT pm. 59c MRS. lllltlKT's MARGARINE tb :*2«> r» AMI It I I It K PETER PAN no, 35c I.1X AHNttl ,‘S|*I MU I/* ORANGEADE 46 0, 25c FISH ’N‘ HOOTS CAT rOOD 2 8 0, 17c IIOIOIll.’S TASTY CHILI 17 O, Can 39C <«OHTON’S CAKES Of COD riSH <0 O, 23c «il KHI It'S SIKAIM I' BABY FOOD ■- 9c NAmillHv NlHiVr f«MUy nite •MM) SAT|/|||My UIIK.AII whim: oh t.oi hfn CREAM corn ":; llc SI ANHARO Will If PAVI It NAPKINS " 10* ( in \>i w urn ri hi \ i <.r i ahi.f Shortening V.‘ 85* MOTIII It S M AVOll | l I. 1 KKSII Mayonnaise 37* RICH til A HIV NliH.UI PORK & BEANS 10* "Nl W PACK " SWI I l 1*1 \h GREEN giant r; 20* STAMIAH1I Kill HIPK Tomatoes 2 1! 25* 1111 HRK AKI AS I <>l ( II \ A11*1 ONS WHEATIES 14* I NHK ill II KOI I ASII K CAKE tlour “T 39* l)KI l( IOI s ( A>U*HI I I s TOMATO soup :: ll« / \ IBItftl O V AMI I % WAFERS \\ /%\l.l» I*A 1*1' It CUT-RITE no, 33c Roll 21c llOf'MIlOlD I I I AM R OLD DUTCH c,n 12c I’AsIJMUtl IIOI Ql I I SOAP •»**> si*® 12c l»OI s l,yi HVTftlNIi DUZ laiga Pkg 28c soap riAKrs IVORY L*'a® PRa WOSDIHIII IVOHV SNOW L»gv Plrg Toil I T SOAP HAITI III' IVORY 2 * * TOII I I SOAP HAITI l;„ CAMAY 2 «.<. 28c 28c 17c 17c 6fr /a*-**** o* FALL 4* HOUSECLEANING / 4 \ Oet set—It'e time for fi\If hnusecleanlng You’ll find you can trial;t» u rlean sweep with the greatest of with Colonial s efficient. money aving home* cleaning aids You'll find u complete selection of time and labor .saving supplies in vour nearby Co lonial. Bo before you begin ‘■kip down to Colonial and anil yourself with h wide u ntrment of soaps, i lrunsei ■. oruHhes ami otlier rieunina aid* you'll find lining Colonials t, helve- I hey' re He answer to easier, efficient ileuntng Amt nest ot all. Colo nial's low time, save you money m well! Vj OAI.. Wr -IAHNOHV HI I \K »l £LOROX IHIIIFN1 «0<P FSIIS BRILLO ( IHNINr, POWIIIN BON AMI '/j t.M.. KOi -i igi in \\ s\ AEROWAX (II K BAB-O 2 i»j» \\\it—i*c (iiM Kiu rirriRir LAMP BULBS I rn\n>ii(ti i.iium/iu PAILS o». But l»rqe Pkq 12 Oz. Pkq. Quart Bot 14 Oz Cans 40 Or 60 Watt El 17* 21* 13* 53* 25* 13* 59* Enter This Exciting New $125,970.00 Kix Prize Contest. 150 Bendix Automatic Washers To Be Awarded Each Week For 4 Weeks Beginning Sept. 17. For Further Details, Listen To Don McNeill On “The Breakfast Club’’ KIX corn puff* pka 15c d Watch for important an nouncement concerning Bentlix Automatic Brier now on display in your Colonial Store. i COLONI 3 STORES

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