So These Were the "Good Old Days" - The days of bonds, of bombs j and bathtub gin—when “every- j one acted as though he was a mil- j honaire”—are vividly portrayed iff "The Golden Twenties,1’ fea ture-length film released by RKO | Radio Pictures. Covering the ten ; or twelve years from the end of1 the First World War to the start of the depression, the picture ed.vers America's dizzy decade— when radium was discovered and corsets became obsolete, when flivvers were parked in every country lane and flappers learn ed to neck, when Lindv flew the Atlantic and gangsters ruled city streets and country highways i a,like. It was an age of fun and j fu,ry, a golden age of sports and j SEE Worrell Appliance Co. for the best in USED FURNITURE FARM LOANS 10-15-20 Years Low Interest Rate No Appraisal Pee Prompt Closing' Llias. H. Mann in”. Ally. ir OLD $TAfifi Straight Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey FULL 4 YEARS OLD v *3*?.. *2 10 FINf .; * * y no* 86 PROOF. KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY. THE STAGG DISTILLING CO., FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY. COME TO OUR'GOOD NEWS OPEN HOUSE YOU MAY WIN A * COME 70 ^ OUR "GOOD NEWS’’ OPEN HOUSE SEE the JKT-TOWKR wash di->lM*s spot lessly "clean in just a lew minutes. SEE how automatic dishwashing will become as much a matter of-course as using a vacuum cleaner or washing machine! See a dishwashing demonstra tion you’ll never forget! You may win a wonderful Jet Tower Dishwasher — FREE! /, —or a “Jet-Tower Junior" / for the children! fti CHILDREN 10V* THIS WORKING MODEL Of THE JET-TOWER DISHWASHER Corey Plumbing Co. Edgewood Ave. Williamoton, N. C, Preliminary Drawing October 14 In our etoro. OranU Orlio Drawing October 21 * • NOTI: Y#u n,,d not Pr,Mn* »• win> BOTTLE GAS SERVICE WiUiamston Bottle Gas Co. Phone 2050 146 Main St. W. J. MILLER & SON _ Office: WESTERN AUTO ! Lana Turner, playing a glamorous New York model, poses for a ma ' which brings Miss Turner back to the screen after a two-year whichwhich brings Miss Turner back to the screen after a two-year absence. Ray Milland co-stars in the new offering, opening Sunday at the Viccar Theatre. !carefree living! The picture was produced by Richard de Rochemont for The March of Time, and is based on I , an original study by Frederick | Lewis Allen and Samuel W, j Bryant. j "The Golden Twenties," will be at the Viccar Theatre Saturday, Farm Trainees Visit Test Farm Members of the Veteran Farmer Training Program at Jamesviile, Oak City and Kobersonville at tended a Peanut Field Day at the Rocky Mount Experiment Sta tion on Wednesday of last week The field day was arranged by members of the staff of the State ; Department for Veteran Farm | Training in cooperation with the | experiment station staff and the Extension Service. Much interest has been created in recent years in peanut experiment work due ! to the small yield and the in I crease in diseases of peanuts. Several stops were made over Ihe station where experts gave up to date information on that par I ticular phase of the work being | done to improve the production of peanuts and to control weeds, diseases and insects Some very interesting w o r k is being done to develop new varieties j which promise to give a great j increase in yield. In about two j years some of these new varie ties will very likely be available i to the farmers to plant While j work has been done on peanut i fertilization for several years very little work has been done towards developing new varieties and as a result the same varieties are | being planted now that were planted fifty years ago, except they are in a more run down con dition now. Even though a great deal of work is being done on peanuts it will be several years before much progress can by seen. In the mean time each farmer can improve his present stock of peanuts by care fully selecting his seed peanuts and applying the best cultural practices that are recommended. Minister Goes To Kentucky Church Garland C. Bland, a native of ! this county and for the pas. three j years pastm of the Seuppei nong and Philippi Churches of Christ in Washington County, has been called to the Sadieville, Ken j tucky, Christian Church, it was announced this week. During his stay in the neighbor ing county, the H«bei sonville young man has carried on an able work, perfecting several effec tive organizations and