News As Reported In The Enterprise Forty Years Ago otTOHfcK vrrstn Miss Mary Osborne, of Palmy ra, who has been visiting Mrs. Sam Barnhill, in Robersonville, returned home Sunday. Mrs. Annie Boushall, of Wash ington, D. C., is visiting Mrs. Kate Tripp this week at her home , in Robersonville. * Mrs. E. J. Hardy, of Red Haw'k, is visiting Mrs. L. A. Briley at her home in Robersonville. John Hassell was a visitor in Robersonville Wednesday. J. S. Meeks, of Everetts, has five acres of fine corn. Two of them have been gathered and twenty barrels secured The other three average as good, no doubt. Miss Feefie Riddick is spending the week in Everetts with Miss Roland Moore. The friends of Jesse T. Price and the public in general will be pleased to know that he has re covered sufficiently to resume his work at the post office. He is very efficient clerk and when absent is greatly missed. Mrs. James G. Staton, accom panied by Miss Irene Smith, left Monday for Norfolk from whence they w'ill go to Cincinnati to at t tend the Triennial Convention of the Episcopal Church of America. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Pope, of Robersonville, attended the fun eral of their sister, Mrs B. C. Crawford here on Tuesday. J, L. Woolard, accompanied by Miss Myrtle and Master Jay, left for Ricnmond to attend the Vir Fair . ,. Mrs. J. R. Moblcv and Mrs. Her bert Cowing and little daughter are visiting in Woodland this - »-*—•- —-.. . .. ■ Postmaster, J. R. Mobiey, left Wednesday for an extended trip to the North. Mrs. Levenia Williams and Mrs. L. W. Godwin went to James | ville Monday. Mrs. W. G. Lamb went to Wil son Wednesday to visit relatives. Mrs. Augustus Johnson, of Gold Point, visited relatives' here last I week. Mrs. W P. M- Caw has been visiting her mother here this week. Mrs. W. A. James and children went to Roberson ville Tuesday. John L. Rodgerson, of Everetts, spent Wednesday in town. The Williamston Ginning and Milling Company commenced op erations this week. The Bank of Oak Ci‘y was or ganized Tuesday in Oak City with $5,000 capitol distributed a I mong sixty' stockholders. Mr. C. S. Carr, cashier of the Green ville Banking and Trust Co., and Mr. J. C. Roberson, formally at the Bank of Roberson ville, were present to assist in the organiza tion. Messrs. S. J Everett, E. B. Higgs, and D. J. Whibbard, of I Greenville, also attended and leach made some remark during the proceedings. For president of 'the bank Messrs. H. K. Harrell and Justus Everett were both presented, Mr. Everett leading in the ballot by four votes Mr. J. M. S. Salsbury was elected vice president. A number of the ladies of the town met at the residence of Dr. j W E. Warren, ^September 20th. for the purpose of organizing an embroidery Club Miss Deborah Fleming was fleeted President, Mrs. Grover Hardison, Treasurer. The other members of the Club are: Misses Lela Brown, Mary Hassell, Anna Pope, Nannie Biggs land Mrs. J. H. Saunders. The Club will meet every two weeks for the purpose of embroidering j and interchanging ideas. The next j meeting will be held with Miss I Nannie Biggs Cupid has been busy recently flitting back and forth from Beau j fort County to that section of | Martin County known as Grif | fins. He always visited the home -‘of 1Miss‘*ra>rtr,'W&—Gnrr-y:--i\ maiden of thirty summers, bring ing with him sweet messages I from Mr William Perry, who has F lived in Beaufort for the last sixty-five years. The iittie mis chief loving sprite did his work so well that on Wednesday morn ing Mi Perry and Miss Corey drove to Williamston, and after the wedding trouseau was pur chased'* and donned, license was procured anti Squire W. H. Rob ertson made two one at his resi dence on Main Street. The happy pair then drove to the home of the groom. i Sabu (L). Maria Monte. and Jon Hall ara the excilin* Ihm top atari In the exotic Technicolor romanca, “Cobra ^ “I"*"’ •'Hich .WM pr* jut|j ^ Gaorfa Waffner and diraalad by Robarl Swatnav/ Marco Theatre Saturday. Now Is The Time to go to COURTNEY’S For FURNITURE I G*W SEVEN STAR \ *3'* 4/1 ft. __wWiktfATV {Oral#* whtoWM w* 4 Ln •» ■*•»• *14. 17HR il whlik«y. il tplrll* 4WtlflM jnri*. U%*tr«l#M [wkltkay 4 yi«;i il4. 11% wM»k*y • w *14. 7H% rtralfk* •OOIIKNM * WORTS 90 prow HMITlO; MORIA, ILLINOIS 'gOOOPOOOOOOOQgsocoogqwwwwwwwwwv AT AUCTION Monday, OcL 9 10:00 A. M. H. C. Roberson Farm Localril 4 miles from Williamston — (i Miles from James villc on Route No. 64. Turn at No. 90 Filling Station. Just One Half Mile from the Hard Surfaced Road. Approximately 97 acres with 35 clear # ‘1.7 acres tobacco allotment # 7.3 ucres peanut al lotment. # l five room house # 1 three room house # 20" loluieeo barn § 24x16 park house, 2 stories • ami all other necessary niil-hilihlings. This farm has eropluml as good us any in Martin County. Personal properly; 3 mules # 6 thousuml tobacco slicks • gang plow • ilise # No. 11 Furmall tractor # 20 hludc disc § corn planter • 2 Horse wagon. An Opportunity You Cannot Afford To Mins EASY TERNS FREE PRIZES