Stresses Supply Oi Pure Water By YV. B. Gay lord, Jr. County Sanitarian You can't trust to luck when it comes to a water supply. Plen ty of pure water is not only im portant to human beings, it counts a lot in the care of live stock. A farmer who installs a water system providing for pure water is in much the same dilemma as the Ancient Mariner who, you will recall, found himself becalm I ed 'n the middle of the ocean with “water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink.” The clear cool water of a spring is unsafe to drink unless properly protected, and cistern water, to be safe, should be chlorinated. Of course, a spring and cistern are but two of many sources of water, all of which should be pro tected from contamination. The best rule to follow in build Time To Prepare PlanI Brtls For Tobacco Crop Uramon and Cvanamid for wood control in plant beds for next year should be applied during October. The suggested rates are one pound of Uramon and half a polind of Cyannmid per square yard, plus one pound of 0 18-fi or its equiva lent. or two pounds of’4-9-3 in the fall, or not more than one pound of 4-9-3 at seed sowing time. ing or changing a water supply is to call in someone familiar with the local luca and its water prob lems Your sanitarian may be able to help you and he will give ad vice without cost. He will also help you disinfect your well, or other source of water, and collect samples for analysis. A good water supply will last for many years. So don't make the mistake of many farmers who have sacrificed quality for econo my, only to find it necessary to replace their entire system with in a few years. Interesting Bits Oi Business in U. S. Stil! the “most insurance-con scious people in the world,-’ Americans carry almost twice as much life protection as they did 10 years ago. This year's sales may top *27,000,000,000, 15 per cent above 1949"s peak . . Boll Telephone system, which at the end of the war had a waiting list of 2,100,000 people, still has 790,000 unfilled orders on its books - this despite the fact that the company has added 12.500,000 new phones since 1945. Three quarters of all Bell phones are now dial-operated. . . . Frozen fruit and juice output continues to spurt to new heights. Total 1950 production, says the Agricul ture Department, will surpass 1946's record 525,000,000-pound mark. The biggest increases: prob ably frozen citrus juice concen trates. fffSTHRlfW &ANT oven GOES CLEAR > across ! A completely new idea and an other Frigidaire first! A bigger, more usable thrifty oven in a range that takes Vi less kitchen space! Breath-taking styling by Raymond Loewy! Feature after feature of costliest range models, including Frigidaire's new, more efficient Radiantube Surface Units! ALL at a sensa tional low price! Come in —see this startling new comer among electric ranges! • It's compact.* • It's thrifty I • It's high-speed) Modal RM-35 with Cook-Master Oven Clock-Control, Lamp e-itl Utensil Drawer $209.15 You Can’t Match a Frigidaire Electric Rangel Dixie Motor Company \£\ngsdoivn ^/Ves all three • © • i OOUIlf STtENCTH CDGf 5p*ciolly d«»i«n«d coil* pr« v«nt • a f | i n • and k««» KINOSDOWN «lwoyi in COMFOIT EYELET — Dmi •way with Lumpy tuft* a*a kuMaiu. HOUR GLASS COILS Self ••quolijing; pr*v#n» irattrtii I Over fifty years of experience goes into the making of a KINGSDOWN mattress. That's why Kingsdown offers so many exclusive features. Yes, you buy SLEEP when you buy a Kingsdow n ... it’s an investment in comfort and health for the rest of your life. Kingsdown colors in Warm Gray. Wood Rose, Old Blue end stripes in