improving the church plants. /'/on Revival ’In The Vernon Methodint Clinreh The annual revjval of the Ver non Methodist Church will begin September 24. The pastor’s father, the Rev. J. K. Worthington, pas tor of the Methodist Church in Swansboro will be the guest pas tor. For 23 years he has held many revivals throughout the state and comes here highly rec ommended. The services will be gin each evening at 8:00 o’clock.' October 1, Vernon members will observe their annual homecoming day. The public is cordially in vited to attend these services. The homecoming services will begin at 12:00 o’clock when lunch will be prepared on the lawn. Preach ing services will begin at 3:00 o’clock. T Nearly all of the Atlas wheat was grown this year under the State seed certification program. ! Local FHA (Jiaplcr Members Mel Monday The Williamston FliA Chapter i met last Monday evening at 7:30' o'clock in the home of Miss Jo Ann MeLawhorn with Miss Marie Peel as joint hostess. Due to the president, Miss Gloria Taylor, vice president, presided. The business session was de voted mainly, to regulations gov- I erning the year's work. There 1 were 21 members present. Delicious refreshments were { served.—Wanda Jones, secretary I Wants SALESMAN WANTED TO SEI.I. L. B. Price Mercantile Com pany household furnishings. Good commission will be paid to active salesman. John G. Coltrain, 104 Plum Street, Williamston. Zone Sales and Credit Manager, se 21 2t STRAYED FROM OUR HOME] on West Main Street Wednesday morning brown boxer ‘ puppy, wearing brown collar. Finder, please notify W. E. Morton at Col onial Store, Williamston. SHETLAND PONIES FOR SALE at Conway’s Tourist Court! Phone 20410. so 21 tf! FOR SALE: HOTPoTnT ELEC , trie stove in good condition. Conway’s Tourist Court Phone | 29410. se 2! tf STRAYED FROM VlY HOME last Wednesday, a black Hamp shire sow weighing about 250 pounds. Finder please notify W. E. Cox,'903 W. Main St., Williams ton, N. C. se 19 2t FOR RENT: 2 VERY DESIRABLE bedrooms with connecting bath Ideal legation. Call 2284 or 2244 sc 1!) 3t FOR SALE: SPOTTED POLAND China and Duroe Jersey Hogs. | All sizes. See ('. C Barnes, Rt. 4. Windsor, N C., Box 224. se 1 }l 21 FOR SALE: BURTON SOFA bed. Used 30 days. Reason for selling, called into armed services See or call Conrad Getsinger, Phone 2(117. se 19 2t FOR SALE: 1-2 TON PICK-VP truck, trade-in; cash or on time. 1941 Pontiac 2 door coach, clean. 1939 Chevrolet, 4 door sedan. Ste I venson’s Auto Garage 24 hour [service. Dav phone 3033, night phone 25H2. All work guaran teed. se 19 2t ONE .WASHING MACHINE* Us ed for floor demonstration. In excellent condition. To be sold for only $75.00. Western Auto Asso ciate Store, W ,1 Miller and Son, I Williamston. se 14 tfl FOR RENT: NEW 2 ItKDKOOM apartment. Steam heat and hot water furnished. Write P. O. Box 787. ae 19 tf NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER shrubs, trees and all kind, of nursery stock. Will be glad to or der and assist in planting. Also landscaping and sowing of winter grass. J. Frank Weaver, agent for Waynesboro Nurseries. se 12 lit PARKER'S SELF S E R V I ( E Laundry. Hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. M An day through Friday. II a. m. to 12 noon on Saturday. Try us for a quick and economical wash ser vice. je 8 tf PINE TIMBER WANTED. WE pay Top Prices for standing tim ber and pine logs. Williamston Supply Co. Phone 2460. je 20 tf YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat teries. Phone 2818. Turn right at Freezer Lorltei no 8 tf -As**T Mrs. Mildml Little Hendfix, Duke Vniversity organist, who will appear in an organ recital at the Robersonville Christian Church Friday, September 22nd. at :c:{() p. m. WANTED: REEL BOY AT HOT el George Reynolds. so 1!) -It FOR SALE: 1946 DODGE, 4-Door sedan, low mileage and excel lent upholstery. Privately owned. Call 210(1. au 22 tf GOOD USED FURNITURE WiT liamston Hardware Company, Williamston. N. C au 2!) tl used r i: i r i (; i: r a tors — Three used refrigerators in good i rendition. Prieed low for quirk sale. Western Auto Associate Store, W, J. Miller and Son, Wil i liamston. se 14 tf STOP IN AND SEE OUR STOCK of Used Furniture Willinmstor 1 Hardware Company-, Williamston iN. C. au 29 t£ FOR TOUR CUSTOM . MADE1 Venetian blinds, awnings for the home or store, see us. Wr have the famous Flexalum aluminum slatr; also- bw.:t*fu! eoloi3 Li