1 Farm Fire Loss Can Be Reduced - — Reduction of life and property losses caused by fire is the purpose of National Fire Prevention Week this week. It is customary for the week to include the date on which the great Chicago fire started - October 9. 1871. Farm fire losses amounted to $95,000,000 in 1949. Farm fires are bften total losses. About a fifth of the property value of the farms is destroyed, as an average, each time a fire gets out of hand. In some areas the average loss is much higher, and in big fires there is added loss of life and suffering from major burns. H. M. Ellis, in charge of agri cultural engineering for the State College Extension Service, points out that all fires start as small fires, and most of them could be prevented. Some precautions are: j Have a portable-type extin- i guishf". 1 ndv. If vr.u have a r>■ sure system, have spigots fitted \ for hose. Have proper extinguishers rea- ! dy for electrical and flammable: liquid fires don’t use water. Keep at hand a sturdy ladder long enough to reach the roof of farm buildings. To prevent fires, don't smoke in the barn, bed, or near flammable liquids. Don’t refuel tractor while motor is tunning or hot. Don’t use kerosene 01 gasoline to hasten ( fires. Don’t overload the wiring | system - check it frequently. ; Don't operate or store the tractor i in the barn. Don’t locate fuel tanks close to buildings; put them on the downward slope. Until recently Europeans gen- J erally believed American athlet ic coaches had to be doctors of medicine. WELCOME VISITORS AND FRIENDS To OUR ANNUAL Harvest Festival Ami fkatfoiis BiotUm Williniiislon, N. ('. Where a Great Welcome Always Awaits You. tad Abbott (R) and Lou Costello, celebrated screen comedians, starring ’n REALART'S lunuiest laiieli-fllm. “Ride 'Em Cowboy.” Saturday at tlic Marco Theatre. Effect Of War On Economy Limited One illusion that flourished briefly after the outbreak of the Korean War has been exploded It is the notion that selling of civilian goods will be easy, that American business can fire sales men, relax the merchandising ef fort. Top management consultants have been quick to caution busi ness men against complacency Reduction in sales forces and slashing of advertising budgets are not advisable, they say Not more than 10 per cent of our man hours are likely to be absorbed m war work for the immediate fu ture, consulants state, and the average company will depend largely on civilian business for some time to come. Of course, if the crisis deepens, /*«»//#» liividrnrr I />. I . IS. .'Iin-m y Hr/toils Geneva Eight countries are showing high rates of poliomye litis (infantile paralysis) in HlfiO. some ol them markedly higher than last year, the U. N. World Health Organization (WHO) re ported here These countries are: the Ger man Federal Republic, Australia, the Belgian Congo, the United States, Fraee Mexico, the United Kingdom, and Viet Nam. Other countries, such as Iceland, Swe den, Mauritius, which suffered severe epidemic outbreaks in 1949, have not registered any ab normal rise in cases of infantile paralysis, the report says. more man-hours may be required in war work but the safest as sumption for a company in a com petitive business is that consider able emphasis will still he requir ed on s'elling. FOR SALE Valuable Farm The Fred Roebuck Farm on paved highway 125. Five mile* from Williamstou anil Robersonville tobacco m-rkels. < >11<* mill* from Baptist Church. 200, yards from country store*. I mill* al hack of farm is Conoho Creek. . Cood limiting and fishing grounds. The farm lias 200 acres more or less. 110 acres arc in a high state of cultivation. The TOBACCO ALLOTMENT is 10 acres. Peanut allotment between 22 and 26 acres. Colton allot ment in proportion. Every acre of this land will average as good farming land as any farm in Martin County. The line be gins at the Texaco sign at White’s store on highway and runs to the creek. Visit this farm, talk to the tenants and see for Your self. The BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE is 05 yards from highway in oak grove. Kept well painted and in good condition through out. It has two stories, nine rooms and hath, electric lights, halls, porches, and hack porch screened. It would cost more than S20.000 to replace this home today. There are two tenant hous