SELLING AGENTS Waller & Gurley Auction Co. KINSTON, N. C. {/has. Nielsen: Tel. £6007 Telephone 3763 W. K. Taylor: Tel. 3841 Auction Means Action. .11 you have land to sell see us. n /&QOcxaaO'OOC80tttt—>aS'a** Deed dated j February 2, 1946, and of record in j the Public Registry of Martin County in page 281. to ■which reference may be had for. full description. This property will be sold in two parcels the tenant house and , I lot, and the “Crystal Grill,” a brick building and lot, each of said lots being virtually 40 feet on Washington Street, and a map of same will be presented at the I sale. The last'and highest bidder at 'the sale will be required to de posit with the undersigned Com missioners lO'I of the price bid on t-ach parcel of land This 25th day of September, 1950. E. S Peel, B. A Critcher. Commissioners. se 28 oe 5-12-19 ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. Having this day qualified as ad ] ministrator c. t. a. of the late John ID. Biggs this is to notify all per |sons having claims against the cs Ifate of said deceased to exhibit fort- the 7th day of September, t them to the undcAsiencd on or be- t 1950 or this notice will be pleaded i 1 in bar of their recovery All per- !, -otts .indebted to -‘tmsskye'sl-a!*** r; please make immediate payment. ' This September 6, 1950. Guaranty Bank & Trust Co. Greenville, N. C., Administrator r ,t j> se 7 14 -til-28 w? -5-12 _ | NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. In The Superior Court C. M. Burden vs. Estelle Burden. | The above named defendant, > i Estelle Burden, will take notice | i that, an action entitled as above | I has been commenced in the Sup I erior Court of Martin County,) I North Carolina, by the plaintiff I to secure an absolute divorce from the defendant upon the ground that plaintiff and defendant have lived separate and apart for more than two -. cars next preceding the bringing of tl... The de fendant wiii take further notice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Martin County, in the Courthouse -' WjUiam '"'ey --y. ! fh Carolina, within" twenty* (20) days ! after the 20th day of October, , 1950, and answer or demur to the 1 complaint in said action, or the | plaintiff will apply to the Court, i for the relief demanded in said j complaint. j This the 20th day of September, i 1650. 1 Marv h. Davenport., Assistant Clerk of Superior Court of Martin County. * !+s New Outside■! It'S New Inside f •i Mode! shown DM-90 $329.75 Others from FRIG1DAIRE De Luxe Refrigerator with Full-Width Freezer Chest You’ll have to see how beautiful, how convenient it is with It*—■ • Ice-Blue interior trim • New adjustable aluminum shelves * New all-porcelain stack-up Hydrator* * New improved Meter-Miser Come in! Ask about all the new FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerator models ! Dixie Motor Co. \Y ;i!'liitif{loii SIitcI W illi;im>loii. !N. (-. ALL OCCASION GREETING LAUDS VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT Williamsion Oiiice Equipment Co. XT' BOON TO MOTHERS! Now . • ■ discover how millions of mothers relieve miseries of nagging colds this special way , . . with the very same Vicks VapoRub that brings such grand results when you rub it on. It'* so easy ... to offoctivot Just put 2 good spoonfuls of VapoRub in a vaporizer or bowl of boiling water as directed in the package. Then ... breathe in the soothing, medicated vapors. Every single breath carries VapoRub’s famous combination of time-proved deep into cold congested large bronchial tubes. Brings relief in a Uurry' To keep up the relief for hours, tu b VapoRub on throat, back and chest, too. medications WORLD'S BUT-KNOWN HOME REMEDY TO RELIEVE MISERIES OF COLDS! /ffm Cbty-ftwna TO DELIVER MORE HORSEPOWER AT THE CLUTCH Certified rating* prove Chevrolet Loadmoster engine* deliver more net horsepower than those of the principal standard equipped conventional truck* in their weight clan, 1 J,000 *o 16,000 lbs. G'OisVehicle Weight, FIRST FOR ALL-AROUND SAVING! Chevrolet'* valve-in-head engine, ruggedly dependable power train, and correct load support unit* aiture lowest co*t pet Ion mile and genuine economy In upkeap. Built lor the load and powered for the pull, Chevrolet truck* are advance-designed to carry manimum payloads on every haul . , ■ make the trip in o minimum of toad-lime. TO DELIVER TOP PAYLOADS V CHEVROLET j w y Chevrolet odvonce-detign truck* ara the ba»* . . « and truck operator* know it. For tha lott aifjht contecu* live truck production year*, Chevrolet truck* have lad the field in tale* . . . ora far ahaad Ihi* year— o* tha luted regiitration figure* dearly thaw. Coma in and let u» give you tha fad*; /fc/r&rtce - De&gn 7Pvc& fcah/r&rS two ©mat valvi-in-head engines • thi poweiu JIT CARBURETOR • DIAPHRAGM SPRING CLUTCH • SYNCHRO-MESH TRANSMISSION • HYPOID REAR AXLES • DOUBLE VRTICULATID BRAKES • WIDE-BASE WHEELS • ADVANCE-DESIGN STYLING • BALL-TYPE STEERING • UNIT-DESIGN BODIES | Roanoke Chevrolet Company — Williamston, N. C. _ _ .... - .-*■