wood. Henry Harrison, Wiiliams ton. au 26 tf FOR RENT: SANDING MACH ine. Re finish vour floors your self and do a first class job of sanding and polishing your worn dingy floors. We will rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy a"d rental costs are low. Worrell Appliance Com pany. Dial 2057. no 8 tf CLARK’S RHEUMATISM COM pound for positive relief of aches and pains. Guaranteed re rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuratgfti and muscular lief or money back. Clark Phar mncy. rn 22 tf DEAD ANI) DISABLED HORSES Mutes, Cows and hogs removed promptly. No charge. Phone Greenville, N C, 3101. Norfolk Tallow Company no 8 ti Ol’TBOARD MOTORS —' FIVE used outboard motors. Good I condition. See them at Western Auto Associate Store. W. J. Miller and Son. Williamston. so 14 ti THREE I’SFD ICE BOXES FOR sale. Western Auto Associate Store, W .1 Miller and Son. Wil I liamston. se 14 tf FOR RENT: BEDROOM WITH twin beds and heat Private en trance Phone 2674. se 12 4t WE ARF IN THE MARKET fOo all types of high quality hard wood logs. Wells-Oates Lulmber Company, Frank E Weston, man ager, Williamston. N. C. je P, tf L.,'iwn Mowprs Sharpened We Sell and Repair. Bieycles-T ricycles. Hatley-Davidson Mntnr cycle Sales and Service. QllNVS MOTORC VCI.F SHOP Washington St., Dial Now Is Tht Tjjnr to go to COURTNEY’S For FURNITURE 0«VPtUMBmfi/2i FIXZIT SYSTEM $1.85 | pint I Tha Straight Whbkayi fn this prat act art 2 yaars ar atari all; II % Straight Whiskay, 11% Grata Naatral Spirits; 20 % Straight Whis kay 2 yaars lid, S % Straight Whiskay 4 yaars aid, 5 % Straight tfhiikay I yaars aid. M praaf. AastinaNicKols 6 Co IK Inc Don'l Fail To Read - - WE WANT TO GIVE YOU SOMETHING! DEAR MADAM MISTER hvery time we turn our radio on we hoar someone somethin" uavuv. We derided il must he a uood business stimulant toil instead ol "oin" oil tlx* radio lo jjive il auav ut* arc tfoinj; l<» d away right here in our store in llaniillon. Kvery Salurdav night at H o'clock \vc will gi\e away a valuable prize. I here will he a different prize eaeli night and this pof icy will conliuue as loin; as husiuess will warrant it. lo jfnrl icipatc in this prize-w inning eonlest you will receive a ticket for each dollar spent in our store including what our eus loiners pay on accounts. The drawing will lie held each Saturday night and a sample of what we are going lo gi>e away is as follows: Saturday Night, September 23 — 5-TUBE RCA VICTOR RADIO Saturday Night, September 30 — 10-Quart PRESSURE COOKER Keniemlior wo irivo a valuable prize away every Salimlay. Kvery dollar spent during llie week and nil Saturdays ^ivos you a elianeo lor a free prize. We w ill also run SI’Kf\l AI.S I'.ACII WKKK! We Will \!m> Have the Following SI* 104 I \|,S : 1 I’mlnds SIJ<;\K_17c <;om sfal hik;s #7.05 D11 P011I Outside While jd $ I.O.l Kudin IUTTKRIKS 81.10 ladies' $1.01 Sweaters 81.01 NKn PEANUT BAGS 361-2 Cents Second lliind I'eaiml Ita^s. (>nnranteed dial llley will not need paleliin" eaeli We Kxprrl \ (airload of FENCE WIRE W illiin Ili«* iu>\t few days and lire now lakin^ orders for same. r« i Mrs. Housewife: this Coupon anil liny a pair of our In-sl NYI/ONS at #I ..">0 anil llii-n piirrliasi- aiiollu-r lor #1.00. This ol'fi-r Kxpiri-s Si-pl. 2.'f J Nr. Farmer: IVrM'iil tlii* ('.iHipon anil $*>.00 lo ii* for a R«‘t; of No. 10 Nails. This Offrr l.xpirt s S«-|»l. 2.'l OlIR FKLLOW BlSINKsf Everett • Matthews Co. lias new Vivermnn lYuiml I'iekers and Hal er- on liaiul. They also liavr several seenml hand Halils anil I'iekers for sale. See them alien in need of anv farm inueliinery. im-lndiii- MASSKY-IIARRIS TRACTORS, Combines., Disks. Corn I'iekers ami all oilier eqnijinienl needed. Visit onr new en terprise and your ini|iiiries will lie appre eialed. H e Have I i.tunplate Stock Of 5 V Crimp Rooiing Jn.-l rrcrivnl, ;i rar load. Wr advisr yon to ^<1 yiMH> now. We have a good stock of tlie fol lowing ami ask that you give us a chance when in need of them: Du POINT PAINTS STAR HR VM> SHOKS BALI. BAND BOOTS l\ ingxtUnrii INNKHSPRIV. Hi.iiriss 100% NIT WOOI. BLANKK'l’S IIANON LH SIIIKTS (L L. IIOMK NPPLIAN(IKS TIN IIKATKRS FLORKNCK OIL IIKATKRS N & W WORK I' nr ( limner on I* (1 \ i RADIO * The Plat a H"here Your ('.retlil II ill Co lx Far Is \ ottr Dollar If Your Credit Is Coot! Marlin donut v'* Olilrsl anil Ijii^i'nI, Fh>l to I’l'enrnl Trlrvision In llie I'uhlir In Marlin County.