es. (lack house and other outbuildings. Cood water and a fine healthy place to live. Two Lumber men have estimated the val ue of the timber to he from S6.000.00 to S7.000.00 exclusive of the younger trees. HENRY JOHNSON, Auctioneer. Will Be Sold Al Auction Monday Noon, Oct. 16th Al The COURTHOUSE IN WILLIAMST0N Permanent War Insurance Clause War and threats of war are be i I coining practically a permanent ! factor in American life. Latest 1 evidence of this is the recommen dation e.f tin' Insurance Cominis sinner of Connecticut and the Na tional Association of Insurance Commissioners that consideration be given to inserting a permanen* '"war clause" in life insurance pol icies. Such a clause limits a com pany's liability on death claim; in war-time The suggestion fol lows recognition that homes and cities are subject to enemy bomb ings and our failure to remove international tendons Since tm outbreak of the Korean War some insurance companies have not added any war clauses to new pol icies but have placed a SI).000 to $10,000 limit on the amounts of insurance young men may buy The threat to younger men in ac tual combat and to the older men and women at home who might be subject to bombings has forced insurance companies to protect themselves and their main body of policy holders. The risk in everyday living has gone up, say insurance men. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Forbes, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Edmondson and daughter, Wanda, and Miss Janie Edmondson, spent their vacation in Poughkeepsie, N Y.. with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rowe. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue ot an order I of the Superior Court of Martin County at the September Term, l flit). m an action entitled "Fian ces G. Early, Administratrix, et al v I! A Critcher, Trustee, et al, the undersigned Commission ers will, on the 2f!th day of Or tuber. 1 DM), in front of the "Crys lal Grill" on Washington Street in the Town of Williamston, N. C . sell to the highest bidder at 12 1 o clock. Noon, lor cash, the follow j in", described real estate; 1 Being a tenant house and the j "Crystal Grill’ lots on Washing ton Street in the Town of Wil liamston, N. C., and being known 1 S \(t Martin Cunnlv in Hunk M 4. pace Ih-il. to which rrderenci mav hf» had fit ful! description. i ills pi wp' i l v Will bf . oid . two parcels, the tenant house and i lot, and the “Crystal Grill," a brick building and lot, each of said lots being virtually 40 feet on Washington Street, and a map of same will be presented at the sale. Hie last and highest bidder at the sale will be required to de posit with the undersigned Com missioners 10'7 of the price bid on each parcel of land. This 25th dav of September, I 1050 E. S. Peel. B. A. Critcher, Commissioners. i se 28 nr 5-12 19 ADMIMSTK \TOR'S NOTH II North Carolina. Martin Countv. Having this day qualified as ad ministrator c. t. a of the late Johi D Biggs this is to notify all per sons having claims against the es Mate .1 said deceas ’d to exhibit fore the 7th dav of September, them to the undersigned on or be 1950 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This September G. 1950. Guaranty Bank & Trust Co Greenville, N. C.. . Administrator c. t. a. 14-21-28 or 512 TOBACCO SCRAP WANTED Atlciilion Parmers: Wc*ll pav ex Ira premium for ;i 11 scrap llial lias been cleaned of all strings ami foreign mailer. W. I. Skinner And Co WE HAVE SOLD 5 34 Million Pounds I Leaf Tobacco This Season j lissi; kiwi. kstatk anil j. IJKA< ill 2(» lbs. _ (a)_ 10 Ills._(a)_ 21 I ll»s._(a)_ 120 lbs. _ (a _ 158 ll»s._M_ 101 lbs._ Oi 200 lbs. (n 170 lbs. _ (1/ 98 lbs. _ (S AVERAGE r»i “»f> iNalurall) wo tin* proiifl of llio laryo amount of loaf Inhaoro sold In lliis firm this yoar Iml \\ o arc on on iimro proud of I ho o\lromol\ Ini'll prioos paid onr ruslomors and llio roronl Itroakini' atora^os mado oil llio floors ol our N»arolioiisos all sousoii. Ml Lust VVook. Oilohor 2 llirou^li Oolohor hlh. Wo AVERAGED OVER $6b I.noi n l)av and Two l)avs dial VVook VS o AVERAGED OVER $61 Sell the Remainder of Your Crop With Us. You Can Deliver Your Tobacco Any Horning, Sell it and return Home By Noon. SELL US YOUR SCRAP TORACCO Red Front, Central And Adkins And Bailey Warehouses itom itsow ii.i.k, in. <:. '