"Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye" Cornin' v C;.-,' • - through the years ru e a blowing fisted n>le< ''smcLs>ev’Tm>< * r. ‘Kiss Tomorrow G Productions c Warm r Bi - In the film Viccar Theat star of und< Plays a mobs’ lizes his not< launch an a bye. ‘ ■ Cagney na released by S.nr.av the iilmdoms top uid action fare. reer Escap farm, t when t’ him in ie brother ps involve he turns ven. the tables by recording the 'pro ceedings as a means of. black mailing them. A daylight hold up of a "super-market" and a payroll 'heist’, at the same time, maintaining a cloak cl respec tability m society, add up to ex citement in the old Cagney man ner. Though Jimmy's screen ro*. mantes have been limited in pre vious films. "Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye” brings in two of Holly wood's most beautiful actresses, Helena Carter and Barbara Pat ton Helena is a socialite whom he marries, and Barbara plays Cagney's former moll who later leads to his downfall. Nasturtium leaves furnish an •excelhint source o! vitamin C„ according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica___ ___ ! OH ,YDU VOOh’ OtAW* | MV HUSBAND vfcARD-r -j VOUP6B»l|6UT( veS ! HE BEAT YO(J lf> / JHEfcJ EVERY MORNING,; yEBY * , CONSIDERATE ‘KM 1 SJSS’S>1 HIBWTSME u« BBuisti I up evefrv « e» WORRELL APPLIANCE «T»-n>P* WORRELL APPLIANCE PAD/OS-A PPL I A NCfS 'SALES ^SERV/ce -EAST MAIN ST-WILLIAMSON NC II ihoinr To II illiimisloii s HARVEST FESTIVAL il hill1 In Toon. Drop by ill*’ Sion- ind ski: oi k h \k\ kst of \ vi.i fs In USED FURNITURE Dynamite Ditch Is Inexpensive Opening a drainage ditch by dy namite instead of .iv hand result ed in an estimated saving of $175 for a Madison County farmer, Ro meo Ferguson of the Antioch com munity. By dynamiting the ditch, Fergu son was able to dram an objec tionable swamp, remove the source of foot rot infection in his cattle, and salvage unused land for pasture For si me tun Ferguson had been treating foot rot in his cattle, nut each time he succeeded in deal ing it up. the herd became re infected. When he colled on V L. Holloway, county ;■.< nt in state College Extension Service, for advice on how to control tin disease, Holloway traced the in fection to the swamp tn Ferguson's pasture. As fast as the infection I came under control, the cattle would pick up more from the swamp. Ferguson decided to drain the swamp and arranged with County Agent Holloway for a ditch blast ;mg demonstration. To drain the I area properly, it was lound that a ditch around 200 feet long and ! 3 1-2 feet deep would fje required. Two eases oi special ditching dynamite were used, along with a c ap to set off the charge. Dyna I mite sticks were set F> inches apart and 18 inches deep along the site of the proposed ditch. Then tin electric cap was placed in the | last stick and a double wire ex tended to a safe distance. As the charge went off, 85 cubic yards of , mud, stumps, water, and gravel ! lew 300 feet into the air. When the smoke cleared away, spectators saw a perfect drainage ditch 202 feet long, 3 1-2 feet deep, and 5 feet wide at the top. The entire operation cost abnyt one eighth of what it would had it been done by hand, and required i the services of only four persons I lor two hours. Cagney's Shot Finally Hit Him While making "Kiss Tomor row Goodbye," which starts Sun day at the Viecar Theatre. James Cagney v-a? chased by the law, beat up by muggs, and in gen : : ktI a life full of mayhem, but, 1he mosl part, came out un seat hed. Then, while trying to scare •(ivotes away from a litter of box r puppii s at his Coldwater Can vi,n home, the actor stumbled as ■ic was putting the safety catch ,1 .22 calibre pistol and shot ion ■ k through the fleshy part of the hand. Fortunately, the wound was superficial, and Jimmy was able to continue with the picture which was produced by William Cagney for Warner Bros. 86 Proot mm rriAioHT whiskiys in mu rtoowq All 4 YIARI OR MOM OLD. IH IT»AIOtW NNRHLVY, U( NEUTRAL triRJTi, PMTmiM PROM MAIN. 11 mm hh w. iuh America’s Utmost in Tire Rubber Economy Their longer life and greater rubber economy prove them the essential tires of the era. Every ounce of them is working rubber, without a fraction of waste or excess. Each of them can give years, instead ©f miles, of extreme safety and comfort. They are supported by large commu nity investments in dealer service and maintenance equipment. All of their original safety-mileage is continuously renewed and renewable, without recapping or anything of the sort With Blackwoll*,'or WhitewollsTthey bring every ownerjtheir Mid-Century^ Curbguard, to protect (their^sidewalls and end all grinding.curb_scuff,and, abrasion. They also bring'their'incomparable Safety Tread (ROYALTEX) —Cor SkW Protection, Stopping Power, ondiLif* Protection never possible before. These Royal Master qualities are en« tirely exclusive. They serve and save at the very heart of the National Economy. They remain fresh and new in safety,* when other tires are giving up their lives: UNITED STATES RUBBER COMPANY B. & W. Tire Company—Williamston, N. C. inmumnmnrvvYYY-rn--... yWiei^M Harvest Festival Bargain Days LEDER BROS, welcome you to Williamsion's Annual HARVEST FESTIVAL on October 17-18. At LEDER BROS, you will find thous ands of dollars worth of New Fall Merchandise bought early in the year before the present rise in prices. These bargains continue throughout October. Do your Fall Shopping now and avoid paying more later. Children's Knit UNION SUITS 97c < Short sleeve, trunk length, elastic back, cotton knit. Ladies’ Coduroy SKIRTS $3.95 Wide range fall colors. Zip per plackets. Rayon Dress F A I L L K 79c yd. In black and a wide range of lall colors. Men's Cotton SWEATERS $1.98 Men’s brown cotton sweaters in coat style. Girls’ Plaid RAIN CAPpS $1.98 Girls' gay, colorful plaid rain capes. Ladies' Cotton FROCKS $1.98 iiO sq. cotton frocks in cotton plaids, stripes and new fall prints. Men's Broadcloth SHORTS 59c Vat dyed broadcloth shorts that are full cut. Women's 100% W'ool .SWEATERS $1.98 New fall button style in ma roon and green. Men’s Heavyweight UNION SUITS $1.69 Good heavyweight union suits with long sleeve and long leg. Boys’ All Wool PEA COATS $5.95 A wonderful buy to keep off wind and stormy weather. LADIES’ COAT, SUIT anour dial. -----1 SHOP WITH CONFIDENCE AND WEAR WITH PRIDE